[Migration of Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq to Qadian]
Near the end of 1900, when the middle school of Qadian was upgraded to a high school and another teacher was required, and as I had experience in the work of teaching, the attention of the administrators of the school drew towards me that I should be called to Qadian. Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib and Hazrat Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahibra appeared before the Promised Messiahas and asked permission for me to move to Qadian. The Promised Messiahas instructed me to take a three months’ leave from the office for the time being and come [to Qadian]. Thus, I went to Lahore and applied for a three-month leave, but I also wrote in it that, “If I cannot be granted a leave, then my resignation should be accepted.”

After some time, when Khwaja Kamaluddin Sahib came to know about this in Qadian, he opposed the matter and requested the Promised Messiahas that, “The office in which Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib is currently employed has many opportunities for promotions and advancement. Some of the clerks employed in this office become EACs [Extra Assistance Commissioners] and are promoted to certain other prestigious positions. It is not right to withdraw Mufti Sahib from there. He will not only have personal benefits if he stays there but there are also many national gains.” On this, the Promised Messiahas sent me an instruction that, “You should not hand in a resignation. However, if you can easily secure a leave, then take it and come here.”
Sheikh Abdul Aziz Sahib was sent from Qadian to Lahore for handing over this letter [of the Promised Messiahas] to me. He brought [the letter] to me at the time of dawn. In those days, I and Dr Mir Muhammad Ismail Sahib who was studying in the first year of medical college, lived together in one house. By that time, my application had been marked and reached the desk of the Deputy Accountant General. I reached his table and crossed the word “resignation” from it. However, since the [application] had already been marked, my leave was approved. Subsequently, I went to Qadian and started working as the second teacher at the Talim-ul-Islam High School in accordance with the instructions of the Promised Messiahas.
When three months passed, the Promised Messiahas asked me to apply for another six months’ leave. Thus, I sent the leave request for six months to Lahore, of which three months’ leave was approved. When those three months had passed, the Promised Messiahas advised me to do istikharah [prayer in which one seeks the best outcome].
I performed istikharah seven times and after all the seven istikharahs, I observed that my heart was at peace with the idea of abandoning my job and settling permanently in Qadian. When I shared my feelings with the Promised Messiahas, he instructed me to send my resignation.
When this news [of my resignation] reached Lahore, a deputation of the Muslim clerks of my office paid a visit to the Promised Messiahas. Munshi Nizamuddin Sahib, who was deputed for this purpose, attended the service of the Promised Messiahas and presented the desire of the Muslims before Huzooras that Mufti Sahib should be allowed to remain in the office of the Accountant General in Lahore because he would not only gain personally but also greatly benefit the other Muslims.
I [Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib] used to help the Muslim clerks with their office work and writing, and also benefitted them in terms of religious affairs: I would lead them in prayers, deliver the Friday Sermons and also guide them in religious matters.

The Promised Messiahas did not approve the request for the deputation and considered it more essential and beneficial for me to remain in Qadian and asked me to resign. Thus, I sent my resignation, which was approved.
It will not be out of place to mention that, for my employment in the aforementioned office, there was a special effort by Munshi Nizamuddin Sahib and Chaudhry Sardar Khan Sahib. At that time, both these individuals were members of the Anjuman Himayat-e-Islam and I was employed in one of its schools. They were employed in the office of the Accountant General. Chaudhary [Sardar Khan] Sahib left when he was an AEC. However, Munshi Nizamuddin Sahib took a pension from that office and later he had the privilege of serving as the Accountant General in several states. During my working days in the Accountant General’s office, both of them were very kind and friendly towards me. May Allah the Almighty grant them the best of rewards.
[Treatment with honey]
Once, the Promised Messiahas had a severe pain in his kidney that lasted for several days. Due to this, he used to feel extreme pain and the servants [of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat] would remain present outside his room all day and night. Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddin Sahibra was treating him. One medicine that I remember being given to the Promised Messiahas by Hazrat Maulvi Sahibra for the disease was pure honey dissolved in a little water.
[A Russian tourist]
It was only a few days after I had migrated [to Qadian] that one morning a Russian tourist, who was a huge, tall man and a merchant by profession, came to Qadian and was seated in the clinic of Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddin Sahibra. A lot of people gathered around him. When the Promised Messiahas was informed, he blessed him with his presence.

When I reached there, the Promised Messiahas told me, “This gentleman has come from Russia and does not know Urdu at all.” Hence, the conversation was carried out with him in the English language. Whatever he said would be translated and presented before the Promised Messiahas, and the words of the Promised Messiahas would be translated and conveyed to him.
The Promised Messiahas continuously preached to him for a long time and then, he requested that he wanted to take a photo of the Promised Messiahas. He had his own camera with him. The Promised Messiahas gave him permission and he took Huzoor’s picture while the Promised Messiahas was standing in Masjid Aqsa.
He wanted to return on the same day, but it was insisted that he kindly stay overnight. The next morning, when he was about to leave, the Promised Messiahas went along with him to the outer boundary of the village and preached to him. At that time, Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib translated the words of the Promised Messiahas and conveyed them to him. The tabligh [preaching] was carried out while walking. A large group of members of the Jamaat also joined him. The horse cart on which he was to ride to Batala was slowly following him. When we all passed the bend and reached the canal, i.e. we had gone about four miles out of Qadian, the Promised Messiahas bade him farewell and he went to Batala on the horse cart, and then we all came back to Qadian.
[Publication of Izalah-e-Auham (The Removal of Misconceptions)]
When the book Izalah-e-Auham [The Removal of Misconceptions] was published, Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddin Sahibra was working in the state of Jammu and I was also employed there. In Izalah-e-Auham, the Promised Messiahas had written the names of his devotees and my name was also included in it. It was mentioned at number 66.
Hazrat Maulvi Sahibra, who used to motivate us in every way for our [spiritual] advancement, addressed me and said, “Mufti Sahib! Your name is at number 66. Can anyone pass on this number?” My dear friend, Maulvi Fazil Muhammad Sadiq Sahib said, “The names of those who fail are never published. Only the names of those who have passed are published.” At this, Hazrat Maulvi Sahibra smiled and did not say anything.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu in Zikr-e-Habib, pp. 21-23)