On Saturday, 17 April 2021, 19 students of Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian, who are training to serve the Jamaat as missionaries, were blessed with the opportunity of meeting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual mulaqat.
As the live stream started, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa conveyed his salaam to everyone and asked the Principal, Ata-ul-Mujeeb Lone Sahib, how many people were seated in the hall. In response, he said that there were 19 students seated in the hall, 16 of whom were studying in the Sadisa class and three in Khamisa.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then asked the total number of students currently studying in Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian, to which the principal responded that there were 238 students studying in Jamia, but due to the Covid-19 restrictions, only 20 people were permitted in a gathering.

The class then commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by its Urdu translation. Thereafter, a hadith of the Holy Prophetsa and a nazm composed by the Promised Messiahas were presented. During the nazm, scenes from Qadian were displayed on the screen.
After this, an extract from the writings of the Promised Messiahas was read out, in which the importance of adopting taqwa (true fear of God) was highlighted and it was stated that taqwa alone sums up the Shariah.
After this, the principal presented a report on Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian. In his report, he stated that Jamia Qadian was blessed as its foundation was laid by the Promised Messiahas and further presented a background of the activities of Jamia Qadian, before expressing his gratitude to Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa for sparing time for the mulaqat.
Hazrat AmirulMomineenaa then very affectionately turned towards the students and asked if they wished to say anything. The principal said that the students had some questions they wanted to ask Huzooraa.
The first question asked was with regard to tabligh. A student asked that as the majority of people in India were Hindus, what would be the best method to introduce them to the peaceful teachings of Islam?
Answering this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:
“You are already doing this through the peace symposia, wherein many extracts of my speeches are presented and other speakers deliver addresses. The majority of the people that attend these symposia are Hindus, educated people, professors, politicians who then also give their comments, in which they state that the peaceful teachings of Islam that the Ahmadiyya Jamaat presents is one that they are hearing for the first time.”
Huzooraa said this part is being done and added that a murabbi should “forge ties with Hindus, Sikhs, Christians” to spread the peaceful teachings of Islam.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa emphasised the importance of expanding one’s circle and spreading the teachings of Islam. Huzooraa said, “It all depends on you and how much effort you exert. I have provided you with a vast amount of content. It is up to you to utilise it.”
Next, a student stated that the Promised Messiahas had prohibited the use of life insurance. He added some people, due to work, were compelled by work in getting life insurance and asked what one should do in such a situation.
Responding to this, Huzooraa explained that anything which leads to interest has been prohibited. Nowadays, the system of insurance is not free from interest. However, for some people, due to their work, it is mandatory to get life insurance.
Huzooraa said, “This matter was presented during the period of the Third Khilafat and it was decided that where the government forces life insurance, making it compulsory, then it is permissible as it is an order [of the government]. However, generally, one should not voluntarily do it [life insurance].”
A student, whilst asking his question, stated that when Huzooraa visited Qadian in 2005, Qadian saw progress in the Jamaat’s departments and in Qadian’s beauty overall. The student had only said this much, when Huzooraa smiled and completed his question and said, “Your question is, ‘When will you visit again?’ Right?” The student replied in the affirmative.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“I do desire to visit Qadian. I could have visited last year – or the year before – had the conditions permitted […] When I am granted a visa, I will try to visit.”
Huzooraa then stated that once restrictions had been lifted, “We will see […] Maybe when I come, you might be in the field or still a student in Jamia and then [I’ll see you] during a Jamia class or we might meet during a mulaqat with field missionaries. Let’s see. Whenever Allah the Almighty creates the opportunity, insha-Allah, we shall visit [Qadian].”
Hearing this, the student said, “Insha-Allah.”
A student asked that as it was every Ahmadi’s desire to establish a relationship and personal connection with the Khalifa, how could he also establish a bond with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa?
Huzooraa enquired, “Do you write letters to me?” The student replied in the affirmative. Huzooraa then said, “Place a photo of yourself on the corner of the letter. This way, I will know that Syed Malkana Sahib’s letter has come. And in this way, I will remember you.
“There are many clever students of various Jamias who adopt this method; through this, a relationship is slowly formed.
“Due to mulaqats, I am able to recognise the UK [students] […] to recognise or establish a relationship is not enough. The primary thing is to act upon the instructions and words of the Khalifa and then to encourage others to follow them too. The objective of a murabbi, whilst in Jamia and after graduation, is to understand, with every day that passes, ever more that it is his duty to become a true and devoted helper of the Khalifa of the time.”
Next, a student asked Huzooraa how, whilst studying in Jamia, one could improve their mother tongue. Huzooraa explained:
“During your Jamia studies, you should adopt a habit of studying […] in your library, you receive various types of newspapers and magazines of different languages, right? So, you must also receive newspapers and magazines that are in your mother tongue also. If you do not receive these, then Jamia’s administration should arrange for newspapers and magazines of a high literary standard that are compatible with current literature and languages for those students who speak various languages.”
A student said to Huzooraa, alluding to the rural areas of India, that the means of tabligh were not so extensive as people generally worked in fields and were labourers. He asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how one could do tabligh to such people.
Huzooraa explained there are seasons for working in fields, one such season being for cultivation. During this time of cultivation and harvest, people are generally busy. Missionaries can utilise the time and do tabligh to farmers in periods where there is less labour in fields. Huzooraa added, “Missionaries cannot simply work alone; they should train others with them. This is why the scheme of Dai‘ ilallah was introduced by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh.”
Huzooraa said that it was wrong to assume that those who worked in fields and agriculture did not have time. They also have specific seasons in which they work and are not busy throughout the year.
Huzooraa added, “You should expand your circle of personal relations and dai‘een ilallah should do so too […] personal relationships open avenues for tabligh.”
Huzooraa then said that those who were active and had an interest in tabligh sought ways to perform tabligh themselves.

Huzooraa said, “I remember, when I was studying in university, Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya told us to go out for tabligh. So we would go out on our cycles to rural areas and sit with farmers. [There,] for example, there would be a farmer irrigating his crops – people studying in agricultural universities naturally have an interest in this – and so we would go to them and ask how they were and offered to irrigate their crops. [In this way] we helped them and as a courtesy, they would sit and converse with us. Then Ahmadiyyat was introduced to them.” In this way, Huzooraa said, “Opportunities are made.”
A student then asked if a time ever came in Huzoor’saa life that was extremely difficult and further asked how he overcame such a situation.
Huzooraa smiled and stated:
“There was no such incident, by the grace of God, which I can say caused me a lot of distress.”
Huzooraa added that a student’s biggest concern is to pass [his exams], and if he has not studied, his concern grows and he worries if he will pass or not. So, during Huzoor’saa days as a student, it was only these usual concerns he faced.
However, Huzooraa said, in such situations, “I would bow before God and pray fervently. And thus, Allah would create the way and means for me to overcome such difficult times – this is my experience. I cannot say that I have faced some great difficulty that caused distress […] Prayer, sadaqah and good deeds help to remove problems – this is what the teachings of Islam teach us and this what I acted upon when any small or big difficulty rose.”
Following this, Hazrat AmirulMomineenaa was asked how he was able to read all the letters he received. Huzooraa said:
“Are you able to see my table right now? Can you see the files placed on my desk?” The student replied in the affirmative.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then counted the four piles of letters in front of him and said, “And the fifth one in front of me, can you see this? These are all letters. What happens is, among the thousands of letters, some letters are presented in their original form and some are presented as summaries. Then, I go through them. And by being experienced in this for such a long time, I am able to go through a letter fairly quickly and understand the subject matter of the letter. So, Allah the Almighty helps […]”
Thereafter, upon being asked about the sighting of the new moon in this scientific age, Huzooraa stated that in this day and age of science, we know when the new moon will rise. Thus, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said, “[…] we should benefit from this science.”
Huzooraa said that although it can be calculated; however, if one also sights the moon, then it is good. Huzooraa added that there is no harm if the sighting of the moon is done through calculation.
“For example,” Huzooraa said, “some people, here in England, started fasting a day earlier. But when the moon was sighted, it was clear that it was not possible for the moon to be seen a day earlier. Some non-Ahmadis started fasting a day earlier and some started on the same day as us. But what we have done is correct because I observed thoroughly that it was not possible to see the [new] moon a day earlier […] thus, although [the practice of] sighting the moon is good, if calculations are made, then there can be further confirmation.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was then asked why some people focused a lot on worship but did not pay attention to exhibiting good morals.
Huzooraa said that Allah says to worship Him and also exhibit good morals. Huzooraa added, “A true servant of God is he who worships Him and fears Him. When he fears Him, whilst worshipping Allah the Almighty, how can it be that he does not follow the commandments Allah has prescribed? Just yesterday, in my sermon, I explained this. You ought to listen to it again carefully.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa further said that our worship should manifest in our other deeds too. If our morals and etiquette do not progress, then our worship is of no use.
Following this, a student from the final class asked Huzooraa how they should carry out the talim and tarbiyat of the areas they are sent to.
Huzooraa said:
“First and foremost, you should start your work with prayer.” Huzooraa explained that one must pray that they are able to fulfil their promise they make that they will spread the true teachings of Islam. Huzooraa further said that it should not be necessary to always be told by the markaz to do a certain task for the spread of Islam.
Huzooraa said, “You will, yourself, have to explore new avenues […] When you deliver your sermons, do not give the impression that you are talking about a particular person, thereby putting a person is put in doubt and causing them to think that ‘such things are being said about me and my weakness is being highlighted.’ […]” Then, with a smile, Huzooraa added, “Masha-Allah, your beard is such that Ansar will listen to you and so will Khuddam.”
Following this, the students had the opportunity to present a tarana, before Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa extended salaam to everyone and closed the meeting.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)