On 23 January 2021, a group of waqifeen-e-nau in Indonesia had the good fortune of meeting with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa in a virtual class.
The waqifeen-e-nau gathered in Rahmat Ali Hall, Central Jakarta, Indonesia. The waqifeen-e-nau were from Jakarta and its surrounding areas and also from several regions in Java Island, such as Bandung, Tasikmalaya and Yogyakarta.
After saying salaam to everyone, Huzooraa asked who would be translating for the waqifeen-e-nau and asked if they all understood English.

The class commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran, which highlighted the sacrifice of Prophet Abrahamas, after he saw himself offering his son as a sacrifice in a dream. Following this, a nazm composed by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was presented.
A waqif-e-nau then had the opportunity to deliver a speech in English, during which he mentioned Hazrat Amirul Momineen’saa target given to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Indonesia during the Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia’s class.
During the Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia class, held on 31 October 2020, Huzooraa said, “To commemorate the centenary, over this period of five years, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Indonesia should set a target of converting at least 100,000 people to Ahmadiyyat. Additionally, every Ahmadi in Indonesia should become regular in offering prayers in congregation. Every Ahmadi must be regular in reciting the Holy Quran. Every Ahmadi in Indonesia must establish a connection and bond with Khilafat. Every Ahmadi must send durood upon the Holy Prophetsa.”
He further highlighted the various methods Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Indonesia had adopted to spread and expedite the progress of tabligh.
Following this, a brief report was presented by national secretary waqf-e-nau. In the report, he stated that there were a total of 2,016 waqifeen-e-nau in Indonesia and of this total, 1,233 were boys and 783 were girls.
He said that there were 61 waqifeen serving as life devotees in several fields, such as 27 serving as missionaries, 20 in Jamaat Indonesia’s central office, six in the MTA Indonesia studios, four in Al-Wahid Senior High School, three in auxiliary offices of Jamaat Indonesia and one serving in the Humanity First office.
Additionally, he said that they had been organising a waqif-e-nau class in which they taught Urdu and the waqf-e-nau syllabus.
After the national secretary waqf-e-nau presented his report, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated that there was no hadith presented or any passage from the writings of the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa added, “That should have also been included in this programme. When you are making a programme, then you should also read a hadith and explain that hadith also. Then, a passage from the writings of the Promised Messiahas should be presented and explain it as well.”
Following this, Huzooraa was shown a video presentation, prepared by waqf-e-nau Indonesia, showing the waqifeen who are serving in different offices and departments in Indonesia.
Upon seeing the video, Huzooraa said, “Masha-Allah!” and asked, “Now, what’s next?” The national secretary replied, “Questions and answers, Huzoor.”
Hearing this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa lovingly asked, “Am I going to ask questions and you answer them, or will you ask questions and I answer?”
The first question was about studies. A waqif-e-nau said that he was studying biomedical science and asked Huzooraa which research topic would be useful and beneficial for the Jamaat.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa replied by saying, “When you receive topics from your university, then you should ask me, ‘These are the topics which the university, or my professor, has suggested for me.’”
Huzooraa added, “Whenever your professor gives you any topic or he gives you the option that ‘these are the topics, pick any of them’, then if you want to seek any guidance, you may ask me.”
Upon being asked how one is able to preserve the bond of marriage, especially bearing in mind newly married couples, Huzooraa said, “Whenever [your wife] gives good food, you should praise her. Always think that you have to set a good example before her. Always think that if the relation between the husband and wife is not good, then your children will also suffer and in this way, you will be destroying the future of the new Ahmadi generation.”
Whilst seeking guidance from Huzooraa, a waqif-e-nau asked what could be done if someone was studying in university and faced financial difficulties. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “If it is with regard to your fees and educational expenses, then you can ask the Jamaat and the Jamaat can either give you a loan, a soft term loan, to complete your studies or a scholarship according to the condition of the student.”
Following this, a waqif-e-nau, whilst asking his question, said that the impact of climate change was felt and seen throughout the world and was getting severe. He asked for Huzoor’saa opinion regarding the current climate situation and how one should try to address the issue.

Answering the question, Huzooraa said, “The climate change problem is an issue everywhere across the world, especially in the developing countries where the population is increasing in numbers without any proportion. Just to accommodate this population, residential areas are being increased and because of increasing residential areas, forests are also being cut down.
“This deforestation is also causing climate change … Whenever any tree is cut, you should plant two to replace it.”
Huzooraa added, “Fuel consumption should also be reduced. We [mankind] have become so lazy that if we want to go from one place to another and the distance is only 100 or 200 yards, instead of walking, we take our motorbike or car to go to that place. In this way, you are polluting the atmosphere … there are so many other factors which are causing pollution and climate change.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa added, “Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and Waqifeen-e-Nau should start a scheme for the plantation of trees in the forest and in different areas.”
Upon being asked if one is allowed to enter politics, Huzooraa said, “Yes, you can go into politics, of course. If it is possible, you can even stand for a parliamentary seat.”
Following this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was asked how one can maintain the spirit of waqf. Responding to this, Huzooraa said, “Being a waqif-e-zindagi, always remember that you are doing your work for the sake of Allah and always know that whatever you do, Allah is always watching over you … Always remember that we have to do our work to seek Allah’s pleasure.”
A waqif-e-nau stated there were many cases of discrimination, especially in religious matters, in Indonesia and enquired if a waqif-e-nau could go into the field and become a policymaker or a government employee to serve the country to fight against such discrimination.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said, “Those waqifeen-e-nau who are not directly serving the Jamaat – not going to Jamia Ahmadiyya or those who are not interested in doing medicine and serving in the Jamaat’s hospitals – can go into public service; and if you are in the public service, you can help reduce discrimination in the country.”
A waqif-e-nau stated that before the current pandemic, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa would travel to various countries like USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc. He asked Huzooraa how he spends his time whilst travelling.
Huzooraa replied, “It all depends on the condition of the travel. If it is five to six hours of travel, then I take some rest and do some reading. If it is prayer time, then some time is spent in prayers … I don’t get much time to talk to my wife when I am at home, so sometimes, while travelling, we also discuss some matters.”
Following this, a waqif-e-nau stated that he had watched some documentaries about Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa and learnt that prior to Khilafat, Huzooraa was a person who didn’t like to be the centre of attention. He further asked how Huzooraa managed to adapt to the change after becoming the Khalifa.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated, “I don’t know. It is Allah Who has changed me.”
Upon being asked how one can eliminate laziness, Huzooraa said, “Make sure that you get up early in the morning, offer Tahajud prayer and the Fajr prayer and then start your work. If you haven’t had enough sleep during the night, you can also sleep for one hour and then start doing your job. So, it all depends on your willpower.”
In the end, Huzooraa prayed, “Allah bless you all and Allah enable each and every waqif-e-nau to strengthen his bond of waqf-e-nau and strengthen his bond with Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyyat.”
Thereafter, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa extended salaam to everyone.