Qamar Suleiman, Director of Software Engineering
A new digital library
The Al Islam team is very pleased to announce the launch of a brand new digital library at Jalsa Salana UK 2024, Insha-Allah.
The digital library consists of
- All 23 volumes of Ruhani Khazain (Urdu),
- 50+ various translations and commentaries of the Holy Quran and
- Around 400 English books from our collection.
All of this content is easily searchable and the search engine would take the user to the exact page where the text was found. When searching for Ruhani Khazain, users can even utilise transliteration search instead of typing in Urdu.
Under direct guidance from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, we provide topic indexes of various books. When searching, in addition to the text snippets, the topics associated with those results are also shown.
Users can even explore all the Quranic references within a book, which will direct the user to our readquran website, providing an immersive experience.
Furthermore, the whole user experience is mobile-friendly and users can benefit from it on both iOS and Android devices.
Various new enhancements have been added to the Al Islam Quran page. Norwegian and Bangla translations have been added, totalling 10 different translations.
Various search enhancements have been added, including an AI-driven search for transliterations.
Jalsa guests are highly encouraged to visit our exhibition at the bookstall, where you will not only be able to buy a hard copy of that book but also experience it on digital touch screens. This is a must-do activity for this Jalsa and we are looking forward to seeing you at our exhibition.
The new digital library would be accessible at