On 10 January 2021, some of the missionaries serving in the UK had the opportunity to meet with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual meeting. The missionaries were seated socially distanced in the Baitul Futuh Mosque.

The meeting started with dua (silent prayer) led by Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. Huzooraa first asked Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, Missionary-in-Charge UK to present his report.
In his report, Ataul Mujeeb Sahib said that a total of 31 UK missionaries were serving in the field while 10 were serving in departmental offices.
Huzooraa told Ataul Mujeeb Sahib to also give field work (leading prayers, giving lectures etc.) to the missionaries serving in offices too, especially sending them to those areas where there is no missionary and to do this within the confines of the legislation.
Huzooraa emphasised the importance of giving dars (religious lectures) in mosques or Salat centres, saying, “… darses have completely stopped in mosques since Covid-19 started, whereas the morning dars of the commentary of the Holy Quran can be given for 5-7 minutes …
“Whilst remaining within the boundaries prescribed by the government and whilst fully observing the restrictions implemented by the government, we should do as much work as possible. It should not be that we simply sit idle and our members forget that there is even supposed to be a dars delivered after prayers. Rather than going from one extreme to another, the middle path can be adopted.”
Ataul Mujeeb Sahib confirmed this instruction of Huzooraa would be implemented immediately.
Regarding hygiene and cleanliness, especially in the current pandemic, Huzooraa advised:
“Ensure the heating system of mosques or Namaz centres are improved, but also make sure windows are opened a bit for the flow of fresh air. It is very cold these days and the temperature in Islamabad [UK] is two or three degrees lower compared to London, but even here [in Islamabad] we keep windows open a little in offices etc. …
“Then, when missionaries go to deliver darses or enter public spheres, tell them that they should apply Vicks [a mentholated topical ointment with ingredients such as camphor] near their nose, properly wear masks and fully adhere to the protocol of the government when going to such places.”
Addressing Naseem Bajwa Sahib, Missionary of Baitul Futuh, Huzooraa asked, “What is the latest on the Baitul Futuh Mosque?”
Bajwa Sahib reported that currently, the Friday Prayer and all prayers were being offered in the mosque, with Zuhr & Asr and Maghrib & Isha prayers being combined.
In response, Huzooraa said, “When there is no restriction from the government, then why is there a need to combine Maghrib and Isha?”
Bajwa Sahib replied that Maghrib and Isha would be offered separately from now on.
Bajwa Sahib reported that 200 worshippers could pray in the main hall of the mosque while being socially distanced and that the main hall was adequate to accommodate all the worshippers.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked Bajwa Sahib about other activities taking place. Bajwa Sahib reported that now, with the aid of Zoom, there were regular Quran classes which had international participation also.
Huzooraa also said to ensure that darses continued to take place in Baitul Futuh.
Addressing a number of missionaries on their reports, Huzooraa emphasised that prayers should continue and that nowadays, Maghrib and Isha prayers should be offered separately, but with proper precautions and social distancing measures.
Huzooraa said, “It is the responsibility of us Ahmadis, while completely adhering to the laws, to take maximum benefit [of the leniency by the law for prayers]. It should not be the case that Ahmadis do not even follow the restrictions set in place …
“Every missionary should continually advise members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in their areas that they should not roam the streets needlessly. If Ahmadi Muslims go to parks, even there, they should maintain social distancing according to the government guidelines. Other than that, as places of worship are currently allowed to open, people can come to pray in mosques.
“They should bring their own prayer mats or at least a piece of cloth to place where they prostrate during the prayer. Furthermore, mosques should be kept particularly clean these days. For example, they should be vacuumed daily and a khadim should be appointed for this duty.”
Huzooraa also emphasised that incense should be used in mosques every day, either in the morning or at night, though Huzooraa said it is preferable to use them after Isha.
Where Jamaat members cannot attend mosques, they should be given a written plan for giving dars in their own home every day, Huzooraa said.

Huzooraa further said, “… and as for those who cannot deliver dars, you should deliver dars and they can listen online.”
Whilst addressing Raza Ahmad Sahib, a missionary serving at Bait-us-Subhan Mosque, Croydon, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked about any special activities taking place in his area.
Raza Sahib reported on various activities and highlighted that recently, Khuddam had shown great interest in doing tabligh through social media and to their Sunni colleagues at work and universities.
Regarding tabligh through social media, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa remarked, “A lot of tabligh can be done through social media, if one desires.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa, while addressing Zawar Ahmad Butt Sahib, a missionary serving at Baitul Ahad Mosque, Newham, said, “Try to attach the Ahmadi Muslim youth to the mosques. Elderly people do come; however, the youth should also attend the mosques. The number of elderly attendees should be the same as those who are young.”
Huzooraa enquired about classes taking place, to which Zawar Sahib listed various educational classes being held online.
Zawar Sahib also reported that he and the local sadr, prior to the lockdown, would visit Ahmadi houses to enquire about their wellbeing and if they needed any help from the Jamaat.
Huzooraa said to continue this practice through phone calls now.
Raheel Ahmad, a missionary serving in the UK History department, reported that the first volume of a series he had been working on – which details the history of the Promised Messiah’s message that reached the West – would soon be published.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa encouraged Raheel Sahib to continue his pursuits in research and writing articles and to not be disheartened if people disliked his research.
Sharjeel Ahmad Sahib, a missionary serving in Bait-un-Nur region, informed Huzooraa that he was currently recording his darses and sending them out to Jamaat members so that they could listen to them.
Huzooraa said, “You can record the dars you give in the morning after Fajr and then send it out to all Jamaat members too. Other missionaries can also do this – record the morning dars you give (of Tafsir-e-Kabir) and then send it to the rest.”
Speaking to Safeer Zartasht Sahib, a missionary serving in Gillingham, Huzooraa emphasised attendance in the mosque and said, “There are a few houses close by; there are three to four houses at a five-minute drive from the mosque. So, tell them to come and bring Khuddam – Khuddam should attend.”
Safeer Sahib said he would implement this.
Addressing Mansoor Ahmad Chatha Sahib, a missionary serving in Hayes Jamaat, Huzooraa said “Try to bring the youth closer. In these days, at least encourage the youth to develop a habit of Namaz.”
Hafeez Ahmad, serving in the UK Tarbiyat department, informed Huzooraa of a new platform of online questions and answers and explained that various missionaries, especially teachers from Jamia Ahmadiyya UK, conducted these sessions and approximately 80 people attended each session.
Huzooraa advised to hold question and answer sessions that were open to all.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “It is possible that some people have questions but cannot ask them. Therefore, when you hold question and answers sessions once or twice a month for all the UK Jamaat members and that one event is dedicated for everyone, then others can also benefit from the questions.”
Once all missionaries had individually given their introductions and reports, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked Amir Jamaat UK, Rafiq Hayat Sahib about some calligraphy he had noted in the hall of the mosque where everyone was situated and asked when it was done.
Upon enquiry, Huzooraa was told that MTA International had put calligraphic stickers.
Amir Sahib UK then commended the work of the missionaries serving in the UK Jamaat and gave positive feedback to Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa.
Amir Sahib reported that the UK Missionaries, apart from their field work, were assisting in helping the new Talim Academy, the new tarbiyat videos and Voice of Islam Radio.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa noted it was the responsibility of missionaries, as waqifeen-e-zindagi, to do good work.
Huzooraa then asked for a wide angle shot to be shown of all the missionaries present in the meeting and then gave valuable reminders and instructions on the responsibilities of missionaries.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa advised, “You should offer Tahajud prayers regularly. There is plenty of time nowadays, therefore an hour-long Tahajud is not difficult in the current circumstances. You should offer voluntary prayers for an hour at night and in normal circumstances, you should make an effort to maintain this.
“What is truly of utmost importance is prayer; indeed, it is through our prayers that we can accomplish all tasks, insha-Allah. Pay attention towards prayers and increase your relationship with God Almighty. This is of utmost importance for us. Pay more attention towards prayers and istighfar [seeking forgiveness from Allah].”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, speaking with Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, said that all missionaries should send their reports and that there was no excuse for a missionary not to send 100% of their reports.
Huzooraa then emphasised the importance of missionaries sending their reports on time.
On the topic of Waqf-e-Jadid contributions of the UK Jamaat, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa commended the efforts of the women through Lajna Imaillah UK, towards contributions for both Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid.
Huzooraa further said that Lajna UK raised the scale of Waqf-e-Jadid for the UK Jamaat and that men learnt from the efforts of women this time.
At the end, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa enquired about the progress of the Baitul Futuh Mosque reconstruction project from Amir Sahib and also gave valuable advice on the project moving forward.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said he would have liked to have seen a picture of the progress of the Baitul Futuh construction; Amir Sahib said that they would do so in the near future, insha-Allah.