Noor ul Ain, Frankfurt, Germany

In October 2022, Ahmadi women all over the world celebrated the centenary of Lajna Imaillah. I still remember how excited I was when I became a member of this auxiliary organisation. At that moment, I was not fully aware of what an honour and privilege it was to be a part of this sisterhood. Little did I know back then that this organisation has welcomed many other nasirat like me and helped them blossom into young, confident women.
What have I gained from being a member of Lajna Imaillah? First and foremost, what comes to mind is a sense of belonging, a clear understanding of who I am and what is my role in this world. The ijlasat [meetings] and ijtemas [conventions] were a place of retreat for me, like for many other sisters in faith. Besides that, all the training and edification came in very handy for me in the sphere of public speaking.
Lajna Imaillah played a pivotal role in encouraging me in the academic field without losing sight of my religious obligations. It ingrained in me a spirit of service and dedication for the greater good of humanity. It kept me grounded during those very formative years and helped me get my priorities straight in life.
In this world of social media, Lajna Imaillah reminds me that my worth as a woman is not determined by my looks or my expensive clothes and bags. In this culture of instant satisfaction and prioritising self-interest, Lajna Imaillah highlights for me the power of sabr – patience. It provides me with guidance on how to navigate life in the western world, where my religious beliefs are challenged on a daily basis.
In times where accumulating wealth seems the only measure of success in life, Lajna Imaillah motivates me by reminding me that the real falah [success] comes through sacrificing what is dearest to one’s heart. Thanks to this organisation, I know what true empowerment looks like. It lies in not being shackled to society’s standards of beauty or success.
Last but not least, the most cherished blessing I have gained as a Lajna member is the affection and love bestowed upon us by Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. Since the foundation of Lajna Imaillah by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, Ahmadi women have had the good fortune of working under the guidance of the divine institution of Khilafat. As we count our blessings on this auspicious occasion, we should also keep in mind our responsibilities.
During his concluding address at the Jalsa Salana Qadian 2022, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa shed light on what we should be striving for:
“Lajna [members] should remember to undertake an analysis of the past hundred years to see as to what extent they have brought about a pious transformation within themselves, done justice to the pledge of bai‘at, made efforts in this regard, and to what extent they have helped their children and progeny to understand, become attached to and accept the claims of the Promised Messiahas and do justice to their bai‘at. If they have brought their children up in this manner, then certainly, the members of Lajna Imaillah are grateful servants of Allah the Exalted. Thus, it is necessary to make these assessments today. Then, if any shortcomings are identified, you should make a firm resolve that, ‘We shall enter the next century of Lajna Imaillah with this resolution that we shall mould our offspring to become such that they do justice to their pledge of bai‘at.’ May Allah enable all to do so.” (Al Hakam, 30 December 2022, Issue 250, p. 5)