Kalim Ahmed
Naib Afsar Jalsa Gah
Jalsa Salana Western Canada

Jalsa Salana Western Canada 2018 was held on 25-26 August 2018 in Calgary. The Jalsa was attended by 3637 Jamaat members and invited guests. Delegates from all four provinces of Western Canada were in attendance. 320 members travelled from outside Western Canada and from six other countries.
Indigenous chiefs and elders travelled from Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan to attend Jalsa Salana. The theme of the Jalsa was The Messiah has Come while the other highlight of Jalsa was Pathway to Peace Campaign emphasising the blessings of Khilafat.
A special reception was arranged for 195 invited guests. The Jalsa was covered extensively by major news channels.
On Friday 24 August, National Amir Sahib Canada inspected the Jalsa Salana arrangements at 7:30pm. He addressed the volunteers advising them to fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with the guidance of Khulafa and the traditions of Jamaat.

On Saturday 25 August, the first session started at 1:50pm after the hoisting of Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat and Zuhr and Asr prayers. This session was presided by Naib Amir Canada, Abdul Bari Chaudhry Sahib. Among other speakers, Missionary In-charge Canada, Maulana Khalil Ahmad Mubashir Sahib, delivered a very inspiring and scholarly speech in Urdu on Building a Relationship with God in Contemporary Society. The other topics included, Pleasant Married Life in Light of the Life History of the Holy Prophetsa, Mission of the Messiah of our Age and Combating Addiction to Debt and Living Beyond Means.
The second session started at 5:15pm presided by National Amir Sahib Canada. The focus of this session were the nine fundamental principles of “Pathway to Peace” and blessings of Khilafat. Other topics included Creating a Drugs-Free Society: Islam’s Response to Substance Abuse.
Some of the invited guests addressed the audience endorsing the fundamental principles of peace and bringing the messages of felicitations. The retiring calgary police chief and the president of Red Deer College were presented with commemorative plaques acknowledging their exemplary public service and friendship with Jamaat.

Simultaneous separate sessions were held for Lajna Imaillah and children between the ages of 7-11 during this session.
The first day concluded with Maghrib and Isha prayers and dars on Allegience to Khilafat in light of teachings of Holy Quran.
The third and final session started on Sunday 26 August at 11:30am. This session was presided by Missionary In-charge Canada. The highlight of this session was the address by National Amir Jamaat Canada. He spoke on the topic of Heaven on Earth and elaborated on the means of establishing a relationship with Allah by improving the quality of our worship. He advised the members to learn the meanings of Surah Al-Fatihah and ponder upon its meanings while offering Salat. Other topics included Honesty in Financial Transactions, How to Counter the Evil Influences of Society and Upholding the Sanctity of Marriage.
The Jalsa Salana concluded at 2pm with silent prayer led by National Amir Sahib Canada.