Karlsruhe, 5 July: Three foreign delegations today got the opportunity to have audience with Huzooraa. The first delegation to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa was from Senegal; government officials were accompanied by the missionary of Senegal and their local mualims.
One of the government officials who supervises hospitals in a region of Senegal expressed his gratitude to Huzooraa for the Jamaat’s contribution in providing healthcare facilities in their country.
The two government officials expressed that they were overawed to listen to Huzoor’s Friday Sermon and that it had a deep effect on them. They expressed their desire to one day join the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. Huzooraa advised them that it is only purity of heart that leads to true faith.
One of the guests said that a region had discovered petroleum fields. Huzooraa said that he had been informing world leaders of such circumstances before and reminded that everyone has a right over such resources and not just a specific circle of society.
Many of the guests said that they agreed with everything Huzooraa had said earlier in his Friday Sermon.

Another guest, an imam of a large mosque in the country, expressed his gratitude for the invitation to Jalsa Salana, after which he mentioned that he would like to visit Huzooraa in the UK. Huzooraa said that he would be welcome at any time to stay as the Jamaat’s guest.
Towards the end, Huzooraa said, “We never withdraw our hand of friendship. We hope that you too will not.”
Both the gentlemen said, in a very affirmative tone, that they too would not withdraw their hand of friendship.
Huzooraa prayed for their wellbeing after which they requested a photograph with Huzoor.
The next delegation to see Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa this evening was from Mayotte. After a brief introduction to the guests by Usama Joya Sahib, Missionary of Mayotte, one of the guests, who is a lawyer, said that he had the desire to build a library in collaboration with the Jamaat. Huzooraa explained that by looking at the large halls and great hospitality, he should not think that we are a rich community as we are not. All this becomes possible through the funding of members of the Jamaat and Allah’s grace.
The gentleman expressed his desire to help regardless of funds, to which Huzooraa said that he was more than welcome to help, but he should be aware that the orthodox Muslims of the area would not take kindly to his relationship with our Jamaat, even though we would of course appreciate the help. The gentleman was adamant to be of any help whatever the reaction.
Another gentleman who is the first in his family to accept Islam Ahmadiyyat said that he had to go through many hardships after accepting Ahmadiyyat, but at the same time, he had witnessed Allah’s blessings in abundance; he got married, his economic condition improved, he was blessed with a child and all this, he said, was only to mention a few.
The next and last delegation to have an audience with Huzooraa this evening was from Lithuania. This was a large group, but many of them got the opportunity to speak to Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa on various matters and seek guidance.
A member of the delegation asked Huzooraa how he had felt when he became Khalifa. Huzoor replied that it was as if a heavy burden had fallen upon his shoulders. Another member – an author – expressed his desire to write about the institution of Jalsa Salana. Huzooraa advised that it would be better that he wrote about the peaceful teachings of Islam.
A Christian lady mentioned that she was aware of the beliefs of many religions and was particularly interested in the purification of the soul. She wanted to know Huzoor’s views on the topic. Huzooraa explained that every religion has its own concepts in this regard, but we should all pray that Allah keeps us on the right path. Once one is conscious that God watches every deed of ours, one tends to lead their life in the best possible way. This automatically leads to the purification of the soul.
Another gentleman, from Azerbaijan, requested for prayers and enquired when Huzooraa intended to visit their land. Huzoor said that they should pray that this becomes possible soon and also advised that they should plan for such an event and formally send out an invitation so that plans could be made accordingly. The gentleman happily agreed to do whatever was in his capacity.
Another delegate told Huzooraa that he worked for the state education department. He mentioned that they worked on schools working in collaboration within the country and was willing to extend this countrywide scheme to an international scale. Huzooraa instructed the missionary to look into the matter and discuss the feasibility with the Markaz.
A lady was eager to know how Huzooraa finds time to fulfil his personal interests and hobbies. Huzooraa replied, “My hobby is the work that I do for the Jamaat.”
A young man enquired why Islam seemed more attractive than Christianity. Huzooraa explained that all prophets were from Allah the Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa was also from Allah. It was through him that the last book of God, the Holy Quran, was revealed for the welfare of mankind. Huzooraa said that since there is no coercion in religion, anyone is welcome to accept Islam, but whosoever does not, it is a matter of their own choice.
Some members wanted to know about the basic teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat. Huzooraa very lovingly stated briefly the magnificent teachings in the most appealing manner.
After each mulaqat, Huzooraa graciously permitted photographs with him.