On 29 May 2022, Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya members of Waqf-e-Nau USA had the opportunity to meet with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa through a virtual mulaqat.
The meeting started with a recitation from the Holy Quran by Hafiz Ahmad Noor Bahadur Sahib. After he finished his recitation, Huzooraa lovingly asked Hafiz Sahib if he was ‘bahadur’ (brave, in reference to his name) despite being of a thin build. Hafiz Sahib smiled and said he was indeed.
Masroor Ahmad Sahib then presented the Urdu translation of the Quranic verses recited and Ataul Wadud Bhatti Sahib read out the English translation. A hadith was presented by Usaidullah Virk Sahib in Arabic, its Urdu translation was read by Tahir Harun Sahib and the English translation by Nauman Ahmad Farid Sahib.
On seeing Nauman Farid Sahib, Huzooraa asked if he had met him recently, to which Nauman Sahib said he was also in the Dallas Khuddam mulaqat that was held in March 2022 with Huzooraa.
Jalees Ahmad Sahib read out an Urdu poem. After he completed the recitation, Huzooraa said to Jalees Sahib that he had read the Urdu couplet with good pronunciation and asked who the poet was. Huzooraa was informed that Muhammad Hafiz Mabroor Sahib had written the poem. Huzooraa smiled and remarked, “You have paid a lot of attention to hafizes today.” Harris Athar Chaudhry Sahib then presented the English translation of the Urdu poem.
Farasat Ahmad Basharat Sahib read a portion from the writings of the Promised Messiahas. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked Farasat Sahib if he was also present in a previous class with USA Khuddam, to which Farasat Sahib replied in the affirmative. Faris Hayye Sahib was then called to read the English translation of the excerpt of the Promised Messiahas.
The Waqf-e-Nau then had the opportunity to ask any questions they had.
Hamza Munim Ahmad Sahib asked about the rise in mass shootings in America and sought Huzoor’s advice on what America could do to stop these mass shootings.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“Show sense, don’t be senseless. That is the foremost duty of the people of the United States and the government as well. You see, where there is frustration, these things happen. If you forget your duties, your obligations and the purpose of your life, then these things happen. When these things happen, then it is the responsibility of Ahmadis – we as true Muslims – to let the people understand what are their duties and obligations, what is the purpose of their life. If you are discharging your duties you owe to your Creator, you know that the purpose of your life is not just to attain the worldly targets, but to worship Allah the Almighty, bow before Him and always keep your eye on the life hereafter. And then you should know that the second important task given to us as a religious person, as a human being, is to discharge our duties we owe to each other. Instead of trying to snatch and grab your rights, you should try to give rights to others. If every person realises this thing and gives the due right to the other person, then this frustration will automatically vanish.
“Until and unless you make these people realise the purpose of their life, you cannot stop this thing and at the same time, you should also enact some laws to stop these things. If there’s no restriction and everyone is free to go to the arms shop and buy whatever he or she likes, then this will be the ultimate result of it, what is happening. In my view, the [US] government should also now take steps and they should impose some restriction on it. […] They should at least limit some age – that ‘this age group is not allowed to buy arms’, especially automatic or semi-automatic. And at the same time, the programmes which are being shown on the television, internet or all these media channels, they are also showing extremism, fights and such types of things which also make a sort of sense of fun among the young people, the youngsters – they should also be checked and stopped.
“As far as we are concerned, we cannot do anything – this is the duty of the government to put some restriction on it, whatever they feel appropriate. Legislators should also enact some law in this regard.
“But our duty is that we should pray for the people of the world, for the people of our country; may Allah the Almighty give them sense. And also preach to the people and let them understand what their responsibilities are.”
Fozan Azeem Nur Sahib expressed his desire to become a murabbi and serve Khilafat. He said he wished to study at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK and be close to Huzooraa. He asked whether it was possible for American boys to study at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK.
Huzooraa smiled and said it was a “very difficult question.” Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa continued:
“Although it is your desire and wish that you should come here to get admission in Jamia Ahmadiyya UK […] we cannot take students from outside countries. When Britain was in the European Union, European students used to come here. But now they will also stop coming here, so it is very difficult for you.
“The only choice for you – if you want to live close to your parents – is Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada. If you want to go to some other place – far from your parents – then Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana. That is also an international Jamia. Otherwise, there is no other choice. These are the two extreme ends – between these two ends there are Jamias, but unfortunately, you cannot get admission in them.”
Fozan Sahib thanked Huzooraa for his guidance.
Zafrullah Tariq Sahib asked Huzooraa what role Waqf-e-Nau could play in improving the condition of the persecuted, for example, persecuted Ahmadi Muslims living in Pakistan. Huzooraa said:
“You can only pray for these people. Pray for the Muslim ummah that they see sense and try to accept the Reformer of the Age, the person who was sent by Allah the Almighty to revive the teachings of Islam and guide them on the right path as has been narrated in the hadith just mentioned before you.
“This is the only thing. Otherwise, these countries where there is too much opposition, you cannot do anything until and unless you have some power, and at present, we don’t have that power. This is why the hadith says, if you have power, you stop brutality, cruelty with your hand. If [you do] not [have] that much power, then at least stop it by saying to the people and ask them to see sense. And if that is not possible, then pray for them. This is what the hadith of the Holy Prophetsa says.
“We can only pray for them. That is the only solution. If you are praying fervently for them, then, insha-Allah, one day, you will see the result. I hope, insha-Allah, we shall change the world and this is why the Promised Messiahas has said, ‘Allah has told me that He will make the change in the world through prayers.’ So, this is the only weapon in our hands which we should use properly. […] Now we should also see and check our own insides – what we have.”
Huzooraa said we should all introspect and see whether we were doing justice to prayer and if our words and actions were the same. If there was any incongruity then “our prayers cannot be accepted as we desire.” “So reflect upon this”, Huzooraa said.
Iqan Ahmad Sahib said there were phases in life where one faltered in faith. He asked Huzooraa how to overcome these religious weaknesses. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa advised:
“It is a saying in Urdu that the person who is sleeping, you can wake him up. But the person who is already awaken and is pretending that he is sleeping, you cannot wake him up. So you know your shortcomings. You know that sometimes you are deviating from the right path. At that time, you should say istighfar and recite:
اَعُوْذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيْمِ
“[‘I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.’]
“Pray to Allah the Almighty that Allah always keeps you on the right path. If you are always praying your five daily prayers as prescribed […] and explained by the Holy Prophetsa, then you should pray in your prayers that Allah the Almighty always keeps you on the right path. This is the only solution.
“There are some instances, there are some occasions when you are distracted because of the worldly things but – this is what the Quran says, Allah the Almighty says – as soon as you realise that you are not going on the right path, you just return; stop and return. And pray to Allah the Almighty that Allah saves you from going further and involving yourself in that sin or that bad thing.
“Pray to Allah always. Istighfar is the best solution, the best way to keep yourself safe from these bad things. And the five daily prayers as prescribed by Allah the Almighty and have been explained and practised by the Holy Prophetsa and have been explained in this age by the Promised Messiahas.”
Ataul Ghalib Minhas Ahmad Sahib asked how he, as a qaid could encourage young Khuddam to join the blessed scheme of Wasiyyat. Huzooraa said:

“A ‘qaid’ is the leader – so you are the leader. If your words or your deeds – your actions – are the same then the people will follow you, they will try to listen to you. If they see that you are their sympathiser, they will come close to you. Whatever you are saying they hear it and they will try to follow it. The first thing is that reform yourself first. Be like a person who is following the true teaching of Islam and the Quran.
“Secondly, make your fellow friends, fellow Khuddam realise that whatever you are saying you practise it and then let them realise that you are their true sympathiser.
“Let them realise that you want them to always remain on the right path. When these things are being portrayed by you, then other Khuddam will follow you, they will listen to you. You can also explain to them ‘this Wasiyyat scheme is a very blessed scheme, if we join this scheme, Allah the Almighty will also help us and give us the opportunity to reform ourselves.’
“Although it so happens that some people do Wasiyyat but they are not very pious and they go astray. When such things happen to them – or if these are the examples – then Allah the Almighty also makes the circumstances in such a way that the person either leaves this blessed scheme of Wasiyyat or he is expelled from that scheme in some other way. But mostly if a person joins the scheme of Wasiyyat and he is a true follower, he has read the book of Al-Wasiyyat then they will realise what their duty is and how they should behave. And being a waqf-e-nau this is your utmost duty to be an example for others. You are the people who were promised to reform the world, you are the people whose parents promised – and then, later on, you, yourself promised – that you will change the world and bring the whole of the mankind under the fold of Islam and Ahmadiyyat and make them realise their duties they owe to Allah the Almighty and to fellow human beings.
“If you are doing all these things, then there will be power in your words and even without saying something your actions will attract other people to follow you.”
Jazib Ahmad Bhatti Sahib asked Huzooraa how he chose the field of agriculture and what motivated Huzooraa to become a waqif-e-zindagi (life devotee). Huzooraa smiled and said it was a difficult question. He then asked Jazib Sahib what he was doing to which Jazib Sahib said he was studying to become a dentist.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then explained how he got into studying agriculture and ultimately becoming a waqif-e-zindagi:
“From the very childhood I had a keen interest in agriculture, so I wanted to go into the field of agriculture, but unfortunately I could not. But later on, after graduating with economics – and my father also asked me – that if possible ‘you can go to the agricultural university.’ […] There I had a better opportunity to get admission than at any other university. So that was the simplest way actually [which] I adopted and because of my interest as well, so I got admission in agricultural economics (or in the field of cooperation and credit). There you have to deal with farmers and all these things.
“There are some courses with regard to practical agriculture – that is agronomy and arable farming. And if you are an outsider – or you join the university after graduation – then you have to complete some deficiency courses. Since I knew agriculture and I had a keen interest – from the very beginning I used to go with my father to our family farm – so I did those deficiency courses with good results and I later on completed my degree in cooperation and credit as well. That was the main thing which caused me to go to the agricultural university and do agriculture.
“The second question is what motivated me to become a waqif-e-zindagi.
“From the very childhood, I wanted to be a waqif-e-zindagi because once, I heard my father and one of my uncles saying that ‘unfortunately, very few family members of the Promised Messiahas are becoming waqif-e-zindagi’. So that was engraved in my mind, my heart. But unfortunately, I was not good in education. I didn’t want that I do waqf without any qualification. So when I joined the agricultural university, then at that time I promised that if I got good grades – A-grade – then I would do waqf. I prayed to Allah the Almighty that ‘if You think I am capable of doing waqf, then please give me good grades.’
“You know, as far as my own self is concerned, I am nothing. So, I don’t know how, but fortunately, I had a good grade – A-grade. And when I had that grade, I was obliged to apply for waqif-e-zindagi. I wrote a letter to Khalifatul Masih IIIrh that ‘now, since I have completed my MSc degree with good grades, I want to do waqf’ and he accepted it and later on he asked me to go to Africa.
“And that is the whole story – the shortcut of it. There are so many other things, but [this is] the shortcut of it.”
Raheel Tayab Sahib asked Huzooraa, “You have repeatedly mentioned the application of absolute justice as the prerequisite to peace. What careers should Waqf-e-Nau pursue to work towards this immense goal?”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“You see, I didn’t only say that we should create peace in the world and ask the people to do justice and that is absolute justice, but I also mentioned in my different addresses and discourses what peace is; how we can create peace in the society; and what is the definition of absolute justice with reference to the Holy Quran and hadith and the sunnah of the Holy Prophetsa and the teaching given to us in this age by the Promised Messiahas. So, there are quite a number of addresses and lectures with all available references which can help you to understand what absolute justice, what is peace, how can we can create peace in the world and how we can admonish the people – those who are deviating from the right path. […]
“This is why, as far as I’m concerned, I do ask people – whether politicians or other big people, knowledgeable people, professors – that they should also play their role in creating peace in society […] and that cannot be achieved without absolute justice.
“And what is the definition of absolute justice in the Holy Quran? There are so many examples. For instance, it is said that if you stand witness against yourself, you should do it – against your parents, against your kindreds, close relatives, and so on. This is how you can create absolute justice in society, which is not being seen nowadays in this present world. We have to preach.
“And these addresses are there in compiled shape in book form – in different book forms even – and [as] separate lectures. You should read [them] first, talk to the people with reference to those – because they are the ready references for you – and then you can distribute those. This is how you can do it.”
Huzooraa said waqf-e-nau could preach these elements to their co-workers. In terms of pursuing a particular career in this regard, Huzooraa said:
“Even if you wish, those who are capable, they can also go to the public service where you will have a better opportunity to profess your point of view.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, addressing the secretary of Waqf-e-Nau USA, said the time had finished. The secretary of Waqf-e-Nau USA remarked that they were blessed to meet Huzooraa on the weekend of Khilafat Day, to which Huzooraa remarked:
“So you waqifeen-e-nau are celebrating Yaum-e-Khilafat [Khilafat Day] in this way, masha-Allah.”
Huzooraa then conveyed his salaam and the meeting came to an end.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)