Raza Ahmad, Assistant General Secretary VOI Radio

On 27 and 28 November 2021, Voice of Islam Radio (VOI), UK held its virtual annual conference.
The preparations for the conference began in late October, giving us approximately one month to plan and prepare.
A committee consisting of 10 members, headed by the general secretary of VOI Radio, was formed to plan and organise the conference.
Numerous planning meetings were held, including a meeting with the VOI Radio board members.
The planning process included:
• Preparing a survey for VOI volunteers, asking them what they would like to be included in the conference
• Preparing promotional posters and a promotional video
• Preparing a video tour of the VOI studio
• Preparing an interactive quiz
• Securing speakers
• Organising the technical setup
On the first day, the session began at 1 pm with separate meetings of the various VOI departments.
The meetings were led by the board members responsible, assisted by the department heads.
Hence, the attendees had an opportunity for more intimate talks with their board members.
This also allowed specific and detailed guidance to be given as well as question and answer sessions to take place. The meetings lasted for an average of one hour each.
The attendance on the first day was 130.
On the second day, the opening session began at 10 am, which was chaired by Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib.
After a recitation from the Holy Quran, a video of the inaugural message of Huzooraa was played. This was followed by a virtual tour of the VOI Radio studio and a speech by Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib. The session concluded with a silent prayer.
The second session of the day started at 10:30 am, which was chaired by Naib Amir Jamaat UK, Akram Ahmedi Sahib.
For this session, we were joined by three members of the Central Press and Media Team, who shared valuable guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa on media-related issues.
This was followed by presentations by all the board members, many of whom were recapping the points made in their breakout sessions the day before for the benefit of everyone present.
To conclude this session, we held an interactive quiz for all the attendees which included questions about Islamic knowledge, general knowledge and current affairs.
However, due to time constraints, this happened after the prayers and lunch break. This session concluded at 2:15 pm.
The concluding session commenced at 2:20 pm, with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by silent prayer.
After this, an extended question and answer session was held with Amir Jamaat UK, Rafiq Hayat Sahib and all the VOI board members, followed by an awards distribution ceremony presented by Raza Ahmad Sahib and Ibrahim Ikhlaf Sahib.
Following this, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK addressed the attendees and spoke about the aims and objectives of VOI Radio and the responsibilities of VOI Radio volunteers.
The highlight of the conference was the special message from our beloved Huzooraa to the VOI annual conference, which was read out by Amir Jamaat UK at the conclusion of the conference.
The conference concluded at 4 pm with a silent prayer. The attendance on the second day was 141.