Visually impaired khadim and two atfal of Sierra Leone memorise Qasidah


Abdul Hadi Qureshi, Sierra Leone Correspondent

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Zeeshan Mahmood Sahib reports that Tombo Wallah is a peninsular area northwest of Sierra Leone, also known as the wetland. In dry weather, access is only possible by motorcycle on a dirt road, while on rainy days, communication is possible only by boat. Other necessities of life are transported only by boat, which is not possible by road. Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya was established there a decade ago. Now a local muallim,  Ibrahim Suri Kumara Sahib is serving there.

Before the national ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Sierra Leone in October 2021, khuddam and atfal were being prepared for different competitions. Abu Bakar Kumara Sahib, a visually impaired khadim aged 15 also expressed his desire to participate in the competition of memorising the Qasidah – an Arabic poem written by the Promised Messiahas in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

Two other atfal, Suleiman Yangbe Kamara Sahib (9) and Sheku Lamin Yellah Sahib (13) also participated in the competition. 

On the occasion of the national ijtema held in October 2021, Abu Bakar Kumara Sahib, won the first position in the competition for memorising the selected 20 verses of the Qasidah. In addition, a special award was given by Sadr MKA Sierra Leone to him.

To encourage this boy, Zeeshan Sahib promised that if he memorised the remaining 50 verses of the Qasidah (that were not part of the syllabus) and completed the 70 verses, he would be given a reward of 70,000 leones. So he and the two atfal (who helped him memorise the remaining verses too) learned the 50 verses of the Qasidah in one month and 10 days. 

As promised, he was given the prize as were the other two atfal.

I request all readers to pray to Allah the Almighty that He blessed these three children with an enlightened mind and heart and fill them with the light of faith and certainty. 

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