Hafiz Ihtsham Ahmad Moman, Missionary, Brazil

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world by area and the sixth by population. The country’s biggest city is Sao Paulo with a population of over 12 million.
By the grace of Allah, there are Jamaat members present in this city. With the guidance of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, I visited the city for one week to conduct tarbiyati and tablighi activities, visited the houses of Ahmadi Muslim members and offered congregational prayers and Jumuah prayer with them.
With the help of members of the Jamaat, pamphlets were distributed and banners about Islam and the Promised Messiahas were placed at the city’s popular locations. People’s attention was drawn by a big banner which had the Promised Messiah’s picture and read “The Messiah has come”. People asked a variety of questions about the Promised Messiahas and about Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Moreover, meetings were held with different people to tell them about Islam Ahmadiyyat. I also visited the Buddhist Temple and met with the secretary. Furthermore, I visited a non- Ahmadi mosque in the city and met its Imam. And together with the Imam, we distributed food in the city to the homeless people.
Similarly, some local people who attend the Quran classes I hold met me and bought some Jamaat literature. A lecture was also held to which local guests were invited. In this lecture, I spoke about the advent of the Promised Messiahas.
By the grace of Allah, a Brazilian woman who also attends the Islam and Quran classes was blessed to enter the fold of Ahmadiyyat by performing bai‘at.
May Allah the Almighty bless the Jamaat with the positive fruits of this visit and may the Jamaat continue to grow and succeed at each step. Amin.