On 8 May 2022, nasirat members of Waqf-e-Nau UK were given the opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual class. The waqifaat-e-nau had gathered in Baitul Futuh Mosque.
As the live stream started, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa conveyed his salaam and called Fatihah Nadeem to recite a portion from the Holy Quran. After the recitation, Eishah Khalid presented the Urdu and English translation. Then, Naimah Qamar recited a poem.
Thereafter, the nasirat had the opportunity to ask Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa questions about various religious matters and other day-to-day issues.
Mahnur Goraya, of Bolton Jamaat, whilst referring to Huzoor’saa Eid sermon, asked how one could include the Holy Prophetsa in one’s Eid celebration. Huzooraa smiled and asked her if she had listened to the sermon. Huzooraa said that he had already explained this in his sermon. He said that one should make efforts to spread the message of the Holy Prophetsa throughout the world, preach his message and practice his teaching. Huzooraa said that one should ponder over the Holy Quran, and read it carefully. “And when we spread the teachings of the Holy Prophetsa in the world in this way, and bring the world under his banner, then the Holy Prophetsa will be included in [our Eid celebration]. That will be [the true] Eid.”
Ariana Ahmad, of Newham Jamaat, asked Huzooraa how one should respond to those people who mocked the hijab.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“If you are determined, if you are strong and staunch in your faith, then you should not bother what the other people say. This is the commandment of Allah the Almighty that women should wear hijab, they should cover their head and bosom. And we have to follow those instructions, if we are strong Muslims. If people mock us, then don’t care. Tell them, ‘This is my personal choice, my personal view, and I have a right to do whatever I like; and this is my personal liking, and I am doing it because of my religious teachings, because of the commandment of the Shariah and the Holy Quran which has been given by Allah the Almighty in the Holy Quran.’ So, if you are a determined and strong Ahmadi then you will never bother whatever the people say.
“You can ask them, ‘Why don’t you use hijab? Why are you naked on the beaches? Why are you doing immoral acts, which you feel are moral, but I feel, according to my religious teaching, are immoral? So, if I don’t object to your habits then who are you to ask why I wear a hijab?’”
Farihah Shahid, from Tooting Jamaat, asked Huzooraa if every prayer said during Tahajjud was answered.
Huzooraa explained that only Allah Almighty knew best how one offered their Tahajjud prayer. Huzooraa said that the Tahajjud prayer was a prayer which one usually offered in complete isolation and only God knew what the person was asking for. If one’s supplications were pure, pious, and from the heart, then they would be accepted by Allah the Almighty “whether they are said during Tahajjud, the fara’id, the sunnah or during the nawafil.”
Huzooraa added that it was Allah alone Who accepted supplications. “Allah knows best what kind of supplications one is making. If you are making prayers against someone, then Allah will not accept them; if you are making good supplications for yourself, He will accept.”
Atiyatul Shafi Uppal, from Hounslow North Jamaat, stated that when one passed away, it was the Islamic practice to bury the deceased as soon as possible. However, at times people had donated their body or organs for research and medicine. She asked if it was permissible to donate a dead body for the purpose of medical research.
Huzooraa said that though Islam taught to bury the deceased as soon as possible, it was permissible to donate organs or the body for research purposes to save human life and for human benefit. Otherwise, one ought to try to bury the deceased as soon as possible.
Aaliya Akbar, from Sheffield Jamaat, asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa that if Ahmadis did not fulfil their responsibilities, would Allah Almighty raise another people, and would those promises that Allah made to the Promised Messiahas be fulfilled through other people.
Huzooraa explained that if Ahmadis did not fulfil their responsibilities, then – as the Promised Messiahas himself has said – Allah would bring another Ahmadi people. The promises that Allah made to the Promised Messiahas shall be fulfilled. Huzooraa said:
“If we do not play our full role in advancing the mission of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, then Allah will do it by some other means.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that there were very sincere people in Africa who understood their responsibilities, preached Islam Ahmadiyyat and brought others to the fold of Ahmadiyyat. Similarly, Huzooraa added, there were other people in Europe, living on various islands and in Indonesia, etc., who understood their responsibilities. Huzooraa highlighted that it was not only the work of Pakistani or people of Indian heritage to spread the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. The Holy Prophetsa came for the whole world as a prophet, and the Promised Messiahas – who came to spread and revive the teachings of Islam – also came for the whole world. “We must spread the message of Islam throughout the world.”
Huzooraa emphasised that Allah assured the Promised Messiahas that He would spread his message to the corners of the Earth.
Sadia Saeed, from Islamabad Jamaat, asked Huzooraa how teenage girls could perform tabligh in this day and age.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that it was important to inculcate good manners, be good role models, and discuss the virtues of Islam amongst girls. It was not necessary, Huzooraa said, to simply tell people to become Muslims. Those who did not know the true teachings of Islam would, in response, say that Muslims were very dangerous people. One should show good morals, behave well in front of friends and teachers and study well. In this way, people would be intrigued and would ask about Islam. And, in this way, an opportunity to preach would be created. And when the time came, those whose hearts were pure and whom Allah wished to guide would accept Islam.
Huzooraa stated, “We cannot force anyone to become Muslim, but at least we can inculcate our Islamic teachings within ourselves and show good manners. In this way, people will automatically gravitate towards us.”
Amatul Shakoor Rana, from Farnham Jamaat, asked Huzooraa if it was permissible to attend school trips that included overnight stays.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa explained that generally such trips should be avoided unless it was a mandatory trip. Huzooraa said that day trips were fine, but residential trips should be avoided.
Huzooraa said that many had expressed to him that their experience of such trips was not good. Even some non-Ahmadi people had informed him of their bad experiences and said that the atmosphere of such trips was not good.
Fozia Ahmad, from South Cheam Jamaat, said that Huzoor’saa visits to Baitul Futuh were very much missed and asked when he would come to Baitul Futuh again.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa answered:
“Just pray. When things come back to normal, then I will start coming to the Baitul Futuh mosque for Jumuah prayer again, insha-Allah Ta‘ala. So, it all depends on your prayer and how soon we are free from this Covid pandemic.”
Shaista Jalal, 13, from Mitcham Park Jamaat, said that she attended an all-girls school and wore a burqa there. She said that due to changes in school, she was no longer allowed to wear a burqa in school. She asked Huzooraa what she should do.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that she could take off her burqa at school. Huzooraa said that as there was a uniform in place in school, she would have to wear the uniform within the school; however, Huzooraa said that she should still dress modestly.
Zara Ajmal, from Aldershot Jamaat, asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa that under verse 12 in the tafsir of Surah al-A‘raf, it was stated that the Chief of the Angels was Gabrielas, and the chief of evil spirits was Iblis. She asked what the works of such evil spirits were and how one could be saved from their negative impact.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained that every evil deed was the work of Satan and Satan incited and whispered into people’s ears to commit foul deeds.
Huzooraa said, “We should frequently always recite:
أَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّيطَانِ الرَّجِيم
that Allah may keep us safe from the whispers of Satan, the deception of Satan. Then one should continuously recite:
لَاحَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ اِلَّا بِاللّٰهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِيْمِ
“‘Allah Almighty possesses all powers and may Allah protect us, take us into His fold and safeguard us from all kinds of evil deeds so that we do not have any foul thoughts. And keep seeking forgiveness
اَسْتَغْفِرُاللّٰهَ رَبِّيْ مِنْ كُلِّ ذَنْبٍ وَاَتُوْبُ اِلَيْهِ
“[Reciting] these [prayers] protects one against Satan’s whispers.”
Samia Khurram, from Tooting Jamaat, asked Huzooraa why some Muslims celebrated Eid on different days.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa explained that Eid was celebrated on the basis of various moon sightings. The Holy Prophetsa had instructed that “when you see the moon of Eid, celebrate Eid. When you see the moon of Ramadan, start fasting, and if you do not see the moon after 29 days of fasting, complete [Ramadan] by keeping 30 [fasts]. And if the moon is visible, then celebrate Eid.” Huzooraa said that the moon was sighted and seen on different dates according to the region and country of the world one resided in.
Maliha Waqas, from Putney Jamaat, asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa what his advice was for those children who were suffering from depression.
Huzooraa answered that first one ought to find out the causes. A person who was suffering from depression should be taken to a psychiatrist and their parents should have it treated properly. One should pray to Allah the Almighty and also have one’s own willpower and show determination to get out of this phase. In this way, Huzooraa said, insha-Allah, everything would eventually be fine.
Huzooraa added that there were some programmes related to this on MTA too that would help. Huzooraa said, “This is an illness. This illness should be thoroughly examined and treated seriously. One should not make fun of a person who is suffering from depression.”

Maria Chaudhry, from Farnham Jamaat, asked how one could save themselves from the negative impacts of social media.
Huzooraa asked her if she was aware of the negative and the positive aspects of social media, to which she responded in the affirmative. Upon this, Huzooraa said that there was a saying that a person who was asleep could be awoken, but one could not wake a person up who was pretending to be asleep. Huzooraa said that if one was aware of the negative aspects of social media, then they should avoid them and focus only on the good sites on social media. “This depends on one’s own willpower and determination,” on how much they desire to save themselves from the negative effects of social media.
Bareera Tahir, of Islamabad Jamaat, said that the Holy Prophetsa had taught us how to offer salat. She asked how the prophets before the Holy Prophetsa worshipped Allah.
Huzooraa said that there were different ways people adopted. Some people would prostrate and some would sit. “In my opinion, prostration is found in every religion because we see that among Hindus and also among other [religions], there is a tendency to prostrate.”
However, Huzooraa said, the method of worship in salat was taught by the Holy Prophetsa.
Atiyatul Naila, from Birmingham North Jamaat, studying in year nine, asked Huzooraa if studying business was a useful field for the Jamaat.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa responded, “If you have a lot of interest in this field, then you can study it. […] however, if girls go into [the field of] medicine, or teaching, or in this kind of profession which is beneficial – or in science or research – then they can be more useful [for the Jamaat]. However, if you are interested in business studies, then you may study it. The Jamaat shall then find some use of your studies when the opportunity arises.”
Maliha Malik, of Morden Park Jamaat, asked why Shias did matam or self-flagellation and why they gave Hazrat Alira more importance than the other rightly guided caliphs.
Huzooraa stated Shi‘ism was an offshoot of Islam that believed that Hazrat Alira should have been the Khalifa after the Holy Prophetsa and that his right to khilafat was misappropriated. Huzooraa said that in his Friday Sermons, he was narrating the incidents of the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa and proved that Hazrat Alira did bai‘at of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, Hazrat Umarra and then Hazrat Uthmanra and remained obedient to them his entire life.
With regard to matam, Huzooraa said that after the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussainra, it was the very people responsible for his martyrdom who first performed matam. Huzooraa said that as the history behind this was lengthy, the person in-charge of Nasirat should publish an article on this in Maryam magazine.
Fareeha Ahmad, of Southfields Jamaat, asked Huzooraa if it was permissible for Waqf-e-Nau girls to go into politics.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that Waqf-e-Nau girls should enter those fields which helped the progress of Islam and were a means of the betterment of humanity.
Sabahah Mansoor, of Islamabad Jamaat, was next to ask her question. Huzooraa asked her if she was the daughter of Mansoor Zia Sahib, to which she replied in the affirmative. She asked that in a hadith, it was said that there was a gate, named Al-Rayyan, which those who observed fasting would enter Heaven through. She asked if there was any other gate through which the people of Paradise would enter.
Huzooraa smiled and said that her father was well-versed in fiqh and that she could have asked her father this question. “Have you not asked him this question?” She replied that her father told her to ask Huzooraa.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa answered that there were many gates of paradise. The Promised Messiahas said that there was also a gate in Paradise which was the gate of forgiveness.
Huzooraa said that there were seven gates of Paradise and the eighth gate, as stated by the Promised Messiahas, was the gate of forgiveness, through which those who come under Allah’s mercy will be admitted. “Allah is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, and the Most Forgiving. So, Allah has placed eight gates of Paradise. There are fewer [gates] of Hell and more of Paradise.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then conveyed his salaam to everyone and the class came to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)