Truth embodies courage


“Truth embodies courage and bravery. A liar is a coward. One whose life is tainted with impurity and vile sins remains fearful and cannot face challenges. Such a person, unlike the truthful, cannot express their honesty with boldness and courage, nor can they demonstrate their chastity. Reflect upon worldly matters and observe who among those whom God has blessed, even slightly, is without envious individuals. Every fortunate person inevitably has envious detractors clinging to them. The same applies to religious affairs – Satan is the enemy of reformation. Therefore, one should keep one’s account clear and maintain a righteous relationship with God. They should seek to please God and then fear no one, nor be concerned with anyone’s opinion. Avoid matters that could lead to punishment. Yet, all of this is impossible without divine support and guidance from the unseen.”

(Malfuzat [1988], Vol. 5, p. 543)

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