26 August 2017: The 42nd Jalsa Salana Germany began on this day with the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Prior to the sermon, Huzooraa hoisted Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat to officially inaugurate the Jalsa.
During his Friday Sermon, Huzooraa spoke about the spiritual objectives of the Jalsa and the need to establish a living relationship with Allah the Almighty and to serve humanity.
27 August 2010: During the Ramadan after the Lahore attacks of 28 May 2010, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said during his Friday Sermon that though the opponents of Ahmadiyyat were trying hard to harm the Jamaat and to efface it from the face of the earth, the reality was that divine communities could never be destroyed. Huzooraa prayed that may these hardships which were being afflicted upon the Jamaat, particularly in Pakistan, bring for us the blessings of Lailatul Qadr, and we may be able to witness the scenes of matla’il fajr [the rising of the dawn] in the form of everlasting peace, security and victories.
27 August 2016: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived at Baitus Subuh, Frankfurt (headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Germany) for the Jalsa Salana Germany.

28 August 2009: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned Maulana Dost Muhammad Shahid Sahib, who had passed away on 26 August.
Huzooraa said that he was a renowned scholar of the Jamaat, who compiled the history of Ahmadiyyat, titled Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat. Huzooraa added that he had an extraordinary memory, and was an “encyclopaedia”. He was himself a chapter of the history of Ahmadiyyat, Huzooraa said.
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28 August 2016: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa laid the foundation stone for the first Ahmadiyya mosque in the small German town of Pfungstadt in the state of Hesse.

29 August 2008: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned that in recent days, Ahmadi homes were attacked in Saharanpur, UP, India, where Ahmadis were beaten up and injured, their belongings were damaged, and even an attempt was made to put their homes on fire. Huzooraa added that the Ahmadis who were attacked, were all new converts, however, they had firm faith in Ahmadiyyat.
Huzooraa said that although those Ahmadis were brought to Qadian and the injured ones were being treated in hospitals, they had to face huge losses to their homes and belongings.
Huzooraa said that these acts were done in the name of Islam by so-called Muslims, and Ahmadis were also being persecuted in some other Muslim-majority areas of India.
Huzooraa further said that a new wave of persecution had started in Pakistan as well; the police had removed the kalima from a Jamaat centre in Lahore, and stones were thrown at a mosque in Kunri and at Ahmadi homes as well.
29 August 2008: During his Friday Sermon of this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa spoke of a new pot washing machine for usage during the Jalsa days, which had been designed by three Ahmadi brothers from Germany, and interestingly, none of them is an engineer.
Huzooraa prayed that may Allah the Almighty bless their efforts and enable them to serve the Jamaat in the future as well, and may each of their success bring about more humbleness in them.
30 August 2013: The 47th Jalsa Salana UK began on this day, at Hadeeqatul Mahdi.
During his inaugural address, while speaking about the centenary anniversary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat UK, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“This year we are celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat UK. However, this anniversary can only prove to be a source of true happiness if the 100 years have led to a spiritual revolution amongst us that will continue through our future generations.” (“Thousands converge for International Islamic Conference”, www.pressahmadiyya.com)
30 August 2016: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa laid the foundation stone of the “Noor Mosque”, the first Ahmadiyya mosque in the German town of Frankenthal in the state of Rhineland-Pfalz.

31 August 2007: During his Friday Sermon, on the first day of Jalsa Salana Germany 2007, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa prayed that may Allah the Almighty enable members of the Jamaat to be the recipients of the Promised Messiah’s prayers and fulfil his pious wishes for us, and may we and our generations become recipients of those rewards and blessings which have been promised by Allah to the Promised Messiahas.
31 August 2013: During his second day address at the 47th Jalsa Salana UK, while mentioning Allah’s blessings on the Jamaat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa announced that during the past year, Ahmadiyyat had established in two new countries; Costa Rica and Montenegro.
1 September 2006: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned Master Munawar Ahmad Sahib, who had been martyred in Gujrat, Pakistan. Huzooraa said that members of the Jamaat should remember the sacrifices of martyrs of Ahmadiyyat, since “any sacrifice for the cause of Ahmadiyyat can never go in vain.”