10 June 2011: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa delivered a Friday sermon on the topic of khilafat and mujaddidiyyat. While refuting many misconceptions, Huzooraa shed light on the status of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. He explained that the Promised Messiahas was not simply the Mujaddid of the 14th century, but he was also the Messiah and Mahdi and his status was considerably higher than that of a mujaddid. He was sent to revive faith and guide people and his status was so high that he was granted prophethood.
Huzooraa said that the Promised Messiahas was the Mujaddid of the last millennium and Khilafat was to be established through him. The revival of faith was to be accomplished through Khilafat alone and this indeed had happened.
10 June 2014: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa visited the picturesque municipality of Falkenstein which lies on the border of Germany and Austria. Huzooraa travelled to Falkenstein after completing a historic visit to Neufahrn where he inaugurated the Al-Mahdi Mosque the evening before.
11 June 2013: On this day, Chaudhry Hamid Sami Sahib was martyred in Karachi for his faith in Islam Ahmadiyyat. He was 48 years old. Chaudhry Sahib was a charted accountant by profession. On the day of his martyrdom, he was travelling in his car with two non-Ahmadi friends when unknown assailants opened fire and it appeared that the assailants were on motorbikes and attacked from both sides of the car. The deceased bore several bullets all over his body while his friends were injured by the bullets ricocheting. Hamid Sahib voluntarily served the Jamaat in the finance department.
11 June 2013: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was welcomed to the British Houses of Parliament by the deputy prime minister and various parliamentarians.
The purpose of this visit to Westminster was to deliver the keynote address at a special reception hosted by Ed Davey MP (then secretary of state for energy and climate change) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in recognition of the 100-Year Centenary Celebrations of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in the UK.
Prior to the formal proceedings, Huzooraa held private meetings with the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Home Secretary Theresa May, Energy Secretary Ed Davey, Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander, Keith Vaz MP and Siobhain McDonagh MP.

12 June 2014: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa conducted an inspection for the arrangements of the 39th Jalsa Salana of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Germany.
During the inspection, Huzooraa visited the various departments tasked with organising and running the three-day event. Huzooraa was briefed on the arrangements as he inspected the site.
Later, Huzooraa directly addressed the thousands of volunteer workers and advised them to conduct their duties with diligence. He further advised that the workers should remain engaged in prayer as much as possible.
13 June 2014: The 39th Jalsa Salana of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Germany began with a faith-inspiring Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Prior to the sermon, Huzooraa hoisted the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat to officially inaugurate the Jalsa, while the German national flag was also raised.
On Saturday, 14 June 2014, Huzooraa emphasised the true nature of Khilafat during an address in front of around 1,000 non-Ahmadi guests on the second day of the Jalsa. Huzooraa also used his address to categorically disprove claims that Islam advocated extremism or violence at any level.
Speaking about the institution of Khilafat, Huzooraa said:
“Today the institution of Khilafat – that is the institution of spiritual succession that leads the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – is keeping Islam’s true teachings alive.”
Huzooraa continued:
“The Khilafat of the Ahmadiyya Community can never depart from Islam’s core teachings of fulfilling the rights owed to God and to mankind. Today, the institution of Khilafat is striving for peace in every possible way and to spread love and affection throughout the world.” (“Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: ‘True Khilafat is Spiritual Leadership and Has No Interest in Power or Government’”, www.pressahmadiyya.com, 15 June 2014)
14 June 2015: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa delivered a faith-inspiring address to conclude the 43rd Ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK. The theme of the Ijtema was “The Need for Khilafat”.
15 June 2014: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa concluded the 39th Jalsa Salana of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Germany with a spiritually charged address about the importance of building a personal bond and connection with God Almighty.
During his address, Huzooraa said that while some people believed that God had become silent, the truth was that God’s attributes continued to be manifested today as they ever were. He said that God listens as He has always listened and speaks as He has always spoken.
16 June 2008: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa travelled to America. Huzooraa travelled from London to the United States and landed at Dulles airport. Huzooraa reached the Bait-ur-Rahman Mosque, the headquarters of the USA Jamaat, where he was given a warm welcome. (Al Fazl International, 18 July 2008, p. 16)