Muhammad Jamal, Niger Correspondent

Due to Covid-19, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Niger was not able to hold its Jalsa Salana. But recently, the government made some concessions in social distancing and Jamaat Niger seized this opportunity with both hands and planned to hold jalsas at a regional level across the country.
Two months ago, a meeting was held for this purpose under the supervision of Amir Jamaat Niger, Asad Majeeb Sahib, in which a programme was prepared for these jalsas.
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Niger has so far been able to hold 17 jalsas in different regions in which 8,360 people from 105 jamaats participated.
These jalsas were held in Guidan Roumji, Madaoua, Birni N Konni, Dosso, Maradi, Dakoro, Zinder and Tessaoua regions.
The theme of these jalsas was “Khilafat”, so that the new Ahmadis would be made aware of the importance of the status of Khilafat.
Preparations for all the jalsas started with prayers and sadaqat (alms).
For arrangements, meetings were held with local jamaat presidents and officials and organisation committees were formed and work was assigned to them. Invitations were sent to Ahmadi and non-Ahmadi friends. Meetings were also held with government officials and other religious leaders for their participation in these jalsas. Waqar-e-amal was carried out with great effort and members worked diligently.
The special feature of these jalsas was those sincere and devoted Ahmadis who reached the jalsa site on foot, motorbikes and other means from afar despite the difficulties of travel.
Non-Ahmadi imams of various mosques also participated in these jalsas.
During the jalsa speeches, incidents of love and personal relations with Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya were narrated.
Muhammad Sahib from Dunn Kolki, said:
“This meeting strengthened our faith and made us aware of our responsibilities, one of which is to write regular letters to the Khalifa of the time and establish a personal relationship”.
Saeedu Sahib from Dabgaoua, expressed:
“In this situation of tension and despair due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the situation in the country, this glorious meeting is no less than an unexpected blessing for us”.