English translation of Inqilab-e-Haqiqi
An address by Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra, Khalifatul Masih II, al-Musleh al-Mau‘ud
Delivered at Jalsa Salana Qadian on 28 December 1937

Western Principles
Thus, in this era, the complete teaching of Islam can no longer be found anywhere in its entirety; only small fragments of it lie scattered around. In truth, Muslims have forgotten the true teachings of Islam. The [shadow of] Western principles looms large over everything, with its main principles being materialism, inevitably resulting in nationalism, and subordinating all religious and moral affairs to the dictates of nationalistic ideas.
These principles have completely destroyed the morals, religion and the true spirit of sacrifice [of people] as well as the peace of the world. The face of religions has completely changed. For Europeans, a religion is defined based on how well it supports and strengthens their government. The Indian mind may not be able to comprehend this, but this is what is happening. For example, if unrest occurs in Germany and the Church realises that the disturbance cannot be quelled by its teachings, it changes the scripture and presents a new philosophy. Then, based on the consensus of all – both young and old – they collectively portray [the teachings as part of] their religion. Muslims cannot understand this at all. It is like an individual wishing to have a hundred wives but finding out that the Holy Qur’an forbids it. So, they simply change [the Qur’anic teaching about polygamy and] in particular the verse 1مَثْنٰی وَ ثُلٰثَ (two, or three) in order to fulfil their desire to marry one hundred times and then claim that they are acting in accordance with the principles of their faith by marrying a hundred wives. People would oppose them and argue that they have inserted this provision for their own ends. They could be said to be acting in accordance with their desires but certainly not their religion. But this is exactly what the Europeans do. If they view a particular religious teaching as harmful to the national interest, they change it instantly, calling it a new philosophy and giving it the name of religion. Most people have become so disengaged with faith that they now consider nationalism as their religious creed. They argue that those principles that strengthen nationalist ideals are the decree of God. All this has resulted in the decline of morals and religion. By constructing the edifice of nationalism on the foundation of religion, they have marred the spirit of true sacrifice. A German will no longer make sacrifices for the good of humanity, but rather for the good of the German people. Likewise, an Englishman will not devote his life to helping others, but will work only for the benefit of his own people.
The Revolution of the Seventh Age; The Revival of the Teachings of the Holy Prophetsa
Thus, to subordinate materialism and nationalism and all religious and moral issues to the [basic principles of] nationalism has completely destroyed the peace of the world. Therefore, Allah the Exalted has sent the Promised Messiahas in this current age, that is, the seventh age of divine civilisation and has entrusted him with initiating the revolution mentioned at the end of the following verse:
مَا نَنْسَخْ مِنْ اٰيَةٍ أَوْ نُنْسِهَا نَأْتِ بِخَيْرٍ مِّنْهَآ أَ وْ مِثْلِهَآ2
In other words, there are periods [in the history of religion] in which the divine scripture remains worthy of practice as it was before; therefore, God Almighty Himself sends a Messenger to revive its dead teachings and the Messenger re-establishes those teachings among the people. This is also intimated at in Surah al-Jumu‘ah:
هُوَ الَّذِىْ بَعَثَ فِى الْأُمِّيّٖنَ رَسُوْلًا مِّنْهُمْ يَتْلُوْا عَلَيْهِمْ اٰيٰتِهٖ وَيُزَكِّيْهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتٰبَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَإِنْ كَانُوْا مِنْ قَبْلُ لَفِىْ ضَلٰلٍ مُّبِيْنٍ وَاٰخَرِيْنَ مِنْهُمْ لَمَّا يَلْحَقُوْا بِهِمْ ج وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيْمُ3
He it is who has raised among the Unlettered people a messenger from among themselves who recites unto them His signs and purifies them, and teaches them the book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest misguidance; and it is God who will send Muhammadsa [in spirit] back into the world, and through him, He will create a community in the likeness of the companions [of the Prophetas] – those who would be familiar with the knowledge of the book, pure in nature, and acquainted with wisdom and understanding. In essence, the Promised Messiahas would revive the same works that the Holy Prophetsa once accomplished.
The Second Coming
Mention has also been made of this in Surah as-Saff. Allah the Exalted says:
هُوَ الَّذِىْ أَرْسَلَ رَسُوْلَهٗ بِا لْهُدٰى وَدِيْنِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهٗ عَلَى الدِّيْنِ كُلِّهٖ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُوْنَ4
That is, a day will come when Allah the Exalted will spread the message brought by His messenger across the entire world, and cause it to prevail over all other religions.
This verse was also divinely revealed to the Promised Messiahas in order to inform him that the age mentioned in it had arrived. Past commentators [of the Holy Qur’an] agree on this matter that this verse speaks of the end of times and that these events will come to pass during the era of the Promised Messiahas.
It can be inferred from these verses that the task of the first advent [of the Holy Prophetsa] was the establishment of faith and the task of the second coming, [that is, the Promised Messiahas] was destined to ensure the victory of Islam over the religions of the world. That is to say, to bring the followers of other faiths into the fold of Islam through manifest evidence and proofs and to bring other cultures and civilisations to an end and establish the culture and civilisation of Islam in their place. That is why Allah the Exalted has said that He has sent the Promised Messiahas for this purpose:
لِيُظْهِرَهٗ عَلَى الدِّيْنِ كُلِّهٖ5
That is, to cause Islam to prevail over the world’s religions.
The Means of the Victory of Islam
This ought to be seen as how Islam can establish its absolute supremacy over all other faiths. The [establishment of the superiority of the Islamic] teaching is not enough. The conversion of a few people from every religion does not signify victory because the other world religions will remain and continue to exist separately. Islam will not enjoy complete victory over them. Thus, it must be acknowledged triumph will not come from such means. Rather, just as Western ideals dominate the world today despite the existence of various religions and ideologies, our goal is to spread Islamic civilisation and culture to such an extent that, regardless of their religion – whether Christian, Jewish, or Hindu – they become culturally Muslim. This is the purpose for which Allah the Exalted sent the Promised Messiahas to establish Islamic civilisation so completely that even if people remained beyond the pale of the religion, they would be infused by its culture in their homes and would only accept the culture prescribed by Islam. Just as people view Western culture as superior today, the aim is for a similar shift where everyone starts to see Islamic civilisation as the most superior.
The Revelations of the Promised Messiahas regarding the True Revolution

Looking at the revelations of the Promised Messiahas, we find evidence of this claim: For instance, [the following are examples of this]:
1) The Promised Messiahas saw himself in a vision saying the words:
We desire a new universe, a new heaven and a new earth.6
In his book Chashma-e-Masihi, the Promised Messiahas commented on this vision and wrote that the meaning of the vision was that God would bring about through him such a change as if the heaven and the earth had been renewed and true men would come into being.7
2) The Promised Messiahas received the revelation:
یُحْیِ الدِّیْنَ وَ یُقِیْمُ الشَّرِیْعَةَ
He will revive the faith and will establish the Law.8
3) Similarly, it was revealed to him:
وَاعْلَمُوْآ اَنَّ اللہَ یُحْیِ الْاَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِھَا9
Remember that from an Islamic perspective, the world has met its demise, [and Allah] has sent the Promised Messiahas to this world for its revival.
4) The fourth revelation pertains to the opponents of The Promised Messiahas, that is:
زندگی کے فیشن سے دور جا پڑے ہیں10
فَسَحِّقْھُمْ تَسْحِیْقا11
This revelation indicates that people would be seduced by the fashions and trends of the time and be disinterested in adopting the fashion that ascertains true life, [that is, the spiritual life]. Hence they would be destroyed. The Promised Messiahas was thus taught the prayer:
My Lord! Finish these people and bring upon them a disaster similar to the one in the time of Noahas so that Western civilisation and culture may be replaced and established with an Islamic way of life in its place.
5) The words of the fifth revelation were:
مَا اَنَا اِلَّا کَالْقُرْاٰنِ وَسَیَظْھَرُعَلٰی یَدَیَّ مَا ظَھَرَ مِنَ الْفُرْقَانِ12
[God said to him]: ‘O Promised Messiah! Say to people that you are akin to the Holy Qur’an in the sense that just as the Holy Qur’an brought great changes in the previous age, you will create a similar transformation in this age.’
6) The words of the sixth revelation were:
آسمانی بادشاہت13
That is, the kingdom of God would be created on earth.
It is quite clear from these verses and revelations that the purpose for the advent of the Promised Messiahas was to bring an end to Western culture and establish Islamic beliefs, law, culture, civilisation, learning, arts, economics, politics, and social and moral aspects. Some aspects of this transformation are personal, such as the observance of prayer and the fast, while other parts of it relate to society. The individual transformation requires counselling, guidance and personal struggle. That is, to urge people to perform prayers, fast, embark on the pilgrimage and practice charity. Those who are inspired by this counsel ought to commit themselves to these righteous deeds. However, the part [of Islamic civilisation] that relates to society requires a magnificent [organisational] structure. For example, just because we offer prayers does not mean that others will do so as well. Even if others do not pray, our own worship will suffice. However, other laws and regulations can only be implemented under an administrative system and through the participation of society as a whole. For example, one can observe prayer individually, but the observance of congregational prayer requires the participation of others. Therefore congregational prayer demands a system of organisation. It requires an imam and at least one other person to observe the prayer with them. There are many other Islamic practices that need [to be administered under] a comprehensive system that leaves no room for disobedience.
The Triumph of Ahmadiyya Beliefs
Today, as patently evident and empirically proven, our Community has decisively triumphed in the domain of beliefs. Even our opponents admit this. When the Promised Messiahas declared that Jesusas of Nazareth had passed away, non-Ahmadis the world over unanimously called this an act of heresy and branded him a disbeliever and heretic for disrespecting Jesusas. However, in today’s world, many educated and learned people accept the truth of his death. Many implicitly, if not explicitly, convey that the issue of his life or death is of little significance to them. They assert as to why they ought to bother with such a trivial matter. This shift in perspective indicates that our adversaries recognise this tactic is no longer a viable means of confronting us.
The Promised Messiahas was also declared a heretic because he did not believe that certain passages of the Holy Qur’an had been abrogated. A number of past scholars have argued that eleven hundred verses of the Holy Qur’an have been abrogated, while others have held the figure to be closer to six hundred or less. Even those scholars, who considered this approach dangerous, believed that at least three Qur’anic verses had been abrogated. However, the Promised Messiahas rejected what he considered a ridiculous tenet and argued that all of the Holy Qur’an was worthy of practice. Furthermore, addressing the verses that were disputed and allegedly abrogated, he, with great insight, revealed such knowledge and meanings hidden within [these specific verses] that it appeared as though they comprised all the essentials of the Qur’anic teaching. The hidden treasure he unearthed was astonishing. People could not understand how the true import of these verses had remained concealed from them for so long. But when he first made these claims, he was declared a heretic, abused and people were incited against him. However, the point he had raised was of such merit that had it been presented before a knowledgeable and educated audience, they would have recognised its true worth. However, witness the plight of Muslims. Today, ninety-nine [per cent] of the Islamic scholars argue that none of the verses of the Holy Qur’an have been abrogated. Verses that had previously been discarded are now seen as integral [to the Qur’anic teaching]. They are given the same meanings that the Promised Messiahas ascribed to them.
The True Victory of Ahmadiyyat
Thus, in terms of our beliefs, we have prevailed over our opponents across all formats. Despite our resounding victory in the domain of ideology, we cannot, at least, claim to have defeated our opponents in the practical sphere, nor have we successfully established an Islamic system to supplant existing ones.
- Surah an-Nisa’, 4:4 [Publishers]
- Whatever Sign We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring one better than that or the like thereof. (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:107) [Publishers]
- He it is Who has raised among the Unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves who recites unto them His Signs, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and wisdom, although they had been, before, in manifest misguidance; And among others from among them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise. (Surah al-Jumu‘ah, 62:3-4)
- He it is Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religions, even if those who associate partners with God hate it. (Surah as-Saff, 61:10) [Publishers]
- He may cause it to prevail over all religions. (Surah as-Saff, 61:10) [Publishers]
- Tadhkirah, p. 250, 2019, Qadian [Publishers]
- Chashma-e-Masihi, p. 58 footnote, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 20, pp. 375–376 footnote
- Tadhkirah, p. 87, 2019, Qadian [Publishers]
- And know well that Allah revives the earth after its death. (Tadhkirah, p. 99, 2019, Qadian) [Publishers]
- They have drawn away from the fashion of life. (Tadhkirah, p. 694, 2019, Qadian) [Publishers]
- Then grind them down a fine grinding. (Tadhkirah, p. 694, 2019, Qadian) [Publishers]
- I am just like the Qur‘an and soon there will appear through me that which had appeared through the Furqan. (Tadhkirah, p. 918-919, 2019, Qadian) [Publishers]
- The kingdom of heaven. (Tadhkirah, p. 926, 2019, Qadian) [Publishers]
To be continued…
(Translation by Fazl-e-Umar Foundation, English Section)