As Ramadan draws to a close, Muslims worldwide turn their attention to one of its most precious occasions – Lailatul Qadr, the Night of Decree. This night commemorates the momentous occasion when the Holy Quran was first revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa as divine guidance and a beacon of light for humanity.
The Holy Quran itself affirms the grandeur of Lailatul Qadr, describing it as a night which is “better than a thousand months”. (Surah al-Qadr, Ch.97: V.4) The Holy Prophetsa said, “Whoever stands for the prayers in Lailatul Qadr [the Night of Destiny] out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, all their previous sins will be forgiven.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab fadli laylati l-qadr, Hadith 2014)
Talking about the significance and effect of Lailatul Qadr, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“If one believes to have experienced Lailatul-Qadr – the night worship of which is better than the worship of 1,000 months – and that they do not need any more worship, then they are false. The pleasure of Allah’s love enhances a believer [in rank] as a servant of God Almighty and as being obedient to His commandments, more than before. So, when such a level is attained, the beneficence of Allah begins to shower [upon him]. Then Allah states ‘I will listen to your prayers [as] you have endeavoured, stepped forward and strived to gain My nearness; you have fulfilled and taken care of your pledge; now, if you continue to do so, then I will also continue to bless you.’” (Friday Sermon, 27 August 2010, Al Fazl International, 23 September 2010, pp. 5-8)
As for when this takes place, which of the last ten nights, the Holy Prophetsa instructed believers to seek Lailatul Qadr during the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. It could potentially be the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th night. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab fadli laylati l-qadr, Hadith 2014)
The wisdom behind the concealment of the exact date of Lailatul Qadr is profound. Had this day been attributed to a prescribed date, we may have taken the blessings of seeking it for granted. Instead, the uncertain timing allows us to remain vigilant, steadfast and devoted in our worship throughout the last ten days as opposed to exerting all of our efforts and energy into one night only.
Hazrat Aishara narrates that the Holy Prophetsa taught the following prayer to be recited if one were to experience Lailatul Qadr:
اللّٰهُمَ إِنّكَ عَفُوّ تُحِبّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي
“O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, You love forgiveness, so forgive me.” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitab ad-du‘a, Hadith 3850)
The Holy Prophetsa also read the following prayer in great abundance:
اللّٰهُمَ أجرني من النّار
“O Allah, protect me from the hell-fire.” (Sunan Ibn Dawud, Kitab al-adab)
Since Lailatul Qadr, we are told, takes place in the last ten nights, some people may only put all their focus on attaining this one night as opposed to striving for a living connection with Allah through prayer year-round. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa narrated an incident of the Companions of the Holy Prophetsa to shed light on this matter that people still misconstrue today:
“It is mentioned in one narration that Zir bin Hubaish asked Hazrat Ubayyra Bin Kaab, ‘Your brother, Ibn-e-Mas‘udra, says that if a person worships and prays for the entire year, he will attain the Night of Decree.’ He responded, ‘May God have mercy on him. He was simply stating this to make people realise not to put all of their hopes and attention on this one night. He knows very well that the actual Night of Decree takes place in the last 10 days of Ramadan.’” (Friday Sermon, 27 August 2010, Al Fazl International, 23 September 2010, pp. 5-8)
Huzooraa explained:
“The Companionsra [of the Holy Prophetsa] knew very well that it is not the supplications of the last 10 days of Ramadan that enable one to experience the Night of Decree.” (Ibid.)
In the words of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, “Pray with great fervour, both today and for the rest of the final ten days of Ramadan. May Allah the exalted remove our failings. Also, pray that we witness with our own eyes the fulfilment of the promises of God and that it is through us that Islam can rise to victory.” (Al Fazl, 17 May 1923, p. 7)
As Ramadan nears its end, let this Lailatul Qadr be a turning point in our spiritual journeys. Let us renew our faith, purify our souls and beseech Allah’s mercy and forgiveness with utmost humility and devotion. May the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community worldwide be blessed to experience the acceptance of prayers and attainment of divine nearness promised in this Night of Decree. Amin.