Friday Sermon
23 March 2018
The Promised Messiah and Mahdias

After reciting the tashahud, ta’awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:
Today is March 23rd, and this day is commemorated by the Community as the “Promised Messiah Day” in which various Jama’ats organise Jalsas [gatherings] in respect to this day. In the coming two days, as the weekend approaches, many Jama’ats will host these Jalsas by relating the history, background and all other aspects in regards to this [day].
At present, I will present some excerpts of the Promised Messiahas, in which he has elucidated the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah, his need and his status. Upon making his claim, the so-called Muslim scholars left no stone unturned in their efforts to incite the general Muslims against the Promised Messiahas. They exerted their utmost efforts and they still continue to do so. However, with the Help of God Almighty, his Community continues to make progress and the pure-natured people continue to join the Community.
Whilst mentioning his advent in accordance with Divine promises, and also proclaiming that he was indeed the aforementioned Messiah, the Promised Messiahas states, “Malicious attacks have been launched against the true concept of Tauhid [Oneness of God Almighty], and against the honour, sanctity and veracity of the Holy Prophetsa and against the Divine origin of the Holy Quran. Would it not then behove the Honour of God Almighty to raise in this era, an individual who shall break the cross?” Since, in that era, the attacks were being levelled against the Holy Prophetsa by Christians.
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“Did God Almighty forget His promise:
اِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَ اِنَّا لَهٗ لَحٰفِظُونَ
[Verily, We Ourself have sent down this exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian. (Surah al-Hijr: 10)]
Verily the promises of God are ever true. He has sent a warner to the world according to His promise. The world did not accept him, but God Almighty will surely accept him, and will establish his truth through mighty signs.”
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“I tell you truly, I have come as the Promised Messiah in accordance with God’s promise. Let him, who so wills, accept and let him, who so wills, reject. However, your rejection will make no difference. Whatever God has willed shall surely come to pass, because God Almighty has made the promise in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya:
صَدَقَ اللّٰهُ وَ رَسُوْلهُ وَكَانَ وَعْدًا مَّفْعُوْلًا
(Malfuzat, Vol. 1, p. 206, 1985, UK)
In other words, Allah and His Messenger have spoken the truth and the promise of God was fulfilled.
On another occasion, the Promised Messiahas stated:
“Assess this community on the precepts of the Prophets and determine with whom the truth sides? Self-professed principles are of no avail, nor do I base my claims on mere conjecture. Rather, I present my claims against the standard of the precepts of prophethood. Thus, why should its truthfulness not be judged according to this principle?”
The Promised Messiahas further says:
“I am certain that those who hearken to my words with an open heart shall derive benefit from them and will accept me. However those who harbour malice and rancour in their hearts will not be able to benefit from my words. Their similitude is that of an Ahwal,” i.e. an individual whose vision is impaired and sees double.
“One who has double vision. Irrespective of how many arguments presented that there is only one object instead of two, he would not accept them.”
The Promised Messiahas then related an incident:
“It is said that there was once a servant [of an individual] who suffered from double vision.” i.e. a person who was cross eyed and employed as a servant.
“His master told him to bring a mirror from inside. He went inside and returned saying that there were two mirrors, which one shall he bring? The master replied that there is only one mirror and not two. The servant replied: ‘Does this mean that I am a liar?’ The master then replied: ‘Go ahead and break one of them.’ When he broke the mirror, he realised that in fact he was in the wrong.”
The Promised Messiahas continues by saying:
“However what can I say to those whose vision is impaired and oppose me? In short, we observe that if these people repeatedly present anything then it is a collection of Ahadith [traditions of the Holy Prophetsa], which they themselves do not consider to be anything more significant than a state of conjecture. They are unaware that a time will come when people will ridicule their absurd principles.” People will mock their farcical views.
Then the Promised Messiah furtheras states:
“It is the right of every seeker of truth to demand from us the proof of our claim.” Indeed, this is absolutely correct in that one should search for proofs; everyone has a right to do so. “For this, we present exactly what the earlier prophets did.”
The Promised Messiahas states:
“That is, the Qur’anic text, Ahadith and logical arguments, i.e. the current necessities, which demand the advent of a reformer. Furthermore, I have documented the signs of God Almighty, which He has manifested at my hands. These comprise of approximately one hundred and fifty signs and to which millions of people are witness. Thus, to present absurdities is not an act of virtue.”
The Promised Messiahas states:
“It is for this reason that the Holy Prophetsa had declared that he [the Promised Messiah] would come as an arbiter.” In other words, when the Promised Messiah will appear, he will be the arbiter, “and you should accept his decisions.” He will be one who shall pronounce verdicts and they should be followed. “Those people, whose hearts are filled with mischief, as they do not wish to believe, they continue to present vain arguments and allegations. However, they should remember that ultimately God Almighty, in accordance with His promise, will manifest my truth through mighty signs. I firmly believe that if I had fabricated lies, He would have destroyed me at once. However, every undertaking of mine is in fact His undertaking and I have come from Him. To reject me is to reject Him. Therefore, He will personally manifest my truth.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 4, pp. 34-35, 1985, UK)
Furthermore, whilst explaining the fact that rejecting the Promised Messiah leads to rejecting God Almighty and His Messengersa, the Promised Messiahas states,
“To deny me is not, in fact, limited to rejecting me alone. Rather, it is to reject God and His Messengersa. The reason for this is that whoever rejects me, prior to doing so, God forbid, deems God Almighty to be a liar because despite witnessing that internal and external disorders have exceeded all bounds and despite His promise of:
اِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَ اِنَّا لَهٗ لَحٰفِظُوۡنَ
[Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian].
“He did not make any provisions for their reform. Moreover, he also believes that God Almighty promised in the verse of Istikhlaf [establishment of the institution of Khilafat] wherein He would establish the system of Khilafat [successorship] amongst the followers of Prophet Muhammadsa in similitude to the Mosaic dispensation. However, God forbid, He did not fulfil His promise and there is presently no Khalifa amongst the Ummah [followers of Islam].
“Furthermore, it does not end here. Rather, he will also be compelled to reject the statement of the Holy Qur’an where the Holy Prophetsa has been referred to appear in the likeness of Moses, God forbid. The reason for this is that for the absolute resemblance and similarity of this dispensation it was necessary that a Messiah would be born from within this very Ummah at the turn of the fourteenth century, just as a Messiah appeared in the Mosaic dispensation at the turn of the fourteenth century. Similarly, they would be compelled to falsify this verse of the Holy Qur’an:
وَّ اٰخَرِيۡنَ مِنْهُمْ لَمَّا يَلْحَقُوۡا بِهِمْ
[and among others from among them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise], which gives the glad tidings of the advent of one who shall appear as a reflection of Ahmadsa. Similarly, there are many verses of the Holy Qur’an, which a person would have no choice but to reject. As a matter of fact, I declare with full conviction that the entire Qur’an will have to be abandoned, from Al-Hamd all the way to Al-Nas. Now, ponder: is my rejection a simple matter? I do not say this of my own accord. Rather, I swear by God the Almighty and declare that this is the very truth that whoever leaves me and rejects me, whether he does so verbally or not, he has [certainly] falsified the entire Qur’an and abandoned God through His actions. One of my revelations also alludes to this.”
God Almighty revealed to the Promised Messiahas:
اَنْتَ مِنِّيْ وَ اَنَا مِنْكَ
[You are from Me and I am from you].
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“There is no doubt that my rejection mandates the rejection of God and that my acceptance testifies the truthfulness of God and a firm faith in His existence is developed. Furthermore, to reject me is not in fact limited to rejecting me. Rather, it is to reject the Holy Prophetsa. Thus, prior to mustering the courage to reject and deny me, a person should reflect and seek the verdict from his own heart as to who he is rejecting.”
Further elaborating on the fact that why rejecting the Promised Messiah results in the rejection of the Holy Prophetsa, the Promised Messiahas says,
“Why does this equate to the rejection of the Holy Prophetsa?” In other words, how is the Holy Prophetsa rejected as a result of denying the Promised Messiahas?
The Promised Messiahas states,
stating that a reformer would appear at the turn of every century, would be rendered false, God forbid. Moreover, the statement of the Holy Prophetsa:
اِمَامُكُمْ مِنْكُمْ
[your Imam shall be from among you]
that too, God forbid, would prove to be incorrect. Furthermore, the glad tidings that the Holy Prophetsa gave of a Messiah and Mahdi to appear at the time of the discord caused by the false doctrines surrounding the cross would also have proven to be false, God forbid. The reason for this is that the discord is present, however, the Imam failed to appear. Thus, when one acknowledges all of this, then does he not practically prove the Holy Prophetsa to be false?”
The Promised Messiahas further states,
“Thus, I again declare that my denial is not a simple matter. Before declaring me as a disbeliever, you will have to become a disbeliever yourself. Even before declaring me to be sacrilegious and misguided, you will first have to accept your own misguidance and humiliation. In order to declare me as someone to have abandoned the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith, you will have to first abandon the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith yourself.” i.e. It will not be me who will abandon them, rather he who makes such a claim is the one who will abandon it.
The Promised Messiahas then says,
“I testify to the truthfulness of the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith and equally I have come in its fulfilment. I am not misguided, rather, I am the Mahdi. I am not a disbeliever, but a true fulfilment of
اَنَا اَوَّلُ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ
[I am the first to believe].
Furthermore, God has manifested to me that whatever I say is true. Whoever believes in God and believes the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophetsa to be true, it is sufficient evidence for him to hear these words uttered by me and remain silent. However, what can be done about the one who is audacious and impudent? God Himself will deal with him.” The Promised Messiah was explaining this to a visitor.
The Promised Messiahas states,
“Do not hasten in relation to me. Rather, you should reflect with pure intentions and a clear mind.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 4, pp. 14-16, 1985, UK)
On another occasion the Promised Messiahas states,
“Thus, if the hearts of these people are free from grudges and malice, they should listen to my words and follow me and observe whether God Almighty leaves them in darkness or guides them towards the light. I am certain that whoever follows me with patience and a pure heart will not perish. Rather, he will partake of the life which is eternal”. In other words, he will be honoured in this world and God Almighty will also shower blessings upon him in the hereafter.
The Promised Messiahas states,
“I present the verdict of Jesus himself with regards to his second coming to those whose hearts are pure and fear God. They should explain to me whether or not Jesus was correct in his answer to the question of the Jews (saying Elijah must first appear). The Jews presented their scriptures stating that the second coming of Elijah is mentioned in the book of Malachi. There is no mention of someone coming in the spirit of Elijah,” instead he shall appear in person himself. That is to say that there is no mention of someone coming in his spirit, nor is it written that someone would appear in his likeness.
The Promised Messiahas further states,
“Jesusas said that the one to come is none other than John the Baptist. It is up to you whether you choose to accept him or not. Leave this decision to any fair-minded person and see in whose favour his verdict will be.” It is evident that if they were to leave the decision to any judge, “the verdict would surely be in favour of the Jews,” – because the decision would be made according to what is literally written. However the Promised Messiahas explains that this decision is wrong because, “anyone who believes in God and understands how God Almighty’s chosen ones are sent, will know for sure that whatever Jesus said is correct.”
The Promised Messiahas then states,
“Tell us, is it not the same situation in this case? If you fear God then you would tremble if you had the audacity to say that this claim is false. It is a shame and regretful to say that these people do not even have as much faith as the one who was among the people of Pharaoh and said that if he was a liar then he would perish himself. If one acts with righteousness with regards to me, then one would say the same and witness whether God Almighty is supporting and aiding me or destroying my movement.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 4, pp. 30-31, 1985, UK)
By the grace of Allah today, the voice which emanated from a small village has now spread to 210 countries and thus, this too is a proof of his truthfulness. In far-off places where, 30-40 years ago, one could not imagine Ahmadiyyat would have spread, not only has the message reached there, but God Almighty is also granting people with such firm faith that one is left astounded. I shall present an account in this regard.
Benin is a relatively small country in Africa. In 2012, a [local] Jama’at was formally established there. An Ahmadi from that village, Ibrahim Sahib accepted Ahmadiyyat, but prior to this he was a Muslim who was well versed and knowledgeable. After accepting Ahmadiyyat he began exceling in earnestness and sincerity. He began preaching to his brothers and relatives. His brother was perturbed by his preaching, feeling he would sway them from their faith, and began to dispute with his brother. Even still, he continued his preaching to the people about Ahmadiyyat and the true Islam. As a result of his efforts, by the grace of Allah, three neighbouring villages entered into the fold of Ahmadiyyat. Ibrahim Sahib’s brother, alongside his friend, devised a plan to kill him because he continued to spread Ahmadiyyat and thought ending his life would be the only solution.
Ibrahim Sahib says that he saw in a dream that his elder brother and his friend were digging a ditch and placing something inside it. Three days after seeing this dream his brother’s friend suddenly fell ill and died. His brother began claiming that this Ahmadi had cast a spell on him. He then said that a while later he again saw a dream that his brother was measuring himself against a tree. In that area there is a tradition that whenever someone passes away, in order to dig the grave they measure the deceased with the branch of a tree so that the grave is dug according to size.”
He further says that after a few days his elder brother’s pregnant wife fell ill and died within two days. His children also began falling ill, but still it had no effect on his brother and he continued spreading rumours that he was a sorcerer. He complained to the local Chief and asked for his help. He asked for some money and said that he would deal with his brother. His brother handed him the money and the Chief summoned Ibrahim Sahib. When he arrived the Chief became enraged and in an infuriated manner said: “What is this you have done; you have adopted a new faith? Renounce this new religion which you are spreading once and for all and repent, otherwise you will not live to see the sun rise. You will not live to see tomorrow.” Ibrahim Sahib replied “I accepted this religion realising it was the truth. I cannot therefore abandon it. As for dying, life and death are in the Hands of God.” The Chief said “I am the god of this land, I do as I please. You know full well what decision I am about to make and that whoever I say will die tomorrow, will certainly die.” Ibrahim Sahib answered, “It is all well and good that you say this to your followers but I cannot say anything in this regard. Even still, I shall not forsake my religion as this is the truth and the true Islam.” Upon hearing this the Chief became even more enraged and ordered his people to take him and lock him in a room.
Whilst they were taking him away Ibrahim Sahib told them not to get involved in this affair and to let him free instead of detaining him. In any case, since these people were somewhat selfish, they took some money and let him go. The next day, the news came that the Chief had suffered a stroke and became paralysed, and two days later he died. Having witnessed this, Ibrahim’s brother, who opposed him, asked his family members to reconcile between them. Ibrahim Sahib said, “I never had any enmity with anyone and we seek to yearn for peace and this in fact is also the true message of Islam.” Having witnessed the sign of the Chief passing away, there was a profound effect on the people there and the news of this became widespread. The truthfulness of Ahmadiyyat was demonstrated. Hence, by the grace of God Almighty, such incidents even today are happening in support of the Promised Messiahas.
The Promised Messiahas states,
“I swear by God Almighty that thousands of signs have appeared in my favour; are still appearing, and will continue to appear in the future.” These signs have not ceased, rather they shall continue to occur. “Had this been the work of a human, it would have never received this much support and success.” (Haqqiqatul Wahi, Ruhani Khazain, Vol.22, pg.48)
This is the work of God, due to which so much support is received.
On one occasion, explaining the need for a reformer and the Promised Messiah, the Promised Messiahas stated: “Just as there comes a time to cut each crop, the time has now come to remove all evils.” The time has come to eradicate all disorder and vices which have spread in the world.
The Promised Messiahas further says,
“Disgracing and dishonouring the truthful one has exceeded all limits. The respect afforded to the Holy Prophetsa is even less than a fly or a wasp (God forbid). People even fear hornets and ants, however they fail to show the slightest hesitation when it comes to insulting the Holy Prophetsa. They have become the embodiment of:
كَذَّبُوۡا بِاٰيٰتِنَا
[And they rejected Our Signs totally]
They have exerted their utmost effort in hurling abuse and using foul language. Now the time has truly come for God Almighty to reprimand them. In times such as these, He always sends someone who possesses the passion to uphold His grandeur and glory. Such a person is granted support from the unseen. In reality it is God Almighty Who does everything and causing the advent of such a person is in fact a fulfilment of His established practice.
وَلَنۡ تَجِدَ لِسُنَّةِ اللّٰهِ تَبْدِيۡلًا
[and thou wilt never find a change in the way of Allah]
Now that the time has come, He has sent me in accordance with His practice.”
The Promised Messiahas further states,
“After studying the scriptures of God Almighty it can be discerned that when all limits have been crossed, preparations are then made in heaven. These are in fact a sign in his support that the time draws near. A manifest sign of a true prophet, messenger or reformer is that he appears at the right time and in the time of need. Can one say on oath that this is not the time for preparations to be made in heaven?” The Promised Messiahas was asking people to swear on oath and affirm that is this not that specified time. In that era as well as now, people continue to say that we are in need of a reformer. In fact, the clerics in Pakistan acknowledge this, yet they reject the Promised Messiahas.
The Promised Messiahas states, “Bear in mind that God Almighty does everything Himself. If my community and I were to sit idle in our homes, even then this work would continue and the Dajjal [The Antichrist] will perish.
تِلْكَ الۡاَيَّامُ نُدَاوِلُهَا بَيۡنَ النَّاسِ
[Such days We cause to alternate among men]
The Promised Messiahas says, “Its perfection indicates that its downfall is imminent.” Whenever something reaches its peak, when it believes it has power over all things and all success is in its hands, then that progress which it has attained starts to decline. In the same way the decline of these powers has also begun. Whether they are the forces working against Islam or those opposed to Ahmadiyyat and the Promised Messiahas.
The Promised Messiahas continues,
“The fact that it has reached its pinnacle shows that it will now see its own decline.” It has reached the absolute heights and this shows that it will now begin to deteriorate. “The strength of its population is in fact a sign of its destruction.” The power and population which it deems to be in abundance will become the sign of its destruction. “Indeed, a cool breeze has begun to blow. The works of God Almighty happen gradually.” Certainly, the sign has begun to appear and the works of God Almighty will be steadily carried out, God willing.
The Promised Messiahas then says,
“If I did not have a single proof [to my claim], even then considering the current state of affairs of this age, it was obligatory upon the Muslims to go forth and desperately search for the Messiah who was to break the cross. They should not have yearned for the Messiah to resolve their own disputes.” If they had any sense of honor for Islam, then they should have sought the Messiah for the sake of defending the faith, instead of looking for him to resolve their own internal issues. The Promised Messiahas further says, “The reason is that he was the one to break the Cross, which is the precise need of the time.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pp. 396-398, 1985, UK)
Similarly, in one place the Promised Messiahas says: “Atheism is on the rise and thus, my purpose was also to refute this.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 7, pg. 28, 1985, UK)
The Promised Messiahas then states:
“It is for this reason his name is the Promised Messiah. If the Muslim clerics had any consideration for the goodness and welfare of mankind then they would not have treated me in the manner they have. They should have considered this fact what have they gained by issuing edicts against us? Regarding whom God has made a declaration, who can then refute it?” What was gained from issuing edicts? The Jama’at is progressing in the same manner. This is because when God Almighty decrees for something to occur, it is then set in motion and no one can prevent it.
The Promised Messiahas says:
“Those who oppose me also serve as my helpers by spreading my message to the East and the West, in one way or another.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pg. 398, 1985, UK)
Those who oppose us are in actuality spreading the message of Ahmadiyyat and True Islam through their opposition because it directs people’s attention towards us. Many people write letters and establish contact with the Jama’at and say that due to the opposition of such and such cleric or after hearing something said against the Jama’at, they became more curious to research and learn more about the Jama’at. And now due to the internet, the literature of the Jama’at is available everywhere and lots of information is available. One can even draw parallels and thus after researching, they wish to join the Jama’at. Therefore the clerics, opponents, are becoming a source of our propagation.
Responding to the allegation that if we are already following the teachings of Islam, then what is the need of creating a new sect and joining this Jama’at, and in those days and even now at times, Ahmadis remain silent when they hear such allegations, the Promised Messiahas says,
“There are a lot of people who object at the need of this movement. They claim that ‘Do we not offer prayers and observe fast?’ They mislead others in this manner and it is of no surprise if some ignorant people are deceived when they hear such statements and perhaps they end up joining such people and say that ‘if we are offering prayers, observing fast and reciting the traditional prayers, then what is the need of creating this division?’”.
Why was a new sect created which caused further division? We are praying and offering fasts, then what is the point of creating this disorder and unrest by joining your Community? The Promised Messiahas says,
“Remember, such ideas result from a lack of understanding and insight. This is not my doing, rather if a disorder has been created, it is God Almighty Who has caused this, for He Himself has established this Community. (I did not initiate this Movement, it was God Almighty Who has established it) because the spiritual state had deteriorated to the extent that it resulted in the utter extinction of the strength in one’s faith. However, God Almighty desires to revive the spirit of true faith through this Community. In such circumstances, such objections raised by people are baseless and absurd. Hence, bear in mind that such evil suggestions should never take root in anyone’s heart and it is not possible for something like that to take root if one were to deeply ponder and deliberate. Those who merely observe the superficial state of others and claim that there are other Muslims as well, such doubts only come to mind when one fails to deeply reflect over a matter. Such doubts cause one to perish quickly.”
The Promised Messiahas states,
“I have read letters of those people who are seemingly part of my Community (they have taken the Bai’at), but they say we are asked that there are other Muslims who apparently offer prayers, recite the Islamic creed, perform virtuous deeds and seem to be righteous people, then what is the need for a new movement?”
The Promised Messiahas says,
“Despite the fact that such people are part of the Community, however they write to me after taking my Bai’at stating that they do not have an answer to these allegations. After reading such letters, I feel pity and mercy for such people for they have failed to understand my real purpose and objective. They only consider the customary actions of people who are following Islamic practices and fulfil the divine obligations like us, whereas the spirit of truth cannot be found in them.”
This should not be done ceremoniously or as a mere formality, in fact worship should be done in its real sense as well as fulfilling other obligations. “Therefore, such doubts can appear as enchanting.” The doubts they create can have a captivating effect on people. “At that moment in time, they fail to understand that we desire to create true faith in them which saves one from the death of sin. Those who simply follow tradition and ceremonial formalities, they simply focus on the physical aspects and are heedless of its essence. They possess only the shell and are bereft of its essence.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 6, pp. 237-239, 1985, UK)
There is no doubt that Muslims adhere to the physical practices [of Islam] but are devoid of its true spirit, and lack in Taqwa [righteousness]. The Promised Messiahas states that if the practise of Muslims is righteous then why is this not producing pure results. In relation to this, the Promised Messiahas states, “Some Muslims think, ‘What is it that we do that is against Islam. We proclaim the creed: “There is none worthy of worship except Allah.” we observe the prayers, fast during the days of fasting and pay the Zakat.’”
In other words, those Muslims who are not part of the Jama’at, they claim, “Everything we do is in accordance with Islam. It is not as if by attaching with you we will be enabled to acquire a better understanding of Islam because we already recite the creed: ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah’, we recite the prayers, we keep the fasts and pay the Zakat.”
The Promised Messiahas states,
“However, I say that not all their practises are performed in a righteous manner, in fact they are like a shell without its true essence. If these were righteous actions then why do they not produce pure results? A practise can only be righteous when it is pure from all kinds of disorder and external influence. However, this is not the case with them. I can never accept that one who is a believer as well as being righteous and performs pious deeds and yet opposes those who have come with the truth. These people label me as disobedient and an atheist and they do not fear God Almighty. I have sworn by God that it is He Who has sent me as an appointed one. If the realisation of God Almighty’s greatness remained even in the slightest in their hearts then they would not have rejected me. They would be fearful over the fact that they may be dishonouring God’s name, but this would only happen if they had true and honest belief in God Almighty and feared the Day of Reckoning and their actions were in accordance to:
لَا تَقْفُ مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمِ
[And follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge.]”
(Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pg. 343, 1985, UK)
The Promised Messiahas explained that the purpose of the Promised Messiah’s advent was to safeguard Islam from the internal and external evil ploys and attacks. The Holy Prophetsa also prophesied this.
The Promised Messiahas states,
“Regarding the latter days, the Holy Prophetsa stated there will be two kinds of evils. One of them will be internal and the other external. The internal evil shall be that the Muslims will no longer remain established on the true teachings and will fall prey to Satanic influences. (Their actions will be devoid of righteousness.) They will diverge from the boundaries prescribed by God Almighty and will show no consideration to what He has forbidden by being immersed in gambling, alcohol and all kinds of other immoralities and ills. They will give up on praying and fasting and will dishonour the commandments of God Almighty. They will mock and ridicule the Quranic injunctions.” This will be the internal form of evil in that the state of the Muslims shall become deplorable and this is the case for majority of the Muslims. We can see how in the Muslim countries they are perpetrating cruelties against one another. “The external evil shall be that great lies will be fabricated against the blessed character of the Holy Prophetsa. (This is something that is increasingly witnessed in this day and age) and all kinds of extremely vicious attacks shall be levelled against Islam in order to defame and dishonour it. Every kind of effort and plan will be made in order to make people believe in the divinity of Jesus and the accursed death on the cross. In short, for the reformation of both of these evils, internal and external, the glad tiding was given through the Holy Prophetsa that a person from his followers shall be commissioned to shatter the external evil and reveal the reality of the Christian faith, it is for this reason that he shall be called Jesus, son of Mary. He shall also be called the Mahdi for he will establish them on the right path by resolving the internal conflicts and disorders. The words, ‘And among others of them [who have not yet joined them]’ alludes to this.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pp. 444-445, 1985, UK)
Therefore, since we have accepted the Promised Messiahas, the standard of our relationship with God Almighty and our Taqwa should be much higher than other Muslims. Our condition should not be like the general description [of the Muslims] given by the Promised Messiahas. Our practical condition should be better than others. Our actions should be in accordance with the pleasure of God Almighty and we should be righteous. Regarding this, the Promised Messiahas explains:
“One who does the Bai’at should not just simply be content with only believing this community to be on the truth. (Considering it sufficient to merely believe it as the truth.) God Almighty is not pleased with merely believing in the truth unless one accompanies that with virtuous deeds. Once you have entered the community, then become pious, righteous and refrain from every kind of evil. Pass through this time with supplications and pray with utmost fervency day and night. During times of trials, God Almighty’s wrath is also kindled. At such a time, pray, supplicate with utmost fervency and give charity. Soften your tone, remain occupied in seeking forgiveness and pray. The proverb is well-known that one who supplicates never perishes. Simply believing in something is of no benefit, if one believes in something and then discards it is of no benefit and subsequently it will be futile for one to then complain that he has derived no benefit from doing the Bai’at. God Almighty is not happy with mere utterance of the tongue.”
Whilst elaborating on the meaning of Amaal-e-Saliha [righteous deeds], the Promised Messiahas says:
“In the Holy Quran, God Almighty has linked faith with righteous deeds. Righteous deeds are those in which there is not even an iota of disarray. Remember, man always falls prey to complacency. What is that makes him complacent? It is pretentiousness, i.e. when man carries out a deed to show other people. Ujab means to carry out a deed and to be pleased with their own actions. Similarly these sorts of vices and evils ruins ones good deeds.”
The Promised Messiahas then says, “Righteous deeds are those deeds which are free from all injustices, conceit, pretentiousness, arrogance and usurping the rights of others. Just as one can be safeguarded due to their righteous deeds in the hereafter, similarly, one can be safeguarded through them in this world as well.” This means that one will be saved in the hereafter due to one’s righteous deeds. If one has carried out righteous deeds then God Almighty will be pleased and shall grant a reward in return. Similarly, if one performs righteous deeds in this world, he will be saved from various trials and anxieties.
The Promised Messiahas then states,
“Even if there is one individual in the home who carries out virtuous deeds, the entire house can be saved as a result. Be mindful of this fact that until one carries out virtuous deeds, simply believing is not beneficial. If a doctor prescribes some medication, it means that one should take the medication as prescribed. If he does not take the medications and simply places the prescription to one side, how can he benefit from it? Since you have repented, God Almighty now wishes to see how much you have cleansed yourself after professing belief. The time has come in which God Almighty wishes to make a distinction between the righteous ones. Many people harbour complaints against God Almighty, yet they do not look within themselves. It is the injustices of one’s own actions, because God Almighty is Benevolent and Merciful.”
The Promised Messiahas further states,
“There are some individuals who are aware of sin, yet there are other individuals who are oblivious to it. For this very reason God Almighty has ordained the recitation of Istighfar [seeking forgiveness]. One should recite Istighfar for every sin, whether that sin is visible or concealed, whether they have knowledge of that sin or not. Similarly, they should recite Istighfar for sin committed by their hands, feet, tongue, nose, ear, eyes.” In other words, no action of this nature should be committed or none of the limbs should be used in a manner in which it results in sin. Therefore, repeat Istighfar so that no limb of the body is guilty of sin.
The Promised Messiahas then says,
“These days you should recite the prayer of Adamas, which is:
رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَاۤ اَنۡفُسَنَا ٜ وَ اِنۡ لَّمْ تَغْفِرْلَنَا وَ تَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُوۡنَنَّ مِنَ الْخٰسِرِيۡنَ
[Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves; and if Thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, we shall surely be of the lost]
This prayer has been accepted from its inception. Do not live your life heedlessly. A person who does not live heedlessly should have no worry for him to be placed in a great trial.” Which means a person who lives their life with the fear of God in mind is never placed in difficult trials or misfortunes. The Promised Messiahas then says: “No trial befalls an individual were it not for the Will of God. Just as the prayer has been revealed to me:
رَبِّ كُلُّ شَيْءٍ خَادِمُكَ رَبِّ فَاحْفَظْنِيْ وَانْصُرْنِيْ وَارْحَمْنِيْ
It is our belief that everything is in the Hands of God Almighty, irrespective of the fact whether He uses a medium or without.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 4, pp. 274-276, 1985, UK)
Whether God Almighty creates a means for an individual or not, the fact of the matter is that everything is governed by Him. Therefore recite both of these prayers and understand these prayers.
Thus, every Ahmadi from among us should analyse themselves that if they have accepted the Promised Messiahas, are they fulfilling the due rights of their Bai’at? Often when I have assessed the situation it has come to light that many people do not even offer their prayers properly. They do not pay any attention to their prayers. Some people pay no attention towards Istighfar nor towards fulfilling the rights of each other. If this is the situation, then how can we say that we are the ones who carry out Righteous deeds? [How can we then say that] We fulfil the rights due upon us after entering the Bai’at of the Promised Messiahas? Other people are guilty of the sin of not accepting. The people who have rejected the Promised Messiahas have sinned by not accepting him, however, we are guilty of sin as we have accepted him but fail to reform ourselves and also by pledging allegiance then breaking our promises. Thus, every one of us should analyse themselves with great concern. May God Almighty protect us that we do not commemorate Promised Messiahas merely as a celebration, rather, may we fulfil our responsibilities of accepting the Promised Messiahas and may we be protected from all forms of discord, both internal and external. May God Almighty always keep us in His protection and also safeguard us from all trials and difficulties.
Today, there is also an announcement and a source of good news in that the Al Hakam newspaper that was once published in Qadian will now be published from here. In 1934 it began printing again but stopped soon after. Today, on the Promised Messiah Day it will be launched from here [UK] in the English language. This newspaper was the first newspaper published in the time of the Promised Messiahas. It will be printed in a small quantity, however, immediately after this Friday Sermon it will be available on the internet on Similarly, there will be an app called “Al Hakam” for mobile phones and tablets from which one will be able to easily download the newspaper and read it. The app for the familiar mobile devices such as Apple and Android and will be available for download after this sermon. The first edition is a special feature for the Promised Messiah Day and in future, a new edition will be uploaded every Friday. Also there will be a few printed copies available. Nevertheless, people will be able to derive benefit from this.
After this launch, may God Almighty enable it to continue incessantly. Since this newspaper will be in English, therefore the English speaking members should derive maximum benefit from this.
(Translated by The Review of Religions)