On 5 June 2021, male members of Jamaat Kababir, Haifa, got the opportunity to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual meeting.
At the start of the meeting, after conveying salaam Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked if there were no government protocols in place for social distancing as everyone was sitting together. Muhammad Sharif Odeh Sahib, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kababir said the government had ended social distancing; however, masks were mandatory in indoor public spaces. Sharif Sahib also said he had sought permission for everyone to take off their masks for some minutes so that Huzooraa could see their faces.
On this, Huzooraa smiled and remarked, “I can see your faces in even one minute, don’t worry. Okay, if you want to show your faces, go ahead.”

At this, members of the Jamaat took their masks off for a moment, to which Huzooraa commented, “Masha-Allah, you have very beautiful faces.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then lovingly said to Sharif Odeh Sahib, “Sharif Sahib, corona has made you old. Has it made you old, or are you still young?”
Next, the formal session commenced with a recitation of the Holy Quran – Surah al-Nur, verse 55-57 – by Rashid Khattab Sahib. The verses highlighted the establishment and importance of Khilafat.
After the recitation, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked everyone to put their masks back on.
Sharif Odeh Sahib then delivered a short speech, which he read out in Urdu. He thanked Huzooraa for granting meetings with members of the Kababir Jamaat. He said it was a great blessing of Allah that for the first time ever, Jamaat members in Kababir were able to meet Huzooraa while sitting in their own country. Sharif Sahib prayed that Allah the Almighty may bless the land of the prophets once again and bring back its holiness with Huzoor’s visit to the Holy Land.
After his address, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said, “Masha-Allah, you read the Urdu well Sharif Sahib.”
A video presentation was then shown to Huzooraa, which detailed the history of Kababir Jamaat in Haifa and the mosque that is situated on Mount Carmel. Details of the Jamaat in the West Bank and Gaza were also given. The new Masroor Centre project and its progress was also shown.
Members of the Jamaat then desired to asked questions to Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.
First was an elderly gentleman, Falah Sahib. On seeing him, Huzooraa said, “I am seeing you after a long time. By your appearance too, masha-Allah, you look very healthy.”
Falah Sahib then said that in seven years, the Kababir Jamaat would celebrate 100 years since its establishment and wanted to know Huzoor’s advice in this regard.
In response, Huzooraa said:
“The arrival of a particular day or the fulfilment of a certain time period does not fulfil any purpose. The real thing is to ask what preparations you all are doing for the completion of 100 years.
“A companion asked the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, about Judgement Day and in response, the Holy Prophetsa asked him what preparations he had made for it?
“That is why the importance of anything depends on the preparation that is made for it.
“You know that 100 years [since the establishment of Kababir Jamaat] are about to be completed. You have accepted that Messiah and Mahdi in this age, who came according to the prophecy of the Holy Prophetsa, according to the prophecy of Allah the Almighty – which is also in the Holy Quran – and came in this era so that the true teachings of Islam be established in the world […] We accepted him and now are to further spread his mission.
“For this, firstly, you must create pure changes within yourselves. Reflect on your own selves […] and see how many there are amongst you who have truly adopted the true Islamic teachings. How many amongst you have truly become ibadur-Rahman [worshippers of the Gracious God]? How many are there amongst you whose standards of worship are very high, who offer nawafil prayers along with their compulsory prayers? How many are there amongst you who not only desire to take the message of the Promised Messiahas to their families, tribes and peoples, but also strive to do so? How many are there amongst you whose basic morals have become extraordinarily better than before? How many of you have a peaceful, forgiving and loving atmosphere in your homes? How many of you have taught their children about Ahmadiyyat’s, the true Islam’s, teachings? How many have paid attention so that their children may grow up according to the true teachings of Islam? […] How many are there amongst you who have established themselves in their localities in such a manner [that people say], ‘These are those Muslims who are examples of the true Islam’.
“These are the aspects that we should ponder over and there are lots more. If you are fulfilling these or have fulfilled them and are acquiring these qualities, since you are entering 100 years, then know that you are trying to celebrate the 100-year jubilee in a great way. And if this is not the case, then in the next seven years, try to achieve these things.
“Aside from this, you should act according to the other teachings of Islam and also ask yourselves, how many amongst you keep a true relationship with Khilafat and are fulfilling their pledges?”
Ayman Maliki Sahib, a Palestinian Ahmadi, asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa how a Palestinian living in Israel could – while staying within the limits of the law – continue to express love for their nation, especially in the current climate.
Huzooraa responded by saying:
“The thing is, you are a Palestinian and are living there. The commandment for a Muslim is that wherever he is living, he should abide by the law of the land. And if the government is being cruel, then he should leave that place of cruelty – do hijrat [migration]. You came from Palestine yourself to live here; you have put yourself under this law. You still have the passage to return to Palestine.
“However, even while living here, if your voice can reach the members of the government, then raise your voice to them and tell them that ‘cruelty never flourishes’. This is our work, everywhere, to say to every government, every oppressor, that cruelty never flourishes and we are those who raise our voice against cruelty. And sometimes, for this [task], one has to endure hardships.
“Now, in Pakistan, there is a law by which Ahmadis have been declared non-Muslim. As far as the law is concerned, that Ahmadis should declare themselves as non-Muslims, no Ahmadi is ready to accept this law. The law says you cannot say:
لَا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَّسُوْلُ اللّٰهِ
“No Ahmadi is ready to accept this. The law says you cannot offer your five daily prayers facing the qibla – no Ahmadi is ready to accept this. And there are lots of other Islamic injunctions [Ahmadis are stopped from].
“However, Ahmadis fully abide by and live by the other laws of the country. They do not accept these laws [against them] and for this, they face punishments too.
“So, firstly, if there are such difficult situations and you can do hijrat, then the commandment of Islam is that instead of rebelling against the government, migrate from such an oppressive rule. And this example we find in the life of the Holy Prophetsa.
“Conversely, if you are to live there, then while raising your voice against the cruelty, express your view. An Ahmadi should not cause vandalism and violence, nor say those things that cause harm to the country and nation, nor carry out such actions that do not actually affect the oppressors, but rather, bring harm to the public. […]
“When Israel was being established, at that time, Chaudhry Zafrulla Khan Sahibra delivered this speech at the United Nations and said that peace could never prevail there until both nations were given equal rights. If the Israelis wanted to live there, then they both should live as two free countries.
“You say you are from Palestine; there is a separate government in Palestine, but that is not a free government. No government in the world is ready to recognise it, nor is the United Nations ready to accept it. That is why, while living in Palestine too, you are, more or less, living under the control of Israel. You ask how you can abide by the law while living in Israel, but even in Palestine, you have to endure some hardships.
“For this, with wisdom, raise your voice and those people should get together who take this voice to such an international forum where a free Palestinian government is then established – not a suppressed Palestinian government that has no authority.
“Raising one’s voice against cruelty is a fundamental duty of a believer. Otherwise, migrating from that land of cruelty is the second commandment […] Apart from this, causing unrest and rebellion in the country or instigating violence and vandalism do not suit a true believer, nor is there permission to do this.”
Huzooraa said that wisdom and prayers were needed for the Palestinian cause.
“Pray and establish a true connection with Allah the Almighty. If the Palestinians truly, as one, pray and take their morals, actions and beliefs to the level where Allah the Almighty listens to prayers and becomes the Helper of the believers, then, insha-Allah, conditions will get better.
“Other than this, like I said, with reference to Chaudhry Zafrulla Khan Sahibra, until both governments do not get equal rights, this atmosphere of hostility will remain. And to end this hostility, whatever we can personally do – with wisdom and prayer – we should do.”
A young Khadim, Eiqan Shams Sahib, asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa what reply to give to other Muslims who asked what rank Ahmadi Muslims gave to Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said that Amir Sahib Kababir had clearly mentioned in his opening remarks that it was “the land of the previous prophets” and “the Holy Land”, which showed how we saw this place. If there was no such significance for us, then Amir Sahib would not have mentioned this.
During the conversation, Huzooraa went into depth and explained how non-Ahmadi Muslims falsely believe the Holy Prophetsa physically descended in Al-Aqsa. In light of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra writings, Huzooraa went into the meaning of the spiritual experience – the isra – of the Holy Prophetsa.
Huzooraa said that after the qibla changed, Mecca and Medina received a higher rank than Baitul Maqdas. The Holy Land, Huzooraa said, did have a high rank – it was the land of the prophets, but we did not see it higher than Mecca and Medina.
Huzooraa said that once the qibla was changed and the rank of Mecca and Medina was raised higher than Al-Aqsa Mosque, then further arguments over this matter were futile.

Regarding the ownership of the land, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa spoke about when it was given to righteous Muslims during the era of Hazrat Umarra and when it was later taken away.
“If Jews do not act properly, [the Holy Land] will be given to Muslims again, but this will not happen through wars and rockets; rather, it will be through prayers. Those prayers will be the prayers of believers. That is why the more believers are born, who pray and fulfil the rights of God and the rights of His creation, the quicker they will be blessed with this place, if the Jews do not desist [in their cruelty].”
Huzooraa said the Holy Land had a high rank and it was the responsibility of Muslims to protect it. But to say that the Holy Land was such a place where the Holy Prophetsa descended during the isra was false. The ahadith clearly showed it was a spiritual isra.
Ibrahim Shuaiki Sahib addressed Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa and said that the Promised Messiahas and Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said that the land on which a blessed person walked was blessed by Allah the Almighty. He said that the land of Palestine was in dire need of such blessings and wanted to know when Huzooraa would visit and see them.
Huzooraa replied by saying:
“As I have just said, this depends on your prayers; how powerful your prayers are; how much you bow before the Almighty Allah; to what extent you fulfil the role of a true believer, who fulfils the rights of God and the rights of mankind and becomes a true manifestation of ibadur-Rahman.”
When these aspects were fulfilled, the rest would follow too, Huzooraa said.
“Otherwise these are just emotional things – nothing is achieved through mere emotions. For this, Allah the Almighty has said, ‘You too should make an effort, try hard and do mujahidah’, and the mujahidah of this age is prayers and tabligh. After this, Allah the Almighty will open up ways […]”
Murad Kamal Odeh Sahib asked how those who had retired could help the cause of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Huzooraa responded by saying:
“[Those who have now retired] spent their whole lives in earning the world. After retirement, when the last part of their lives has arrived, Allah the Almighty has still given an opportunity [to serve], so they should benefit from this opportunity and present themselves for the service of faith.
“This is why, during the era of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, the scheme of, ‘Waqf after retirement’ had started.”
In this scheme, Huzooraa explained, the extremely poor members of the Jamaat would be given a small stipend from the Jamaat and they would serve. The majority of others who had pensions would volunteer themselves for serving the Jamaat and would work with the spirit of waqf [life-dedication].
Huzooraa said those elderly men who were sat at home and who, due to age, sat at home bickering and quarrelling with their wives at home, should present themselves to the Jamaat for service. Then, according to their qualities and skills, the Jamaat can take service from them.
Huzooraa said if not even this, then retired men could at least spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat and do tabligh.
“After retirement, if nothing else, then at least take literature and go out for tabligh. In Israel and other areas, tell them what the true Islam is. In Israel […] there are still some amongst Jews too who raise their voice and say that there is cruelty taking place against Muslims […]”.
Huzooraa said that doing tabligh at an old age would become a means of gaining the closeness of Allah the Almighty. It was a matter of willpower and determination, Huzooraa said. Reaching the age of 60 or 70 and just sitting at home and saying “I am old now” is no excuse. 60 or 70 years is not a very old age.
“A person’s heart should remain young; their determination and resolve should remain young.”
Saifideen Sahib was next to ask a question. He said the Holy Prophetsa, in the Holy Quran, was given the glad-tiding of returning to Mecca, victorious, in the following words:
لَقَدۡ صَدَقَ اللّٰهُ رَسُوۡلَهُ الرُّءۡيَا بِالۡحَقِّ ۚ لَتَدۡخُلُنَّ الۡمَسۡجِدَ الۡحَرَامَ اِنۡ شَآءَ اللّٰهُ اٰمِنِيۡنَ
“Surely has Allah in truth fulfilled for His Messenger the Vision. You will certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, in security”. (Surah al-Fath, Ch.48: V.28)
He asked when this prophecy would be fulfilled for the Promised Messiahas too.
Huzooraa said “Allah the Almighty knows best […]”; however, the Promised Messiahas had said that whatever he was told by Allah the Almighty through divine revelation and which he had told the Jamaat, would surely be fulfilled.
Regarding the above verse, Huzooraa quoted the Holy Prophetsa who reminded the Companionsra that the verse did not mean that they would enter Mecca the very next year. He ascribed no time limit to it. Thus, “When Allah the Almighty told the Holy Prophetsa [this promise] and the Holy Prophetsa did not set a time [for its fulfilment], how can I set a time limit for it?”, Huzooraa expressed.
However, “[…] Insha-Allah, these prophecies will be fulfilled because it is the word of Allah the Almighty […]
“The day will come when the Muslim ummah, under the flag of the Promised Messiahas, will enter the Holy Ka‘bah”
Rabea Odeh Sahib was next to ask a question. On seeing him, Huzooraa lovingly said that he had not seen him for two years. As Jalsa Salana had not taken place, he had not recited an Arabic qaseeda at Jalsa.
Rabea Sahib’s question was how many letters one should write to Huzooraa as some people were of the view that writings too many letters wasted Huzoor’s time.
In response, Huzooraa said:
“What can I say about this? Every person has a unique connection with Khilafat. According to their bond with Khilafat, they write to me and I have no objections.
“This is your own decision. There is benefit of writing letters when a relationship builds – the connection between the Khalifa and an Ahmadi increases when there is mutual love for each other. […]”
“When your letters come to me, I reply and so a relationship is forged. How frequently you wish to write to me is something you must decide for yourselves. What can I say? I cannot force someone by saying, ‘You must write to me!’”
“I also know of some people who don’t write letters, but they have heartfelt sincerity with and love for Khilafat.”
Ahmad Ehsan Sahib, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Kababir, asked how Huzooraa saw the success of the Jamaat in the next 10 years.
Huzooraa said:
“The success of the Jamaat is taking place. As for knowledge of the unseen, Allah the Almighty knows best; a human cannot say anything. However, by Allah the Almighty’s grace, the success the Jamaat is seeing and the way in which the Jamaat is spreading in every country and in many cities of every country, the way the foundation of the Jamaat has been laid […], we are hopeful that, insha-Allah, the next 10 or 20-25 years are very crucial years for the success of the Jamaat. And in them, we will see that most people will come under the flag of the Promised Messiahas, or at least there will be a majority, amongst the Muslims too, who will accept the reality that Ahmadiyyat is the true Islam, insha-Allah.”
Rashid Khattab Sahib asked when the world would recognise the economic structure of Islam.
In response, Huzooraa said that the current economic system of the world was mostly run on interest and we would only be able to show the world the economic system that Islam presents when a whole country accepts Ahmadiyyat.
Huzooraa said:
“Islam’s economic system can be established when a nation’s government is entirely made up of Ahmadis and in its country, they are able to present the example. This is why, once, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said to convert even a small country through tabligh so that the majority there might be Ahmadis – in fact he gave the example of the Gambia – and then we would be able to show the world that ‘this is the true way of running an Islamic government’, ‘This is the political system according to which a government can be run’ and ‘This is the method through which an economic system can be established without interest’.”
“So, until the Jamaat does not spread to the extent that an entire nation’s population becomes Ahmadi, we cannot establish such an example.”
Huzooraa said that at a smaller level, within the structure of the Jamaat, we tried to show others how to run a system without interest. However, we could not say that we were ready to present a working, largescale example to the world yet. This could only happen when Ahmadiyyat had spread at a large scale.
Huzooraa said that currently, the Jamaat did not have the means to show such an example at a large scale; however, such a time would come and we should pray for it.
Fowad Ali Sahib asked what to say to those who intended and desired to serve the Jamaat and Islam, but due to laziness and negligence, did not.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“You have chosen the wrong words – merely having the ‘intention’ does nothing. [True] intention only happens when one decides to do a particular action. Merely having an intention and leaving it buried in one’s heart is done only by those who have no courage at all. If one has intended to do something, then a plan should be accompanied by it too. […]
“The Holy Prophetsa said:
اِنَّمَا الْاَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ
“‘Your deeds are determined by intentions alone.’ This did not mean that just because you have intended to do something, you will get its reward. This means that when you intended to do something, you should bring into effect all of your efforts, use all the means that are available to you and then leave the matter to Allah the Almighty.”
Huzooraa said that those who say they have an intention to do something but then don’t act on it actually succumb to severe laziness and sloth – they do not have earnest intentions or desires. They may express in audiences that they have desires to do good etc. but in actuality, they don’t and express these things just to impress others.
“If intentions are pure and desires are strong, then it is impossible for one to not progress in religious works and amend themselves.”
Huzooraa said that those with true intentions actually then progressed and carried out good works. On the other hand, those who didn’t have pure and true intentions just played on words to please others and said they had the intention, but deep down, didn’t actually have any desire to do good works.
Huzooraa said to say to such people:
“If it is your intention, then pray to Allah the Almighty and immediately engross yourself in this work. It is only then that you can be the recipient of Allah the Almighty’s grace and you can achieve your intentions.”
Otherwise, Huzooraa said, such people were all talk. It cannot be that a student who desires to come first in a class just sits at home and does not study. Those who truly desire to do something, follow it with actions.

An elderly member commented on Arab countries not allowing Ahmadis to preach and proposed a plan for symposia to be held for Arab writers, journalists and academics etc. in which they are informed about the Jamaat, as Arabs could especially spread the message of Ahmadiyyat.
In response, Huzooraa said:
“You are correct, they stop us [preaching] amongst Arabs, but according to our means, whatever tabligh we can do, we are doing it. Through MTA and different social media platforms, by Allah the Almighty’s grace, the Jamaat has been introduced a lot in Arab countries.
“The letters I receive from different people inform me of this. […] We can see that amongst Arabs, compared to before, in a huge populace, the Jamaat’s introduction has been given. And amongst some educated people too, the Jamaat’s introduction has been given. That is why some television programmes [about the Jamaat] were done by some channels, which Sharif Odeh Sahib participated in and some others too.”
Huzooraa said that to further this work, the Kababir Jamaat – which was a well-organised Jamaat – could take this up and make plans. Huzooraa said they could devise plans – either a symposium or anything else – and send such proposals to him.
Amir Sahib thanked Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa for sending a new missionary, Imaduddin Sahib, to Kababir who had graduated from Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana and was originally from Jordan.
Advising him, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“Here, too, you should continue to read the books of the Promised Messiahas so that your Urdu continues to improve and so that you may receive the real treasure of knowledge. You will read the Arabic books, but you should also read the Urdu ones […]
“Secondly, as you are young, seeing the atmosphere there, you should not become acclimatised to it; rather, you should make very energetic plans and ambitious plans […]” so that in a short time, the message of Ahmadiyyat could reach all over Israel.
Huzooraa said that despite having a mosque in Kababir which people could see from far away and which attracted lots of tourists to the mosque, he did not think even 5% of the Israeli population knew about the Jamaat. Huzooraa told Imaduddin Sahib to make plans with Amir Sahib and to spread the message of Ahmadiyyat across the whole country very quickly.
“May Allah the Almighty enable you to do this”, Huzooraa said.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then conveyed his salaam to everyone and the meeting came to a close.
The participants of this mulaqat shared with us their sentiments. They said the following:
Mansoor Odeh Sahib expressed:
“I was overwhelmed when I heard about the mulaqat with Huzooraa. The first thing I had thought of to prepare for the mulaqat was praying to Allah the Almighty, seeking istighfar and offering sadaqah.
“Alhamdulillah, I have had the honour to meet Huzooraa 13 times since 2013 and every time, I have that same feeling of being thrilled and excited to meet Huzooraa.
“I know well that if Huzooraa sees our faces, it would be enough to gain immense blessings.
“Huzooraa spoke about waqf after retirement and that was an encouragement for me to devote my life to the service of the Jamaat after I retire. And most importantly, I would like to create a transformation in myself in order to live up to the standard that Huzooraa expects us to fulfil.”

Kamal Abdul Latif Sahib said:
“It was a good feeling when we were waiting for the mulaqat to start. It was so emotional for me when Huzooraa answered the question about the Jamaat’s financial system and how we can apply it rather than the systems that are based mainly on usury […] This was my first time meeting Huzooraa. When I saw Huzoor’s face for the first time, I started having a great hope that Islam would be victorious again so soon.
“Now, I have a strong desire to start a strong relationship with Huzooraa by corresponding with him more often.”
Raid Zahdi Sahib said:
“This was my first time ever to meet with Huzooraa. I had been praying for one week continuously. I was doing istighfar as well in order to be prepared well for this mulaqat.
“When I saw Huzooraa for the first time, I had a strong hope to one day meet him personally. I really wish there weren’t a lot of difficulties and barriers that make travelling to the UK difficult for us.
“I was discussing recently with a non-Ahmadi friend about the status of Masjid Al-Aqsa in the eyes of Ahmadi Muslims, but I didn’t have an idea about the official answer of the Jamaat. I was very happy and surprised by hearing the answer given by Huzooraa in this regard.”
Eihab Odeh Sahib said:
“My first mulaqat with Huzooraa was in 2009. Ever since, I have been having mulaqats with Huzooraa at least once a year, and every time, I felt as though I was spiritually charged for the year ahead.
“When Covid-19 spread in the world, we couldn’t have mulaqats anymore. Ever since, I have not felt sufficient spiritual energy within me.
“I was very happy to hear that we were having a mulaqat with Huzooraa, so I started to pray continuously as I used to do when my turn came to take part in Liqaa Ma‘al Arab.
“My eyes couldn’t stop shedding tears from the beginning of the mulaqat. I am so grateful to Allah who enabled us to have this mulaqat that charged us again.
“I can speak for hours and hours about this meeting and about how much effect it left in me.
“I want to make more effort to fulfil my duties and serve the Jamaat […].”
Anan Al Qazaq Sahib expressed:
“Today was not an ordinary day, and I cannot describe it. My sentiments are not similar to anything else. I felt similar to how we would feel when going to meet Huzooraa in London. It was really great to have this feeling again.
“I benefited a lot from the answers given by Huzooraa. I hope these answers can be printed and distributed to the whole world in order to make everyone know the truth.
“I always try to make positive changes in myself, but something was missing. I found that missing thing today when I saw Huzooraa and heard him talking.
“Now I want to work more on reforming myself and I will pray a lot, asking Allah to help me in serving the Jamaat with more energy and enthusiasm.”
Ahmad Radi Sahib said:
“Although it is a totally different feeling when you meet Huzooraa in person, I am really grateful to Allah the Almighty, Who enabled us to witness this historic mulaqat.
“There are people among us who have never had the pleasure of meeting Huzooraa personally; however, today, their dreams became a reality, alhamdulillah.”
Sami Noman Sahib said:
“It is an indescribable feeling. I felt so happy when I saw Huzoor’s blessed face on the screen […].”
Mahmood Talt Sahib expressed:
“Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Khilafat, and alhamdulillah Who enabled us to meet Huzooraa despite all the difficulties and trials through which the whole world is going through these days.
“I pray that Allah will enable us to serve the religion of Islam and to fulfil His rights as well as the rights of our fellow human beings. May He make us part of His salih [righteous] servants. May He help us to spread the true message of Islam and the true message of the Promised Messiahas in every place and time.”

Ahmad Ihsan Sahib said:
“Alhamdulillah, today, I had the pleasure of meeting Huzooraa once again. This was a historic mulaqat. Even though it was a virtual meeting, I believe even when Huzooraa looks at us, it is enough for us to partake of these blessings, no matter what part of the world we may be […]
“It is really wonderful how you always have the same feeling whenever you meet Huzooraa, whether you are meeting him for the first time or you have met him more than once.”
Amir Amin Sahib said:
“Alhamdulillah, we had the pleasure of meeting with Huzooraa. I was in dire need of this mulaqat and now I am very grateful that I took part in it.”
Rishwan Odeh Sahib said:
“I am over the moon. I felt so emotional and happy to see Huzooraa. This was my first time meeting with him.”
Abdussalam Masood Sahib said:
“Alhamdulillah for enabling us to be here; alhamdulillah for enabling us to see Huzooraa in this blessed programme after a long period of waiting.”
Jawdat Yonus Sahib expressed:
“Every meeting with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa is an interesting and comprehensive meeting, and it has all the benefits and blessings for our Jamaat, especially for us here in Kababir. So we thank Huzooraa and our jamaat here for granting us this great opportunity and making it possible for such a great programme to take place.”
Ahmad Rashad Sahib said:
“Alhamdulillah for enabling us to meet Huzooraa and to see his blessed face. Even though it was a virtual mulaqat, we are so happy to see him and knowing that he is good and healthy.
“I am grateful that Huzooraa saw the members of the Jamaat in Kababir and knew about their conditions.
“I pray for this blessed programme to have good results.”
Abdul Shakoor Sahib, a Pakistani, said:
“Today is my first time to meet with Huzooraa after many years. No doubt, we keep listening to his Friday Sermons, but this programme had a different taste. Alhamdulillah, I enjoyed this meeting a lot. May Allah bless Huzooraa and enable our jamaat in Palestine to witness a lot of progress and flourishment.”
Eiqan Shams Sahib said:
“This is the first time in the history of Jamaat for such a programme to take place in Kababir or even in an Arab Jamaat. I am so proud to have been part of such an event. I consider this an Eid for us. This date is going to be well kept in our minds and hearts, and I will remain proud of being part of it. I don’t have enough words to describe my feelings at the moment.”
Muran Khattab Sahib said:
“The mulaqat was really interesting. I was a bit tense in the beginning as this was the first time for such a historical programme to take place. I kept looking at the face of Huzooraa all the time, which made me feel sheer comfort and peace. Alhamdulillah, this is a great blessing.”
Yazan Rabi‘ Sahib said:
“At first, I was not feeling anything, but when the blessed face of Huzooraa appeared on the screen, I had a wonderful feeling. I felt as if everyone was having the same feeling as I was.
“The mulaqat was awesome and I hope that next time, it happens in person.
“I had a question in mind, but alhamdulillah, Huzooraa gave the answer during the mulaqat, even though I didn’t have the chance to ask.”

Ibrahim Salih Sahib expressed:
“I was really nervous before the mulaqat and so, I started doing istighfar when I took my seat, which made me feel a little bit comfortable.”
“We have been waiting for a long time for such an opportunity. I have met Huzooraa before, but I was young at that time.”
Hazim Jawdat Odeh Sahib said:
“This was spiritually refreshing after two years of not meeting with Huzooraa. We were pleased; Huzooraa was pleased as well. May Allah enable such programmes to take place more often, and may He bless this great Jamaat.”
Fuad Odeh Sahib said:
“It was a great mulaqat. It reminded me of the feeling I used to have when I went to meet Huzooraa during different Jalsa Salanas.
“A lot of Jamaat members attended the programme today. I pray that Allah enables us to attend Jalsas and meet Huzooraa in person again very soon.”
Mahmood Al Bash Sahib said:
“Finally, after two years of not seeing Huzooraa due to the spread of Covid-19, we had the pleasure of meeting Huzooraa virtually. There was a spiritual aura during the mulaqat. I hope we will be able to soon benefit from this blessed atmosphere and keep holding fast to the rope of Khilafat more and more.”
Ibrahim Shweiky Sahib said:
“May Allah bless Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. It was really an interesting meeting. We miss Huzooraa a lot. We ask Allah humbly and sincerely to enable us to see Huzooraa very soon. Amin.”
Asad Odeh Sahib said:
“I pray that this mulaqat will one day be a ‘monthly’ mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa […].”
Muath Odeh Sahib said:
“It is a blessing granted to us by Allah to enable us to meet Huzooraa […] It felt great to see my beloved. As soon as I saw Huzoor’s face, I began weeping, much like a child who had not seen his father for two years. His presence charged our hearts and souls with spiritual energy. May Allah always keep us close to Huzooraa and Khilafat. Amin.”
(Report prepared by Al Hakam. With thanks to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kababir)
Jazakallah! Very inspiring and uplifting!