Demba Kandeh, The Gambia Correspondent
On 14 February 2021, the National Amila, regional presidents, missionaries and heads of Jamaat institutions of The Gambia Jamaat had a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, at Baitus Salam mosque, which lasted for over an hour.

Musa Bah Sahib said:
“It was a blessed meeting where we interacted with our Khalifa, may Allah be his Helper. This is really important as the Khalifa of the time is providing directions.”
Lamin Drammeh Sahib said:
“It is amazing how Huzooraa was able to correct and guide all the amila members as regards their respective departments. We will, insha-Allah, work harder from now on since we are all fully inspired and energised. All portfolios and departments should work together and provide support to each other.”
Musa Kinteh Sahib said:
“It is inspiring to have a mulaqat with Huzooraa. This was a virtual session but it felt like Huzooraa was physically with us. It was a moment to get guidance from Huzooraa and he told us key departmental issues to look out for always. This is a good way of guiding the amila in our tasks.”
Hafiz Muhammad Asif Sahib said:
“I am thankful for the time Huzooraa gave us. It is always a dream to see Huzooraa and he has given us instructions, which will all improve the work that we do as amila members.”