It was the year 1934. Jealousy had turned into open enmity against the Jamaat from all circles of the Muslim world, particularly those who were in close proximity; those who had apprehensions about the rapidly escalating success of the Jamaat. They chose to join hands and formed a bloc against the Jamaat in the form of Majlis-i-Ahrar-i-Islam.
The Ahrar, who had thus far resorted only in issuing fatwas against the Jamaat decided to take it to the streets and that too of Qadian. They decided to hold a large-scale conference and so they did on in September 1934. The tones were not only bold but abusive and threatening in every sense of the terms. They openly declared that they would soon turn Qadian into ruins and leave behind no trace of what is known as the Ahmadiyya Jamaat.
This created a stir in the Muslim community and a feeling of distress in the Ahmadiyya Muslim community whose headquarters, Qadian, turned out to be prone to violent attacks by the Ahrar; those that had made their way to the streets of Qadian were now ready to break into houses of the community members and the places that were holy and sacred for Ahmadis. The world awaited a response from Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra, then head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. A response did come from him but everyone, including the community, were taken aback by the nature of the plan that was unveiled.
The threats had been physical and violent, the response was expected to be some physical response or precautionary measures being taken in the event of such attacks. But what Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra presented was a more of a scheme than a direct, reactionary approach. Inspired by Divine decree, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra announced a scheme called Tahrik-e-Jadid.
Below we present a brief introduction to the grand scheme that placed the Jamaat on a swift path of progress amidst claims by its opponents that they would leave no trace of it behind.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra said:
“I see the earth slipping from under the feet of the Ahrar. They say they will wipe out this Jamaat, but Allah Almighty has told me of a plan with which the Jamaat will spread in all countries of the world and no one will be able to destroy it.”
As he launched Tahrik-e-Jadid, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra lay out its purposes in a number of Friday Sermons and addresses. On one occasion, he said:
“The purpose of launching Tahrik-e-Jadid is to acquire such a fund with which Allah’s message can be delivered as far as the corners of the earth with ease and facility.” (Friday Sermon, 27 November 1942)
It began as a temporary scheme to span over a period of three years but, as time passed and it bore great fruits year by year, Huzoorra extended it further. At its nineteenth anniversary, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra said:
“Now that nineteen years are coming to an end, I have decided that Tahrik-e-Jadid will continue up to your last breaths.” (Friday Sermon, 27 November 1953)
“I hope that Tahrik-e-Jadid will last for countless ages, just as the stars in the sky, so did Allah say to Hazrat Ibrahim that his progeny would be countless. And Hazrat Ibrahim’s progeny greatly served the faith, and the same is being done through Tahrik-e-Jadid.” (Friday Sermon, 22 February, 1935)
In his Friday Sermon of 9 November 1934, Huzoorra stressed the importance of joining Tahrik-e-Jadid:
“Though one is free whether or not to join Tahrik-e-Jadid, but if someone has the means to join it and does not do so because Khalifatul Masih has declared it to be optional, he will be brought to account either in this world or the next…” (Friday Sermon, 9 November 1934)
Earlier on, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra set the standard for taking part in Tahrik-e-Jadid, as follows:
“My second demand under this Tahrik is that the affluent members of the Jamaat, who can afford to pay a hundred rupees or more, should do so and become recipients of Divine reward… In order to bring the less fortunate people into this Tahrik [scheme], I permit those who can pay even five rupees to do so.” (Al Fazl, 29 November 1934)
Each individual has to decide for themselves the sacrifice they make for the great institution of Tahrik-e-Jadid. But in so doing, it is necessary to bear in mind the importance of Tahrik-e-Jadid, its international significance and the sayings of the Khulafa in this respect. For instance, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra has drawn attention to adopting different criteria at different times. He said:
“If someone pledges to sacrifice the amount equivalent to one half of his monthly income – for instance, if his income is a hundred rupees, he pledges fifty rupees – this will be considered a good sacrifice. And if someone pledges the amount equalling his full monthly income, they will feel the burden of making this sacrifice.” (Friday Sermon, 4 November 1953)
Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIIrh shed light on a beautiful angle of Tahrik-e-Jadid:
“From the very first day, Tahrik-e-Jadid has been based on optional sacrifice… It is suggested that donations of Tahrik-e-Jadid should be at least one fifth of the monthly income, but this is not a prescribed rate.” (Report Majlis-i-Mushawarat, 1969)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra had in his mind the needs of the whole world. This is why he wanted the Jamaat to collect large amounts for the swift spread of Islam. On one occasion, as he took pledge from members of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, he said:
“The pledge I want you to take is that if there is any Ahmadi in your village or town, who is not taking part in Tahrik-e-Jadid, you should try to include them [and continue to do so] until there remains not a single Ahmadi who does not take part in Tahrik-e-Jadid…” (Address to Majlis-i-Mushawarat, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, 23 October 1950)
Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh, reminding the Jamaat about the humble beginnings of this global scheme, said:
“Whatever Tahrik-e-Jadid spends in the way of Allah in one year, Allah has always granted it much more in the following, and this has gone on and on in an astonishing manner. All the increments in Chandas [member subscription] are offspring of Tahrik-e-Jadid. If the poor people of Qadian and the Jamaats of India had not sacrificed their rupee or two after selling their goats and their garments, our budget could never have reached into the millions today. All the donations we see in the Jamaats of Europe, America and Africa are a result of the donations of Tahrik-e-Jadid which were offered in the early period with fervent prayers. Disciples of the Promised Messiahas were among those who took part in it….” (Friday Sermon, 25 October 1985)
Paying tribute to the sacrifices offered in the early days of Tahrik-e-Jadid, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh further stated:
“There was indeed such a wonderful atmosphere of piety and virtue, that it is hard to find it anywhere else in the world. The poor employees of Anjuman [Jamaat’s administrative offices] used to save several months’ wages to offer for Tahrik-e-Jadid. Even today, these scenes are repeating themselves all over the world, and we are witnessing awe-inspiring incidents [of sacrifice] with the blessings of Ahmadiyyat. But it all began in Qadian. The role which Tahrik-e-Jadid has played in bringing about this zeal for financial sacrifice can never be overlooked.” (Ibid.)
As to how and how much one should participate in Tahrik-e-Jadid, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh said:
“The philosophy of Tahrik-e-Jadid, as put forth by Hazrat Fazl-e-Umarra [Khalifatul Masih II], is that we should try to save money in every way and offer as much as we can in the way of Allah. Every Ahmadi should protect himself against sin and seek Allah’s forgiveness.” (Friday Sermon, 5 November 1993)
Stages of Success
As mentioned earlier, Tahrik-e-Jadid was founded in 1934. Initially, it was meant to be a temporary scheme, but after ten years, envisaging its importance for the propagation of Islam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra extended it farther. Thus, the first ten years were named as Daftar I [or Batch I] which consists of approximately five thousand contributing members. Explaining the structure of the Dafatir [batches] of Tahrik-e-Jadid, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra said:
“I have decided that Tahrik-e-Jadid should be organised in such a manner that each Daftar should be divided into two terms… the duration of each being nineteen years. Members who join later should continue to participate in these 19-year terms. I do not want to change this period because of the wisdom which lies in the figure 19, as put forth by myself.” (Friday Sermon, 27 November, 1953)
Tahrik-e-Jadid has so far been divided into the following Dafatir:
1. Daftar I: Mujahidin from 1934 — 1944
2. Daftar II: Mujahidin from 1944 — 1965
3. Daftar III: Mujahidin from 1965 — 1985
4. Daftar IV: Mujahidin from 1985 — 2004
5. Daftar V: Mujahidin from 2004 onward.
Inaugurating Daftar V, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:
“The principle laid down by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was that Tahrik-e-Jadid would be divided into 19-year periods. In keeping with this principle, Daftar IV has completed its 19 years and Daftar V begins from today. From now on, all the new Mujahidin [contributing members] who join the financial sacrifices of Tahrik-e-Jadid will become part of Daftar V, Insha-Allah. Those who have joined Ahmadiyyat in the past few years but have not yet joined Tahrik-e-Jadid should be included. These people too will join Daftar V. As I have said earlier, such new Ahmadis need to be told that it is essential to make financial sacrifices, and also that, even the message of Ahmadiyyat which reached them, actually, was the result of sacrifices that people made for Tahrik-e-Jadid. They should, therefore, join this Tahrik, not only to improve their own selves, but also to join the ranks of those who play a role in conveying this message further. I know that there are many such people, especially in India and Africa, who have not yet been made part of financial sacrifices. You have to bring them into this system. Moreover, from now on, all newborn Ahmadi children will also become part of Daftar V.” (Friday Sermon, 5 November 2004)
Emphasising this further, Huzooraa said:
“Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra once said that the institution of Tahrik-e-Jadid is a forerunner to Nizam-e-Wasiyyat, which means that Tahrik-e-Jadid will help strengthen Nizam-e-Wasiyyat and it will become the basis for people to get used to making financial sacrifices. It will be like a precursor or herald that will announce the coming of a great institution behind it – the institution of Nizam-e-Wasiyyat. I have already mentioned the deep connection between Nizam-e-Wasiyyat and Nizam-e-Khilafat. Moreover, with Nizam-e-Wasiyyat, our standard of sacrifice also has to be raised and Tahrik-e-Jadid is there to accustom us beforehand to make these sacrifices…” (Ibid.)

The Demands of Tahrik-e-Jadid
Tahrik-e-Jadid, as laid out by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, is not only a scheme of financial sacrifice, but a scheme that demands a complete overhaul of one’s personality and character. Right from the time of its inception, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra told the Jamaat that Tahrik-e-Jadid required them to:
1. Lead simple lives
2. Participate in spreading the message of Islam worldwide
3. Dedicate their holidays from employment for the service of the Jamaat
4. Dedicate their lives to serve Islam
5. Dedicate during seasonal vacation, periods for the service of the Jamaat
6. Offer their children for life-time Waqf [devotion]
7. Pensioners/retired people to offer themselves for service of Jamaat
8. Dedicate part of one’s income and property
9. Influential and learned Ahmadis to deliver lectures on the teachings of Islam
10. Prepare counter arguments against the adverse propaganda
11. Seek advice from the Jamaat when deciding about higher education and careers for children
12. Develop the habit of manual labour
13. Take up even petty jobs if unemployed
14. Promote Islamic culture
15. Promote honesty in the society
16. Keep roads and pavements clean
17. Protect women’s rights
18. Build houses in Qadian if possible
19. Offer special prayers in order to succeed in these undertakings
Renewal of the Accounts of Deceased Ones
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh appealed for renewal of the accounts of deceased ones who took part in Daftar I. He said:
“How can one be considered dead whose Chanda continues to be paid? We have to revive Daftar I. I want this Daftar to continue till the Last Day. The names of those who have once made exemplary sacrifices for the faith should never be forgotten. Their descendants should continue to pay Chanda on their behalf, and never should we say that even one of them is dead. They are alive in the sight of God and are also living in the form of their sacrifices. We should continue to witness the signs of their life in this world as well.” (Friday Sermon, 2 December 1982)
In relation to reviving the accounts of deceased members of Tahrik-e-Jadid, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa also urged the Jamaat to do so:
“You do not need to be disheartened as to how you will manage to revive such old accounts. Try to revive them from as far as you can, and then witness how Allah’s blessings descend upon you. As these blessings keep increasing, your capacity in this regard shall increase likewise, so much so that you will even wish to maintain continuity and make sure that no year has passed without payment… You must, therefore, attend to your own sacrifices as well as to those of your parents. Move forward quickly and be rewarded by the prayers of Angels, so that these blessings can pass on to your children as well. These prayers will be the greatest treasure you will leave behind for your progeny.” (Friday Sermon, 5 November 2005)
Very faith inspiring and full of truths for all Ahmadis worldwide to follow.