On 24 November 2019, a delegation of councillors and dignitaries had the opportunity to meet and sit with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper. The group was formed of councillors from Surrey county council, the mayor of Waverley, Lord Lieutenant for Surrey Mr Michael More-Molyneux and the High Sheriff of Surrey Bridget Biddell.
The new Markaz, Islamabad is also situated in the Waverley borough. During their meeting with Huzooraa, the members praised the new Markaz of Islamabad and in particular, the new mosque, Masjid Mubarak. Many questions were also posed by the group to Huzooraa.
One such question was about the humanitarian works of the Jamaat across Africa, to which Huzooraa responded by detailing the projects of building schools, hospitals, model villages, clean water and sanitation.