Wakalat Tamil-o-Tanfidh for India, Nepal and Bhutan
Ata-ul-Mujeeb Lone, Principal Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian, said:
“Alhamdulillah, thumma alhamdulillah; 19 students of Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian had the privilege of meeting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual mulaqat. This occasion is a great milestone in the history of Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian. For the first time in its history, students of Jamia Qadian met their beloved Imamaa virtually.
“The students eagerly awaited the day of the mulaqat and on 17 April 2021, the waiting time finally came to an end, when our beloved Imam, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa gave us the honour of meeting him”.

Usman Ahmad of Sadisa class said:
“I had the opportunity to join the virtual meeting with Huzooraa. I also had the chance to read an excerpt in this meeting, alhamdulillah. It is very difficult to express my emotions after this meeting.”
Tahir Ahmad of Khamisa class said:
“I am thankful to Allah the Almighty that by His grace, I was able to attend the virtual meeting with Huzooraa. He gave detailed answers to the questions which were very useful for us. At the start of the meeting, I was relieved to see the illuminating countenance of Huzooraa. Huzooraa spoke to all students as a loving father.”
Muqeeb-ur-Rehman of Sadisa class said:
“I am very grateful to Allah the Almighty for the meeting with Huzooraa. I never thought that I would have the chance to meet him. A wish of mine was fulfilled in the form of this meeting.”
Hafiz Syed Gulistan Arif of Khamisa class said:
“Meeting Huzooraa was the greatest achievement of my life […] The answers which he gave to the questions are the asset of my life.”
Azeem-ul-Haq of Sadisa class said:
“I had the opportunity of meeting Huzooraa. This meeting cannot be expressed in words.”
Saeed Ahmad Malkana of Sadisa class said:
“By the grace of Allah, we had a virtual meeting with Huzooraa. He spoke to us with such compassion and love that it was as if he has known us for years.”
Hafiz Salman Ahmad Arif of Sadisa class said:
“By the grace of God, the students of Jamia Ahmadiyya got the opportunity to have a virtual meeting Huzooraa. I had the opportunity to recite the Holy Quran and ask a question as well. After 2005, it was my heartfelt desire to meet Huzooraa. God fulfilled this desire through this meeting.”
S Faisal of Sadisa class said:
“I am thankful to God Almighty that by His grace, I was able to meet Huzooraa. I also was able to ask a question. I will never forget this moment.”
Sheikh Haider Wali of Sadisa class said:
“By the grace of Allah the Almighty, I was able to have a virtual meeting with Huzooraa. There was a spiritual atmosphere that cannot be put into words.”
Salman Faris of Sadisa class said:
“By the grace of Allah, I was able to meet Huzooraa. He advised all students in the same way as that of a benevolent father.”
Rizwan Ahmad Tahir of Sadisa class said:
“By the grace of Allah the Almighty, I was able to have a virtual meeting with Huzooraa. I cannot express my feelings in words. My heartfelt wish has been fulfilled. We pray to Allah the Almighty that may He grant us the ability to live according to the instructions of Huzooraa.”

Bashir-ud-Din Qadir of Sadisa class said:
“There was no end to my happiness; it cannot be described. It was a strange spiritual atmosphere.”
Mazhar Ahmad Khan of Khamisa class said:
“At first, we were nervous, but when Huzooraa appeared on the screen, all fears disappeared. This class was a great experience.”
Muhammad Adnan Dehlvi of Sadisa class said:
“It was an enjoyable experience to see Huzooraa and receive direct guidance from him. Insha-Allah, we now have the opportunity to grow spiritually.”
Abdul Basit of Sadisa class said:
“I was very happy to meet Huzooraa. I was very scared and nervous. I was able to ask him a question as well […] Our dear master answered our questions just like a kind father.”
Abdul Samad Khan of Sadisa class said:
“By the grace of Allah the Almighty, I was able to have a virtual meeting with Huzooraa. Before this meeting, there was fear in my heart, but as soon as his blessed face appeared, all fears disappeared. I also got a chance to ask a question. In short, I cannot forget these moments for the rest of my life.”
Mudassir Ahmed Butt of Sadisa class said:
“Before this meeting, I was a bit anxious, but as soon as Huzoor’s blessed face appeared, all fears vanished.
“My question was answered in great detail by Huzooraa. I will never forget these moments and will try to follow all the advice of Huzooraa.”
Laiq Ahmad Siddiqui of Sadisa class said:
“I sincerely wished to have the opportunity to meet him, and this was fulfilled in this way, alhamdulillah. May God help us to follow all the advice of our beloved master. Amin.”