The Promised Messiah Day, Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana
On 25 March 2018, the day of the Jamaat’s foundation was commemorated in relation to 23 March 1889. The Promised Messiah Day was commemorated in Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana with great zeal.
Guests were received with the display of buntings. Apart from students and staff, regional missionaries, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, office bearers of Jamaat Mankessim and other members of the community also participated in the Jalsa.
The Jalsa was presided by respected Abu Bakar Anderson sahib, Former President, Central Region. After the recitation of Holy Quran, a Tanzanian student presented an Urdu poem of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in an accurate Urdu accent. During the Jalsa three speeches were delivered in English:
The Promised Messiahas and Religious Tolerance, Ismael Adusai sahib (Student)
Aims and Purposes of Ahmadiyyat, Intisar Ahmad sahib (Teacher)
High Morals of the Promised Messiahas, Shahid Mahmood sahib (Missionary)

Mosque at Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana
Students warmed the atmosphere by presenting songs of praise and poems in between speeches; one song of praise comprised of three languages.
The function was arranged in the seminar hall and due to the abundance of guests, a marquee had to be erected outside. Apart from the family members of staff, female guests also graced the occasion.
Lunch was served after the function. The gathering came to a close with the Zuhr and Asr prayers. Approximately 270 people participated in this Jalsa.