Arshad Mehmood Khan, Secretary Ishaat, Glasgow
On 26 March 2022, thousands of members of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK across 28 cities in the UK gathered at various locations to raise awareness of the danger the world finds itself in and promote a message of peace to stop a potential World War.
People from all walks of life promoted the essential steps toward peace as taught by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
Similarly, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Scotland has launched a campaign across social media platforms to draw the world’s attention to deescalate and stop a potential Third World War.
In the culmination of this effort, members gathered in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee city centres on 26 March 2022 and distributed leaflets, books and brochures. Many members of the public turned up at our tabligh stalls and showed great interest and asked questions about our campaign.

On 27 March 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Scotland held its virtual event on “#STOPWW3 THE PATHWAY TO PEACE”, as part of the tabligh ashra.
The programme commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran with its English translation, followed by an introductory video on Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Mr Alex Jackson, the representative from Amnesty International Glasgow, spoke about this topic and said that the steps to stop the Third World War taught by the Caliph of Islam Ahmadiyyat have massive potential if all politicians listened.
Mr David Wallace, assistant director of Rotary Club Cumbernauld Glasgow, spoke about the current dangerous situation due to the war between Russia and Ukraine and appreciated the efforts and practical steps taken by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya worldwide.
Rawah Uddin Arif Khan Sahib, Regional Missionary, delivered a speech and highlighted how peace could be established through recognising God.
After this, Abdul Ghaffar Abid Sahib, Regional Nazim Tabligh of Majlis Ansarullah Scotland gave a vote of thanks.
An engaging question and answer session was also conducted. The programme was streamed on Zoom.