Ata-ul-Haye Nasir, Al Hakam

On 1 November 1952, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra delivered the concluding address at the 12th annual ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya.
After granting some guidance in regard to the ijtema, Huzoorra spoke about one’s love for the country. He said:
“Our Jamaat in general and khuddam in particular must remember that the Holy Prophetsa has stated:
حُبُّ الْوَطَنِ مِنَ الْاِيْمَان
“[Love for one’s country is part of faith. (Mauzu‘at-e-Kabir, by Mulla Ali Qari, p. 35, published from Delhi in 1315 Hijri)]
“This saying tells us that one’s love for their country is part of Islam. Faith is a very important matter, and according to the saying of the Holy Prophetsa, one’s love for their nation is part of their faith and thus, it is an important matter that cannot be neglected.
“Therefore, our youngsters need to show patriotism more than others and as a practical proof, they must strive for strengthening their country’s government. One means of strengthening the country’s government is to fulfil their responsibilities with more diligence and seriousness than the others, whether they are employed by the government or working anywhere else.
“Normally it is assumed that one’s responsibility [towards their country] is fulfilled by only working some fixed hours, whereas it is wrong. True effort is one that has a sufficient result. If this is not the case, then understand that there was some deficiency in one’s effort. It is true that the result is in the hand of Allah the Almighty, but this can be misunderstood.
“It is the practice of the Almighty Allah that He surely grants positive results upon a person’s decent effort. Thus, why do you attribute a negative outcome to God, instead of calling it a consequence of your own mistake?
“The reality is that when one is under the false impression that ‘I am working in the correct manner, but God produces negative results’, then such a one deprives themselves of their reformation.” (Al Fazl, 4 November 1952, p. 2)
Huzoorra then urged everyone to always strive to serve their country by making sacrifices even in the face of severe opposition by fellow countrymen. Huzoorra added:
“If you are employed by the government, then fulfil the governmental responsibilities with utmost diligence, wisdom and honesty. If conducting any other business, then work hard for it. If serving the Jamaat, then serve it with diligence and honesty. In short, if you are truly loyal and a well-wisher of your country, then fulfil every duty with this fervour and make it your objective to not fall behind anyone in any field and task and to leap forward. Resultantly this will benefit the country and religion as well.
“Until every Ahmadi doctor, lawyer, trader, clerk, landowner and labourer set this objective in their respective field, it can never be claimed that they are fulfilling their national responsibility.” (Ibid)
After this, Huzoorra advised the youth to exert their utmost efforts for serving humanity selflessly and sincerely.

On 5 November 1954, while addressing the annual ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Huzoorra shed light on the importance of unity and harmony among the people of a nation. Huzoorra said:
“When [collectively] there is virtue amongst [the people of] a nation, it leaves virtuous imprints, and when [collectively] there is evil amongst [the people of] a nation, it leaves behind evil footprints. Although during the times of prophets and God’s chosen ones, evil does not have much of a foothold as compared to virtue, yet still evil has some impact that cannot surpass the impact of virtue.” (Al Fazl, 7 December 1954, p. 3)
While advising the youth to develop the passion for serving their country, Huzoorra said:
“A service which is rendered only as a formality cannot be termed a true service. […] A person living in Pakistan has some binding duties as a citizen of the country and as a human being as well. Similarly, a government employee, a doctor and a policeman all have binding responsibilities within their respective fields. […]
“Whenever you have a binding duty as a Pakistani or as a human being, you should work in a notable manner. For instance, if someone falls while walking, it is your duty as a human being to help them up. […] This duty also applies upon an Indian, Punjabi, Chinese, Japanese and a resident of the frontier areas as well.” (Ibid, p. 4)
After this, Huzoorra advised khuddam to serve humanity without any discrimination of religion, race or country.
Huzoorra explained:
“We serve humanity and have always been doing so, but we never publicise it boastfully that we did such and such work. For instance, we have never boasted about our services for the Malkana [during the Shuddhi Movement], but others acknowledged that we had made extraordinary efforts. Despite all of these efforts, our opponents still say that we have been enemies of the Muslims since the beginning.” (Ibid, p. 5)
While advising Ahmadi youth, Huzoorra said:
“In short, in this era, there are some who wish to tarnish your image through lies and fabricated stories. It is now your duty to serve the country and nation with even more vigour and to exhibit your services as well. Moreover, tell the world, ‘We deem it our duty to [selflessly] serve the country and nation, but [due to the opponents’ false propaganda] we are being compelled to exhibit our services […] otherwise our hearts are reluctant to show off.’
“Therefore, in your programmes, ponder over such matters and proposals through which you can serve the country and nation to your full capacity.” (Ibid)
May Allah the Almighty enable all of us to act upon Huzoor’s guidance. Amin.