On 22 December 2019, after the Isha prayer, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya at their National Qaideen Forum in Islamabad, Tilford.
At around 8:30pm, Huzooraa entered Aiwan-e-Masroor, where the concluding session of the event commenced.
Following the recitation of the Holy Quran (Surah al-Saff, verse 11-13) by Sadiq Ayub Sahib and translation by Luqman Bajwa Sahib, Khuddam repeated the Khuddam pledge behind Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.
Thereafter, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK, Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib presented a brief report of the Qaideen Forum of 2019.
Sadr Sahib said in his report that in the UK, there were 24 regions and 157 qiadats under Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. This forum acts as a refresher course for all qaideen. This year, 259 representatives were able to participate.
The theme for the forum was the address that Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa had delivered to a gathering of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Germany, which was on safeguarding and protecting the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. This address was relayed to all participants.
The forum commenced on Saturday, 21 December after the Isha prayer. A discussion took place with Munir Odeh Sahib, Director Production MTA International on his personal relationship with Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya.
Sunday began with Fajr being offered behind Huzooraa. After the main agenda item in the morning, Khuddam took part in four workshops, the purpose of which was to spiritually, intellectually and administratively enhance the Khuddam. The workshops were on the following subjects:
– Al-Imamu Junnatun (The imam is a shield)
– The departments of Aitmad, finance and tajnid
– The importance of protecting the markaz
– Open forum for qaideen, wherein Khuddam were able to ask questions pertaining to their responsibilities
Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered behind Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. A special sitting followed Salat, in which Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib spoke on the sacrifices of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya in the history of the Jamaat. Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib mentioned various incidents in this regard, while explaining the importance of the responsibility of safeguarding the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. He explained that those who associate themselves with Khilafat succeed, and those who detach themselves cease to prosper. Thereafter, Khuddam were able to ask questions.
Maghrib was then offered behind Huzooraa, after which various workshops took place until the Isha prayer.
At around 8:45pm, after reciting Tashahud and Ta‘awuz, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Qadieen Forum in English.
Huzooraa explained the meaning of “qaid”, after which he elaborated on the responsibilities qaideen had towards God and their fellow beings.
Huzooraa said:
“The first thing I wish to remind you is that ‘qaid’ means leader, and a proper leader is someone who leads by example and takes his people on a path, which he walks upon himself.”
Huzooraa then went on to explain the responsibilities of a qaid. He said that all qaideen should strive to perform their duties and do their utmost to serve as rolemodels for other members of the Jamaat.
In this regard, Huzooraa said that it was of paramount importance for office-bearers to have the conviction that Allah was looking at them at all times and would hold them accountable for their actions. They should never forget that although they may be able to hide things from others, they can never conceal anything from Allah, Who is aware of everything that is in our hearts. Thus, office-bearers should do their utmost to perform their duties, showing no neglect in this obligation.
All office-bearers should pay heed and reflect upon their pledge, in which it has been declared that they will give precedence to their faith over all worldly objects. As office-bearers, they must always uphold this pledge and utilise the skills and capabilities for the fulfilment of their Jamaat duties.
Huzooraa went on to say:
“If all our Jamaat office-bearers serve with this spirit of keeping the fear of Allah in their hearts, we can bring about a great spiritual transformation, not just within our Jamaat, but amongst the wider society and humanity at large. As a qaid, or whichever position you serve the Jamaat, you must prove yourself to be a person who others consider a sincere and positive role model, from whom they can learn and benefit.”
Huzooraa added that certain offices within our Jamaat are elected, whilst sadrs are made by appointment. Regardless of whether a person is selected or elected or how a duty is bestowed, it is given with the expectation and belief that the office-bearer will discharge their duties with utmost dedication and integrity. Huzooraa instructed that all Khuddam must spare no effort in showing obedience to their superiors and ultimately, Khalifatul Masih. They must do true justice to the responsibility assigned to them as this will lead to the success of the majlis and achieving the great objectives of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdias, who was foretold and who eventually would bring mankind back towards its Creator.
Qaideen and other office-bearers must ensure that they are living their lives in accordance with the teachings of the Promised Messiahas. “Only then will you be in a position to guide others towards spiritual and religious prosperity.”
Undoubtedly, everyone, Huzooraa said, should be very familiar with the instructions and guidance of the Promised Messiahas which are an everlasting treasure for the Jamaat. The auxiliary office-bearers should consider themselves to be the first addressees of his instructions and so, before anyone else, it is up to them to obey him in every single respect. Only if they adopt such qualities and values will we begin to fulfil the objectives of the advent of the Promised Messiahas and for which he founded the Jamaat.
Huzooraa then quoted the Promised Messiahas in which he explained the importance of the Islamic creed, “La ilaha illallah” (There is no god except Allah). He also added that his followers should show the highest levels of remembrance of Allah and fulfilling the rights of humanity. They should have love and sympathy for others – both members of Jamaat and the wider society.

Huzooraa then said:
“We are living in an age where people are moving far away from God Almighty and so, their goals and aspirations are devoid of spirituality. For example, people have worldly employments or responsibilities, which they fulfil according to worldly rules and regulations. As a result, they achieve certain limited targets or influence others to some extent through materialistic ways and means.
“However, the work of a purely spiritual community founded according to divine will is completely different because it is underpinned by a direct and constant link with Allah the Almighty. Thus, any representative or office-bearer of a divinely established spiritual community can never be successful in discharging their duties, save for the blessings and mercy of Allah the Almighty, and to attain His blessings, our office-bearers must develop an unwavering conviction in the truth of ‘La ilaha illallah’ – ‘There is no god except Allah.’ Thus, if you wish to succeed, you must, above all else, turn towards Allah the Almighty.”
Huzooraa then explained that the primary way to achieve this is to perform the five daily prayers on time and in congregation. Huzooraa also said that Khuddam must make it a daily feature of their life to recite the Holy Quran and make it a source of inspiration. This would help in forming action plans and ensuring that targets would prove fruitful. Huzooraa also said that qaideen and office-bearers should not waste time waiting for instructions from their superiors. Of course, Huzooraa said, the centre would give targets and highlight key responsibilities, however qaideen should take personal responsibilities also.
Huzooraa reminded the audience that the Promised Messiahas expressed his heartfelt desire for members of the Jamaat to become muttaqi – righteous and pious. In fact, this was not only his direction but is an instruction of the Holy Prophetsa and a commandment of Allah the Almighty. In the sight of Allah, righteousness is a virtuous moral and a truly pious person is he “who before conducting any activity or before speaking, remembers that Allah is watching over them. They ask themselves whether what they are about to pursue is according to the teachings of Islam and if it is not, they refrain.”

Answering what is permissible in Islam, in view of the writings of the Promised Messiahas, Huzooraa explained that we should fear Allah and then go about doing our activities. Whilst fearing Allah, it is impossible to act in contrast to His commandments.
Therefore, the intention of a qaid should be solely to please Allah and not merely to please others or gain the Alam-e-Inami. This does not mean that the Alam-e-Inami is wrong or accepting the thanks and recognition of others is wrong, as this, as well as other awards of the Jamaat, have been introduced to promote healthy competition. However, Huzooraa said that for a servant of the Jamaat and a righteous person, winning an award or gaining praise should never be their motivation, rather their intention and desire should be to please Allah the Almighty. This is the ultimate reward.
Huzooraa said:
“Building a personal bond with Allah the Almighty is the golden key, which will enable you to unlock the doors to prosperity in your Jamaat duties and all other aspects of your lives.”
Huzooraa then explained that the Tahajud prayer must also be offered regularly to enhance one’s bond with Allah and eventually helping them serve their fellow beings with Allah’s help.
Huzooraa reminded everyone that the Promised Messiahas said that entering his fold should be akin to a new life and focusing solely on Allah the Almighty and considering everything else as secondary. In this society, this is crucial.
“It is also vitally important that you and the members of your majlis take every opportunity to increase your religious knowledge rather than focusing solely upon secular education. Today, with the grace of Allah, we have a great treasure trove of Jamaat literature easily available, both in printed form and electronic form, on the various Jamaat websites. In particular, on alislam.org, the commentaries of the Holy Quran are available as are the books of hadith, the books of the Promised Messiahas and the books and sermons of the Khulafa. Therefore, it is extremely easy for people to increase their religious knowledge as long as they are willing to sacrifice their time to read and study.”
Another important point the Promised Messiahas reminded his followers of was of the moral standards of his followers, controlling their emotions and tongue. Every Ahmadi, especially office-bearers, should pray that they are able to display meekness, compassion and humility. It should not be that we are kind and considerate in public whilst being harsh at home. A truly pious person is he who practices what they preach and whose standards of morality are of the highest order, both in private and in public. Thus, kindness and warm-heartedness towards everyone is crucial.
Huzooraa reminded everyone to listen to the Friday Sermons and addresses of Khalifatul Masih in order to increase religious knowledge and improve moral and spiritual standards. Huzooraa said:
“You should reflect upon what I say and ensure you are acting upon all of my guidance and instructions. When you are following this guidance and instructions, the members of your majlis will naturally learn from you and you will become a positive role model for them.
“Leading on from this, you should understand that the principle objective and task of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya is to stand on the front lines, protecting and guarding the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. The best way to do this is by listening to and acting upon the words of the Khalifa-e-Waqt and to be completely loyal and obedient to Khilafat at all times and in all circumstances.
“You cannot fulfil this great duty until and unless you recognise the fact that the success or failure of our Jamaat hinges upon our unity. To become united, we must follow the means taught by Allah the Almighty Himself and in this era, He has established the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya as the spiritual rope that keeps us bound together.
“Consequently, to help ensure the continued unity of our Jamaat, you must ensure you are personally loyal and obedient to Khilafat and seek to increase the bond between the Khuddam and Atfal in your area with Khilafat. If you are able to achieve this, you will be playing your role in protecting the Jamaat and guarding the institution of Khialfat. Without any shadow of doubt, if the Jamaat of the Promised Messiahas remains united at the hand of Khilafat, we will continue to witness the blessing of Allah rain down upon us.
“We may confront challenges; we may encounter grief; we may face persecution; yet, rest assured, if we remain under the shade of Khilafat, all trials and tribulations are destined to pass and in their place, great glad tidings and eternal prosperity will surely emerge.”
Huzooraa then prayed that all participants were able to benefit from the refresher course and from the guidance given to them. Huzooraa prayed that his address would give them the determination to fulfil their duties in the future and before asking others to adopt the things they have learnt here, that they would practice it themselves.
Huzooraa said:
“As a qaid, you may be treated with respect by the Khuddam and Atfal in your qiadat, but I hope and pray that their respect is wholehearted and not given out of a sense of duty or necessity, rather I pray that they generally respect you and consider you their friends because they know that you uphold their dignity and meet them with love, sincerity and kindness.
“Certainly, your concern for them should be heartfelt. You should pray for them and above all, you should earnestly desire and strive to bring every single person in your majlis closer to their Creator.”
Huzooraa then prayed for their positive influence upon others and in their belief in God’s unity and the truth of Islam and the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa prayed that they may fulfil the requirements of Bai‘at and become of those who are truly obedient to Khialfat.
Huzooraa then ended the concluding session with dua.