On 9 July, after a successful tour of Germany, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived back at Islamabad, Tilford at about 20:45 local time.
Huzoor’saa journey back to the Markaz from Frankfurt started at around 10:30am German time. Hundreds of Ahmadis had gathered to bid farewell to their Imamaa after his week-long tour where he blessed the 44th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Germany. The Jalsa Salana had concluded with Huzoor’saa address on Sunday afternoon. Straight after the concluding session, new converts were given an audience by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa – men and women had an exclusive opportunity to speak directly to their Imam whom they had pledged allegiance to a couple of hours earlier.

After these two sessions (the report of which is included in this issue), Huzooraa departed from Messe Karlsruhe – the Germany Jalsa Gah – heading back to Baitus-Subuh. Huzooraa arrived at Baitus-Subuh at 22:16 local time and was welcomed by hundreds of Ahmadis that had flocked back from Karlsruhe to see their Imam once more in Frankfurt.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa led the Maghrib and Isha prayers before retiring for the day.
The following day – Monday, 8 July – was heavily occupied with foreign delegations having meetings with Huzooraa. The delegations that saw Huzooraa on this day were from Estonia, Russian states, Indonesia, Georgia, Albania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Malta, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Africa.
The next morning – on Tuesday, 9 July – Huzooraa departed from Frankfurt and arrived at Islamabad, Tilford where Ahmadis eagerly awaited their Imamaa to be among them once again. Huzooraa later led the Maghrib and Isha prayers at the Mubarak Mosque.
Details of this tour and Jalsa Salana Germany are spread over this issue.
This year, at Germany’s Jalsa Salana, Al Hakam had the opportunity to report live updates from Karlsruhe during the Jalsa on the Al Hakam website and app. Our readers have been sending us very encouraging feedback on the Al Hakam Jalsa updates. We intend to do the same at Jalsa Salana UK, Insha-Allah, and request our readers to remember the Al Hakam team in their prayers.