A series looking into the allegations raised against Hazrat Ahmad’sas personality, writings, revelations, and prophecies, along with the answers he has provided
Awwab Saad Hayat, Al Hakam

A particular narration by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa refers to the Promised Messiahas, stating:
فَيُدْفَنُ مَعِي فِي قَبْرِي
This translates to the Holy Prophetsa declaring that the Promised Messiah will descend and “He will be buried with me, in my grave.” (Mishkat al-Masabih, Kitab al-fitan, Hadith 5508)
Opponents of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian levy unfounded criticism against him, pointing out that he is laid to rest in Qadian rather than Medina, where the Holy Prophet’ssa tomb resides.
Such objections stem from a failure to grasp the nuanced essence of this hadith, leading to their own quandaries. To illustrate, if Prophet Jesusas were to physically return, would the clerics withhold their belief until he met his demise and was laid to rest in Prophet Muhammad’ssa tomb? And who would dare to desecrate the sanctity of the Holy Prophet’ssa grave?
In respond further, we delve into the Promised Messiah’sas own interpretation of this prophecy. An excerpt from his 1898 publication, Noah’s Ark [Kashti-e-Nuh], offers insight into his perspective:
“Approach God with sincere hearts, and pure tongues, eyes and ears, for He will then accept you. What God requires of you, in the matter of belief, is that God is One and that Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is His Prophet and Khaatam-ul-Anbiyaa [the Seal of the Prophets] and that he is the greatest of them all. After him, there is no Prophet except one who is cloaked in the mantle of Muhammad[sa], by way of reflection. For a servant cannot be separated from his master, nor is a branch separable from its root. Thus, one who completely annihilates himself for his master is bestowed with the title of Nabi [Prophet] by God. Such a one does not break the seal of prophethood. When you look into a mirror, although there seem to be two, in reality, there is only one. The distinction exists between that which is real and its reflection. Such is the will of God with respect to the Promised Messiah. This is also the secret behind the saying of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, when he stated: ‘The Promised Messiah would be buried in my grave;’ meaning, he and I are the same and completely identical.” (Noah’s Ark, p. 26)
On 1 May 1903, the Promised Messiahas further illuminated the subject of his burial alongside the Holy Prophetsa. During an evening discourse with his Companions, he offered profound insights into this prophecy. He clarified that the Messengersa of Allah foretold the Promised Messiah’s spiritual union in the grave, which symbolises an indistinguishable unity between the two. Hazrat Ahmadas reflected on this hadith, recognising it as an affirmation of the complete eradication of any perceived separation between the Holy Prophetsa and his most ardent devotee and servant, the Promised Messiahas. This interpretation underscores a profound unity of essence and purpose, suggesting that the advent of the Promised Messiahas is a direct continuation and reflection of the mission of his lord and master, Prophet Muhammad’ssa. (Malfuzat, [1988] Vol. 3, pp. 281-282)
Hazrat Ahmadas also stated:
“And to interpret the prophecy that, after his demise, the Promised Messiah will be interned in the grave of the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, to mean that—God forbid—the grave of the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, will be reopened, is the error of the literalists. Such concepts are replete with insolence and disrespect. Rather, it means that the Promised Messiah will be so close to the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in nearness of station that, after his death, he will achieve the rank of nearness to the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and his soul shall meet the soul of the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as if the two were in the same grave. This alone is the true meaning [of this prophecy]; if someone wants to interpret it differently, it is up to him.
“Spiritual people know that after death physical proximity has no meaning. On the contrary, it means that everyone who has spiritual nearness to the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his soul is brought close to the soul of the Holy Prophetsa, as Allah the Almighty, says:
فَادۡخُلِيۡ فِيۡ عِبٰدِيۡ وَادۡخُلِيۡ جَنَّتِي
“[‘So enter thou among My chosen servants, And enter thou My Garden.’ (Surah al-Fajr, Ch.89: V.30-31)]” (Haqiqatul-Wahi – Philosophy of Divine Revelation, p. 394)
In summary, the phrase “will be buried in my grave” is metaphorically understood to signify that one will closely follow in another’s footsteps. This expression denotes a profound connection or resemblance between two individuals, implying that the successor will uphold and perpetuate the legacy or mission of the predecessor.