Qaasid Muin Ahmad, Editor, Al Hakam
It wasn’t the cold, frosty morning I would have expected in January. It was a rather pleasant Sunday morning and the coat I had on seemed excessive.
After returning home from the Fajr prayer, many thoughts kept me awake; on top of all these thoughts was that I would be reporting to Huzooraa later that morning about the latest activities of Al Hakam and seeking his guidance on various matters.
Although one would think that meeting Huzooraa on an almost regular basis for the last 19 years, since the age of 13, would be sufficient to prepare ahead for a mulaqat, anyone and everyone who has met Huzooraa in an official (daftari) mulaqat will attest to the fact that every audience feels like the first one. This, and a particular matter I wanted to ask about, kept my mind heavily occupied.
Eventually, after failing to catch a wink of sleep, I got out of bed, got ready and departed for Islamabad.
After waiting in the private secretariat, my turn came and I had the chance to report to Huzooraa about the humble efforts of the Al Hakam team and that Al Hakam had now published just over 200 issues since its launch in 2018.
I noticed a particular calm and serenity in the blessed countenance of Huzooraa. He was, as ever, deeply occupied in his work, all the while giving guidance on various matters.

Then came a pause and an opportune moment for me to say what I had wanted to for the past few days, nay weeks.
I said, “In difficult circumstances, we find the energy to keep going only through Huzoor’s courage. But how does Huzoor seek courage and solace?”
Huzooraa said:
“Allah’s Jamaat is bound to face challenging times. The enemies always attack divine communities. This is what we have always witnessed and this is what we are witnessing now.
“We must remember and ask ourselves, who created this Jamaat? Did I make it? Or did some other person? When Allah’s promises are with the Promised Messiahas, then why should we feel anxious or overwhelmed? Allah’s promises are with this Jamaat and so, His promises shall come to pass. There is no reason to worry.
“Hazrat Nawab Mubaraka Begum Sahibara once wrote:
جب نہیں بولتا بندہ تو خدا بولتا ہے
“[‘When man keeps silent, God speaks for him.’] Therefore, we must play our part, all the while protecting our faith and belief, and let God Almighty speak in favour of His Jamaat.
“Allah the Almighty’s communities constantly remain in a state of battle. Some from among the younger generation become worried too quickly. Those who have experienced similar challenging situations in the past, or who have studied even a bit of history do not feel anxious in such conditions. On such a battleground, one must stay alert rather than worry. The enemy gets irritated by anything we say. In fact, they get even more agitated by our silence.
“Nowadays, you are listening to the conditions of the Companionsra of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and how vigilant they were in a state of battle.
“However, from the tone of the enemy these days, it is evident that they are losing their grip and control as they see their motives crumbling before them.”
I then asked, “People from my generation tend to make hasty decisions. After hearing rumours from here and there, their opinion seems to waver. How can we help them understand the reality?”
Huzooraa replied:
“It is necessary to speak to them. At such a young age, when one lacks knowledge and experience, the propaganda of our opponents can influence them, but it is essential to reach out and speak to them. In fact, before even speaking to them, it is essential to hear them out and let them talk.
“There is an element of goodness in everyone. So they should be heard and according to whatever they say, they should be spoken to, after which that element of good in them will ignite and, with God’s grace, they will able to see the truth.”

The comfort that came from hearing Huzoor’s words needs no further explanation.
The reality is that Huzooraa is a man of God. He is the means of connecting us with our Creator. He has been chosen by our Creator to lead us through to triumph and success.
Ignorant is the person who thinks that Khilafat depends on any individual. It is Allah’s promise that He shall protect Khilafat. He has kept this promise in the past, and shall He always do so in the future.
For our sake, Huzooraa has sacrificed every fibre of his being. He has given us his time and energy for almost two decades and continues to do so. The very least we can do is to remain loyal to him in accordance with our oath to God.
اَللّٰہُمَّ اَیِّدْ اِمَامَنَا بِروْحِ الْقُدُسِ وَ بَارِک لَنَا فِیْ عُمُرِہِ وَ اَمْرِہِ
We have no idea how precious of a gift we have from God Almighty in form of Khilafat and tend to take it for granted sometimes. We are so very lucky and blessed. Beautiful article.
JazakAllah for writing and sharing it!
ماشاء اللہ
اللھم اید امامنا بالروح القدس
Jazakallah for such a profound write-up. Indeed our jamaat is blessed immensely in the way of khilafat. We are not afraid of the opponents because Allah has promised that He and His messengers will be victorious. And Inni ma’aka Ya Masroor!
اللہم اید امامنا بروح القدس و بارک لنا فی عمرہ و امرہ
Allāhumma Ayyad Imāmana bi rūhil qudsi wa bāriklana fi umurihi wa amrihi.
May Allah bless beloved Huzur, grant him strength and may we continue being obedient to Khilafat Ahmadiyya.
Very good article.
May Allah the exalted uphold and strengthen the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. May Allah continue to shower His Grace on our beloved Huzoor (atba). Ameen.
Khilafat is a gift of Allah and Allah’s chosen people stand tall and high. The fabrication against them tears apart itself.