Maham Warraich, Belize

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Belize had the opportunity to hold an event on the Religious Founders Day at the newly constructed Noor Mosque. This programme was the first of its kind to be held in the new mosque.
For this event, honourable speakers were invited from six different religions to engage the audience in a friendly discussion about their respective beliefs. Each speaker was encouraged to share the origins of their faith, specifically the founder, and use this platform, not only to create awareness, but also to dispel any misconceptions that are often tied to their beliefs.
The perspectives present at the event included members from Rastafarianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Luccumi, Mormonism and Islam. Through this initiative, members from the community of Belize were given the opportunity to enlighten one another with the truth behind their religious teachings.
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Belize made an extensive effort to abide by all of the restrictions posed by Covid-19. The mosque was set up in a way to minimise close contact between all attendees.

The programme began with the recitation from the Holy Quran followed by a welcome address presented by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Belize. Following this, each speaker addressed and spoke on the foundational aspects behind their beliefs.
For the benefit of the attendees, a question and answer session was arranged so that the audience could inquire directly about a certain topic.
This event highlighted the essence of what Islam really is; to bring people together from different walks of life and remember our Creator. Throughout the programme, it was evident that those in attendance developed a sense of acceptance of one another, remembering that every religion stems from divine light and centres on attaining a righteous purpose in this life.
An inter-religious event like this being held at the mosque also helps alter the perspective of the public on Islam and mosques in general. Instead of being a space that is meant only for Muslims, it is a communal setting that welcomes people from the entire community of Belize.