Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa inaugurates Baitul Hameed Mosque, Fulda, Germany
Tahir Bhatti, Germany Correspondent

Fulda, Germany, Sunday, 20 October: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, inaugurated the new Baitul Hameed mosque and addressed guests at the formal inaugural ceremony.
People from all walks of life convened for the inaugural ceremony of Baitul Hameed mosque in the German city of Fulda. The array of guests who attended displayed the beautiful values of diversity and multiculturalism that Germany has to offer.
The historical city of Fulda lies in the heart of Germany and has a very strong Christian background; Fulda Cathedral being one of the main attractions.
With the arrival of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, the session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Hafiz Zakir Butt Sahib followed by German translation by Dr Rana Ahmad Sahib.
Amir Sahib, Abdullah Wagishauser gave an introduction to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya.
Two guests that addressed the event and welcomed Huzooraa included President of the Luther Church, Sara Kautzsch and President of the Round Table of Religions, Kurt Albrecht.
Thereafter, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa addressed the congregation. After reciting Tashahud and Ta‘awuz, Huzooraa thanked all the guests who attended the ceremony. Huzooraa then expressed how the new mosque in Fulda is a means of great joy and happiness for the Ahmadi Muslims living there and thanked the local authorities for having such open heartedness that enabled this mosque to be built.

Observing the large attendance of non-Ahmadi Muslim guests, Huzooraa said that the attendance proved that the guests have respect for other religions.
Touching upon the unifying effects of globalisation, Huzooraa highlighted the importance of social cohesion and “removing the reservation of fears from our hearts” about one another.
Huzooraa noted how the city of Fulda is known for its excellence towards education and explained how real education enlightens the heart; enabling one to become openhearted and participate in the happiness of others.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa noted that the presence of the guests displayed their welcoming and openhearted nature.
Huzooraa explained how the Holy Prophetsa allowed a delegation of Christians to pray in his mosque in Medina. Islam stresses on honouring the rights of others and the core principles of Islam are to exhibit tolerance and peace. This is what Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya is striving for at a global level, Huzooraa expressed.
Huzooraa, referring to Kurt Albrecht’s speech, appreciated how he spoke about honouring human values. Huzooraa said that he agreed with this and that human values are what differentiates us from other creatures. In light of this, Huzooraa then referred to the Promised Messiahas who established a rule that in religious conferences, no speaker should talk against other religions and only describe the beauty of their own.
Huzooraa said that mosques are the catalysts to enhance sympathy and service to humanity.
Concluding, Huzooraa prayed that the new mosque enables local Ahmadis to exhibit increasing love and tolerance towards humanity.