Abdul Quyyom Pasha, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Ivory Coast

Sadiq Ahmad Latif Sahib, Regional Missionary Abengourou reports that this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Ivory Coast was unable to hold the national Jalsa Salana. Whereas, there is an ongoing series of regional Jalsas.
The regional Jalsa in Abengourou was held on 24 and 25 December 2021. A detailed programme of the Jalsa was printed and delivered to all the Jamaats in the region a month ago. However, various preparations were started two weeks before the Jalsa.
Accommodation for the Jalsa guests was arranged in the classes of a primary school near the mission house. Therefore, a few days before the Jalsa, a detailed waqar-e-amal of the Jalsa site and the school was carried out. A formal stage was prepared for the Jalsa two days ago.
The Jalsa guests started coming on 23 December. Amir Sahib Jamaat Ivory Coast also reached Abengourou on the night of 23 December along with a delegation of five people. While another central delegation of ten people reached Abengourou the next day.
The regional Jalsa was formally inaugurated on 24 December at 11 am with the flag hoisting ceremony. Amir and the Missionary-in-charge of Ivory Coast raised the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat while Mr Coulibaly Siriki, Deputy Mayor of Abengourou, hoisted the Ivory Coast flag. This was followed by silent prayer.
The first session of the Jalsa commenced with the recitation from the Holy Quran with translation and a poem, followed by the inaugural address by Amir Sahib Jamaat Ivory Coast, in French language, on the aims and objectives of the Jalsa Salana, which was simultaneously translated into the local language Joula.
After that, Jumuah and Asr prayers were offered. Then, the attendees listened to the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Huzoor’s Friday sermon was also translated simultaneously into the Joula language.
The second session of Jalsa started at 3:30 pm, with the recitation from the Holy Quran with translation and poem, followed by a speech by Abdul Razzaq Sahib, Regional Missionary Agboville, in French language, titled “Islam, a religion of peace” and summarised his speech into the Joula language as well.
After that, Balo Ahmed Sahib delivered the second speech of this session on “Family matters and their solutions in Islam” in the Joula language.
After Maghrib and Isha prayers, different meetings were held. Sadr Lajna Imaillah Ivory Coast presided over a meeting with local Lajna members, while Amir Sahib, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Ivory Coast and the representative of Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Ivory Coast held their meetings with local office-bearers.
On the second day, the third session of Jalsa started with the recitation from the Holy Quran with translation and poem, followed by a speech by Yousuf Doumbia Sahib, muallim of Afalikro jamaat, on “Veracity of the Promised Messiahas”.
The second speech was delivered by Sadiq Ahmad Latif Sahib, Regional missionary, Abengourou, on “Contemporary problems and their solutions in Islam” in the French language, which was also translated simultaneously into Joula.
After this speech, Mr Coulibaly Siriki, Deputy Mayor of Abengourou City expressed his views as follows:
“Today, I am very content to have come to this spiritual gathering. I spoke to the honourable mayor of Abengourou about this event about three days ago. He told me that he himself wanted to join you this morning but since he has a busy schedule, he has sent me as his representative. I have learned a lot from this speech […]. After listening to this speech, I realised that we are lucky to be Muslims. This speech has given a new impetus to my faith. I am very grateful to all of you for inviting me to this event. May Allah Almighty help us to present the true picture of Islam.”
This was followed by the concluding address by Amir Sahib Jamaat Ivory Coast, on “The duties and obligations of an Ahmadi after Bai’at”. The session concluded with silent prayer.
Both days of the Jalsa started with congregational Tahajud prayer, while a blood donation campaign was arranged on 24 December 2021. 17 bags of blood were donated on this occasion.
Apart from other guests, journalists were present. An online newspaper, Aip.ci has already published a report on the Jalsa. In addition, radio Agnia FM covered all sessions. The representative of Agnia FM interviewed the amir and the regional missionary.
The whole proceedings of this Jalsa were broadcast live on Facebook from which people are still benefiting. A total of 399 people attended the jalsa.