Ata-ul-Haye Nasir, Ahmadiyya Archive and Research Centre

Towards the end of 1948, two representatives of the Grand Mufti of Palestine visited Pakistan – namely, Sheikh Abdullah Ghausiah and Syed Selim al-Husseini. Various dignitaries organised receptions in their honour. One such reception was held by Begum Salma Tasadduq Hussain – MLA West Punjab – on 3 January 1949, in Lahore. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra, was also invited there to deliver a speech.

During his speech, Huzoorra said that the major shortcoming of contemporary Muslims is that they act without any plan or scheme, whereas, if they really wish to succeed, they are required to take every step with complete wisdom and according to a certain scheme. (Al Fazl, 4 January 1949, p. 1)
The Civil and Military Gazette reported:
“Our Great Shortcoming
“Up Till Now We Have Been Working Without a Plan — Ahmadiyya Head
“‘Our great shortcoming is that up till now we have been working without a plan. If we really want to achieve something, we must act according to a plan,’ said Mirza Bashiruddin, Ahmadiyya religious head, at a reception given in Lahore on Monday afternoon by Begum Salma Tasadduq Hussain in honour of Sheikh Abdullah Ghausiah and Syed Selim al-Husseini, representatives of the Grand Mufti of Palestine.

“Speaking at the same function, Begum Tasadduq Hussain said: ‘No doubt Ka’aba is our centre, but the seat of Masjid-i-Aqsa (Palestine) is no less important to us spiritually. A Jewish State in the Middle-East shall be a dagger thrust in the heart of Islam. We assure the Palestinians that Pakistan shall always be ready to help them in their noble cause.’
“‘Geographically, we occupy one continuous stretch of land. Our unification shall bring in a new era of peace in this war-torn world; for Islam means peace and stands for peace,’ she added.
“Sheikh Abdullah Ghausiah, speaking after Begum Tasadduq, said: ‘The friendliness with which we were received everywhere in Pakistan, has given us a new spirit, and has made us confident of our success.’
“‘God created in you a man [referring to MA Jinnah] who brought in existence the largest Islamic State. He is no more now, but his spirit lives, and his message rings in the ears of Mussalmans. Keep alive the flame he has lit,’ he added.
“Syed Selim al-Husseini, who followed, said: ‘Palestine is the backbone of the Islamic world, and it is the duty of all Muslims to make a united effort for redeeming the Holy Land. We are determined to liberate Palestine and, by the grace of God, we will succeed.’
“Sardar Mohammad Ibrahim, head of the Azad Kashmir Government, said that he had full sympathy with his Palestinian brothers, and hoped that the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir would do everything to help them as soon as they were free from their own problems.
“Prominent among those who attended the reception were Mr Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Mr and Mrs Doolittle [US Consul General in Pakistan, H Austin Doolittle and his wife], Mr Fida Hussain and Sirdar Abdul Hamid Dasti. — Star.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 4 January 1949, p. 6)

The same newspaper, in its 5 January 1949 issue, published a photograph in which Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan can be seen having a discussion.
Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan (1895-1963) was a well known politician of British India, affiliated to the All-India Muslim League. He served in the 1946 Interim Government of India, as a member of the Central Legislative Assembly. After the formation of Pakistan in 1947, he became the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Health, and then served as a diplomat for Pakistan in many countries.