Abdullah Mihaylov, Missionary Bulgaria

Jalsa Sirat-ul-Nabi was held by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bulgaria. The event was attended by 49 people, including five Christians. The Jalsa was split into two programmes: speeches on the life of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and then a discussion forum with those in attendance.
The Jalsa on the life of the Prophetsa was initiated with recitation of the Holy Quran by Rumen Metodiev. Jawad-udin Afan Sahib, a missionary based in Bulgaria, also attended the Jalsa. A speech was delivered in Bulgarian, which encapsulated the great morals of the Holy Prophetsa. Hafiz Fareed Sahib, National Secretary Tabligh, Germany also attended the event and led the discussion with the guests.
The guests in attendance were from Petrich, Blagoevgrad and Sandanski. They enjoyed the event and enquired about similar future events.