Saturday, 18 January 2025, Islamabad, UK: Members of Lajna Imaillah and nasirat from Nordre Follo Majlis, Norway, had the blessed opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, at Islamabad, UK. Upon entering the room, Huzooraa conveyed salaam to everyone and enquired about their purpose for visiting. They replied that they wished to meet Huzooraa and pray behind him.
Reflecting on the purpose of being Ahmadis
As the mulaqat commenced, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa posed a thought-provoking question to all present about why they were Ahmadis – whether it was merely by birth or if they truly understood the significance of being an Ahmadi. Huzooraa then proceeded to provide a profound answer, encouraging everyone to reflect deeply on their Ahmadi Muslim identity and purpose. He emphasised that being an Ahmadi is meaningful only when one understands its purpose, strives to live according to Islamic teachings, and endeavours to spread the true message of Islam to others. Huzooraa said:
“Everyone must ponder over why they are an Ahmadi. What benefit is there in accepting Ahmadiyyat? Some of us are persecuted, and people think ill of us. Whether we live in Norway, Sweden or any other country, people speak ill of us. When people speak ill of us, what benefit is there to being an Ahmadi? Being an Ahmadi will only benefit us when we are conscious of why we are Ahmadis.
“The prophecy of the Holy Prophetsa was fulfilled, and we accepted that. This is why we are Ahmadis. How should our actions be thereafter? To what extent are we acting upon the teachings of Islam? How should we be fulfilling the rights of worship owed to Allah the Exalted? How should we be performing the five obligatory prayers? How should we be acting upon the commandments written in the Holy Quran and seeking them out? It is only then that being Ahmadis will benefit us. Otherwise, there is no benefit in simply labelling ourselves ‘Ahmadis’.
“Therefore, every girl and every woman should ponder over why they are an Ahmadi, what their duties are, how they will fulfil these duties, and how they will display their example in their country, whereby they can preach Ahmadiyyat and the message of Ahmadiyyat reaches others. Furthermore, [they should ponder over] how they will bring the people of that country into the fold of Ahmadiyyat, so that the true teachings of Islam can become manifest to the world, and that they come under the banner of the Holy Prophetsa. This is our objective, and we must fulfil it, whether man or woman, young girl or older. Everyone must understand this and this is why Lajna was established. Various departments within the auxiliary of Lajna were established for this purpose. This is why there are Tarbiyat, Tabligh and other departments. Pay attention to these and transform yourselves to the extent whereby people see your example and hear your words and become inclined towards Islam and their attention is drawn to Islam. Then, may Allah the Exalted show us that day when Ahmadiyyat spreads in your country to become the majority. This is the purpose of Lajna, and you must advance in this objective.
“If you can fulfil this objective, then that is excellent. If you do not, then you must analyse your state once again and assess as to where you are and where you need to be.”
Admonition for self-improvement during the visit
Huzooraa then advised them to meet Lajna representatives in the UK, perform prayers, supplicate, and take an oath to improve their spiritual condition during their stay in the UK. He further stated that upon returning to Norway, they should strive to be in a better state than when they arrived, which would be a sign of true progress.
Encouraging the younger generation
Addressing some of the children, Huzooraa asked if they understood his words, instructing them to become exemplary individuals who could explain Ahmadiyyat as the True Islam to other people. He then enquired who among them were students and gifted pens to those studying.
Devotion to Khilafat and focus on tabligh
A Lajna member requested prayers for leaving behind progenies devoted to Khilafat.
Huzooraa reminded everyone that their principal mission was to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat, rather than pursuing worldliness. “The real objective is to pursue faith and Allah. So, seek those,” Huzooraa said. He advised another Lajna member serving in the Tabligh Department to set an ambitious target concerning bringing people into the fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Guidance for fathers neglecting salat
A member asked for guidance regarding fathers who do not observe the five daily prayers and thus negatively affect their children. Huzooraa highlighted that many Ahmadis migrated to places like Norway seeking religious freedom or better economic opportunities, often granted due to their faith. Fathers should thus fulfil the duty of worship and set an example for their children. Huzooraa explained:
“In relation to this, I have said in many speeches to both women and men, that men should show their example, and this [responsibility] should not solely fall upon women. Women should say to the children that we must obey Allah, as it is His commandment. This is why we offer prayers. You should also ask the father why he is showing the wrong example in front of the children. We can only explain, so explain it to them to pray. There is no need to look for an opportunity to argue with the fathers, lest they say the next day to you to leave their homes and return to your own home, which may affect the tarbiyat of the children. Explain to your children with wisdom and explain to the fathers too. […]
“The Promised Messiahas states that the religion in which there is no worship, is no religion at all. Hence, teach these things to children and adults. Fulfilling the rights owed to Allah is obligatory.”
Women attaining the rank of martyrdom [shahadah]
A Lajna member enquired whether engaging in the Jihad of the self could grant women the same spiritual rank as men achieve through martyrdom in the cause of faith.
Huzooraa clarified that women, too, can attain martyrdom, and he pointed out a hadith of the Holy Prophetsa which states that a woman who diligently upholds her responsibilities at home, nurtures a religious atmosphere, and raises children with Islamic teachings attains the same spiritual reward as those who physically lay down their lives. Huzooraa said:
“Women are also martyred. There were three or four [Ahmadi] women martyred in Pakistan, too. Therefore, women can attain the rank of martyrdom in the same manner. Also, I have stated many a time that there is the hadith of the Holy Prophetsa that a woman came and said that men make great financial sacrifices and earn money, they go to battles, perform Jihad and are martyred, attaining the rank of martyrdom, whereas we women remain in our homes. So, can we also attain this rank and how can we attain it? Even though there were women at that time, such as Hazrat Umm-e-Ammarahra, who would participate in the battles. There were other women too. They displayed great feats of valour. However, the Holy Prophetsa stated that when you are in your homes, safeguarding the household, raising your children, looking after your homes, and developing a religious atmosphere in your homes, and your children are growing up with Islamic teachings, then your rank will be the same as those who are martyred. You will attain the same reward. [Tafsir al-Dur al-Manthur, Surah an-Nisa, verse 34, Vol. 2, Bab 34, p. 518)]
“So, the Holy Prophetsa has already spoken about you all that, without even taking part in the fighting, you partake of the Jihad and increase in your rank. This is why Allah the Exalted has even placed paradise under the feet of mothers. [Sunan an-Nasa’i, Kitab al-jihad, Bab ar-rukhsati fi t-takhallufi li-mun lahu walidah, Hadith 3104] He did not place it under the feet of men. What else do you need? If the rank of martyrdom is great, then the rank of one who brings others to paradise may even be loftier. Martyrs go to paradise themselves, but women are those who bring others to paradise, if they do the correct upbringing.”
Injustice and the existence of God
A Lajna member asked why injustices occur if God exists.
Huzooraa explained that cruelties stem from following Satan instead of Allah’s guidance and that Allah has given people free will to choose between good and evil; ultimately, oppressors will be punished in this world or the Hereafter, while those who obey Him will find peace and paradise. Huzooraa said:
“When did Allah the Exalted say that everyone would believe in Him? Allah the Exalted has mentioned in the Holy Quran that when Adam was created, Satan said that he shall entice his progeny [to commit vices] and many people shall follow him and they shall not listen to Allah. Allah the Exalted said fine; he did not deny that they would not follow him. Allah the Exalted stated that He shall place him and everyone that follows him in the hellfire. [Surah al-A‘raf, Ch.7:12-19]
“So, wars are being fought due to following Satan. People are following Satan, due to which they are perpetrating cruelties, and, as this life is temporary, where people live up to 80, 90 or 100 years, then in the eternal life of the Hereafter, Allah the Exalted shall place the oppressors in hell. Some are punished in this life as well and some will be punished in the Hereafter. The oppressors are committing cruelties; they are killing innocent people, they are killing women, etc. It could be that this is happening due to the actions of some people and Allah the Exalted is punishing a nation. But with regards to the oppressors, He has said that He shall punish them immensely in the Hereafter. So Allah the Exalted has already said before that there would be many who would follow Satan.
“Allah the Exalted states that He has revealed what is good and bad. If you comply with His injunctions, then you will be saved from committing atrocities and you will remain here in this world in peace and enter paradise. If people follow Satan, they may think they have earned a lot, lived in luxury and are in a good state; however, He shall place them in Hell. So Allah the Exalted exists and He told us from before that He has given us the free will to do what we want and also blessed humans with intelligence. If one accepts His commandments, then they will be at peace in this world and the cruelties will end; otherwise, if they don’t, if they follow Satan, then cruelties will be committed and, due to that, they will be punished in this very world and in the Hereafter. There is no question relating to the existence of God. God indeed exists and He has not said anywhere that there is coercion. God has granted us sense and we should utilise it and He has given us free will.”
With these words, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa conveyed salaam, took leave, and the mulaqat drew to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)