Throughout history, Allah the Almighty has always rushed to the aid of His chosen ones. Opponents may mock or question why believers face hardship, but it is the righteous who triumph in the end.
On 26 September 2015, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community also faced such hardship when a large fire broke out at the Baitul Futuh Mosque Complex. As the administrative building went down in flames, regular attendees of the mosque, as well as the general public, looked on in awe. Regrettably, some individuals resorted to ridicule.
However, the Jamaat did not allow this setback to impede their progress in any way. Instead, they forged ahead with plans to build an even bigger and better complex, and on 4 March 2018, the foundation stone was laid by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa for this project. Work began in full force, and today marks the culmination of this grand endeavour, a testament to Allah’s immense mercy and the Community’s unwavering faith and determination.
Throughout this temporary setback, Huzooraa provided comfort and guidance to the Community. He also encouraged the Jamaat to partake in financial sacrifice for the rebuilding, and as usual, Ahmadis came forth wholeheartedly and donated passionately. In the Friday Sermon on 17 November 2017, Huzooraa said:
“As I have mentioned earlier, those people who were unable to offer sacrifices for this cause previously must make an effort to take part this time. They should endeavour to pay their pledged sums within three years and should try to pay one-third of the promises within the first year.”
Speaking about the ridicule of some Muslims on seeing the fire, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, in his Friday Sermon of 2 October 2015, said:
“A few Muslims were expressing joy and were invoking SubhanAllah. Fine, today they may invoke SubhanAllah in derision. […] However, God willing, we will soon build an even better and more beautiful building, and we will be the ones who sincerely say SubhanAllah as well as Masha-Allah.”
Today, we witness just how magnificently these words of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa have come to fruition, as Huzooraa has just inaugurated the new complex, a brief report of which is given below.

At approximately 5:30pm, Huzooraa arrived at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in Morden, Surrey, to inaugurate the new multiple-purpose complex. On arrival, Huzooraa planted a tree and proceeded to unveil the inauguration plaque. He also took a brief tour of the complex, inspecting its various features and facilities.
After leading Maghrib and Isha prayers, Huzooraa met with various dignitaries, after which he proceeded to address the National UK Peace Symposium.

Mohammad Nasser Khan Sahib, Naib Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK, told us how the vision of Huzooraa for this complex has finally come to fruition. He said:
“Huzooraa was very pleased when he went around the building and saw everything in working order. So, that is an excellent result for us. When the fire happened, Huzooraa gave everyone reassurance that one day we would be saying SubhanAllah and Masha-Allah, and today everyone is saying this when they see the building and what has taken place inside. He also said that we must now keep it clean and well maintained, and he also gave other guidance.”
National UK Peace Symposium 2023

At 7:10 pm, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived at the Tahir Hall at the Baitul Futuh Mosque Complex and greeted the guests who had come from forty countries around the world to attend this year’s National UK Peace Symposium, as well as to witness the inauguration of the newly-built complex.
The formal session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, Surah al-A’raf, verses 56-59, delivered by Ehsan Ahmad Sahib, followed by its English translation, presented by Aleem Zia Sahib. Next, Rafiq Hayat Sahib, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK, welcomed the guests and gave a brief introduction to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as well as the history of the construction of the Baitul Futuh Mosque Complex. He said that the National Peace Symposium was returning after a gap of some years due to the Covid pandemic, and that the theme for this year’s event was “Foundations for True Peace”.
Afterwards, Fareed Ahmad Sahib, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK’s National Secretary for External Affairs, read out a special message from the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, which was followed by three brief speeches from guest speakers. They were Sir Ed Davey MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Paul Scully MP, Minister for Technology and the Digital Economy and Fleur Anderson MP, the Shadow Paymaster General.
Following the speeches, the recipients of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace were introduced briefly. They are Barbara Hofmann (Mozambique/Switzerland) and Dr Tadatoshi Akiba (Japan). They were in attendance at the event and were honoured to receive the prize from Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. Additionally, both of them addressed the symposium briefly.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then came to the podium to deliver the keynote address.
Huzooraa started by expressing his gratitude to the guests, who were attending the event. He said that this event, which also incorporates the peace symposium, is being held to inaugurate the reconstruction of the Baitul Futuh Mosque Complex. Hence, Huzooraa would highlight the objectives of the construction of mosques as well as comment on the current state of the world, giving his view of how to achieve global peace and security.
Huzooraa said, it is impossible to fulfil God’s rights without fulfilling the rights of our fellow human beings and all of God’s creations. Ahmadi Muslims believe that the Founderaa of the Ahmadiyya Community was sent to draw attention to these core principles of Islam. He had made it clear that there is a direct correlation between God’s worship and fulfilling the rights of fellow humans.
Mosques are built for the worship of Allah the Almighty, and it is stated in the Holy Quran that a person who fails to pay heed to other people’s rights, their worship, will become the means of their downfall and humiliation instead of their salvation. Muslims are commanded to worship facing the Ka’bah, but it is equally essential to always consider fulfilling the objectives of the construction of the Holy Ka’bah, which are outlined in one of the verses of the Holy Quran as follows:
“Whoso enters it [the sacred House of Allah], enters peace.” (Surah Aal-e-Imran, Ch. 3: V. 98)

This verse draws the worshippers’ attention to seeking peace for themselves as well as becoming beacons of peace for others because mosques spiritually mirror the Holy Ka’bah. Moreover, in each of the daily prayers, Muslims recite Surah al-Fatiha, which proclaims that God is the Lord of All the Worlds and of all peoples, not only of Muslims. He provides for and sustains Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and, indeed, people of all religions. He grants them life and fulfils their basic needs through His grace and compassion. Hence, from the very start of the Holy Quran, Muslims are taught they must never harm the people of other faiths, harbour any hatred against them, or speak ill of them, as we are all the creation of that Lord of all the Worlds. He sustains even those, who do not appreciate His grace and reject His very existence. He sustains them and provides them the fruits of their labour. Thus, it is purely to attain the love of that Lord of the Worlds, that the Ahmadiyya Community tries to foster peace and harmony around the world.
“Those who have faith in such a Gracious God can never seek to undermine the peace and well-being of others”, Huzooraa said. Thus, the Ahmadiyya Muslim community strives to foster peace and harmony around the world purely for the sake of attaining God’s nearness and love. This has been the consistent way of the community since its inception. Through organising peace symposia and similar events, we aim to bring people together under the banner of humanity. “Our motivation is for true and lasting peace to emerge so that mankind can save itself from self-destruction”, Huzooraa said. Our objective is to raise awareness about the fact that the world stands at the precipice of disaster and to urge humanity to recognise its responsibility — not only to those today, but also to those of our future generation.
Stressing the importance of establishing peace, Huzooraa said, “Only in peace lies the salvation of the world. Peace is the golden key to unlocking the door to societal progress and development.”
Huzooraa said that he believes this message is falling on deaf ears because people have turned away from God Almighty and consider material pursuits their ultimate goal. However, it was due to such vain and covetous pursuits that the world was dragged into two world wars. Yet, instead of learning from the horrors of the past, the world is once again engulfed in warfare and conflict.
Huzooraa clarified, “I do not believe that the blame lies exclusively with Muslims or with non-Muslims for this, nor do I say that cruelties and injustices are the sole reserves of any one nation or group.” Islam permits defensive warfare only under extreme circumstances, where there is a concerted effort to destroy religious freedom or religion itself. Islam has never allowed and will never allow warfare to fulfil geopolitical ambitions. The Holy Quran instructs us to pursue every last avenue to achieve peace, no matter how remote the chances of success may seem.
In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty states:
“And if two parties of believers fight [against each other], make peace between them; then if [after that] one of them transgresses against the other, fight the party that transgresses until it returns to the command of Allah. Then, if it returns, make peace between them with equity, and act justly. Verily, Allah loves the just.” (Surah al-Hujurat, Ch. 49: V. 10)
In other words, Huzooraa said, when two nations are at war, third parties should seek to bring them to a peaceful settlement. If the aggressor continues to wage war, it is up to other nations to join forces to use proportionate and legitimate means to stop the oppressor. However, once they stop, unjust retribution must not be exacted.

In the Holy Quran, Allah states:
“O ye who believe! Be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be [always] just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do.” (Surah al-Mai’dah, Ch.5: V.9)
In other words, Huzooraa said, that you must not let the enmity of any nation prevent you from upholding the true standards of justice. Accordingly, post-war punitive sanctions that limit a nation’s freedom and ability to progress, must be avoided at all costs.
Commenting on the Russia-Ukraine war, Huzooraa said sadly there is no sign of how or when this war will end. However, it has not stopped certain political leaders from saying that when it does end, Russia should be subjected to extreme sanctions and made to pay for its actions.
Huzooraa commented on an article by Matthew Parris published in The Times, wherein the columnist said that such comments would serve only to further inflame a volatile situation and reduce the chances of peace and that “words spoken now… can cast long shadows across a future terrain of which we’re still ignorant.” Huzooraa said the columnist is right to serve this warning.
“What incentive will Russia and its leaders have to cease the hostilities if they know that if they withdraw, it will lead to their certain ruin?” Huzooraa asked and added, Islamic teachings require every effort to be made to achieve a peaceful solution to a conflict. For this reason, it is essential to keep the channels of communication open and to strive to find mutually acceptable terms of agreement. If, however, an aggressor remains bent upon causing misery and destruction and refuses to withdraw, Islam says that other nations should join together and use proportionate and necessary means to stop cruelty, with the prime objective at all times being to establish peace instead of seeking revenge.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa warned, an extremely dangerous consequence of the war has been the solidification of the opposing political blocs and alliances, and the rhetoric being used in international relations is becoming increasingly hostile on all sides. Much has been written about how Russia and China are forging closer ties. The truth is that war often begets war. There are genuine concerns that the Ukraine conflict could spread further or that other nations would be emboldened to abandon diplomatic efforts to resolve their disputes and resort to force.
Huzooraa also referred to an article by the journalist Peter Hitchens, in which he said that if the tanks being provided to Ukraine cross into what Russia regards as its own territory, then do not be surprised by anything which happens. Hitchens continues, “So there is the real possibility that a large chunk of Europe might be turned into a radioactive graveyard and that American conventional retaliation for this (which will be furious and powerful) will take us a stage further into the world of horror, loss, flight, pestilence and poverty, which always follows war.”
Huzooraa also gave the example of Jeffrey Sachs, a leading economist, who had expressed his concern in a similar vein and said, “We are organising alliances and building up weaponry”, and that the current approach was “a recipe for yet another war”.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“Increasingly, academics, political experts and respected analysts are warning that we are approaching a grave period in the history of humanity. […] The symbolic doomsday clock controlled by an international panel of scientists, which forecasts the likelihood of human-made global catastrophe was recently turned to just 90 seconds until midnight, the closest to a global disaster it has ever predicted.”
Highlighting the Islamic teaching in this regard, Huzooraa said, “Islam teaches Muslims to help not only the victims, who are persecuted, but also the perpetrator and aggressor. This does not mean to enable them to perpetrate further cruelties, but to stop them from doing so.
Huzooraa added, “Whatever crimes are being committed by the Russian state, we must keep in mind the broader picture, which is that if the war is not brought to an end, it will lead to a deepening global crisis.” Hence, world powers ought to end this war through peace talks, lest it spiral out of control, leading to a full-scale nuclear world war, about the unimaginable destructive effects of which, Huzooraa said, he has been warning for many years.
In the end, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa prayed:
“May Allah the Almighty grant people wisdom, and may all of mankind manifest those principle objectives that the Creator and Master of this world desires from us; to fulfil His rights, and those of His creation.”
The event concluded with a silent prayer led by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.

Thought provoking message.
I hope the world leaders will pay heed to the Huzoor’s (aa) message of need to allow peace to prevail and stop hostility among themselves so as to save the world.