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Thailand’s Annual Jalsa


Jalsa Salana Thailand


Jamaat Ahmadiyya Thailand successfully held their 17th Jalsa Salana on 9-10 March. 627 Ahmadis attended, of which 27 guests attended from Indonesia. 

The Jalsa was inaugurated in the Bangkok Mission House, after the Jumu’ah prayers, whereas the Jalsa commenced later at the Manhattan Hotel, Bangkok. 

The formal opening of Jalsa Salana was held on 10 March. This day comprised of two sessions, pre-lunch and post-lunch sessions. In total, 13 speeches were delivered on a variety of topics, such as Wasiyyat, Khilafat, taqwa, family life, the Holy Quran, social manners and the need for the Imam. 

The Jalsa came to an end with the concluding remarks of the National President, followed by prayer. 

6-12 April

7 April 1907: The Promised Messiahas published the tract Fath-e-Azim (Grand Victory) about Dr. John Alexander Dowie’s death. This opponent of Huzooras intended to wipe out Islam. He died in America in utter grief, misery and helplessness. Thus, the greatness of Ahmadas, the Messiah of Qadian was witnessed at large.

8 April 1897: The Promised Messiah’sas prophecy about Arya Samaj’s leader, Pandit Lekhram, was fulfilled when this extremely abusive foe met his painful fate on 6 March 1897. False accusations were raised against the Promised Messiahas. Police investigators searched the house of Promised Messiah in Qadian on this date.

(For further information on the prophecy pertaining to Lekh Ram’s death, read: www.reviewofreligions.org/12030/a-murder-in-british-lahore-closing-the-case-of-lekh-ram/)


Arya Samajists mourning the death of Pandit Lekhram

9 April 1907: On 9 April 1907, the Promised Messiahas was vouchsafed a prophecy from God Almighty concerning the “Calamity of Damascus” (Bala-e-Damishq). The effects of that prophecy can be felt even today.

10 April 1904: Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiahas, was forced multiple times into lawsuits by his opponents, but courageously bore all harsh adversities. Karam Din of Jehlum filed a lawsuit and during the hearing, a Hindu judge, Lala Chando Laal did his utmost to discomfort our Beloved Imamas. This man was stripped of his position by the Government on 10 April 1904. The next day, the new judge, Atma Ram, commenced the proceedings.

11 April 1900: The heavenly sign of Khutba Ilhamiyah (the Revealed Sermon) was manifested in on 11 April 1900 in Masjid Aqsa, Qadian. This great sign was shown on Eid-ul-Adha, when the Promised Messiahas delivered an extempore sermon in Arabic. Huzooras, described the event by saying that on the morning of Eid ul Adha, he received a revelation to say a few words in Arabic. Therefore, Huzooras informed his friends about the revelation. Huzooras said that he had never made a speech before that in Arabic. But on that day, when he stood up to deliver the Eid sermon, God caused an articulate and eloquent speech to flow from his tongue, which is set out in the book Khutba Ilhamiyah. It was a lengthy speech and was delivered without any preparation. God called it a sign in His revelation because it was under the influence of the power of God Almighty.

Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddin Sahibra and Hazrat Maulvi Abdul Karim Sialkoti Sahibra were assigned to note it down simultaneously.


Where Khutba Ilhamiyyah was delivered in Masjid Aqsa, Qadian

11 April 1900: On 11 April 1900, a group photo of the Promised Messiahas and his Companions was taken in Masjid Aqsa, Qadian. Dr Nur Muhammad sahib of Lahore took this photo.

The Revealed Sermon delivered by the Promised Messiahas

12 April 1891: On this date the Promised Messiahas was in Ludhiana for a visit.

Salat Course, Kosovo


In accordance with Huzoor’saa directives, during February, Kosovo Jamaat organised a Salat course in their three local Jamaat centres.  

Members of the Jamaat were taught the split-word translation of the Arabic wording of Salat in the centres of Peja, Mitrovice and Prishtina, by Shkelqim Bytyqi, the local Mualim.


Not only did Ahmadis derive benefit from this initiative, but non-Ahmadi guests also participated. 

Every session commenced with a presentation, followed by participants repeating the wording. Thus, members were able to practice and memorise the Salat pronunciation and its meaning, the aspect that was given most emphasis. 

The attendance in each centre was good and most of the local Ahmadis were present. 


Picnic after the Salat Course

The course lasted five weeks after which a picnic was arranged for the participants in the mountain range of Brezovica. Brezovica is a settlement in Kosovo, known for its ski resort. The picnic was held as a conclusion for the members who attended the entire course. The event took place 2000 meters above sea-level, South-West of Kosovo. There they had the honour to call the Adhan and also offered Salat there.

The course sessions, followed by the picnic, were a success. During the picnic, the local Ahmadis used the opportunity to talk about the importance of prayer and why, without prayer, religion is meaningless. This was also a source of encouragement for future courses that are intended for members, in order to increase religious knowledge. 

Students and Staff, Ghana Jamia Reminisce Jamaat’s Foundation


The Promised Messiah Day, Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana


On 25 March 2018, the day of the Jamaat’s foundation was commemorated in relation to 23 March 1889. The Promised Messiah Day was commemorated in Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana with great zeal. 

Guests were received with the display of buntings. Apart from students and staff, regional missionaries, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, office bearers of Jamaat Mankessim and other members of the community also participated in the Jalsa. 

The Jalsa was presided by respected Abu Bakar Anderson sahib, Former President, Central Region. After the recitation of Holy Quran, a Tanzanian student presented an Urdu poem of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in an accurate Urdu accent. During the Jalsa three speeches were delivered in English:

The Promised Messiahas and Religious Tolerance, Ismael Adusai sahib (Student)

Aims and Purposes of Ahmadiyyat, Intisar Ahmad sahib (Teacher)

High Morals of the Promised Messiahas, Shahid Mahmood sahib (Missionary)


Mosque at Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana

Students warmed the atmosphere by presenting songs of praise and poems in between speeches; one song of praise comprised of three languages. 

The function was arranged in the seminar hall and due to the abundance of guests, a marquee had to be erected outside. Apart from the family members of staff, female guests also graced the occasion. 

Lunch was served after the function. The gathering came to a close with the Zuhr and Asr prayers. Approximately 270 people participated in this Jalsa. 

The Companions – Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a.

Jalees Ahmad, Al Hakam


Born: 573 AD. Mecca, Arabia

Full name: (Abu Bakr) Abdullah bin Abi Quhafa

Father: Uthman Abu Quhafa

Mother: Salma Ummul-Khair

Tribe: Quraysh (Banu Taym)

Friendship with the Prophetsa

After the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa married Hazrat Khadijara, he settled down in the same area as Hazrat Abu Bakrra. They lived next door to each other and thus became acquainted with one another resulting in them quickly becoming close friends. They also recognised each other as kindred spirits; both shared the same pious habits which increased their ties of friendship. 

The Dream

It was at that time that Hazrat Abu Bakrra saw in a dream that a huge moon in the sky was illuminating a tremendous amount of light into the abodes of Mecca. When he related this dream to the people of the book they interpreted it to mean that he would be fortunate enough to accept the Prophet of the age. This was before the Holy Prophetsa was commissioned as a messenger of God. 

Acceptance of Islam

At the time of the Holy Prophet’ssa claim of being a prophet of God, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was not present in Mecca. News of the Holy Prophetssa claim had spread fast. Hazrat Abu Bakrra first heard the news from Abu Jahl, who later proved to be staunch enemy of Islam. 

When he heard the news, he replied that if he had indeed claimed to be a messenger of Allah then he was speaking the truth. 

Without wasting any time, he made his way directly to the Holy Prophet’ssa home and asked if it was true, upon which he received the reply that he had been commissioned as the Messenger of God. Hearing this Hazrat Abu Bakrra, without any hesitation, accepted Islam. 

The Holy Prophetsa used to say to his Companions that whenever he invited a person to Islam, usually that person would hesitate and wait for a while before making up his mind to embrace Islam. However, Hazrat Abu Bakr was the only person who neither hesitated nor wavered. 

After accepting Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakrra spent his days wholly and entirely in spreading the message of Islam. Due to his efforts and prayers many people from the Quraish accepted Islam among whom were Hazrat Uthman, Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Zubair bin Al-‘Awam, Hazrat Sa’d bin Abi Waqas and Hazrat Abdul Rehman bin ‘Aouf (may Allah be pleased with them all). 


The Holy Prophetsa said that when people neglected the message of Islam, it was Hazrat Abu Bakrra who remained by his side and gave his life and wealth for the cause of Islam. 

After accepting Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakrra faced many hardships. It is narrated in the books of Hadith that at times, due to their enmity towards Islam, the people of Mecca would abuse Hazrat Abu Bakrra so much so that his hair would fall off due to being dragged around pulled by his hair and beard. 


One’s relation with their Creator can be gauged through their level of worship and prayer. In the Holy Quran, we read that man’s sole purpose of creation was to recognise his Lord and Creator. Hazrat Abu Bakrra understood this very well. 

We find in a Hadith that before migration to Medina, Hazrat Abu Bakrra made a small Masjid within his home where he would worship God and recite the Holy Quran in a loud yet gentle tone. Later, when Hazrat Abu Bakrra was asked why he had to migrate, he said that the people of Mecca did not like it when he would recite the Quran or worship, even at home. 

Passion for Islam’s Defense

Hazrat Abu Bakrra, being the closest companion to the Holy Prophetsa, was among those blessed and fortunate companions who took part in battles and stood side by side with the Prophetsa through thick and thin, from the Battle of Badr all the way to the Victory of Mecca. It was very commonly known among all the companions that Hazrat Abu Bakrra would always be ready to sacrifice his life, wealth and time for the sake of Islam. Countless incidents have been narrated in the books of Hadith regarding this.

Passing of the Holy Prophetsa

Often, the pain of losing someone can seem impossible to get over. When the Holy Prophetsa passed away, the Companions experienced all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, including shock, anger, disbelief, guilt and profound sadness. 

Hazrat Umarra was no different. His heart wasn’t ready to accept the Prophet’ssa demise and threatened to kill anyone who said that the Prophetsa had passed away. In such a situation, where the companions were in denial and confusion, Hazrat Abu Bakrra stood up and recited the verse.

“And Muhammad in only a Messenger. Verily, all Messengers have passed away before him. If then he die or be slain, will you turn back on your heels? And he who turns back on his heels shall not harm Allah at all. And Allah will certainly reward the grateful.”

[Surah Al-e-Imran, Ch.3: V.145]

When we read this incident in the Hadith, we find the reactions of the companions who were present. Hazrat Umarra stated that when he heard Hazrat Abu Bakrra recite the verse, he felt as though it had been revealed to him by God at that very moment, though he had recited it before many times. Thus, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was able to bring peace back into the hearts of the Companions. Thereafter the Companions took the Bai’at at the hand of Hazrat Abu Bakrra


After Hazrat Abu Bakrra was elected as the Khalifa, he gathered everyone in Masjid Nabwi. In his address, he expressed how he in no way desired that he be elected as the Khalifa. He also stated that if anyone else felt that they could carry the responsibility then they were most welcome to do so. 

Thus, the reason he accepted the divine status of Khilafat was so that no fitna – disorder – would spread throughout the Muslim Umma. 

One of the many accomplishments of his Khilafat was the compilation of the Quran. This was a very sensitive issue, which the foundation of the Muslim Umma relied on. The Battle of Yamama played a major role in motivating Hazrat Abu Bakrra to compile the Quran. 

During the life of the Holy Prophetsa many parts of the Quran were memorised by the companions and also written, most of which were scattered and could not be compiled in book-form. 

When eight hundred Huffaz (people who had memorised the Quran) were killed in the Battle of Yamama, Hazrat Abu Bakrra ordered the collection of the surviving pieces so that the Quran could be compiled in book-form. This was completed during the Khilafat of Hazrat Uthman.


When we look closely at the life of the Companions of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, we find the true essence and teachings of Islam within their character. We find examples and true-life morals that we must all try to adopt.

Hazrat Abu Bakrra was the Holy Prophet’ssa neighbour, best friend, a true companion and Khalifatur-Rasul. Thus, even today the whole Muslim Ummah remembers him as Al-Siddiq, which according to the Holy Quran is the second highest rank man can attain after Nubuwwah – prophethood. 

100 Years Ago… – Hazrat Mufti Sahib’s Diary


“Sadiq’s Diary” is a diary belonging to Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahibra that was included in Akhbar Faruq on 28 March 1918, exactly a hundred years ago. In the diary, Hazrat Mufti Sahibra reveals the challenges he was facing serving as a missionary in England and gives insight to his activities. 

Sadiq’s Diary, from England, 18 January 1918


Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra frequently wrote letters to the Markaz reporting on his regular tabligh activities

Currently I am in Ventnor [Isle of Wight]. Today – 13 January 1918 – I received mail from India and it proved to be a source of comfort. It is not too chilly here and in fact the sun has been out. I took my mail and set off on top of a hill where I read all my letters and prayed for everyone. 

Mr Ahmad of Malabar and Mr Lai of Ceylon [now Sri Lanka] have asked when my monthly journal will start. There is a scarcity of paper where I am, thus it is difficult for a monthly journal to start just yet. However, I intend to publish various gazettes every now and then, which cover topics related to tabligh [preaching] and personal accounts about tabligh. In this regard, I request all learned people to share their views…

The person of Seith Abdullah Bhai is also a blessing of the many blessings of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya’s second era. Fal-hamdulillahi ‘Ala Dhalik. [All praise for this is due to Allah.] If only the ignorant opponents could reflect how inconsequential their renunciation proved for Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. All power belongs to Allah; He commissions whoever He pleases. 

Brother Mahbub Alam from Arrah writes, and how true it is, that I was the one who could not bear freezing temperatures but God assigned the task of tabligh in Great Britain to me. For this reason, I declare with certainty that the work being done here is not my doing, I have very little contribution in it. It is all a result of Allah’s blessings and what attracts these blessings are the prayers and supplications of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and members of the Jamaat. My prayer is always La Haula Wa La Quwwata Illa Billahil-‘Aliyyil-‘Azim. [No power or might is greater than Allah, the Most Supreme, the Highest.]

The propagation of Ahmadiyyat has made Khawaja [Kamaluddin] sahib quite zealous in inciting non-Ahmadis against us. To some he will say that we are mushrik [believers in more than one deity] while he tells others that we are Roman Catholics. He may say what he wills. If anything, his unease, restlessness and requests to non-Ahmadi newspapers to avoid giving us publicity contradicts and disproves his initial claim that Ahmadiyyat was not capable of spreading in England. How can anyone supress the one who God wishes to manifest…

The Cold

Generally it is very cold here. In fact, the temperature at one stage dropped to 23°F. However, it is now stable not exceeding 32-35°F. 

The weather reports we are receiving from London and southern England show that it is extremely cold there. A lady from London wrote that water had started freezing her taps to the extent that the taps would burst and on top of that, plumbers were not available to help. In London, the temperature dropped to around 18°F. I have heard that in Ventnor the temperature has never gone below 22°F. 

One day, I stepped out for a walk when I noticed small white flaky grains floating in the air. I became perplexed as to what it was and soon realised that it was in fact snow. I immediately went back to the house and gazed out of the window observing the snowfall that settled on the road beneath, creating a long white carpet of snow. It was the first time in my life that I had witnessed snowfall and saw it illuminate the surroundings. 

When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira was Royal Physician in Jammu, I travelled with him in the month of April from Jammu to Kashmir as a very young boy. At that time, Huzoorra was teaching me the translation of the Holy Quran. We crossed the Pir Panjal Mountain Range where we saw mountains covered in snow. We also walked across many miles of snow. As I was in my youth I did not feel the cold as much. Now I am frightened of the word “snow”. 

Aside from the extreme cold and perpetual snowfall, in his passionate and brave way, brother Qazi sahib has full trust in Allah in the midst of the constant air bombardments. He remains focused on his work both day and night…

A Letter of Complaint from a Priest

One day I had the opportunity of meeting with a Catholic Priest. He was dressed in customary English clothes. I commented, “The Roman Catholic Priests in our country usually wear a long gown. The cummerbund [waistband] is made of ropes with the cross and a chaplet of beads hanging from one side and a hood around the collar. This is usually how we recognise Christian Priests. What sort of Father walks around in a blazer and trousers?”

He took a big sigh and replied, “We are an oppressed people. The Protestants have formed a national law that no Catholic Priest should be seen with a gown, otherwise there can be a huge uproar against it. To extreme extents, we are stopped from purchasing land for building churches. The land we managed to erect a church on in this town was possible only because it was purchased in a lawyer’s name from London. These people do not have any respect for their elders; they reject the Pope and in doing so have all become little popes.” In this manner, the Priest continued to voice his grievances. 

In the end, when I attempted to engage him in a more doctrinal dialogue, he evaded the discussion. 

Generally, I have observed that Roman Catholics refrain from debates and discourse and do not study books of other sects and religions. 


Ventnor, Isle of Wight

Prophet of God

There is a lady here who once resided in India. Every now and then I get the chance to meet her. One day, she invited me for tea. I gave her and her husband Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’s book Islam Aur Digar Mazahib [Islam and other religions]. When I next met them, they spoke highly of the book and the husband – Mr Denton – said that he would read it two or three more times. During our conversation the lady mentioned, “You were walking along a path, one day recently, when a young girl noticed you and abruptly alerted her mother very seriously, ‘Look Mum! There goes a Prophet of God.’ ”

Jesus, the Messiah

There is a Priest here of a big church by the name of Father Cheeseman BD. Every so often we get together and share thoughts in discussions. He is a very courteous and polite human being.

One day, when I entered his house, his youngest daughter came and sat next to me and carefully listened to what we spoke about. She asked me my name which she eventually memorised. 

Thereafter, when I met him on another occasion, he said, “It is strange that when you left that day, my youngest daughter who was carefully listening to what you were saying said to me, ‘Dad, the man who came to our house today was Jesus, the Messiah!’ ”

I am not aware how these thoughts crept into the innocent minds of these children and how those words came out of their mouths. But they proved to be another great way of explaining the prophethood of the Messiah, Jesus, among people. Thus, it was another great means of tabligh

It is possible that the souls of the children could smell the aroma coming from my fortunate companionship of the Promised Messiah and Prophet of Godas, resulting in them using such words. Allah knows best. 

Although these words will enrage the rebels of Khilafat and the opponents of the prophethood of “Jariyullah Fi Hulalil Anbiya”, [the Champion of God, in the mantle of all the prophets] the Promised Messiahas with envy, but the truth is that Hazrat Ahmad Qadiani, as far as prophethood goes, was no less than any prophet. No one can now be at peace and rest without being a recipient of his spiritual blessings. 

Those who wish to wail may do so; those who wish to express their disgust may do so, but nothing and nobody can overrule Allah’s Word. 

Although I am currently in Ventnor but mail sent in my name should be sent to the permanent address in London:

4 Star Street, W2. London. 



Muhammad Sadiq 


18 January 1918

(Translated from the original Urdu by Qaasid Muin Ahmad)

The Promised Messiah’s a.s. Message to the World


Remember that God has informed me about the coming of earthquakes. So, remember surely that in accordance with the prophecy, earthquakes came in America and also in Europe. They will also occur in different parts of Asia. Some of them will be as terrifying as doomsday. 

There will be death on such a large scale that rivers will run with blood. Even birds and animals will not escape it. Such destruction will overtake the Earth as has not happened since man was born. Most places will be turned upside down as if they had never been inhabited.  There will also be other terrible afflictions both in the Heaven and in the Earth and every sensible person will realise that they are no ordinary phenomena and no trace of them will be found in books of astronomy or philosophy. Then people will be seized by anxiety and will wonder what is going to happen. Many will be saved and many will perish. 

Those days are near. Indeed, they are at the doorstep, that the world shall witness a spectacle of doomsday. Not only will there be earthquakes but other terrible calamities will also appear; some from the heaven and some from the Earth. This will happen because men have given up the worship of their God and all their thoughts and their designs and all their resolves are diverted towards this world. 

Had I not come, these calamities might have been delayed for a while but with my coming, the secret designs of God’s wrath that had been long hidden have been manifested. As God Almighty said, “We never punish until We have sent a Messenger”. Those who repent shall find security and those who fear before the calamity overtakes them will be shown mercy. 

Do you think that you will be saved from the earthquakes? Or that you can save yourselves by your own designs. No, you cannot. All human designs will come to nought that day. Do not imagine that only America has been shaken by the earthquake and that you are safe for you may experience even greater calamities. O Europe, you are not secure! O Asia, you are not secure! O you who dwell in the islands, no artificial god will come to your aid. 

I see the cities falling and I see the habitations in ruin. The One and the Unique has long remained silent. Abominations were committed before His eyes and yet He remained silent, but now He shall reveal His Countenance in a dreadful manner. 

He, who has ears to hear, let him hear. The hour is not far. I try to bring everyone under the security of God but the decrees of destiny had to be fulfilled. Assuredly, I say that this country’s turn is also drawing near. The days of Noah shall appear before your eyes and you will see with your own eyes what happened to the land of Lot. But God is slow to wrath. Repent so that you are shown mercy. He who abandons God is a worm, not a man and he who does not fear Him is dead not alive.

(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Haqiqatul-Wahi, Ruhani Khazain, Vol.22, pp.268-269)

Outreach Programmes in Spain


Jamia Ahmadiyya Visits

There is great emphasis on tabligh in Spain. 

For the past four years, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa has been sending newly qualified missionaries from Jamia Ahmadiyya UK to Spain to distribute leaflets with a brief introduction to the Jamaat to create awareness among the public. 


Jamia graduates distribute leaflets across Spain

For the last two years, newly qualified missionaries of Jamia Germany have been visiting for the same purpose. 

Groups are formed to are spread out throughout the different cities of Spain and they distribute leaflets, which result in many one-on-one discussions about the truth of Islam and the background of the Promised Messiah’sas advent. 

Neighbouring islands such as Gibraltar and Morocco have been the centre of attention for the past few years. Groups visit these areas as well and pass on the peaceful message of Islam.

Bearing in mind that Huzooraa desires that the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat should spread rapidly in Spain, Jamaat Spain has formulated outreach programmes also.  Regular leafleting sessions are take place in all the five Jamaats throughout Spain.

Small villages and market places are targeted to ensure that the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat reaches far and wide. 


Throughout the year, lectures have been held in the universities, schools and colleges of Spain. It is a great chance to educate the youth about the reality of Islam and how it offers a peaceful, harmonious and practical way of life. The lectures are followed by Q&A sessions in which students never hold back in raising the controversial issues surrounding Islam in the media. Often the students are amazed at the logical answers they are given and appreciate Islam’s tolerant and sensible teachings. 

School Visits

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat’s mosques are hubs of harmony, tolerance and knowledge. Jamaat Spain has had over ten visits of secondary schools, primary schools and universities to their mosques. For children, it is usually their first experience in a mosque since there are not many Mosques in Spain. Students are given tours of the mosque and brief introductions about the Jamaat as the true Islam.


School Visit to Basharat Mosque, Spain

The Basharat Mosque is situated at an ideal location and is clearly visible from the highway. It is among the most beautiful and visible buildings in the village. It is very common for travellers to stop and ask to be given a tour of the mosque. They are provided with refreshments and are given a brief introduction of Islam Ahmadiyyat. Throughout the year, the Basharat Mosque often makes the headlines in newspapers and television channels.

The Quintessence of Adolescence


After reading a recent BBC article it was intriguing to learn that scientists have deemed the ages of 10 to 24 to be the age of adolescence. 


According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, the definition of adolescence is “the time in a person’s life when he or she develops from a child into an adult”. 

Although the article focused on recent studies on extending the age of adolescence to 24, what was more fascinating was that somehow it has been determined that adolescence begins at 10. Whether this is based on mere conjecture or has been deliberated upon on biological grounds, the fact remains that scientists say, as the BBC puts it, “Young people continuing their education for longer, as well as delayed marriage and parenthood, has pushed back popular perceptions of when adulthood begins.”

So, society defines when childhood ends, when maturity kicks in and when adulthood begins. If that is the case, then it is surely fascinating that people are quick to judge those who marry younger partners with the consent of both parties. Under this definition, many marriages of the past all become legal. 

The fact is that marriages out of the model and average age of marriage is looked upon as cruel and harsh among progressive modernists due to  appearing uncommon and out of the standards of the contemporary world and the so-called modern-day progressive minds. 

Further in the article, the BBC states, “[Puberty] used to happen around the age of 14 but has dropped with improved health and nutrition in much of the developed world to around the age of 10. As a consequence, in industrialised countries such as the UK the average age for a girl’s first menstruation has dropped by four years in the past 150 years.”

Environment matters! The type of atmosphere you live in, the air you breathe, the food you eat, the general health in your area all have an effect on when children will biologically begin to take adult forms. 

“Age definitions are always arbitrary”, writes Prof Susan Sawyer, director of the centre for adolescent health at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, but “our current definition of adolescence is overly restricted”. She adds, “The ages of 10-24 years are a better fit with the development of adolescents nowadays.” 

At this point, the BBC’s integrity must be appreciated for they have presented the facts as they are before us. Puberty, adolescence and maturity are not all the same. One of those is a biological result which can be affected by the environment around us while the other two are subjective and can have a multitude of variations in any part of the  world, since it came into being. 

Among the Romans it was common for girls to marry before puberty. The famous French Latinist, Marcel Durry, has suggested in his research that Roman girls would marry before the age of puberty; that puberty was not considered a determining factor for the age of marriage and that such early marriages were consummated before puberty.

Professor M K Hopkins, University of Leicester, researched on the age of Roman girls at marriage. He stated, “As late as A.D. 530 and at least as far back as the reign of Augustus, the legal minimum age of marriage for girls was 12 and for boys 14… Octavia, daughter of the emperor Claudium, married at 11… Of 145 inscriptions, from which the age of marriage of pagan girls under 25 can be calculated, 12 (or 8 per cent) married at the ages of 10 and 11.”

He further added, “Surely Romans, and especially aristocratic Romans at the height of Roman culture, were similar to modern (or eighteenth-century) gentlemen, and they therefore could not have behaved like savages. But early marriage is not confined to savages; it is practiced among high-caste Indians. Civilization and early marriage can, and do, go hand in hand. It is quite unhistorical and quite unnecessary to eulogize the Romans in terms of ourselves or our ideals.” 

He concludes, “Thus some caution is needed, and it would be naïve to generalize on the basis of the recognized similarity of the institutions without first examining the cultural setting.” 

Modern science suggests that society and the environment affect the definitions of regional adulthood. Where health and nutrition affect the growth of children, aspects today such as education and marriage have also now begun affecting the social norms. If the definition of adolescence today is based on when people leave fulltime education and when, on average, they get married, then the modern day still has a lot to answer about definitions it supports. And that must be answered before orientalists comment on Prophet Muhammad’ssa marriage to Aishara.

30 March – 5 April


1 April 1901: The Promised Messiahas was adamant in propagating the message of Islam to the Western world. To attain this grand goal, alongside other schemes he desired to publish a magazine. To manage the magazine, he formed an association. This was Anjuman-Isha‘at-e-Islam (Society for the Propagation of Islam). It held its first meeting this day. The meeting named  the title of the magazine; “The Review of Religions”, which is published even today. Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddin sahibra was appointed President of the Anjuman

3 April 1898: The Promised Messiahas and his companions faced every possible form of adversity. For example, a rumour about his demise was intentionally spread among people and a fake obituary was circulated. The main perpetrator behind this mischievous and criminal act was Maulvi Muhammad Baksh Jafaar Zatali, student of Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi. To soothe the distraught Ahmadis, the Urdu newspaper Al Hakam brought out a special issue on this day. 

3 April 1902: The Promised Messiahas mentioned in his letter to Hazrat Haji Seith Allah Rakha Abdur Rehman sahib that the plague was claiming around twenty thousand lives weekly. 

3 April 1987: Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrt, after receiving divine guidance, announced the Waqf-e-Nau scheme. He called on Ahmadi parents to devote the lives of their children for the cause of Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam. Members of this scheme were awarded with the famous statement, “You have been born for a great purpose at a singular moment in time”. 


4 April 1905: In accordance with divine prophecy vouchsafed to the Promised Messiahas, a strong earthquake jolted the Indian Subcontinent. Today’s Indian state Himachal Pradesh city, Kangra, and its surrounding areas came under massive destruction.

4 April 1906: An opponent of the Promised Messiahas, Chirag Din of Jammu died, according to prophecy. This opponent fell prey to the plague with his two sons. 

4 April 1908: The Promised Messiahas saw a vision in circa 1865 about Hazrat Guru Baba Nanak. He started painstaking research to prove his piety. After thirty years of research he published his monograph “Sat-Bachan”. His dedication was such that, only weeks before his sad demise, he came to know that a copy of the Quran is also there among relics of Hazrat Guru Baba Nanak in District Ferozpur of East Punjab. To confirm and further investigate this vital clue, he sent a delegation on this day. 

4 April 1979: Ahmadis in Pakistan faced brutal political enmity in 1974 under the regime of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Bhutto was hanged in Rawalpindi on this day under the regime of his successor, General Zia-ul-Haq. 

6 April 1894: The heavenly sign of the solar eclipse was shown in favour of the Promised Messiahas. It was 27 Ramadan 1311 AH. The Promised Messiahas himself came out and observed the sky. A special prayer was offered in Masjid Mubarak Qadian on this occasion. This glorious sign manifested by God to prove the truthfulness of His servant, the Promised Messiahas compelled many fortunate people to enter the fold of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat.  

7 April 1907: An adversary of the Promised Messiahas, Munshi Ilahi Baksh who was an accountant, perished on this day. Earlier, this unfortunate person was among the closest companions of the Promised Messiahas, but his inner darkness led him to his bitter end.