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Suriname Ahmadis Gather for The Promised Messiah Day


On Saturday, 24 March 2018, Jamaat Ahmadiyya Suriname, hosted “The Promised Messiah Day” in Nasir mosque. 

The programme started with the recitation of the Holy Quran and its translation, followed by an Urdu poem written by the Promised Messiahas. The first speech was titled: “Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas: A Warner”, delivered by the president of the Jamaat, Mr. Samseer Sheikh Alibaks sahib, followed by the second speech about the claims of the Promised Messiahas, delivered by Maulana Laiq Ahmad Mushtaq sahib. 

The programme was attended by 90 guests, among whom eight were non-Ahmadis. After the formal event, dinner was served to the participants.

Prophets Always Have Difficult Beginnings


Those who are sent by God always have to bear ridicule in the beginning, and it may be rightly said that a Prophet is not without honour but in the beginning of his mission. 

God’s Holy Prophet and Messengersa, to whom the Holy Quran was revealed, who gave us the Shariah, whose followers we are proud to be, and upon whom the Law was perfected, was received in the same manner by his people. For thirteen years he led a solitary and helpless existence in Mecca, and suffered persecution and ridicule at the hands of his enemies, until he was forced to leave the city. Who would then have known that this helpless man was to become the Imam and leader of millions? 

(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Lecture Lahore, pp. 41-42) 

Land of Spain Blessed Again


Basharat Mosque, Pedro Abad, Spain

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa embarked upon a journey to Spain on 2 April 2018. 

The land of Spain has been blessed by his presence in 2005, 2010 and 2013. This is his fourth visit to the land that was once a hub of Islamic heritage.

Spain, in its glorious days of Islamic rule, produced great Muslim scholars and thinkers like Ibn Al-Arabi and Averroes (Ibn Rushd).

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat was blessed with the honour of rejuvenating Islam in Spain. Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya has been serving this cause since the time of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra, to bring back the lost glory of Islam in Spain. He sent the first Ahmadi missionary to Spain in 1936, however, the first missionary to land in Spain and establish an organised missionary activity was Karam Ilahi Zafar sahib in 1946.

Huzoor’s previous visits have witnessed historic landmarks in the history of the Jamaat, rather the history of Islam. His Friday Sermon at the Basharat Mosque in 2005 that opened Jalsa Salana Spain, was the first time ever that the words of Khalifatul Masih were broadcast live from Spain, globally via satellite television.


The opening of Baitur Rahman Mosque, 2013

The opening of Baitur Rahman Mosque in Valencia was yet another milestone in the propagation of Islam to the Spanish nation.


Baitur Rahman Mosque in Valencia, Spain

In 2014, Huzooraa launched the grand scheme of sending newly qualified missionaries of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK and Germany to propagate the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat on an extensive scale. This three to four-week programme of distributing leaflets, talking to locals one-on-one and inviting them to mission-houses is reminiscent of the medieval times when Islam had first arrived in Spain. 

Literature of the Jamaat, introducing the true message of Islam, is widely published and distributed extensively, under the auspices of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. 

Today Huzoor delivered the Friday Sermon from Baitur Rahman Mosque, Valencia, Spain. (Listen to Huzoor’s Friday Sermon at www.mta.tv)

Rings of the Promised Messiah a.s.


The three rings the Promised Messiahas had made that are still around today

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra (1893-1963) wrote an article for the Al Fazl newspaper which was published in the 10 December 1945 issue.

When the Promised Messiahas passed away, he left behind three rings. The oldest was made in 1876, after the demise of his father; the ring with the inscription of the famous revelation “Alaisallahu Bikafin ‘Abdahu”, meaning, Is Allah not Sufficient for His Servant?

The second ring was the one that the Promised Messiahas probably had made in, or around, 1892. That ring bears the revelation (c.1884), “Udhkur Ne’mati-Allati An‘amtu ‘Alaika. Gharastu Laka Biyadi Rahmati Wa Qudrati”; meaning, Remember My bounty that I bestowed upon you. I have planted for you a tree of My mercy and My power with My Own hand.

The third ring was the one that a companion of the Promised Messiahas gifted him a few years before his demise, in around 1906. This had, according to Huzoor’s wish, the words “Maula Bus” [meaning, God is sufficient] engraved on it.

Three Rings of the Promised Messiahas

Hazrat Ummul Momineen [mother of the believers; a term used for the wife of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Nusrat Jehan Begum Sahibara], after the demise of the Promised Messiahas decided to distribute the three rings among us three brothers. It was suggested that the allocations be done through a draw. So Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra (who at the time was not Khalifa) wrote the text inscribed on all three rings on three pieces of paper. Then Hazrat Amma Jan [Hazrat Nusrat Jehan Begum Sahibara] picked up the papers; the one with “Alaisallahu Bikafin ‘Abdahu” went to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra; the one with “Udhkur Ne’mati…” came to me [Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra] and the one with “Maula Bus” went to Miyan Sharif Ahmad. 

The images below show the pieces of paper where the text of the rings is written in the handwriting of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra but the names below the texts are in the handwriting of Hazrat Amma Janra. I am having the images of this text published in Al Fazl to be recorded as a blessed memory.


Why Hold the Peace Symposium


One may ask: Why hold a Peace Symposium?

Al Hakam reported on the 15th Peace Symposium of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in the very first issue that came out on 23 March 2018.

A gist of the keynote address by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa was given in the news story while a link to www.mta.tv was provided so that readers could listen to the full address. 

Huzooraa opened his address by voicing a question that many guests or viewers of MTA could have had: Why is this Peace Symposium organised every year when there seems to be no improvement in circumstances? Huzooraa answered this question before moving on to the actual topic of the address.

On the very same day as when the first issue of Al Hakam came out – 23 March 2018 – the Ministry of Justice published the sentencing remarks by the Honourable Mr Justice Haddon-Cave against Ahmed Hassan at the Old Bailey i.e. the highest court of England. Ahmed Hassan was charged with attempting to blow up a District Line train at the Parsons Green station in London. This bomb only partially exploded injuring 51 passengers, but luckily, there were no fatalities.

He was tried by the justice system of England and was handed his sentence on 23 March 2018. Ahmed Hassan was found guilty of attempted multiple murders by a jury at the Old Bailey and his sentence was handed to him by the Hon. Mr Justice Haddon-Cave. 

Evidence and investigation revealed that Ahmed Hassan was out to kill members of the British public in the name of Islam. The sentence was detailed and lengthy; forty-eight points on eleven pages. I would like to quote here the final point titled “Final Remarks”:

These “remarkable” remarks by the Hon. Mr Justice Haddon-Cave clearly show that the voice of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa is not going unnoticed. In a time when so-called Muslims have painted the bleakest picture of Islam, in the very name of Islam, the only voice that carries the true and peace-loving teachings of Islam is finally being heard.

A top-brass politician attending the Peace Symposium this year is reported to have said that he felt that the message of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was getting more straight-forward every year. As Huzooraa addressed the political powers of the West in a very straight-forward manner, referring to their wrongdoings in the underdeveloped and war-stricken areas, the politician seems to have felt the heat. His remarks seem to represent the majority of western politicians. 

The approach taken by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa is unique. Huzooraa very powerfully, yet peacefully, points out any wrongdoing by anyone, whosoever. In his address, Huzooraa clearly stated that Muslims were partly to be blamed for the chaos created in the world but western powers were not completely innocent. While Muslims needed to mend their ways of practising Islam, the West should also look into revising their diplomatic and economic policies.

Among many journalists in attendance at this year’s Peace Symposium was Tegan. She published her thoughts about the keynote address by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on her blog www.theclimatelemon.com

Thomas Carlyle is quoted to have said, “The merit of originality is not novelty; it is sincerity.” But in the message of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, we find both; both making a huge deal of “original” contribution to understanding the true Islam.

The Noble Companions of Prophet Muhammad s.a.


Friday Sermon

9 March 2018

The Noble Companionsra of Prophet Muhammadsa


After reciting the Tashahud, Ta’awuz, Tasmiyah and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

While mentioning the sacrifices of the companions of the Holy Prophetsa, their status and the favours which Allah the Exalted bestowed upon them, the Promised Messiahas, said on one occasion: 

“Hazrat Abu Bakrra sacrificed all of his belongings in the way of god the exalted and sufficed only on a blanket himself. However, what did Allah the exalted grant him in exchange? He made him the king of the whole of Arabia. Likewise, he revived Islam once again at his hands, and won the hearts of the apostates of Arabia. He then bestowed upon him those blessings, the likes of which could never have been imagined. In short, the honesty, purity, loyalty, sincerity and kindness of these people is an example for every Muslim. The life of the Companionsra was such that an example cannot be produced the likes thereof in the case of any other prophet. In essence, until man does not come to the threshold of god the exalted, abandoning one’s personal desires and goals, one cannot achieve anything. Rather they cause harm to themselves. However, once they abandon all their selfish desires and aims, and come to the threshold of God the Exalted, empty-handed and with pure hearts, then Allah grants them and supports them. However, the condition is that man should become ready to die and endure all forms of humiliation and even death. Look, this world is mortal”, meaning no person will live forever. “However, those who abandon it,” i.e. worldly pursuits, “for the sake of God, earn its pleasure. For this reason, God Almighty makes his beloved ones admired and accepted in this world. It is the same popularity, for which the worldly people undertake thousands of efforts so that they may be granted a certain title or an honourable position or a seat at a court or a similar place, or that they may be counted among those who hold a certain rank. In short, all the worldly honours are bestowed upon them. Every heart is infused with the respect and acceptance of those who are prepared to abandon everything for the sake of Allah the Exalted. Not only do they become prepared to do so, but they indeed put this into practice. To sum up, those who abandon everything for the sake of God the Exalted are bestowed everything.”

On a different occasion, the Promised Messiahas said the following words whilst sitting in a gathering,

“One who loses a little for a worldly government, he is rewarded for it.”

In one’s day to day worldly affairs, we see that if an individual gives them something or performs a service for them, they are rewarded for it. The Promised Messiahas says,

“One, who loses for the sake of God, would he then not be rewarded?”

He further states,

“Such people do not die until they have received their reward from God Almighty manifold, as compared to what they sacrificed in his way. God the exalted does not remain indebted to anyone. However, it is unfortunate that there are only a few who believe in these things and few who comprehend the reality behind them.” (Malfuzat, vol. 5, pp. 398-399 with footnote, UK 1985)

The remarkable examples of those, who exhibited such honesty and purity, sincerity and love leaves one marvelled. The spiritual power of the Holy Prophetsa channelled their desires. At first, they were inclined towards something else, which he then turned towards something completely different; from the worldly pursuits to the Divine. Moreover, the standard of their love and inclinations reached their zenith. They reached such heights, the likes of which were not found previously in the world.

Observe how eloquently the Promised Messiahas has presented the example of their excellences and magnificence. He stated that the standard of their love and sacrifice is not found even in the lives of previous prophets. Furthermore, as far as the followers of [those previous] prophets are concerned, their grandeur and state was extremely inferior in comparison to that of the Companions [of the Holy Prophetsa]. The Companions were absolutely pure from all of their personal desires. They purified their hearts, devoted themselves to God and lived their lives merely for the sake of acquiring the pleasure of God the Exalted. Furthermore, when this state is created, God the Exalted also showers His blessings and He does so without any boundaries and we witness these aspects in the lives of the companions. I will present the incidents of some companions as to how they devoted themselves to God the Exalted and what examples they demonstrated. 

Hazrat Abbadra bin Bashar was a companion from among the Ansar [native Muslims of Medina]. He was martyred in at the young age of approximately forty-five. (Usdul Ghabah Fi Ma’rtifatil-Sahabah, Vol. 3, Abbad bin Bashar p. 46, Darul Fikr, Beirut 2003) (Al-Asabah Fi Tamiz Al-Sahabah, Vol. 3, p. 496, Darul Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 2005)

Narrating an incident in relation to his worship and the recitation of the Holy Quran, Hazrat ‘Aishara says:

“One night, the Holy Prophetsa woke up for the tahajjud prayer [predawn supererogatory prayer] and heard the Holy Quran being recited in the mosque.”

The Holy Prophetsa used to wake up very early hours for the Tahajjud prayer.

“The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Is this the voice of Abbad?’ Hazrat Aisha replied: ‘It seems to be his voice.’ Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa prayed for him saying: ‘O Allah! Have mercy on Abbad.’” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Al-Shahadat, Bab Shahadatul A‘ma, Hadith 2655)

How fortunate were those who spent their nights in worship and recitation of the Holy Quran, which resulted in them becoming the immediate recipients of the payers of the Holy Prophetsa. Furthermore, they awoke at night, beseeching Allah the Exalted for His pleasure and mercy. 

Due to one of his dreams, Hazrat Abbadra was certain that he would attain the status of martyrdom. Hazrat Abu Sa’id Khudrira relates:

“Hazrat Abbad once said to me ‘I saw in a dream that the sky has been rent asunder and that I entered it, after which it closed again and returned to its original form.’”

Due to this dream he would say that he was certain that Allah the Exalted would grant him the status of martyrdom. This dream of his was fulfilled during the Battle of Yamama. He was martyred whilst fighting with great courage. Nevertheless, his army, which comprised of all the Ansar, defeated the opponents he was fighting against. Although he was martyred, the enemy was defeated. Hazrat Abu Sa’id says that following the battle, his face was unrecognisable due to the sword wounds to his face. His body was only recognised by a certain mark on his body. (Al-Tabqat Al-Kubra Li-ibn-e-Sa‘d, Vol. 4, p. 31, Nafis Academy Karachi)

Then, history informs us about another companion by the name of Haramra bin Malhan. This youth was at the forefront of teaching the Holy Quran to the youth and others, as well as serving the Ashab-e-Sufa [companions who dwelt in mosques]. 

A delegation from Bani ‘Amir requested the Holy Prophetsa to send them some people in order to preach to them [the message of Islam] so that they could also become familiar with Islam and so that their people could enter the fold of Islam. Their intentions in requesting this were malicious. As these people were not trustworthy, the Holy Prophetsa said that he feared that they would harm the convoy he was to send. Upon this, their leader, who had not yet accepted Islam, listened to his [the Holy Prophet’ssa] words and said, “I take responsibility of this and everyone will be under my protection.” Subsequently, the Holy Prophetsa sent a delegation to Bani ‘Amir. Haramra bin Malhan was appointed the leader. 

When the delegation reached its destination, Hazrat Haramra bin Malhan became suspicious of their intentions. It was evident, even from a distance, that their intentions were not right. Hence, he said to his companions, “We should take some precautionary measures; everyone should not gather here together.” The reason for this was that if they ambushed all of them, they could cause them harm in a single instance. “Therefore, you should all stay here and I will go with one person [to them]. If they treat us appropriately, you can come as well. However, if they cause us harm then you may decide, according to the circumstances, whatever they may be, whether to return, fight them or to remain there. When Haramra bin Malhan and his companion approached the people, the leader of Bani ‘Amir indicated to a person, who attacked Haramra bin Malhan from behind with a spear. A fountain of blood gushed forth from his neck. He rubbed his blood on his hands and said, “By the Lord of the Ka’bah, I have succeeded. By the Lord of the Ka’bah, I have succeeded.”

After this, the other companion was also martyred, following which they attacked the remaining seventy people and martyred all of them, save one or two. As they were being brutally killed, after having been deceived, they prayed, “O Allah! Accept these sacrifices of ours and inform the Holy Prophetsa of this state of ours, as we have no means to do so.” Hence, Hazrat Gabriel conveyed to the Holy Prophetsa the Salam [salutation of peace] of the companionsand informed him of their situation and the martyrdoms. The Holy Prophetsa informed his companions that all of them had been martyred. 

As I mentioned, there were seventy companions. The Holy Prophetsa was greatly grieved by their martyrdoms. He prayed against those tribes for thirty days saying, “May Allah Himself seize and punish those who are guilty of this brutality.” The Holy Prophetsa declared those deaths to be extremely magnificent martyrdoms. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwatur-Raji’, Hadith 4091) (Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Imarah, Bab Thabut Al-Jannah Lish-Shaheed, Hadith 4917) (Tarikh Al-Khamees, Vol. 1, p. 452, Beirut) (Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 4, p. 355, Hadith 12429, Musnad Anas bin Malik, Alam-ul-Kutub Beirut 1998)

Mentioning the love, affection and magnificent sacrifices for the sake of religion, the Promised Messiahas states,

“Love is something that enables a person to do anything. A person who falls in love with another, what do they not do for the sake of their beloved?” 

He then goes on to narrate the state of worldly people by saying:

“A woman fell in love with someone. She was dragged around, inflicting all sorts of pain upon her and beating her. However, she would say ‘This pleases me’. If pleasure can be attained in tolerating difficulties and hardships for false [worldly] love, which manifests itself in the form of rebellion and wickedness,” as is the state of worldly people; the Promised Messiahas says, “what great pleasure will a person, who is a ardent lover of God the Exalted and who desires to submit himself at the Divine threshold, acquire during difficulties and hardships?” 

The Promised Messiahas states:

“Observe the state of the esteemed Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all. What atrocities were meted out to them in Mecca? Some of them were captured, tortured and punished in various forms. Men were certainly made a target of this. However, some Muslim women were [also] tortured in such a manner, the mere thought of which makes the body shudder and tremble. If they had joined the people of Mecca, they would seemingly have been treated with great respect because they were part of the same tribe. However, what enabled them to remain firmly established upon the truth even during the storm of difficulties and hardships? It was that very fountain of happiness and delight, which gushed forth from their chests due to the love for truth.”

Whilst narrating another incident as an example, the Promised Messiahas states,

“It is narrated about a companion whose hands were severed, that when this happened, the companion said, ‘I perform the ablution’. Eventually his head was decapitated, and he passed away saying ‘I prostrate [before Allah]’. At the time of his death he prayed, ‘O Allah! Inform the Holy Prophetsa of my situation.’ The Holy Prophetsa was in Medina at the time. The Angel Gabriel offered his greetings of peace to the Prophetsa. The Prophetsa responded ‘Peace be upon you’ and was notified about the incident.” 

The Promised Messiahas says,

“Hence, after obtaining the pleasure of being in the company of God the Exalted, one readily accepts being trampled to death like an insect.”

Just like the companion who stated: “I have attained the Lord of the Ka’bah,” meaning that he had reached the highest point of love. 

He says,

“The most excruciating afflictions are made easy for a believer to experience. The truth is, it is a sign of a true believer that they are ever ready to be slain. Similarly, if a person is asked to convert to Christianity or prepare to be killed, then at that time they should seek what their conscience tells them to do, whether they will accept death or prefer converting to Christianity. If they give preference to being put to death, then they are true believers, otherwise they are infidels. Hence, those believers who experience such hardships also experience a form of hidden delight. Just think about this, if there was no delight in experiencing such trials, then how can the Prophets (on whom be peace) go through such hardships for such a long time?” (Malfuzat, Vol. 2, pp. 308-309, UK 1985)

The examples about the Companionsra that have been mentioned here show that the spiritual power of the Prophetsa had infused such a spirit in them that even on the brink of death they would readily profess: “We swear by the Lord of the Ka’bah that we have succeeded; We have attained God.” 

However, these people would perform virtues. When they were wronged, they would offer sacrifices as a response instead of transgressing, like some groups of this day and age who say that they shall enter paradise after being martyred. The Companionsra were not such. Rather, they were the type of people who fought against cruelty. They were not those who spread transgression. 

It has been mentioned about, Hazrat Abdullahra bin Amr, a companion from among the Ansar, that leaving for the Battle of Uhud, he said: “I will be the first one to achieve martyrdom.” Perhaps he had seen a dream or Allah the Almighty had informed him. He said to his son, “Take care of your sisters after my demise.” He had daughters. He also said, “And I have taken a loan from a Jew. Pay him back from my date gardens when you receive the earnings.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Janaiz, Hadith 1351) (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Alamat Al-Nubuwah, Hadith 3580) (Umdatul Qari, Commentary Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, p. 244, Hadith 1351, Beirut 2003) 

Such was the level of their love for Allah, taqwa, chastity and standard of offering due rights. Going to war, they would not worry for their lives, rather they were least concerned about it. Instead, it delighted them to know that they would be blessed with martyrdom before others. He had no fear about his young daughters in that he had to fulfill their rights, instead he had faith in Allah and after putting his trust in Him, he advised his son that he would now be the head of the household and that he should fulfill all obligations and care for his sisters. 

Then there is the concern about paying off the loan that he had taken from a Jew. [He said,] “I do not expect that you should pay this off from your own pocket. Rather, it will be paid off from the profit gained from our date gardens.” 

“I am not putting any financial burden on you. I am simply informing you about this obligation. I am informing you about an integral Islamic commandment, which is to pay off debts. You will inherit my property only after paying off this debt. This is the first thing that has to be implemented.”

Whilst stating how Allah Almighty blessed the martyrdom and sacrifice of Hazrat Abdullahra, it is narrated that when the Holy Prophetsa saw the condition of Hazrat Abdullah’s son, he expressed his condolences and said,

“I shall share something to cheer you up.” He said, “After your father’s martyrdom, Allah the Almighty made your father sit in front of Him and said, ‘I will grant whatever you ask from me.’ Hazrat Abdullah responded: ‘O my Lord! I was unable to fulfill my due obligations. How can I ask more from You?’” 

He held high standards of sacrifices and worship, yet his response was that he had not fulfilled his obligations in performing rights of others. “I do not have the words to express my wishes. It is all due to Your Mercy and Grace.” Then he stated, “Since you have asked, my Lord, my only desire is that You make me go back to the world so I can fight the enemy alongside Your Messengersa and I return to You once again as a martyr.” Allah the Almighty responded, “I have decreed that those who pass away once are not returned to the world again.” (Majma’ Al-Zawaid, Vol. 9, p. 389, Hadith 15756, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Fi Abdillah Ibn ‘Amr, Beirut 2001) 

So, although the desire could not be fulfilled, he would inevitably get the status of a martyr regardless. 

Similarly, regarding the passion to offer sacrifice and martyrdom of Hazrat Amrra bin Jamuh, it is stated that he would walk with a limp due to a pain in his foot. He was in a lot of discomfort. His sons did not let him partake in the Battle of Badr due to his disability. When the disbelievers marched to fight in the Battle of Uhud he said to his sons: “You can do whatever you like but I will not listen to you and I will most definitely take part in this battle.” Therefore, he met the Holy Prophetsa and requested, “My sons keep me from partaking in the battle due to my impaired foot. However, I would like to join you in this Jihad.” He further stated, “By God, I wish that Allah the Almighty fulfills what my heart desires and grants me martyrdom. I will enter Paradise despite my impaired foot.”

The Holy Prophetsa said: “Jihad is not obligatory for you, due to your disability. However, if this is your wish, then you may join.” And the Holy Prophetsa instructed his sons to let their father take part in the battle. Therefore, Hazrat Amr took part in the battle and prayed continuously: “O Allah! grant me martyrdom and do not make me return to my house unsuccessful in this task.” His desire was surely fulfilled and he was martyred in the battlefield of Uhud. (Usdul-Ghabah, Vol. 7, pp. 688-689, Al Mizan Nashiran wa Tajiran Lahore)

Hence, they had advanced in faith and conviction. 

Take the example of any companionra. They were every ready to offer their lives sincerely and loyally. 

Hazrat Abu Talhara was a companion from among the Ansar and was famed for his archery. He displayed great skill of archery during the Battle of Uhud. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Manaqib Abi Talha Ansari, Hadith 3811) (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab “Idh Hammat Ta-ifatani, Hadith 4064)

The Holy Prophetsa would say, “Lay arrows in front of Abu Talha” as he would use arrows quickly and would hit the intended targets. He also had the opportunity to shield the Holy Prophetsa during the Battle of Uhud. Hazrat Talhara covered the Holy Prophet’ssa face with his hand. This was the Ansari companion Abu Talha. He was blessed with the opportunity to stand in front of the Holy Prophetsa and demonstrate bravery and courage. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Manaqib Abi Talha Ansari, Hadith 3811)

He would prefer to stand in the most dangerous locations during the battle without any kind of fear or trepidation, so that he could fight the enemies of Islam who sought to annihilate it and in order to establish peace and security in the world. 

As I mentioned, they did not take part in wars in order to commit cruelties, rather when the enemy attacked they did not simply show cowardice, but instead showed the quality of courage and valour. They spent all their faculties in order to attain the pleasure of God Almighty. 

The Promised Messiahas states, “Whatever has been decreed by God is always destined to take place, and in relation to this the material means is of no significance. God Almighty states that whoso strives in His cause, will find

مُرَاغَمًا كَثِيْرًا

‘An abundant place of refuge.’ (Surah Al-Nisa: V. 101)

One who acts with pure intentions, God Almighty is with him, in fact even if one is ill, God Almighty alleviates it.” 

The Promised Messiahas further states,

“Look at the example of the Companionsra; their example is like that of all the Prophets. Actions please God Almighty. [The Companions] offered their lives to be sacrificed like goats. Their example is similar to the Prophets, as has been their practise since Adamas.” 

There has been a practice, a way of the prophets since Adamas as is evident from the history of religions. The Promised Messiahas further continues,

“However, the Companions demonstrated this in a most lustrous manner.” They did not just reveal its importance in terms of imparting its knowledge but illumined it by practically demonstrating it as well and showed that “this is true sincerity and loyalty.” 

The Promised Messiahas further states,

“What can be said of Jesusas; no one betrayed Mosesas but Jesusas was betrayed by his disciples for just thirty rupees. It is evident from the Holy Quran that the disciples entertained doubt about Jesusas, hence demanding a heavenly feast, and said,

وَ نَعْلَمَ اَنْ قَدْ صَدَقْتَنَا


“Then, there is no parallel to be found in the manner in which they [the Companionsra] lived a life of extreme anguish. They were indeed a truly unique group of individuals, who are worthy of admiration and emulation. Their hearts were filled with complete certainty. When one is full of conviction then initially they first wish to spend their wealth, and when the desire grows, such a person is even ready to offer his life.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 5, p. 42, UK 1985)

This conviction was ever-increasing in them, due to the spiritual power of the Holy Prophetsa. Even the day-to-day dealings of the Companionsra were filled with such wondrous examples of their love for the Holy Prophetsa. They would always be in search for an opportunity whereby they could express their love for the Holy Prophetsa

Regarding Hazrat Abdullahra bin Amr, it is said that even during normal days he would be searching for the opportunity where he could express his love and loyalty for the Holy Prophetsa. It is mentioned in one of the narrations that once he sent a home-cooked sweet dish through his son, Hazrat Jabirra. When his son returned, he enquired whether the Holy Prophetsa had said anything. Hazrat Jabirra replied that the Holy Prophetsa had said, “Jabir, have you bought meat?” Upon hearing this, Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr replied, “My master wishes for meat,” and then immediately went and slaughtered one of his goats. He sent the cooked meat to Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa prayed for his entire family for this gesture. (Al Jami’ Li Sha’bil Iman, Vol. 8, pp. 62-63, Hadith 5503, Riyadh 2003)

The Companionsra also experienced many difficulties in preaching to their close relatives. At times, difficulties arose if the son had accepted Islam whilst the father had not, or if a man or woman accepted Islam but were weaker in comparison to their more stronger relatives and they would cause them difficulty or express their displeasure. 

Hazrat Amr bin Jamuh’s son performed the Bai’at [pledge of initiation] before him. His father was a mushrik [idolater] and when he had exhausted all means in his efforts to preach to him, his son threw his father’s idol, which he had adorned in his house, in a pit of waste. Amr bin Jamuh searched for the idol and brought it back home, furiously saying, “If I find out who is responsible for this, I will punish them severely.” The next day his son did the exact same thing with the idol and his father found it again in a pit. Eventually, his father cleaned and adorned the idol  again and then placed his sword next to it saying, “I do not know who is committing these acts against you, but I am now placing this sword next to you, so that now you can protect yourself.” 

The following day, he saw that the idol had vanished. When he set out to find it, he discovered that it was tied around the neck of a dead dog, lying in a pile of rubbish. Amr then thought to himself that the idol which he deemed to be a god, despite having a sword nearby, did not even have the strength to defend itself; how could it then defend him? He then addressed the idol and said: “If you were the True God, you would not be tied around the neck of a dog. Thus, I proclaim to the Lofty and Exalted God, the Provider and Just.” He then says, “From among the Ansar, the last person to accept Islam was Amr bin Jamuh.” (Usdul Ghabah, Vol. 7, p. 688, Al-Mizan Nashiran Wa Tajiran Lahore) 

The status and rank of the Companionsra can be gauged from the love the Holy Prophetsa had for his Companionsra. Furthermore, the bond the Companionsra had with God Almighty was due to the spiritual power of the Holy Prophetsa. On occasions, God Almighty would bless the companions directly or through the Holy Prophetsa.

Hazrat Ubayra bin Ka‘b also had a special relationship with God Almighty. It is written in Bukhari that on one occasion the Holy Prophetsa said to him, “God Almighty has ordered me to recite the Quran to you.” The Holy Prophetsa said to his companion that God Almighty had instructed that Ubay bin Ka‘b recite the Quran to him. Hazrat Ubay bin Ka‘b asked in astonishment, “Has God Almighty mentioned me by name? Has the Lord and Master of the Universe mentioned me by name and instructed you to recite the Quran to me?” The Holy Prophetsa replied: “Yes, he has mentioned you by name.” Upon hearing this Ubay bin Ka‘b became overwhelmed with emotions and began to cry. Nevertheless, the Holy Prophetsa recited the Surah of “Lam Yakunilladhina Kafaru…” (Surah Al-Bayinah). (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Tafsir Al-Quran, Bab “Kallaa La In-Lam Yantahi”, Hadith 4960-4961)

Sometime later, when someone asked Ubay bin Ka‘b, “On hearing this, you must surely have felt overjoyed”, he replied, “If God Almighty has stated for one to be delighted with His blessings and mercy, then why would I not be  overjoyed.” (Usdul Ghabah, Vol. 1, p. 111, Al-Mizan Nashiran Wa Tajiran Lahore)

Hazrat Ubay bin Ka‘b was well versed in the Holy Quran. On one occasion, the Holy Prophetsa asked him – and I have narrated this incident in a previous sermon, two or three weeks ago – (he asked) “Which verse of the Quran should be declared the greatest verse?” Initially he replied by saying, “God and His Messengersa know best.” When the Holy Prophetsa insisted, he said “Ayatul Kursi could be declared the greatest verse.” I also related an incident regarding Ayatul Kursi. The Holy Prophetsa was pleased to hear this and said, “O Ubay! May Allah bless your level of knowledge. Undoubtedly Ayatul Kursi is a great verse of the Quran.” (Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitab Al-Witr, Bab Ma Ja’a Fi Ayatil Kursi, Hadith 1460)

In another narration, it is mentioned that the same year the Holy Prophetsa passed away, he completed one reading of the Holy Quran with Ubay bin Ka‘b. (Kanzul Ummal, Vol. 13 p. 266, Hadith 36779, Beirut 1985)

With the permission of Hazrat Umarra, [Ubay bin Ka‘b] would teach people the knowledge of the Quran as well as its exegesis. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Salat Al-Tarawih, Hadith 2010)

These were the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa who progressed to such an extent that they reached the highest rank. 

The Promised Messiahas says, “Since progress is gradual, the Companions also advanced gradually.” He continues by saying:

“The Holy Prophetsa wished to see his companions reach the apex of progress, however this was destined at a fixed time,”meaning that it takes place gradually. “Thus, the companions received [blessings], the likes of which was not witnessed before and they saw what had never been seen before.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 2, p. 52, UK 1985)

Regarding the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa, on one occasion the Promised Messiahas said:

“If one ponders over the [lives of the] Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa, one finds that they were simple people. Just like a vessel becomes clean after polishing, their hearts were the same, in that they were filled with Divine light and free from the filth of carnal passions. In essence, they were the true embodiments of the statement,

قَدْ اَفْلَحَ مَنْ زَكّٰهَا

[He indeed truly prospers who purifies it.]” (Malfuzat, Vol. 6, p. 15, UK 1985)

The Promised Messiahas further states,

“The Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa demonstrated such truthfulness that they shunned all forms of worship of idols and creation” which means worshipping people. Over-praising someone or begging from an individual also equates to worship.” 

The Promised Messiahas says,

“They not only shunned all worship of people, rather they obliterated any desire of material gains; instead they began to see God Almighty. They were so perfectly absorbed in the way of God Almighty that it was as if every single one of them was Abrahamas.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 6, p. 137, UK 1985)

He further states:

“The Holy Prophetsa was like a body and the companionsra, the limbs.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 6, p. 279, UK 1985)

May Allah the Almighty enable us to truly understand the status of the Companionsra and whilst acting on their example, may Allah enable us to excel in loyalty and sincerity.

The perfume vendor: Fragrance of Islam in Spain


Allah the Almighty has always showered His blessings on any work that is initiated by the Khulafa of Ahmadiyyat.

With very humble beginnings, every project sees the heights of success. Praise be to Allah.

Now, we have two mosques in Spain that serve as beacons for those in search of truth. The press and media show great interest in visiting our mosques, thus enabling the message to spread throughout Spain (or all over the world) through their websites and social-media.

The Jamaat is known all over Spain and the missionary activity that takes place under the auspices of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa makes it possible for the message to get to the general public.

But things were not the same at the start. Karam Ilahi Zafar sahib arrived in Spain in 1946. He would sell perfume to earn livelihood for himself and his young family. Doing so, he would identify situations where he could start a conversation about a perfume that was not on his trolley; a perfume that never ceased to give its fragrance; the scent of Islam.

Below are extracts from letters he wrote in 1961. It shows how he would invest all his capabilities to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat:

C Ciudad Real 12

Madrid (7)


To the Respected Wakilut Tabshir, Tahrik-e-Jadid

Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

I hereby present my monthly report on tabligh activities for the month of October, 1961.

I am still not feeling well, but despite ill health, I have been getting opportunities for tabligh. I go out to sell perfume in the mornings; even in the evenings occasionally.

Two Priests in the Mission House

I met them one day while selling perfumes. I had given them a copy of The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, along with my business card. So, they paid a visit. I told them that Jesus Christ, who they mistakenly believe to be God, was actually a messenger of God sent to the Israelites. After him, was sent the Chief of all Prophets. I told them that it was now their duty to accept him. Then I gave them the good news of the advent of the Promised Messiah and told them about the status given to Jesusas and Hazrat Maryam in Surah Al-e-Imran. I then asked whether the disciples also worshipped Jesus like Christians do today. They could not come up with an answer.

A young man, who I am preaching these days, was also present, and so was a new-convert Muslim. I presented them with the book ‘The Economic System of Islam’ for further reading.

The letters are lengthy and narrate many interesting situations that he encountered while standing in marketplaces with his perfume trolley. Interesting as they are, they also reflect the challenges that he faced in the early days and years of the Spain mission.

In a letter dated 2 August 1961, he writes:

Upon return from Barcelona, I was taken ill again. The fatigue was caused by the attack of pneumonia that I suffered in May. Doctors are of the opinion that lack of rest has caused this recent attack of pneumonia and bronchitis. I had to spend most of my time in bed for the whole month. I would go out to sell perfume in this condition, but by the grace of Allah, I still got opportunities for tabligh.

He goes on to narrate about a university student accepting Islam Ahmadiyyat, tabligh to a Chilean lady and accounts regarding other students who he had met while vending perfumes. 

Who would have known that these humble beginnings, directed by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra would one day see fruition in the form of the Basharat Mosque: the first mosque built after centuries of Muslims being absent from the scene?

Who would have thought that this first mosque, in the second phase of Islam, would be blessed by Allah in so many ways? Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh would lay its foundation stone; Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh would inaugurate it and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa would, one day, address the worldwide community from this very mosque via satellite television. 

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, with the grace and blessings of Allah, laid the foundation stone of a new mosque in Valencia, inaugurated it and opened it for a nation that had once embraced Islam. Islam is now there to embrace this nation. 

Huzoor’s continued guidance has borne such wonderful fruit that press & media, university students, research scholars, diplomats, government officials and people from all walks of life are now turning towards the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat to get the true understanding of the true Islam.

Turning point in history

Migration of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh 

From Pakistan to UK

A Chronology

We will be taking a look back at the April of 1984 when Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh made a move that would begin a new chapter in the history of the Jamaat. His migration from Rabwah, Pakistan to London, UK was not as easy as it sounds today. There were many challenges not just for him and his family but for the entire Jamaat. Thus, we will be travelling back in time to those crucial days of April and highlighting the chronology of events in that month. (Editor)


Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh

26 April 1984:

  • The situation for Ahmadis in Pakistan was getting tense. The situation was assessed and meetings were convened. Kalimullah Khan sahib got to know about the upcoming Ordinance XX the day before, and thus arrived in Rabwah, describing the situation in an audience with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh
  • Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh instructed Kalimullah sahib to travel to Lahore and discuss the matter with the Amir of Jamaat Ahmadiyya Lahore, Chaudhry Hameed Nasrullah sahib
  • Chaudhry Hameed Nasrullah sahib called a meeting with Ahmadi lawyers and presented their report the following day
  • The announcement about Odinance XX being declared was made in the 8pm national news bulletin on Radio Pakistan. This led to emergency meetings being held in Rabwah that continued late into the night

27 April 1984:

  • Representatives from various Jamaats of Pakistan started arriving in Rabwah, leading the consultation to expand with committees and subcommittees being formed
  • A committee, with Mirza Mubarak Ahmad sahib in chair, was formed to consider Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV’srh migration. The committee recommended that Huzoorrh migrate from Pakistan
  • Huzoorrh accepted the decision as, with the Ordinance in place, he could not perform his duties as Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
  • Masood Jehlmi sahib, then Wakilut Tabshir, left for Karachi to make travel arrangements

The journey Huzoorrh embarked on for Karachi Airport

28 April 1984:

  • Arrangements for Huzoor’srh travel were finalised
  • Brigadier Waqiuz Zaman sahib oversaw the travel arrangements
  • Masud Jehlmi sahib would manage Huzoor’srh air travel while Chaudhry Hameed Nasrullah sahib arranged for cars and drivers for the road journey from Rabwah to Karachi. Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar sahib, Amir Jamaat Karachi, was to supervise the exit arrangements from Karachi
  • Brigadier Waqiuz Zaman and Chaudhry Hameed Nasrullah sahib were instructed to accompany Huzoorrh to London. Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar sahib travelled to Karachi the same evening and held meetings to plan the journey from Sakkhar (border of Punjab and Sindh provinces) onwards, including spots for breaks etc.
  • Huzoor’srh stay during his transit in Karachi was to be arranged by Zartasht Munir Khan sahib (then Qaid, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Karachi), while Raja Shahid Ahmad sahib and Raja Nasir Ahmad sahib were responsible for clearance at the Karachi Airport
  • Drivers, with their respective cars, arrived from Lahore and stayed in the houses of Mirza Khushid Ahmad sahib and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib
  • Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, travelling in a private car of the Tahrik-e-Jadid, left his residence (Qasr-e-Khilafat) and arrived at Al Bushra (then residence of Mirza Hameed Ahmad sahib) at 11pm
  • Mirza Khurshid Ahmad sahib drove this car, with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib in the passenger seat, and Huzoorrh, his wife and the two youngest daughters in the back seat
  • Huzoorrh wore a topi and not his turban during this short drive from his residence to Al Bushra
  • Secrecy was paramount, so even Mirza Hameed Ahmad sahib was not made aware of who was staying at his house that night
  • The mother of Mirza Khurshid Ahmad sahib and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib was critically ill in those days and so, that night, the unusual presence of cars around their house was thus covered; onlookers and passers-by could not sense the commotion
  • The historic migration of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, from Pakistan to UK, would commence the following morning…

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh

29 April 1984:

The historic migration of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya from Pakistan to England began in the early hours. Cars carrying members of the convoy left Rabwah before daybreak.

  • Car 1: Sardar Abdus Sami (Lahore), Malik Sultan Harun (Kot Fateh Khan, Attock), Sheikh Amir Ahmad (Lahore), Chaudhry Idris Nasrullah Khan (driver)
  • Car 2: Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, Hazrat Syeda Asifa Begum Sahiba, Huzoor’srh two youngest daughters, Chaudhry Hameed Nasrullah Khan (driver)
  • Car 3: Brigadier Waqiuz Zaman, Sheikh Mubasher Ahmad (driver), Sheikh Saeed Ahmad, Malik Faruq Ahmad (co-driver)
  • Car 4: Mirza Khurshid Ahmad (representing Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya), Mirza Mujib Ahmad (driver), Mirza Luqman Ahmad, Faiza Begum, Mirza Usman Ahmad
  • When Mirza Khurshid Ahmad sahib sent a message to Huzoorrh that it was time for departure, Huzoorrh was offering Tahajjud prayers
  • Huzoorrh came out ten minutes later and sat in the car. He was wearing white clothes, an over coat and a topi
  • The convoy left Rabwah at four-o’clock in the morning. Three of the four cars left together, while the pilot car had already left for Sargodha Road; joining the three at the main road
  • The convoy drove in the direction of Sargodha, taking a turn to the left, just before Lalian towards Tarkhanawala. This small road joins Sargodha-Jhang Road further down
  • Earlier, while still in Rabwah, Huzoorrh had pointed out a spy of the military agencies in the disguise of a pauper but wearing army boots. More spies were spotted again between Lalian and Jhang
  • One hour after the departure, Mirza Mansoor Ahmad sahib sent off another car with the instruction to keep an hour’s distance behind the convoy
  • About 80 miles before Sukkur, a tyre of Car 4 went flat. The convoy, hence, came to a halt when Mirza Khurshid Ahmad sahib received a message from Huzoorrh from the car in front that food from a roadside dhaba (roadside inn) be bought. Food was purchased from a nearby dhaba
  • The convoy stopped for a lunch-break near Sukkur Bypass at around 2 pm. The food bought earlier was served for lunch. Namaz was offered here
  • At this point, a convoy of three cars from Karachi joined and piloted the convoy from here onwards
  • The convoy arrived at Karachi around sunset and stopped briefly near Malir Toll Plaza. After some discussion, the convoy moved in two parts to where accommodation had been arranged
  • The three cars accompanying Huzoorrh went to Kalimullah Khan sahib’s residence, while others headed to Sheikh Abdul Majid sahib’s house in the area of Defence
  • Soon after, Masud Jehlmi Sahib (Wakilut-Tabshir) and Raja Shahid Sahib left for the airport with passports of passengers to have them ready for departure
  • Before the six London bound passengers arrived at the airport, their passports were ready for boarding. (Visas were not a requirement for travel to the UK then)

Huzoorrh boarded a KLM flight from Karachi to London

  • As a precaution, Huzoor’srh passport was processed separately. Huzoor’srh passport clearly stated “Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement” as Occupation
  • Zartasht Munir sahib, Malik Faruq sahib and Mirza Mujib Ahmad sahib also left for the airport
  • The on-duty immigration officer looked through Huzoor’srh passport, read all details and stamped it, granting exit clearance
  • Brig. Waqiuz Zaman sahib, Chaudhry Hamid Nasrullah sahib and Huzoor’srh two youngest daughters arrived at the airport about half an hour before Huzoorrh and Hazrat Asifa Begum Sahiba
  • Huzoorrh and Hazrat Asifa Begum Sahiba arrived at Karachi Airport at 1:25am and went straight through to the VIP lounge. The flight was scheduled for take-off at 2am
  • Huzoorrh was dressed in his usual attire of Sherwani [overcoat] and turban. His name was entered twice in the VIP lounge books along with his designation as “Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement”
  • Some military personnel were seen scanning through the VIP lounge. This was alarming but it soon became known that they were there as part of protocol for an African dignitary
  • The flight had landed with a delay of 30 minutes, so boarding time was pushed back by 30 minutes
  • Half an hour after take-off, the flight lost signal with the Air Traffic Control Tower at Karachi Airport, meaning that it had crossed the Pakistani airspace and could not be withdrawn by Pakistani authorities
  • After this confirmation, those who saw Huzoorrh off returned from the airport

30 April 1984:

  • Huzoorrh first arrived in Amsterdam, and after a brief transit, safely arrived in London 
  • This was the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the Jamaat, opening new avenues for prosperity and success 

The Munir Inquiry Report


Name of Book: Report of the Court of Inquiry constituted under Punjab Act II of 1954 to enquire into the Punjab Disturbances of 1953.

This book is an official document published by the Government of Pakistan and is officially titled, Report of The Court of Inquiry constituted under Punjab Act II of 1954 to enquire into the Punjab Disturbances of 1953. It is commonly known as the “Munir Inquiry Report” or the “Munir-Kiyani Report”.


The anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment that had been brewing for decades turned into a violent movement in 1952. The opponents of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat united on one issue – Ahmadis be declared non-Muslims. 

This, in itself, is quite historic in that the Ulema of the Muslim Ummah have seldom agreed on any issue; “seldom” being a generous overstatement based on benefit of doubt. Ahmadis in Pakistan had always been known for being more educated, honest and progressive. This resulted in Ahmadis progressing to higher ranks in the Pakistani bureaucracy and other public service institutions. The jealousy of their opponent circles would come to surface from time to time, but it turned into a unified force by the appointment of Sir Zafrullah Khanra, an Ahmadi stalwart, as the first Foreign Minister of Pakistan. 

The so-called Ulema called for him to be removed but the demand was always seen as unfounded. They had to devise a ground and this they found in declaring them non-Muslim; this, as they put it, left an infidel in charge of the foreign policies of a “Muslim” nation. It was portrayed as a grave threat for the integrity of the whole nation.

This sentiment of hate turned into the anti-Ahmadiyya agitation that saw a great deal of violence directed towards Ahmadis in Pakistan. February and March, 1953 saw human rights and religious freedom, in the words of Francis Robinson, “being sacrificed on the altar of politics” in Pakistan. Ahmadis were persecuted in every possible manner, from being hated to having their properties looted.

This led to martial law being imposed in Punjab, to somehow bring the situation under control. The governments in those infancy years of Pakistan were not as bigoted as they have been since Z A Bhutto decided to shift his mind-set from the left to the far-right. Khawaja Nazimuddin, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, sensed the gravity of the issue and instructed that a special Inquiry Commission be set up to assess the whole situation. 

Headed by Justice Muhammad Munir and Justice M R Kiyani part the bench, the commission called to the dock all parties involved. 

The anti-Ahmadiyya Majlis-e-Amal (or Ahrar as they are commonly known) were given a full opportunity to have their demands recorded and also to explain what grounds they were based on. Ahmadis also got a chance to clarify the theological differences before the inquiry commission. As the Ahrar upheld their demand to declare Ahmadis as non-Muslims, the commission asked for the definition of the word “Muslim” so that it could be easier for them to then see who could be declared “non-Muslim”. It is a great historical irony that all anti-Ahmadiyya “Muslims” could not agree on a single definition of “Muslim”.

The whole document is worth a thorough read, but the concluding remarks by Justice Munir are especially worthy of notice.

His remarks end with these words: “But if democracy means the subordination of law and order to political ends—then Allah knoweth best and we end the report.”

Tariq Ali, in his book The Duel, very rightly states, “The published report, I have often argued, is a classic of its type, a modern masterpiece of political literature.”


A Vision Realised

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIIrh

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIIrh stayed in Hotel Alhambra Palace during his visit to Spain in 1970. One night, he prayed fervently with such pain and passion that it reached the threshold of Allah the Almighty. He prayed all night through dawn. At daybreak, he received a revelation, which is also a verse of the Quran, from Allah the Almighty:

من يتوكل علی اللہ فهو حسبه۔ ان اللہ بالغ امره۔ قد جعل اللہ لكل شئ قدرا

Karam Ilahi Zafar sahib narrated that when he went to see Huzoorrh early in the morning, Huzoorrh had this revelation written on a tissue paper. 

Karam Ilahi Zafar Sahib

Huzoorrh said to him, “It kept me awake all night that we have no resources. [I thought to myself] How will Islam spread in Spain? Now that I have received this revelation, I feel content that Allah will make provisions at the right time.”

History bears testimony that the right time did come and that Allah the Almighty did make all necessary provisions. Land was purchased in Pedro Abad near Cordoba and a mosque was built. 


Friday Sermon in Basharat Mosque, Pedro Abad, 2005

The era of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa has escalated the grand schemes of winning the hearts of Spanish people; reminding them of the bygone days of Islamic glory but inviting them not to miss the glorious times of Islam that lie ahead.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa first visited Spain in 2005. On 7 January, during that tour, Huzooraa delivered a Friday Sermon from Masjid Basharat in Pedro Abad. 

The Friday Sermon was of great historic value in that it was the first time ever in history that the words of Khalifatul Masih were being globally broadcast live, from Spain, through MTA. 

This also happened to be the first time that Khalifatul Masih was gracing the Jalsa Salana of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, Spain.