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God’s Divine Plan


I am quite certain that the manner in which God Almighty now draws near and manifests Himself and reveals hundreds of matters of the unseen to His servant, is almost unprecedented in past ages. In this age, people will soon witness a manifestation of the countenance of God Almighty, as if He has descended from heaven. He kept Himself hidden for a very long time. He was rejected and remained silent, but now He shall conceal Himself no longer and the world will witness manifestations of His power the likes of which their forefathers never saw. This will come to pass because the earth has been corrupted and people have lost faith in the Creator of the heavens and the earth. They pay lip service to Him but their hearts are estranged from Him. That is why God has declared that now He will create a new heaven and a new earth. This means that the earth has perished, that is, the hearts of the people of earth have so hardened as if they are dead. The face of God has become hidden from them and heavenly signs of the past were all reduced to myth and legend. Thus, God has decreed to create a new heaven and a new earth. 

What is this new heaven? And what is this new earth? A new earth means those pure hearts that God is preparing with His own hand, which will be manifested by Him and through whom God will be manifested. A new heaven means those signs which are being shown by His command at the hand of His servant.

(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Noah’s Ark, pp. 11-12)

Jamia Ahmadiyya UK – Sports Rally


Hafiz Ijaz Ahmad Tahir, Jamia UK

Sports is a vital part of a missionary’s training as it harbours a healthy lifestyle. It is for this reason that an hour of sporting activities is a compulsory part of a Jamia student’s daily timetable. 

Each year the pinnacle of these sporting activities takes place in the form of a three-day annual sporting rally which is held between the five houses of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK: Shuja‘at, Sadaqat, Dianat, Rafaqat and Amanat. 


Sports Rally, Jamia Ahmadiyya UK | Jamia UK

This year’s Sports Rally took place on the Jamia UK grounds on 26, 27 and 28 April 2018. The opening session was chaired by Abdul Majid Tahir Sahib (additional Wakilut-Tabshir London) who emphasised the importance of living a healthy lifestyle in light of the Hadith, “A strong believer is better and closer to God than a weak believer.”

The following few days hosted a range of inter-house competitions including football, basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, tug-of-war, badminton, table tennis and athletics.


Final Session, Sports Rally, Jamia Ahmadiyya UK | Jamia UK

The final session held on Saturday 28 April showcased the strong-man challenge and the Jamia obstacle course which is an integral part of the course. The final session was chaired by Amir UK – Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, who reflected upon the continuing progress of Jamia under the blessings of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. 

The Jamia UK Sports Rally in previous years has been graced with the presence of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa who once stated, “All of you should also join in with other youths in their sports and outdoor activities as this will enable you to set a positive example for them and to be a role model.”

MKA-Nigeria Promotes “Stop the Crime”


AMJ Nigeria

Oniyide Mujeeb, 

Mohtamim Ishaat, MKA Nigeria

With crime-rate escalating in society, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Nigeria (MKAN), has embarked on nationwide campaigns against various forms of crimes among the students of secondary and post-secondary schools. 

In his remarks, the National President of MKA, Aina Saheed said, “A lot of efforts are being put in place by the government and other institutions in fighting against the menace of crimes. Unfortunately, as they make these efforts, the available statistics on these crimes keep growing.”

As a result, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Nigeria has acknowledged the need to accelerate efforts to build the moral and spiritual capacity of members of the society, especially the youth, as a preventative measure from attraction to crimes. 

In his remarks, the National Project Manager of “Stop The Crime” (STC) project, Popoola Isiaka Olamilekan said, “MKAN’s STC project started in 2015 and ever since then, it has become a yearly event. During our campaigns this year, the project was carried out in ten states of the federation (Ekiti, Edo, Delta, Kaduna, Kano, Kwara, Ogun, Osun, Lagos and Oyo), including the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Our 344 volunteers were able to visit 40 schools and spend 55 hours reaching out to 17,180 beneficiaries.” 

“Stop The Crime” is one of the numerous projects of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Nigeria. Other projects of the organisation include free medical expeditions, regular blood donations, tree planting, organisation of capacity building trainings, promotion of talents among youth, promotion of inter-religious peaceful coexistence and carrying out numerous community-based supports.

Opening of Aiwan-e-Khidmat, MKA Ghana


Opening of Aiwan Khidmat | AMJ Ghana

Abdul Samee Khan, 

Missionary Ghana

With the expansion of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ghana and a growing need for workspace, MKA Ghana recently obtained a piece of land close to the headquarters at Accra. 

The members of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya in Ghana amount to 18,000 while they have been able to raise a contribution of 15,000,000 Ghanaian Cedis ($350,000). 

The construction of this building began on 25 August 2015 through Waqar-e-Amal (voluntary labour) by Amir Sahib and a group of Khuddam. 

Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa sent a brick which he prayed upon to be used as the foundation stone. Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Sahib, Central Auditor, London, laid the foundation stone which Huzooraa had prayed upon, on 23 October 2015, after which the Khuddam erected the building within a short period.

On Sunday 8 April 2018, members of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and office bearers, all in their uniforms, received guests, controlled traffic and car parking, made arrangements for food and prepared the venue.

The programme commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by an Arabic poem and songs of praise after which Sadr Sahib welcomed the guests. The former Sadr gave a brief history of the building as he continued to serve as the chairman of the project building committee after his tenure elapsed.

Finally, Amir Sahib delivered his address and congratulated Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya for the building’s completion after which he also encouraged the Ansar to complete their building (which is still under construction).

Amir Sahib then proceeded to the ribbon cutting and thereafter unveiled the plaque, thereby officially launching the building. This was concluded with prayers. 

All guests went in to have a look at the interior of the building after which food was served.

The building comprises of two storeys and has been installed with all necessary facilities. Aside from the various offices of the Majlis, there is also a hall, meeting room, MTA office, record room and a computer room. On the bottom floor are guest rooms with all necessary facilities in them.

The new furniture has been skilfully and excellently made. Huzooraa directed that Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya should keep taking care of the building.

The Fragile State of Korea


North Korea, for the past few years, has been a bone of contention in world politics. 

All this time, it appeared as if the war theatre would shift from the Middle East to the Far East in Korea. Newspapers and television headlines covered bold and provocative threats being fired by both the Western bloc and North Korea at each other. 

These headlines and the stories attached to them were inflammatory enough to leave the world frightened that a devastating nuclear war was just around the corner. 

Then came March 2018 and the frightened world was surprised to hear Donald Trump offering to meet Kim Jong-un. To the global audience that knew both leaders too well, this appeared too good to be true. 

And then in April, the offer seemed to be materialising as American officials actually held a preparatory meeting with Kim Jong-un, paving way for the Trump-Jong-un meeting later on.

The early hours of 27 April 2018, around midday in Korea, had global news channels televising the heads of North and South Korea meeting for the first time in almost seven decades; an excellent example of how quickly the curtains fall and rise, how swiftly scenes change and how dramatically roles of actors transform on the stage of world politics.

The Korean Peninsula, historically speaking, has a longstanding history of not only being unstable itself, but also of causing instability to the entire region. The Russo-Japanese War of 1904 was probably the first time that Korea emerged in its position of “instability”. 

Both Russia and Japan had ambitions to take control of the peninsula. The Siege of Port Arthur was to be a turning point in the war where Russia was heading steadily towards victory. The siege started in April 1904 but the Japanese troops received a massive blow of defeat, with casualties in their thousands.

Later on, the Japanese surprised the Russians by eventually making their way into the Russian occupied area of Manchurian. This followed a series of raids, strikes and conflicts and Japan was eventually victorious in the war.

By the end of April 1904, when the first Japanese attempt to siege Port Arthur failed, a Divinely appointed man of God, far away in a small hamlet called Qadian, in India, received a revelation:

“Korea Khatarnak Halat Mein Hei; Mashreqi Taqat”

[Korea is in dangerous situation. Eastern Power]

Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira, the then editor of Al Hakam published a note in Al Hakam stating:

“When the war started between Japan and Russia, and Japan had not yet achieved any significant victory, the Promised Messiahas received this revelation”.

This revelation was vouchsafed to the Promised Messiahas on 29 April 1904. This prophecy was fulfilled by Japan, an Eastern power, gaining sovereignty over Korea. 

In the current climate, it is fascinating to see that almost exactly 114 years later, on 27 April 2018, the world saw North and South Korean leaders meet; a reminder of the revelation of the Promised Messiahas. North Korea is still in a “dangerous situation”. 

Now, the question is: Will it join hands with its southern sister and become an “Eastern Power”?

4-10 May

4 May: In 1904, the Promised Messiah’sas companion Hazrat Qazi Zia-ud-din sahib passed away. 

6 May: In 2001, Roman Catholic Pope John Paul visited a mosque in Damascus during his Syria Tour. This made him the first ever Pontiff to enter a mosque in history.

6 May: The famous neurologist Sigmund Freud was born on this date in 1856. This genius was thought to be founder of psychopathology. Michael H Hart ranked him 69in his list of most influential persons of human history. 

7 May: In 1274, the Second Counsel of Lyon, France took place on this date. This famous counsel of Catholics discussed many things including Papal election rules. Intriguingly, on the same date in 1906, the Promised Messiahas received the Divine revelation: 

Kalisiya Ki Taqat Ka Nuskha

(The prescription of the strength of the Church.)

8 May: In 1891, the Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to Hazrat Pir Sirajul-Haq Numanira mentioning that his book Izala Auham was being published and that he would stay in Ludhiana for the next couple of months. 

8 May: In 1903, Government officials visited Qadian. A situation arose when Minaratul-Masih was being built and the local community raised unnecessary objections. The Local Magistrate wanted to know the location, details and allegations. During the meeting, the Promised Messiahas pointed out Lala Buddha Mal and said: “Here is Lala Buddha Mal, please ask him if there has been any occasion where I could be of any service to him but failed to oblige him with help; and whether there ever has been any occasion when he had it in his power to harm me in some way but he refrained from doing so.”

9 May: In 1909, Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmadra got married to the daughter of Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra. The following day, the Walima was arranged in Qadian. 

9 May: In 1904, the Great Western Railway’s locomotive became the first steam locomotive in Europe to travel at a generally recognised speed of over 100 mph (160 km/h). In this way, during the life of the Promised Messiahas, the Quranic prophecy was fulfilled:

وَ اِذَا الْعِشَارُ عُطِّلَتْ

(And when the she-camels, ten-month pregnant, are abandoned.) (Ch.81: V.5)

This verse refers to better and swift means of transport that would replace camels and other primitive modes of transport. 

9 May: In 1908, the Promised Messiahas was vouchsafed a revelation:

اَلرَّحِيْلُ ثُمَّ الرَّحِيْلُ

(It is time to march; again, it is time to march.)

This was only two weeks prior to his sad demise.  

10 May: Members of the Promised Messiah’sas family departed on a trip to Peshawar for the marriage of Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra in 1906. They returned to Qadian on 16May. 

10 May: In 1926, Hazrat Syed Zainul Abideen Valiullah Shahra returned to Qadian after his successful trip to Syria and Iraq. He helped establish the Ahmadiyya Mission there.


Hazrat Syed Valiullah Shah r.a.

6th Annual Games Jamia Ghana


Abdus Samee Khan, Jamia Ghana

The 6th Annual Games of Jamia Ahmadiyya International Ghana were held from 11-14 April. To enhance the spirit of competition in the games, students were divided into four groups namely: Shafqat, Qana‘at, Amanat and Adalat.

Qualifying matches for football and volleyball were held during the first semester, while qualifying matches for mirudabba, bari and Table Tennis were conducted during the second semester. 


Team events included football, volleyball, mirudabba, bari, Tug of Peace (renamed from the original “Tug of War”), relay race and table tennis. Individual competitions included long jump, wrist wrestling, arm wrestling, catapult shooting, discus throw, shotput, sabit qadmi, observation, table tennis (singles), hundred meter race, four hundred meter race, obstacle race and slow cycling. 

To run the annual games in a better way, different departments were formed under the supervision of teachers of Jamia and senior students were appointed as assistants. A goat was also sacrificed before the games and a letter was written to Huzoor-e-Anwaraa for prayers.


The annual games commenced on 11 April and Abdus Samee Khan Sahib, a tutor at the Jamia, chaired the inaugural ceremony. The concluding ceremony was held on 14April and was chaired by Abdul Wahab Esa Sahib, Naib Amir II, Ghana.

More than thirty guests attended the concluding ceremony. The guests included Ahmad Sulaiman Anderson Sahib Naib Amir III, Yusuf Abu Wubey Sahib Internal Auditor, Umar Farooq Sahib and Al-Haaj Abu Bakr Anderson Sahib.


The famous obstacle course was scheduled for the final day and guests observed the event with great zeal. Some students performed a Taekwondo display after the obstacle race which was lauded by the guests. Naib Amir II and other guests distributed prizes among position holders. Hafiz Saeed Andam was awarded “Best Athlete” while Amanat won “Best Group”. Principal Jamia Ghana, Fareed Ahmad Naveed Sahib presented gifts to guests after which the Naib Amir II formally spoke to the guests. 

At the conclusion of the event, everyone proceeded to the Mosque to offer Zuhr and Asr prayers. Thereafter, lunch was served to all the guests and students. 

100 Years Ago… – Ahmadiyya News


Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib Honoured

We have received a joyful message from Maulvi Abdul Hay Sahib (Maulvi Fazil) regarding Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib’s academic excellence which is extremely pleasing for all, that the London College of Philology has accepted him as a fellow and have given him a diploma along with the title of FPC. 

I am sure this news will delight all friends and they will pray that God’s grace and protection always be with Mufti Sahib and that God grants him more and more success and acceptance.

Letters from the United Kingdom – Acceptance of Islam

First Letter

By the grace of God, due to the efforts of Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib, who nowadays resides a hundred miles away from London in a town called Ventnor, an English scholar by the name of Dr. Etheredge MRCS along with his wife Mrs. Edith Etheredge has accepted Islam. Hazrat Mufti Sahib suggested Hakeem and Hikmat as their Muslim names which they wholeheartedly accepted. Alhamdolillah.

Apart from this, Mufti Sahib has distributed many leaflets, delivered speeches and has taken part in debates. A priest, having conversed [with Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib], admitted that the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa was indeed a prophet of God and received Divine revelations. 

Here in London, we are making great progress. Last week, on Sunday evening (27 January), I delivered a lecture to more than 300 hundred attendees in the Freethinkers Hall, on the existence of God and presented sufficient evidence from the Holy Quran discussing His attributes as the Most Powerful, All-Knowing and Most Wise

A question & answer session followed, which left the attendees no choice but to agree with the arguments presented by the Holy Quran. Thus, a lot of success came from this and it also had a great impact on the attendees. The President promised to invite me again to deliver another lecture on Islam.



Qazi Abdullah 

3 February 1918

Second Letter

A gentleman by the name of James Dolan accepted Islam at the hand of Mufti Muhammad Sahib who is currently in Ventnor. He has been given the Muslim name, Ibrahim. 

As a result of Qazi Abdullah Sahib’s tabligh[preaching], another respected lady, Miss Harvey, has declared in writing that the Holy Prophetsa was in fact a prophet. Alhamdoillah.



Abdul Hay Arab (Maulvi Fazil)

18 March 1918

4, Star Street, London. W2 

Third Letter

Dear Brothers,

Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah.

Currently, I am in Ventnor where it is comparatively less cold than London. Due to the cold I am feeling under the weather. (I request everyone’s prayers.) In any case, I have attempted to continue tabligh efforts. 

Due to the efforts of Qazi Abdullah Sahib, four revered friends in London have accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat. One of them has been working in this country for approximately seventeen years and is living with his family in his own private property. The family originates from Somaliland. 

After Qazi Sahib explained to them the Promised Messaih’sas claim, he answered their allegations and removed any misconceptions they had, thus satisfying them. They were convinced that Jesusas had passed away and abandoned the notion of the blood-thirsty Mahdi [a Mahdi who is commonly believed by mainstreams Muslims to appear in an attempt to kill all disbelievers]. 

After accepting Ahmadiyyat all three of them signed the Arabic Bai‘at form, which, Alhamdolillah,has been sent off to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II. 

Readers are requested to understand the importance of this task and support it in every way possible and continue to pray. 


Muhammad Sadiq, Ventnor

3 March 1918

A Call to Peace


A sketch of the purported letter from the Holy Prophetsa to Muqawqis

After signing the Treaty of Hudaibiya, the Holy Prophetsa wrote to major political leaders and heads of states of his time and introduced them to the peaceful teachings of Islam. 

He wrote to the Caesar of the Byzantine Empire, Heraclius, Emperor of the greatest Empire of the world. He also wrote to Armah the Negus, the then King of Ethiopia and to Munzir bin Sawa Al Tamimi who was the Governor of Bahrain and to Muqawqis, the Ruler of Egypt. 

The wording of the letters, as recorded in history, show how peacefully the Holy Prophetsa of Islam invited them to peace. The central theme of all letters was: “Establish peace, and you will have peace”. 

A similar practice is recorded in the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, where the Promised Messiah and the Imam Mahdias, following in the steps of his Holy Master wrote to influential political leaders of his time to establish peace, which in Arabic, means “submitting to the will of Allah”. 

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas wrote to Queen Victoria – the Empress of the largest empire in his time – on more than one occasion and invited her to accept Islam. Not only this, he suggested that she hold a conference of world religions in London so that the whole world could know what every religion stood for. 

This memorial was published on 27 September 1899, distributed extensively and sent to the Queen Victoria, the Empress of India.


Queen Victoria | Alexander Bassano – Wiki Commons

The Promised Messiahas claimed in clear words that with such a conference, not only would world-faiths get the opportunity to introduce their teachings but Allah the Almighty would, within a year, show the message of Islam – as presented by the Promised Messiahas – prevail and its truthfulness become manifest through Divine signs.

Before this, he had written two books – directly addressing Queen Victoria – in which Huzooras had conveyed to her the true message of Islam and invited her to accept it so that a vast population of the world could follow suit and come under the refuge of Allah the Almighty. 

The first of these books, Tohfa-e-Qaisariyah (A Gift for the Queen) was written on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria’s coronation. 

The British Library holds records of the gifts sent by world leaders to the Empress on this occasion. All Muslim leaders sent precious gifts like Persian rugs, jewels, jewellery, paintings and other gifts of great material value. 

It must be remembered that all these Muslims leaders had unanimously declared the Promised Messiahas and his community out of the pale of Islam. But on this occasion, no other Muslim leader remembered to send to the Queen the most precious of gifts – an invitation to accept Islam. This was achieved by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas; another proof of him being the true successor of the Holy Prophetsa


Celebration of Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee, 1897. Presents received by Her Majesty the Queen from the Royal Family and other royal personages, with many Muslim offering luxurious gifts to Her Majesty.

Other letters of similar nature include letters to Arab scholars, prominent persons of Sufi orders and the Amir of Kabul; all written in an attempt to invite them and their following to the true message of Islam.

AMA UK at 2018 London Book Fair


Mohammed Arshad Ahmedi, Secretary Ishaat, UK


After seven consecutive years of attendance, Ahmadiyya Jamaat UK once again had the opportunity to take part in the world-renowned London Book Fair, which took place on 10-12 April at Olympia.

In previous years the Jamaat had struggled to secure a prominent place within the exhibitions stands. Such is the popularity of the event that publishers tend to hang on to their stands in the same position for many years. At the end of last year’s event we let the Book Fair know where we preferred to have our stand the following year.

We received a phone call last summer that a stand had become available on the main ground floor close to Harper Collins and Penguin. After negotiations, a stand was secured at a prime location.

With the approval of Huzoor-e-Anwaraa, the Review of Religion’s Al Qalam project was incorporated with the AMA UK stall this year, something that attracted many visitors. The Al Qalam Project managed to secure a spot of its own which magnified our participation. 

The theme for our stand this year was “The Quran in the 21st Century”, and the Review of Religions promoted the Al Qalam project, for which Razwan Baig Sahib had made available some historic old copies of the Quran.


Another item that we tried for the first time was booking a Speakers’ Slot where one of the theatres is used to make a 30 minute presentation, which is also promoted by the organisers before the event. It was decided at the last minute to avail one of the only slots available on the first day at 10am, which was in fact the very first presentation of the Book Fair.

As Secretary Ishaat UK, I made the initial presentation introducing Islam International Publications working under the auspices of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and the theme of “The Quran in the 21st Century”. Bilal Mahmood Sahib recited the first verses of the Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammadsa which brought complete silence to the theatre, something never experienced before. Amer Safir Sahib then introduced the Review of Religions and the Al Qalam project. There were only a handful of people present at the Speakers’ Slot, but there were people walking around the theatre who would stop occasionally. 

A company from Turkey wished to avail five sets of all translated copies of the Holy Quran to distribute in all Turkish universities; they also wanted a copy of each of the English and Arabic books in the catalogue. Similarly, a UAE company wanted five sets of our Holy Quran in Braille which they wished to donate to Association for the Blind.