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Canadian Minister, Ahmed Hussen Visits Huzoor in London

  • Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa praises Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau for embracing diversity 
  • Huzooraa says no change will come in Pakistan so long as extremist clerics continue to wield street power 

On 21 July 2018, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Honourable Ahmed Hussen MP visited the Fazl Mosque where he met Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa

During the meeting, Huzooraa and Minister Hussen discussed the continued repercussions of mass immigration to certain Western countries in recent years. Also discussed was the importance of religious freedom, the development of poorer nations and the forthcoming general election in Pakistan. 

The Minister also commended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for its continued commitment to peace and its positive engagement with other communities and groups. He expressed his sorrow and condemnation of the attack on an Ahmadi Mosque in Sialkot in May 2018. 

Regarding religious freedom, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said:

“All peoples must have the right to religious freedom and governments should not interfere in the personal religious matters of their citizens. However, it is a cause of regret that such interference continues to occur, especially in the developing world. The persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan is a major example, whilst the current conflict in Yemen is, in essence, a religious sectarian conflict. Thus, there is a lot of work to be done for the establishment of true religious freedom in all parts of the world.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa continued:

“It is wrong to infringe upon the religious rights of any community, no matter how small, and it is a cause of deep regret that there is religious persecution even in certain Muslim countries, despite the fact that the Holy Quran categorically states that there should be no compulsion in matters of faith.”

Minister Hussen informed Huzooraa that he had immigrated to Canada in 1993 from Somalia. Upon this, Huzooraa noted that within a quarter of a century of entering the nation as an immigrant, he was now the Minister responsible for immigration, refugees and citizenship. 

Upon this, Minister Hussen said: 

“I have always said that my development in Canada says more about Canada than it does about me personally and reflects the strength of our immigration system and the means of integration. Canada’s people are very generous.”

Thereafter, Huzooraa spoke about the need for the developed world to help developing countries, both in terms of humanitarian relief and the long-term development of infrastructure. Huzooraa said that real progress would only be made when all forms of corruption and injustice were rooted out in the developing world.  

During the meeting, Huzooraa also extended his best wishes to Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau and appreciated the fact that the Canadian Prime Minister embraces diversity and is tolerant of different faiths and beliefs. 

The meeting concluded with a discussion regarding the forthcoming political election in Pakistan. 

Upon this, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said:

“As long as the sword of the fanatical Mullahs [clerics] remains, there will be no real change in Pakistan. The local politicians fear the Mullahs more than their Creator. Some educated and decent people have started to raise their voices against the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims, but the Mullahs have great street power and use it to incite the masses and drown out any voices of reason. For example, a few years ago Punjab’s Governor, Salman Taseer, was shot and killed after speaking in defence of Ahmadi Muslims and in favour of religious freedom. The clerics use the pulpit of the Mosques to pollute the minds of the people.”

For further Information: media@pressahmadiyya.com

Have firm faith in God


When you stand up in prayer, it is necessary for you to have firm faith that your God has power over all things. Only then will your prayer be accepted and you will behold the wonders of God’s power that we have beheld. Our testimony is based on observation and not on hearsay. How should the supplication of a person be accepted and how should he have the courage to pray at times of great difficulty, when according to him he is opposed by the law of nature, unless he believes that God has power over everything? O fortunate ones, follow not these practices. Your God is One who holds aloft innumerable stars without the use of columns and who has created heaven and earth from nothing. Then would you think so ill of Him as to imagine that your objective is beyond His power? Such ill-thinking will frustrate you.

(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Noah’s Ark, pp. 35-36)

Minorities in an Islamic State


Author: Malik Saifur Rahman

Publisher: Islam International Publications Ltd.


This booklet is a short but great work by Malik Saifur Rehman Sahib, a great scholar of the Jamaat. The work is multifaceted as it removes many allegations on the Holy Prophetsa of Islam, lays out a guideline for Muslim states in terms of how to treat minorities and gives a beautiful angle of the character of the Holy Prophetsa of Islam from authentic sources. 

To introduce this book, we thought it best to include some passages from within the work:

The dhimmis in an Islamic state

It was this declaration of protection of and responsibility for the non-Muslims, on the basis of which the non-Muslim citizens of a Muslim state were described as dhimmis. True, this term has come to carry some dangerous connotations because of its wrong interpretation by some ignorant Mullahs. But in the great days of early Islam, the term dhimmi signified the sacred responsibility of Muslims to protect all the rights of the non-Muslim citizens, and that they would have the fullest opportunities to live in peace without the least threat or danger to their security. 

The term dhimmis was a source of pride for the Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The institution of dhimmis contained the secret of the greatness of a government; and the public, irrespective of creed or community to which it belonged, took pride in being the citizens of a state of this kind. The term, at no stage, signified restraint against the fundamental rights of an individual nor did it mean to subject him to the restrictions of a subject and a slave. 

That in the days of the Holy Prophetsa and his successors, this principle of equality was followed in its highest sense is an open chapter of world history. No distinction was made between a Muslim and a non-Muslim in social and civic affairs. Every officer of state was issued clear directions particularly to protect the rights of non-Muslim citizens, to respect their dignity and honour and not to give them any cause or occasion for complaint. 

The Holy Prophet’s sociological relations with non-Muslims

The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, as head of the Islamic state, treated the non-Muslims on a footing of absolute equality and tried successfully to establish good business and social relations with them. Thus, we see that once he borrowed some money from a Jew. After some time, when the Jew came to realise his loan, he was rather rude and insulting in his demeanour towards the Holy Prophetsa. He used such language that the companions of the Holy Prophetsa flew into rage. But the Prophetsa restrained them and said: “Please leave him be. He has the right to say what he has said because I owe him what he demands.” After this, the Prophetsa paid him the money he owed. Eventually, the Jew accepted Islam when he experienced such good treatment at the hands of the Prophetsa

Once a Jewish lady, who was a dhimmiyah from Khyber, tried to poison him by offering him some poisoned roasted meat. On being found out, she apologised, and instead of punishing her, the Prophetsa forgave her. 

Hazrat Anasra reports that the Prophetsa accepted the invitation of a Jew and willingly partook of the humble fare of fat and oat meal. 

Ibn-e-Abi Laila relates that one day, Suhail bin Hanif and Qais bin Sa‘d were sitting in Qadsiyyah, when a funeral procession passed by. The two got up to respect the deceased. Somebody pointed out that the funeral was that of a non-Muslim, whereat the two replied: “What does it matter? Do you not remember that once a funeral procession passed by the Holy Prophetsa and he got up? The people pointed out that it was the funeral of a Jew. The Prophetsa replied, ‘Do you not think the Jews too are human beings?’” 

Abu Hurrairahra reports that once, a non-Muslim stranger stayed with the Prophetsa as a guest. The Prophetsa milked one of his goats and offered the milk to the guest, but the guest was not satisfied. The Prophetsa offered him the milk of a second goat, but the guest was still not satisfied. In fact, he drank the milk of as many as seven goats. The Prophetsa was amused at his appetite but would say nothing. Moreover, the Holy Prophetsa, as a matter of habit, used to visit the ailing non-Muslims to express sympathy with them and to share their sorrows and sufferings. 

Protection of the rights of dhimmis

Hazrat Bilalra, who handled the domestic expenses of the Holy Prophetsa, borrowed some money from a dhimmi for the personal use of the Holy Prophetsa. The day when the loan was to be repaid was approaching fast but there was no money to repay it. Bilalra was afraid that the creditor would press his demand and make the situation awkward for him. He conveyed his fears to the Prophetsa and begged leave to get out of Medina for a few days to escape from the clutches of the creditor. Under the law of the time, a money-lender could even put the borrower under house arrest. Bilalra was afraid that this too might happen. Accordingly, he went to his house and made preparations to go out of the city the following day. Early next morning, Bilalra received word from the Prophetsa that he need not worry as arrangements for payment had been made. 

This happened sometime after seventh year of Hijra when Islam was at the heyday of its power. World history is incapable of furnishing a similar example of the protection of rights of an ordinary citizen against a head of state.

Soon after the Fall of Mecca, a deputation of Banu Thaqif from Taif waited on the Holy Prophetsa, who made arrangements for their stay in the mosque, where tents were pitched for them. Some people approached the Prophetsa and objected to their staying in the mosque on the ground that the guests were idolaters and an impure lot. The Prophetsa replied that the Quranic verse, “The idolaters are impure” referred to a condition of heart and not to that of the body; nor for that matter was any human being impure in this sense. Physically speaking, all human beings are pure and have the right to free access to the holiest of holy places. 

Hazrat Muhayyisahra, one of the companions of the Prophetsa, was killed in Khyber. His heirs filed a suit for blood-money before the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa asked them if they could swear to the identity of the murderer. They replied, “O Prophet of Allah, how can we testify on oath when we did not happen to be present at the time of murder?” The Prophetsa replied, “You cannot claim damages without proof. The only alternative that remains under the law is that the Jews of Khyber, whom you suspect, should plead not guilty to the charge fifty times to clear their position.” The heirs of the late companion said: “The Jews are not reliable, they can easily make false statements and swear to their truth.” The Holy Prophetsa declared: “Then I cannot do more than this, because the Quranic law does not allow any discrimination.” 

It is interesting to note that the Prophetsa paid the damages to the heirs of Muhayyisah out of his own pocket. Once some Muslims, who were fed up with the machinations of the Jews of Khyber, misappropriated some of their fruits and animals. The Prophetsa was furious when he came to learn of this and said, “Allah does not allow you to enter the houses of the People of the Book without their permission. Similarly, it is absolutely illegal to pluck fruits from their orchards.”

An Ansari reports: “Once I accompanied the Prophetsa on a journey. I was hungry and had nothing to eat. I spotted some goats belonging to some non-Muslims, which I captured and killed and set the cauldron on fire. Meanwhile, the Holy Prophetsa arrived and came to know of what I had done. He had a bow in his hand, with which he struck at the cauldron and threw it away, and declared, ‘Loot is as illegal as a dead carrion.’” 

It is reported in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal that once some children were overtaken by the rush of battle and were trampled to death. The Prophetsa was shocked at this, so to console him, one of the companions submitted: “O Prophet of Allah, after all they were only children of the idolaters.” The Prophetsa said: “The children of idolaters are also humans like you and have the inherent capacities to become the best of men. As a matter of fact, every child is born a Muslim and it is after their birth that their parents make them a Jew, a Christian or something else. Beware! Do not kill children. Beware! Do not kill children.”

Preparations for Jalsa Salana UK


The field slowly turning into a tent city

All praise belongs to Allah, the Jalsa Salana preparations are fast underway. With Allah’s grace and as a result of the prayers of our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, good progress has been made over the last week. 

Jalsa Salana UK will, Insha-Allah, begin on 3 August 2018. Our days are numbered, and there is still much work to be done before the start of the Jalsa Salana.

The flooring for the main men’s marquee has been laid and the frames for the walls and roof have been assembled. This frame will be erected in the coming days. Similarly, the flooring for the main ladies marquee is also complete; the frame is currently being assembled, and will be finalised and erected in the next few days.


The floor of the marquee laid and the structure assembled | Office Jalsa Salana

Various smaller marquees, which include marquees for Tabshir guests, Tabligh department, accommodation, dining, book stall, various offices both on the men’s side and for Lajna, the two mother-child marquees, as well as the marquee for push chairs etc. are all being erected. Staff of numerous companies as well as volunteers from Khuddam and Ansar are on site installing these marquees and laying miles of track. 

Additionally, toilets, showers and other cabins have reached Hadiqat-ul-Mahdi and are being installed. Generators and tower-lights have also reached the site and half of the electric work that is to be done in various marquees has been completed thus far. Pillow tanks for water supply have been placed in their respective locations and pipes have been connected. Water has been filled and chlorination is complete. Water samples have been taken and we will receive a report within a week’s time. 

Supplies are continually being received by the store, which includes items for breakfast, disposable cutlery, cleaning supplies, roti plant supplies, flour, milk, juices, lentils, oil, rice, tomatoes, sugar, etc. The roti plant has been cleaned, overhauled, and machine bearings and chains have been greased and oiled. After an empty dry run, 2,400 flat-bread rotis have been prepared with a total of 100 kilograms of flour. Backup burners for the roti-plant will also be acquired and stored on site, ready to provide for all possible contingencies during the Jalsa Salana.  

Khidmat-e-Khalq, health and safety, store, maintenance, water supply, electricity and the roti-plant departments are fully operational in Hadiqat-ul-Mahdi at present. Security is also working vigilantly on site. 


The floor of the marquee laid and the structure assembled | Office Jalsa Salana

This Sunday, on 29 July 2018, the formal inauguration of duties will take place. In previous years, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa has blessed us with his presence, and despite his very busy schedule, Huzoor-e-Anwaraa graciously took time out to inspect the Jalsa preparations himself. 

Meetings of the Jalsa management committee are taking place on a regular basis, in which Jalsa Salana, Jalsa Gah, Khidmat-e-Khalq, and Lajna collaborate regularly to ensure that preparations take place in a fluid and efficient manner. 

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib – Amir Jamaat UK, Afsar Jalsa Salana and Afsar Khidmat-e-Khalq have met to check the proposed route for Huzoor’s inspection and finalise other relevant matters. The entire route was physically checked and inspected.

A meeting with MTA was also held to coordinate on various matters. 

The latest instruction of Huzoor-e-Anwaraa which has been received about the Jalsa Salana preparations is that during the weeks leading up to Jalsa Salana, if any department – be it MTA, Jalsa Gah, security, or anyone else – requires any work to be done in Hadiqat-ul-Mahdi or any other issues addressed, these must be resolved and coordinated through Afsar Jalsa Salana, who is overall responsible during these days.  

Mohammad Nasser Khan
Afsar Jalsa Salana

Uruguay Outreach Campaign


Yousuf Khan

Missionary, Uruguay

In the month of June, Asif Khan and Zahid Sardar Khan who are recent graduates from Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada joined me in Uruguay to distribute 30,000 flyers in 30 days. 

Uruguay is a small country with very few places of concentrated population, which means that finding a crowd to give a large amount of leaflets can be an arduous task. 

Knowing the scarce results from previous flyer distributions, we prayed for our mission to be successful and that the Promised Messiah’sas mission would reach fortunate souls on this soil also. 

Allah heard our prayers and sent us a journalist who decided that our Jamaat would make an interesting article, and it indeed was. The journalist was from the largest national newspaper in Uruguay which reaches over 200,000 people. This newspaper – el Pais – has eluded me in the past as I have visited their office and tried to invite them to attend our Jalsa, however, I never made it past the reception desk. This time, Allah brought their journalist to us. 

The journalist attended our Friday Prayers, came to my apartment to interview my family and the Jamaat. She also visited our book stall at a well-known market. The article was met with great enthusiasm and some people have written to me that they want to join the community after reading the article. We intended to serve the mission of the Promised Messiahas with 30,000 flyers but Allah caused a much more detailed message to reach over 200,000 people. 

The article contained also the blessed picture of the Promised Messiahas and a picture of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa with two politicians from Uruguay who attended Jalsa Salana UK in 2017. Allah is true in His promises, He helps those who intend to help the Promised Messiahas and He alone is the One Who carries the message of the Promised Messiah to the corners of the world.

27 July – 2 August

27 July 1896: The Promised Messiah’sas prophecy about Abdullah Atham was fulfilled on this day, when this Muslim-born Christian missionary departed this world in Firozpur. He was a representative of the Christian camp against the Promised Messiahas at Amratsar during the famous debate, Jang-e-Muqaddas, in 1893. 

28 July 1940: Hazrat Miyan Me‘rajuddin Sahib Umarra passed away. He was amongst the progeny of native families of Lahore City. He contributed to the Ahmadiyya literature with books like Sadaqat-e-Maryamiya, Urdu translation of The Crucifixion, by An Eye Witness (Waqia Saleeb key Chashm Deed Halaat) and Almanac of 125 Years (1873-1907). He also had the honour of getting permission from the Promised Messiahas to re-print Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya from his printing press Al Badr. He added a short biography of the Promised Messiahas with it in 1906. Last but not least, he purchased the Ahmadiyya newspaper Badr when its owner and editor, Babu Muhammad Afzal Sahib passed away, hence, this newspaper continued serving the Jamaat under him until 1913.

29 July 1897: The Promised Messiahas asked his followers to engage in financial sacrifices for the extension project of Masjid Mubarak compound in Qadian.

29 July 1903: The Promised Messiahas was told in an Arabic revelation, “The mention of your forefathers will be cut off, and, after you, the chain of descendants will be counted from you.”

30 July 1944: During the meeting of the All India Muslim League in Lahore, a member, Maulvi Abdul Hamid Badayuni tabled a motion that a resolution should be adopted that Ahmadis are axed from the membership of the Muslim League, because they are, according to Muslim clerics, out of the fold of Islam. However, Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah dismissed this motion. 

30 July 1955: Hazrat Musleh Maudra led the Eid-ul-Azha prayer at the Fazl Mosque in London. The number of gatherers touched the 500-mark, from Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis too. After the assembly, renowned Irish writer and novelist, Mr Desmond Shaw, had the honour of having audience with Hazrat Musleh Maudra and asked some questions regarding contemporary global issues. 



31 July 1955: Khawaja Hasan Nizami passed away. He was a sufi and marathon essayist of the Indian subcontinent and it is claimed that he wrote scores of books. He was an open admirer of the personality and services of Hazrat Musleh Maudra and the Ahmadiyya Jamaat for Islam and the Muslim Community.

July 1946: A prominent Ahmadi, Sharif Dosta Sahib was martyred in Albania along with his family members. This sad news reached Hazrat Musleh Maudra and he announced him as the first European Ahmadi Shaheed. Huzoorra also encouraged the Jamaat to always remain ready to embrace every hardship for the cause of Islam.

August 1885: In Qadian, a Hindu businessman from the main bazar wrote to the Promised Messiahas demanding a sign in favour of the living religion, Islam. This development led to a splendid and shining sign, when Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra was born in 1889 and claimed to be Musleh Maud in 1944. 

August 1891: The Promised Messiahas was in Ludhiana, and religious debates were on the rise in the aftermath of his claim to be the Messiah. In those days, Huzooras penned and published his book Izala-e-Auham for the removal of prevailing suspicions. He was very worried for the masses and admonished time and again to the religious leaders to ponder over his claims and to not rush to refute as reversal from a denial was a difficult thing in the existing religious world.

1 August 1899: A famous Hindu monk arrived at Qadian. As a result of the Islamic teachings of hospitality, he was provided the opportunity to meet and talk with the Promised Messiahas. Editor of Al Hakam (Urdu) added a note before publishing his diary of the event, mentioning that it was at dusk, and the prevailing darkness disturbed his otherwise usual command over paper and pen. 

1 August 1907: The Promised Messiahas was conveyed these words in an Arabic and Urdu revelation: “Lord, make me triumph over the other. My victory. I shall come to you suddenly with My hosts.”

20 – 26 July

20 July 1891: The Promised Messiah’sas written debate with Maulvi Muhammad Hussain of Batala, commenced on this day in Ludhiana. It continued for the next ten days. It was later published in book form, under the title Al-Haq: Mubahisa Ludhiana from Sialkot. It was through Hazrat Maulvi Abdul Karim Sialkoti’sra efforts that it saw publication through his magazine Al-Haq Sialkot.

20 July 1950: Hazrat Baba Hasan Muhammadra passed away. He is buried in Bahishti Maqbara Rabwah. According to official documents, he was the first fortunate individual to enter the institution of Al-Wasiyyat. 

21 July 1898: The Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan Sahibra and dispatched the “Ointment of Jesus” (also known as the Apostles’ Ointment). 

22 July 1955: Hazrat Musleh Maudra was in London during his journey to Europe. On this day, he presided over the first ever International Conference of Ahmadiyya Missionaries. Attendees continued with group consultations under sub-committees for the next three days, in the mission house at 63 Melrose Road, London.  



23 July 1898: The plague was claiming lives in most parts of the Indian subcontinent. This was a matchless heavenly sign shown in favour of the Promised Messiahas. But out of his sheer love and compassion for humankind, he announced on this day that everyone should repent to God and that a precautionary medicine had been prepared for plague patients. It was named “Tiryaq-i-Ilahi” (Divine cure), because the main ingredients of this medicine were inspired to Huzooras by God Almighty. This indigenous medicine cost 2500 rupees. Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra bore a major part and donated one premium and precious part of this medicine worth 2,000 rupees.

24 July 1944: Hazrat Musleh Maudra announced his nikah in Masjid Mubarak, Qadian with Syeda Bushra Begum Sahiba, daughter of Syed Azizullah Shah Sahib. She was the seventh and last wife to marry Hazrat Musleh Maudra, and was affectionately given the title of “Mehar Apa” (Compassionate Sister) by the Jamaat.

25 July 1898: Maulvi Muhammad Hussian of Batala, leveled some bitter allegations against the blessed and pure personality of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in one issue of his magazine Isha‘at-us-Sunnah. When the courier reached, with this above-mentioned paper, the Promised Messiah, Huzooras wrote the following on top of it with his pen and returned it to him: “O my Lord, if this man is speaking the truth, then increase him in respect. And if he is an imposter, then have him caught.”

25 July 1931: Hazrat Musleh Maudra was elected President of the All India Kashmir Committee by almost all stakeholders of Muslim entities of the Indian subcontinent. It was to safeguard the basic rights of the Muslims of Kashmir. 

25 July 1942: A bitter foe of the Promised Messiahas saw another episode of his humiliation. On 7 July 1941, Manzoor Hussein – son of a sworn enemy of the Promised Messiahas, Maulvi Karam Din of Bheen –  killed a high-ranking police officer and fled the scene. Police detained Maulvi Sahib along with his wife. Police parties took them along from town to town in search of their, still at large, son. On this day, the court issued the auction orders for the property and belongings of Maulvi Sahib, to frighten him so that he may help authorities to locate his fugitive son. But every effort resulted in vain, and Manzoor Hussian was killed in police encounter in district Banu on 29 November that year. 

26 July 1904: The Promised Messiahas was in Gurdaspur, and on this day, he received the following guests from Lahore: Miyan Hidayatullah Sahib (poet) and two clerks of Accountant General Office Lahore, one of whom was a Christian. 

26 July 1940: Hazrat Musleh Maudra announced the establishment of Majlis Ansarullah, an auxiliary organisation of Ahmadi men aged above 40 years. He appointed Hazrat Maulvi Sher Alira its president. Huzoorra also announced some core amendments regarding the auxiliary organisation of Ahmadi youth. Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya was also announced on this day, an organisation of Ahmadi boys. Huzoorra made memberships of these organisations compulsory for Ahmadis of that age-range. 

26-30 July 1947: Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafarulla Khanra masterly presented the case of Muslims in front of the Boundary Commission on behalf of the Muslim League. 

Second Semester Exams – Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia


Students of Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia sitting second semester exams | Jamia Indonesia

Muhammad Sulaiman Feroz

Student, Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia

From 30 June to 10 July 2018, Jamia Ahmadiyya International Indonesia held the second semester exam for the 2017/2018 academic year. It was held in the An-Nashr Mosque, Kemang, West Java. It was compulsory for all of students to follow it. There were 21 students of Darja Mumahidah (first year), 16 of Darja Ula (second year), 12 of Darja Sania (third year), 11 of Darja Salisa (fourth year) and 16 of Darja Rabia (fifth year). It was headed by Naib Principal for academic affairs, Masum Ahmad Sahib. 

There was a morning assembly on the first day where the rules and regulations were read out, and then the session was concluded with prayers for their success led by Masum Ahmad Sahib. The tests would start at 8am up to 10am with subjects which had been scheduled a couple of days before the test. All students seemed really enthusiastic to finish the test.

Having done the test, all students were allowed to go home while waiting for the announcement of the results, apart from Darja Salisa and Rabia students who had interviews on 13-14 of June 2018, about their further studies for Shahid degrees. Those results – the test and interview – will be presented to Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa to get his blessed approval.

Starting from this year, according to Huzoor-e-Anwar’s blessed instructions and guidance, Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia will implement a 7-year course for Shahid degrees. Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia will apply the syllabus of Jamia International and Insha-Allah, will graduate many missionaries with Shahid degrees, who will devote their lives in promoting the true Islam around the world.

Preparation for Jalsa Salana UK


Mohammad Nasser Khan
Afsar Jalsa Salana

Every year, the local authorities give us a 28-day window in which we are to erect and install all the temporary structures, tracks and services for Jalsa Salana UK in Hadeeqat-ul-Mahdi. It is within this same window that we are expected to remove all of this infrastructure and restore the site back to its original condition as well. This 28-day period has now begun and so the marathon is underway. 

Various suppliers that provide the massive marquees for Jalsa Salana and miles of temporary track have been contacted, and contracts have been settled. The site and the permanent barns on site have been cleaned and prepared for use. The roti plant has also been overhauled, cleaned and prepared for operation. 

The main kitchen is housed in a barn within Hadeeqat-ul-Mahdi. All the burners have been overhauled and a new exhaust system has been installed in light of instructions received by the local council. The other equipment in the kitchens have also been renewed and overhauled as well. Buildings have been renovated, doors have been replaced and roofs have been repaired to prevent leaks. Various electrical equipment and maintenance equipment has also been restored. Water services have been overhauled and cleaned. Additionally, food supplies have mostly been procured and will now be stocked. The main deliveries consisting of bedding, as well as kitchen and cleanliness supplies have also been made.


Since there are arrangements in Bait-ul-Futuh to accommodate our guests from abroad, marquees for accommodation and food have been installed. Similarly, marquees have been setup in Fazl Mosque as an overflow for the congregational prayer and also for food. The Jamia Ahmadiyya UK building has also been repaired and prepared to accommodate the Tabshir guests that will be staying there. Marquees have also been erected on the Jamia premises for this purpose. 

All of the other departments are also working tirelessly as the Jalsa Salana approaches. The management committee for Jalsa Salana holds regular meetings. The departments or Nizamats for car passes, store, kitchen, maintenance, roti plant maintenance, accounts, office, etc. are all working in their own capacities. Registration has also begun, and identification cards are being made for guests who have now begun to arrive.


Jalsa Salana UK is international in scope, due to the blessed presence of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, may Allah be his Helper. Guests of the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, flock from all the corners of the world to attend this Jalsa and derive blessings from their blessed Imamaa. For this purpose, visas must be obtained by thousands of guests before they can visit the UK. For this purpose, the Home Office in the UK and various embassies contact the Jalsa Salana Office for clearance and we are in constant contact with them to address any queries they may have.

We request all readers to remember us in your prayers, so that Allah may enable us to fulfil our responsibilities in the manner that pleases Him. 

National Badminton Tournament 2018


Saad Ahmed Khan

Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Thailand organised a national badminton tournament on 7 May 2018 in Bangkok. 

At 12pm, the programme commenced with the recitation of the Quran after which the tournament organiser read out the rules and regulations to the Khuddam before the tournament. Before that, names were drawn for teaming up the Majlis and then the tournament started. 

A total of seven majalis [local chapters] participated in the tournament out of nine. In total, four pool matches, two semifinals and a final match was played.  Phetkasem and Sawatdikan played in the final, and Sawatdikan defeated Phetkasem with two points. 

Before the second semifinal, we had lunch at about 2pm. After lunch, we began the semifinals. During the tournament, scoring was done by three Khuddam.

Trophies and gifts were distributed to winning teams. The attendance saw 32 Khuddam, two Ansar, three Atfal, totaling 37 attendees, out of whom 14 were players. 

At the end of the tournament, the Chief Guest, Naib Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Thailand distributed prizes to the winning teams and spoke to the Khuddam.