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5-11 October


5 October 1902: The Promised Messiah’sas book Kashti-e-Nuh [Noah’s Ark] was published. Its other name was An Invitation to Faith

From 1896 to 1914, the plague ravaged British India, and more particularly, the province of Punjab. During these perilous times, as towns and cities were devoured, the British government undertook efforts to save the people from this pandemic through inoculation. It was in this backdrop that Hazrat Ahmadas penned Kashti-e-Nuh. In it, he elaborates the essence of his teachings and states that those who sincerely follow it would be saved miraculously from the onslaughts of this epidemic, even without inoculation. This was a prophecy vouchsafed to him by God. 

History testifies to the magnificent fulfilment of this prophecy. Kashti-e-Nuh shines as a beacon of hope not only for the people of the past, but also today and shall continue to grant salvation to the world in all ages. It is a book that stands as one of the most influential works of the Promised Messiah and Mahdias and continues to transform lives even today.

6 October 1902: The Promised Messiah’sas, book Tuhfat-un-Nadwa was published on this day. This treatise was written for the upcoming conference of elite scholars of divinity in the Indian subcontinent. 

7 October 1957: Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafarulla Khanra, companion of the Promised Messiahas, was appointed judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Later, he became the court’s vice president and ultimately served as president. The prophecy of the Promised Messiahas that world nations would benefit from members of his community was thus fulfilled in one manner here.

8 October 1897: The Urdu Al Hakam started its publication. 



Al Hakam first issue (Urdu) | Ahmadiyya ARC

8 October 1904: The Promised Messiahas was in Gurdaspur on this day in connection to the court hearing of a lawsuit by an opponent, Karam Din.

8 October 1905: The Promised Messiahas sent out a message for his community. It was regarding the esteemed stature of Hazrat Imam Hussainra

7 October 2005: On this day, in a small village named Mong in District Mandi Bahauddin, Pakistan, armed men showed up in an Ahmadiyya mosque, killing eight members of the community inside as they performed their Fajr prayer in Ramadan.

8 October 2005: On very next morning of the aforementioned attack, Pakistan’s North and its adjacent territories were jolted by a strong earthquake. This early morning calamity claimed the lives of around one hundred thousand people in a matter of moments. 

8 October 2007: The Ahmadiyya mosque in Khulna, Bangladesh was subjected to a bomb attack. Eight innocent Ahmadis lost their lives whilst worshipping and a large number of injuries was also recorded. 

10 October 1904: The Promised Messiahas embarked on his journey from Gurdaspur towards Qadian.

11 October 1899: In southern Africa, a war broke out between local Boers community and English forces. This conflict had deep roots and the Promised Messiahas mentioned this confrontation many times in his writings. 

On 2 February 1900 was Eid-ul-Fitr. The Promised Messiahas told members of the Jamaat to hold a meeting on that day and offer prayers for the success of the British government. The Eid prayer was led by Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra and the Khutba was delivered by the Promised Messiahas. In this Khutba, he commented on Chapter 114 of the Holy Quran and reminded the listeners of the duties they owed to the government, especially because of the goodness of the government which it had displayed in various ways. After the sermon, Huzooras told the gathering to pray for the victory of the British government in the battle that was being fought in Transvaal and then led a silent prayer for this purpose. He also collected a sum of money to be sent for the injured in this battle. Since this meeting was convened to offer prayers, it came to be known as Jalsa Dua [the Prayer Meeting].

11 October 1905: Hazrat Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahib Sialkotira succumbed to his prolonged ailment and passed away at 2:30pm on Wednesday. 

Open Your Eyes


Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s.

Man can only find sanctuary from sin when he comes to know with certainty of His might, punishment and reward. The root cause of all insolence is ignorance. Anyone who partakes of insight that is certain in nature cannot remain insolent. If a homeowner comes to know that a terrible flood is surging towards him, or if his property is encircled by a fire and only a small opening remains, then such a person would never remain there. How then can you claim to possess certainty in the punishment and reward of God and yet continue to remain in your terrible state? So open your eyes and look upon the Law of God that governs the entire world.

(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Noah’s Ark, p. 111)

Praying in the Front Row


Hazrat Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates that the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: 

“If the people were to know what excellence lies in (calling) the Azan and (praying) in the first row, and that they could not (get these opportunities) except by drawing lots, they would have definitely done that. And if they were to know what excellence lies in joining the prayer in the first takbir (prayer), they would have vied with one another. And if they were to know what excellence lies in the night prayer and morning prayer, they would have definitely come even if crawling (on their knees).”

(Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Salat) 

Lajna Imaillah Ijtema


Saiha Maaz

Nazima Report, Ijtema Lajna Imaillah UK 2018

Lajna Imaillah UK Ijtema was held on 29 and 30 September 2018 over the last weekend of the month in the serene Hampshire surroundings at Country Market, Kingsley. This flagship event is the culmination of the Lajna Imaillah annual calendar, and is the final product of the hard work put in by thousands of Lajna and Nasirat nationwide throughout the year. The main purpose of the Ijtema is for Ahmadi women to gather in a spiritual atmosphere, gain religious knowledge, strengthen in unity and increase in righteousness.

The theme of this year’s Ijtema was the Existence of God. As has been the practice, Ijtemas at local and regional levels throughout the year were held following the same theme. Activities during the event were also planned to highlight this theme. In the era of New Atheism and at a time when the very necessity of faith is being questioned by Western society at every turn, it was a relevant and essential subject for Lajna and Nasirat to educate themselves on.


Lajna Imaillah UK/Twitter

The inaugural session on Saturday began with recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by academic competitions. The Ijtema Gah and the competitions marquee were the focus of everyone’s attention at the beginning of the first day, as various competitions were held simultaneously at different venues around the Ijtema site. One extremely popular competition is the presentation competition that attracts the attention of members every year. Teams from all regions around the country prepare research-based academic audio-visual presentations based on the theme of the Ijtema. This year, the teams had put forward theological, scientific and logic-based arguments refuting the atheistic discourse and in support of the existence of God. 

Nazm competitions weave through and run side-by-side to these intellectual presentations. Over the course of the two days, a total of 170 Lajna members – including new converts – participated in thirteen competitions. During this time, attendees had the opportunity to disperse and watch activities taking place across the site. For the first time this year, a badminton field was made available to members; an attraction that brought out the sportswoman in many Lajna and Nasirat alike. 

An added attraction this year was an interactive exhibition marquee set up by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association (AMRA), which held various exhibits displaying natural systems and scientific concepts alongside their corresponding Quranic verses showing that the Quran is the Word of God. Allah the Almighty presents nature as proof of the existence of God and asks the believer to ponder upon the natural world to discover its Perfect Creator. Allah the Almighty also asks the believer to look, explore and investigate the state of the civilisations of the past who had rejected the message of Allah and his messengers. An Explorer Zone was set up displaying archaeological relics carrying forward the theme of “Existence of God”. The idea behind the exhibition was to inspire Lajna and Nasirat to study and learn the Holy Quran, in order to furnish themselves with knowledge and truth.

AMRA had also organised an array of inspirational talks in the lecture marquee for both Lajna and Nasirat. Madiha Rizwan Sahiba, Lajna Representative for AMRA, told us:

“The Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association was given the opportunity to organise an exhibition at this year’s Ijtema. The exhibition marquee was designed so that Lajna could reflect on the wonders of our universe. At every exhibit we attempted to emphasise that behind every creation and every scientific marvel, a creator is at play, thus showcasing the existence of God practically”.



The exhibition marquee was split into three zones. The Nature Zone featured experiments including demonstrations of the healing properties of plants, aquaponics, water filtration and – the most popular display – the smoothie bike. A vegetable growing competition was also launched and seeds were given out to those interested in putting their green fingers to test. For the curious souls interested in observing celestial objects and admiring the wonderous universe, Stargazing was another amazing option available to nigh time visitors. Then, there was the Explorers Zone, which featured an exhibition on the existence of God, society and religion through the ages, a display of archaeological artefacts from Silchester and an archaeological sandpit display. 

The Discovery Zone included a display of experiment on refractive indices to demonstrate how light bends when it goes through different mediums. There were other displays including one of real space meteorites and another of wind tunnels to demonstrate the principles of aerodynamics. By the Grace of Allah, the AMRA team received very positive feedback from the visitors. More than a thousand members visited this insightful and thought-provoking exhibition.

The team had also set up an AMRA Talks event where experts from diverse fields were invited to discuss wide-ranging secular and religious subjects. The talks grabbed the attention of an audience of varying ages and interests. The topics included The Existence of God in Ancient Civilizations, Human Rights Law and Persecution of Minorities, Volunteering Tales From Rabwah, LGBT, Hazrat Maryam’s Pregnancy, Solar and Lunar Eclipse, Differences Between Ahmadi and Non-Ahmadi Muslims, Autism Awareness, Consumerism and the Meat Industry, etc. 

In the afternoon session, Dr Fariha Khan Sahiba, National President Lajna Imaillah UK, addressed members of Lajna. She reminded members that the only source of peace and security in today’s world is the institution of Khilafat. She shared some heart-warming anecdotes of her interactions with Huzooraa pertaining to her role as Lajna President. She brought to light the responsibilities Lajna have as mothers and said, “Our only legacy is pious and God-fearing children.”

The National Tabligh Department also hosted an interactive exhibition at the Ijtema. National Tabligh Secretary, Farzana Yusuf Sahiba named a few attractions of the exhibit:

“The Lajna Mastermind Quiz was an interactive educational test of knowledge on topics relevant to the role, status and rights of women in Islam. Participants were given one minute to answer as many correct answers as they could. 

“Video Pod was a place where guests to the exhibition were able to listen to a selection of short excerpts from the speeches of Huzooraa. At one station, visitors were asked to vote for their solution to lasting world peace.”


Nasirat Ijtema was held simultaneously with that of Lajna in the Nasirat marquee on both days. The Ijtema not only provides our youth with a platform to polish their talents and skills, but also helps develop a sense of identity and community. It is a gathering where girls from all across the country, from Glasgow to Cornwall, from Swansea to Ipswich, learn, pray and eat together in a safe and spiritual environment. The Ijtema programme was tailored to cater for the three age groups of Nasirat. 

One hundred and six Nasirat took part in academic competitions according to their respective age groups. The Nasirat programme was designed to be both educational and entertaining. Alongside the exhibitions and lectures, the Funfair was also a popular destination of the tours arranged for the Nasirat, with archery, obstacle courses, bouncy castle and much more on show. The Funfair also catered for children under the age of seven. After the competitions, Nasirat had a chance to sit down, read stories and share riddles.

The Umur-e-Talibat department is a new department set up in March 2018. Their presence was felt by the meet-ups they had organised with students in lectures marquee to help them make subject choices at college and university level. This was a joint effort of the Umur-e-Talibaat department and Ahmadiyya Muslim Women Students Association (AMWSA). Students had a chance to ask questions, get advice, buy planners and get help with their personal statements before heading off to university. With UCAS applications on the horizon, the event was perfectly timed and provided some valuable and much needed advice and support to students.

The highlight of the Ijtema was the concluding session on Sunday, which was graced by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. Huzooraa not only graciously awarded prizes to the winners but also delivered a faith inspiring address to the members of Lajna. He reminded Lajna to remain firm on their faith and be ready to offer any sacrifice for the sake of religion as they had promised themselves in the Lajna Pledge. Huzooraa asked Lajna and Nasirat to solemnly reflect on the words of their respective pledges and try to uphold them in their lives. He told Lajna to follow in the golden footsteps of those outstanding Muslim women who excelled in piety and righteousness and sacrificed everything for the sake of religion in the early Islamic period. 


Huzooraa  then mentioned some modern day Ahmadi women who have made great sacrifices for the sake of Ahmadiyyat in recent years. In the end, Huzooraa  reminded Lajna members to always seek to increase their faith and to travel on those blessed paths that Allah the Almighty has Himself commanded us to walk upon. He invited Lajna to tread upon those golden walkways that lead directly to Him. 

Huzooraa also visited various parts of the site including the exhibitions. In the AMRA exhibition area, Huzooraa planted a courgette seed and signed their visitors book. 

This year, Lajna were blessed by the opportunity to offer Salat behind Huzooraa over the weekend, something which made this Ijtema extra special. Maghrib and Isha prayers were led by Huzooraa on Friday, as were all prayers until Zuhr and Asr on Sunday. 5,528 members attended National Lajna Ijtema 2018, which made it a much larger gathering compared to 2017 when the attendance was 4,216. By the grace of Allah, 133 out of 134 Majalis were represented at this year’s Ijtema.



Last week, Jamaat Ahmadiyya Mauritius held its 57th Jalsa Salana in Pailles, Mauritius – a country with rich culture, history and diversity. Below, a brief country profile is provided for Al Hakam readers.

The Republic of Mauritius is an island situated in the Indian Ocean 2,000 kilometres off the southeast coast of Africa; spanning less than 800 square miles, the island is small, yet full of life. The ethnically diverse population of over 1.2 million makes the republic the most densely populated country in Africa and includes a mix of people of Indian, African, French and Chinese heritage who primarily speak English, French and Mauritian Creole. Much of the populace adheres to either Hinduism, Christianity or Islam; Hinduism being the most practiced religion followed by Christianity and then Islam. 

Throughout the year, the beautiful white sandy beaches, glittering lagoons and the breath-taking views of the world’s third-largest coral reef attract hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world.  The diverse biodiversity of Mauritius boasts some 600-indigenous species of vegetation and a plethora of animal species both on land and in sea – it was on this island that the now extinct flightless dodo bird lived. 

The island, shaped by volcanic activity about 8 million years ago, was discovered in 1505 by the Portuguese and was governed by the Dutch, French and British prior to gaining its independence in 1968; Port Louis has been the capital city since 1735. Since its independence, Mauritius has been one of Africa’s major success stories in terms of its stability in governance and economy. Much of the land used for cultivation is occupied with sugarcane; the islands major export crop. Though economically stable, poverty remains a harsh reality for many Mauritian households with an estimated 33,600 families living below the relative poverty line according to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

Majlis Ansarullah UK – Annual Ijtema 2018


Rafi Ahmad Bhatti 

Naib Sadr Majlis Ansarullah UK

By the Grace of Allah and the prayers of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, Majlis Ansarullah UK Annual Ijtema was held on 28, 29 and 30 September 2018 at the Kingsley Country Market in Bordon, Hampshire. 

By the Grace of Allah and prayers of Huzooraa, this year’s Ijtema was very special as the Majlis have been fortunate to host Huzoor for the whole Ijtema. This opportunity has arisen after a break of almost 9 years for the Majlis and has been a unique, remarkable and blessed experience. Majlis Ansarullah were able to derive great benefit being in the presence of His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad for all three days of the Ijtema.

The theme of this year’s Ijtema was Remembrance of Allah.

The National Ijtema for Lajna Ima’illah UK was also being held on the same site simultaneously and only one week earlier, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK, the youth organisation of the community, also used the same site for their national Ijtema.  

Two days prior to the start of the Ijtema, over 135 Ansar worked tirelessly to set up the site. 

Preparations for this Annual Ijtema started in earnest in July and Sadr Majlis Ansarullah had appointed Dr Mansoor Ahmed Saqi Sahib as the Nazim-e-Ala Ijtema. Mansoor Saqi Sahib proposed a team to Sadr Sahib of almost 70 members within an infrastructure of 8 Naib Nazimeen-e-Ala to Sadr Majlis for approval. Various full and departmental Ijtema committee meetings were held regularly.

On 28 September 2018, the 3-day event began with the Friday Sermon delivered by beloved Huzooraa. This was broadcast live via satellite on MTA International from the Baitul Futuh Mosque in Surrey to the Ijtema site.

Later in the afternoon, the Majlis Ansarullah UK Ijtema was formally inaugurated with the inaugural address by the National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib.

The first session started with Maulana Rana Mashood Ahmad Sahib delivering a speech on Zikr-e-Habib and concluding with a silent prayer. 

The second day started with Tahajjud and Fajr prayers, followed by Dars. A continental breakfast and channa nan were served. 

The session started with recitation of the Holy Quran followed by academics and sports competitions. Many Ansar brothers participated with enthusiasm.

After Zuhr and Asr prayers on Saturday, Huzooraa performed the Flag Hoisting ceremony at the Ijtema site along with a congregational silent prayer.

During the third session, Faheem Anwer Sahib, Naib Sadr Saf-e-Dom, delivered an address on Sacrificing Time and Wealth in the Way of Allah followed by an Urdu speech by Sir Iftikhar Ahmad Ayaz sahib. A tabligh presentation of Ansar experiences in tabligh hosted by Mr Shakil Butt, Qaid Tabligh, followed. 

The fourth session began at around 5pm with speeches by Maulana Fazalur Rehman Sahib, Qaid Tarbiyyat, on Giving Precedence to Faith over Worldly Matters followed by a speech in English by Imam Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib. Mubarik Siddiqi Sahib shared poetic couplets and some inspirational thoughts and events relating to Khilafat. The session ended with Maghrib and Isha prayers led by Huzooraa.

The fifth session began on Sunday at 10:30am and included some presentations and speeches concurrently held with Team Quiz and Sports Finals matches. The speeches included a talk by Abid Khan Sahib, International Press and Media Secretary. He informed the gathering of personal observations of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on tours. He highlighted that Huzooraa makes no decisions, however small, without seeking Allah’s guidance through prayers. 

Then, Dr Imran Malik, Consultant, alerted Ansar brothers on the increased risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease in persons from South Asia and advised on NHS health checks and exercising for prevention.

In the fifth session, a presentation was given on charity walks for peace highlighting the 33 years of walks, helping 364 charities in total, distributing £4.2 million and not spending a penny on administration. The presentation also included an update by Sadr Majlis Ansarullah who had recently travelled to Africa regarding the building of the Masroor Institute of Ophthalmology in West Africa.  

This was followed with the distribution of prizes for second and third positions, presented by Imam Sahib. The Ijtema Address was then delivered by Sadr Ansarullah, Dr Chaudhry Ijaz Ur Rehman Sahib. He emphasised that more funds were needed to complete the building of the Cardiff Mosque. This session ended at midday.

His Holiness addressed the Lajna ImaiIllah Ijtema which was relayed live from the Lajna Ijtema Gah to Ansar Ijtema Gah.  After Huzooraa led the members in silent prayer, the lunch break took place.

At 3pm Huzooraa arrived for the final session. After Zuhr and Asr prayers, Huzooraa graciously chaired the concluding session.

After recitation of the Holy Quran, Huzooraa led the members in the pledge, this was followed by Nazm.

Huzooraa then presented prizes to competition winners of the various sporting and academic challenges. The award for the highest achieving Majlis in the UK, the Alam-e-Inami, was awarded to Mosque Majlis and the Best Region was awarded to Noor Region. 

In his address, Huzooraa reminded Ansar members about his address to Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya during the previous week about becoming regular in congregational Salat and said it was even more imperative for Ansar and it was not just a single year target but for all their lives. Jalsas and Ijtemas are methods to give more opportunities for congregational prayers.  Huzooraa explained that we should offer prayers regularly whatever else may happen in our lives. 

Huzooraa concluded his address at the Ijtema praying for the members of the community, that they may attain their rights of worship and praying to God Almighty and develop their relationships with God, and that we may become good role models for our children and for the future generations. Huzoor then led a congregational silent prayer.

By the grace of Allah, the total attendance was 3,913 which is 1,228 more than last year.

Tsunami Strikes Again


The Sulawesi Island in Indonesia was struck by what geologists are calling a very unusual tsunami on 28 September 2018. It all started with an earthquake which, for a country like Indonesia, is nothing unusual; the islands of Indonesia were born from complex plate tectonics. This means that tsunamis are also not an unusual occurring in Indonesia and the surrounding regions; the tsunami of December 2004 is still fresh in the world’s memory. Last Friday’s tsunami was caused by an earthquake of 7.5 magnitude in the Palu-Korto fault zone and created the tsunami that swept up Palu Bay and devastated the surrounding coastal region.

The death toll so far (as reported on 3 October) has crossed 1,407 with over 2,549 injured and 113 missing persons. The death toll is expected to rise. 

The Palu Nomoni Festival taking place that day on the beach placed thousands of festival goers exposed to the tsunami. Buildings have been swept away and thousands are said to be in need of medical aid, food and shelter.

Al Hakam spoke to Dr Shabbir Bhatti, Vice President of Humanity First UK (the global disaster relief organisation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat). He updated us saying:

“A 3-man-team was expected to depart  from the UK on 3 October but were held back due to safety and security concerns on the ground; a situation that has only slightly improved over the last 24 hours and is expected to improve over the next few days.

“The situation is similar to that of Haiti in 2016 when the Dutch Navy ship with thousands of tonnes of food aid had to turn back and not dock due to crowd control issues despite having 50 armed marines on board. Although there is a clear need on the ground, authorities must ensure the safety of their own personnel and prevent any escalation of hostility.

“A trained and experienced team from Humanity First Indonesia, which includes 2 doctors, is now scheduled to arrive in Palu on 5 October 2018. The team members include Ahmad Masihuddin (Vice Chair HF Indonesia), Anton Baskoro, Agil Cahyo Manembah, Dr. R. Hari Ahmad Muchsin and Dr. Azizah Boenjamin.

“However, the situation is fluid as flights are being cancelled causing unexpected delays and changes. Local NGOs and charities in Palu are also struggling to make any impact, with no electricity or fuel and access issues.

“Currently HF Indonesia are in contact with the local HF representative in Palu who unfortunately has no roof over his head. The team will take adequate supplies to help stabilise as many affected persons as possible.

“Once the team are on the ground and have assessed the situation, they will determine the needs and a relief distribution plan. Only then will they decide in terms of the most efficient way of sourcing aid and overcoming logistic issues.

“Contact has been made with Tom Lembong to facilitate in convincing the Indonesian Government to accept international aid. 300 water survival boxes are ready to be dispatched, for which we are seeking customs-free clearance for the HF ground team to distribute.

“International UN LOGISTICS cluster meeting to discuss Indonesia earthquake will be attended by three members of Humanity First.

“Finally, whilst HF on the ground works hard under these challenging circumstances faced by all NGOs, we pray for openings allowing HF to serve effectively.”

Humanity First is accepting donations for their relief efforts in Indonesia. Readers are encouraged to visit the link given below and donate generously for this noble cause of serving humanity.


Jalsa Salana Belgium 2018


Friday Sermon 

14 September 2018

Jalsa Salana Belgium 2018

After reciting the Tashahud, Ta‘awuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

By the grace of God Almighty, the Jalsa Salana [annual convention] of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Belgium is starting today. I am participating in your Jalsa after a very long time. The Community here has grown during this period. By the grace of God Almighty, the Jamaat here has expanded like other Jamaats around the world. Many people have also migrated here from Pakistan. Moreover, there has been progress here in many respects, for instance, the number of mission houses has increased and the number of mosques and salat centres has also increased. 

The mosque in Brussels which has been under construction is almost in its final stages of completion. It is a beautiful mosque which is being built. The day before yesterday, I inaugurated another mosque in Alken. God Almighty has granted the Jamaat a very vast site and a building. Thus, we see that God Almighty has evidently bestowed many blessings upon the Jamaat here. 

However, these blessings of God Almighty should develop the realisation amongst the members of the Community that you should improve in your understanding and belief in the commandments of God Almighty and adhering to them, not only in apparent terms but in the true manner. You should not merely improve and then come to a standstill, but rather, your each day and every step, as compared to the past day or the previous step, should progress and move forwards in terms of virtue, righteousness and fulfilling the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiahas. You should leave behind your vices and should reach new heights in virtues. 

If this became evident amongst the members of the Jamaat, then we could say that we have achieved or are trying to achieve the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiahas and are trying to do justice to the Bai‘at [pledge of initiation] of the Promised Messiahas

Thus, there is a need to undertake a constant self-analysis, whilst being mindful of these matters. There is a need to pay special heed and make a concerted effort particularly in these developed countries, where, in the name of freedom, people have become neglectful of religious injunctions and the commandments of God Almighty. These countries are at the forefront in considering themselves exempt from all of this and therefore one needs to pay even greater focus and attention to these matters. 

Otherwise, after having migrated to these countries in the name of faith, not prioritising the words of God Almighty and instead devoting ourselves wholly to this world would incur the displeasure of God Almighty upon us. The majority of those who have migrated here have done so in the name of religion. They have come here because they did not enjoy the freedom to adhere to their religion in their own country. Thus, this should always be kept in mind. You have come here in the name of religion and in the name of God Almighty. 

Now, if you did not act upon the commandments of God Almighty, consequently this could incur the displeasure of God Almighty. However, humans are weak. Therefore owing to this weakness, they sometimes incline towards materialistic endeavours. Paying attention to worldly affairs and earning material wealth to an extent is not a sin. However, to be completely engrossed in worldly pursuits like other worldly people has been forbidden by God Almighty. The Promised Messiahas has explained this to us in very clear terms. 

On one occasion, the Promised Messiahas states, “God Almighty has deemed worldly endeavours to be permissible”, i.e. worldly endeavours, activities and engagements are permissible and there is no sin in these matters. “The reason for this is that if these were not permissible, it could become a great trial for people and as a result of this very trial, a person may end up a thief, gambler, swindler, dacoit and adopt all kinds of bad habits.” The Promised Messiahas further states, “However, there is a limit to everything. Engage in worldly endeavours to the extent that they may assist you in religious matters, and the ultimate objective should always be one’s faith.” The Promised Messiahas states, “Thus, we do not forbid one from pursuing worldly endeavours.” Worldly activities are not forbidden. However, the condition is to hold faith as the ultimate objective. Hence, this is the fundamental principal of a religious person, who claims to follow the religion of God Almighty; that you may have worldly pursuits, you may make provisions in order to acquire the essentials for your livelihood, you may earn for the expenditures of your wife and children, you may fulfil your domestic responsibilities and it is necessary to engage in worldly jobs and occupations in order to fulfil the responsibilities you have been entrusted with, however, you should not be engrossed by this engagement, this job and employment to such an extent that you become neglectful towards religion and merely become concerned about the world. You should acquire worldly wealth in accordance with the commandment of God Almighty of fulfilling the rights of your wife and children, in order to fulfil the rights of the creation of God Almighty and in order to serve the religion of God Almighty. If this becomes your objective, you will acquire the worldly material as well as faith. The Promised Messiahas further states, “One should not become engrossed in worldly affairs and endeavours to such an extent that the time for God Almighty is also spent in worldly pursuits.” It should not be the case that instead of fulfilling the rights of God, one spends that time in worldly pursuits. The Promised Messiahas states, “If someone does this, they will be creating means for their own deprivation and a mere claim shall remain on one’s tongue.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 2, p. 73, UK, 1985)

Thus, if you become engrossed in the world, you will become deprived of religion. Furthermore, once you become deprived of religion, your claims of [following a] religion, pledging initiation and believing in God Almighty will be mere claims and will be regarded as nothing more than that. One will be verbally claiming to be an Ahmadi, however, they will be acting in the same manner as others if one is increasingly engrossed in worldly pursuits.

Then, further elaborating on how even when acquiring worldly material one’s actual objective is to attain faith, the Promised Messiahas states, “Islam has forbidden monasticism; this is a cowardly act.” To cut oneself off from the world is not an act of bravery. The Promised Messiahas further states, “The broader the interaction is of a believer with the world, the more it serves as a means of elevating his ranks as his primary objective is religion, and the world and its wealth and splendour act as means of serving religion.” In other words, the world and the respect, status and wealth he has acquired in the world do not serve as a means for a believer to manifest his worldliness. Rather, all of these aspects are subservient to religion. His rank and status benefit religion and his wealth also benefits religion. This is the gist of what the Promised Messiahas has stated. He further states, “Wealth is similar to a carriage, which a person must ride upon in order to reach the loftiest stages of faith. Or it is that provision, which a person takes with him on a journey as a means of convenience and ease. A person rides upon a good carriage and makes provisions of convenience and ease for his journey in order to reach the destination comfortably. Thus, acquire the worldly material in this manner and make it subservient to religion. Do not become subservient to worldly endeavours and subsequently abandon religion.” 

The Promised Messiahas further states, “In the following prayer taught by God Almighty:

رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً

[Our Lord, grant us good in this world as well as good in the world to come,] here also the world has been mentioned first, but which world? He has mentioned:

حَسَنَةُ الدُّنْيَا

i.e. the good of this world has been sought first, which then becomes a means of acquiring good in the world to come as well.” The Promised Messiahas states, “From this prayer we can clearly understand that whilst acquiring the worldly wealth, a believer should be mindful of:

حَسَنَةُ الْآخِرَةِ

i.e., ‘the good of the hereafter’. Furthermore, the words of:

حَسَنَةُ الدُّنْيَا

i.e. ‘the good of this world’ refer to all the best possible means a believer and Muslim should adopt when acquiring the worldly wealth. Acquire the worldly wealth through every means, which attract virtue and goodness and not through such means, which cause harm to others or which become the source of disgrace and shame among fellow human beings. Such worldly wealth most certainly proves to be a source of receiving

حَسَنَةُ الْآخِرَةِ

i.e. good in the world to come.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 2, pp. 91-92, UK, 1985)

Thus, every one of us should strive to acquire such a world, which will become the means of receiving good in the hereafter. We should not become engrossed and lost in the attractions of this world and forget our objective. It should not be the case that rather than acquiring the good of the hereafter, we instead incur the displeasure of God Almighty. 

Furthermore, the attractions and pleasures of this world in fact increase a person in distress and anxiety. A person believes that they can find comfort in the world. However, the fact of the matter is that these are not the means of comfort rather they cause further distress and anxiety.                      

Elaborating on this, the Promised Messiahas states, “Do not believe that apparent wealth, governance, affluence, dignity and a large offspring can become the means of comfort, tranquillity and peace for a person and neither does one become heavenly as a result (i.e. he is not promised or guaranteed paradise).” The Promised Messiahas states, “This is not at all the case. The comfort, reassurance and peace, which are rewards of paradise, cannot be attainted through such means. However, they can be attained through living and dying for the sake of God. In relation to this all prophets, may peace be upon them all, and in particular Abraham and Jacob, may peace be upon them, admonished in the following words: 

فَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ

That is, ‘So let not death overtake you except when you are in a state of submission’. This means that you should always remain in a state of submission towards God Almighty. A time for death has not been appointed. Do not let death overtake you in a state of disobedience.”

The Promised Messiahas states, “Seeking the pleasures of the world develops a form of impure yearning and avarice which further increases one’s desire for them. Similar to the case of someone who suffers from polydipsia and their thirst is never quenched.” One who suffers from polydipsia, their thirst is never quenched and they continue to drink water until it proves fatal. The Promised Messiahas states, “Thus, the extreme desire for these improper and inappropriate yearnings is also part of the hell-fire, which does not allow the heart of a person to find comfort and peace. As a matter of fact, it keeps it confounded in a state of agitation and anxiety.” The Promised Messiahas continues, “Therefore, this matter should not remain hidden from my friends that the love and passion for wealth, affluence, one’s wife and children should not allow a person to become so absentminded that it creates a barrier between them and God Almighty.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 2, pp.101-102)

In other words, if you become engulfed and engrossed in the world and whatever it contains beyond your needs, then a state develops where one places a barrier between oneself and God Almighty. Neither does a person advance towards God, nor does God descend upon His servant. However, God Almighty has stated that when a person strives to go towards Him, then will God Almighty go towards him. This has also been mentioned in a Hadith [tradition of the Holy Prophetsa] that if a person takes one step towards God Almighty, He will take two steps towards him and if one walks towards God, He will run towards him. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitaab-ul-Tauhid, Hadith no. 7405). 

Thus, if you wish to remove this barrier and obstacle, it can only be achieved by making the world subservient to religion. The Promised Messiahas further states, “This is the very reason wealth and children have also been described as a form of trial for man, as they create an obstacle between man and God.”  

The Promised Messiahas states, “A form of hellfire is prepared for man through these i.e. wealth and children. When one is separated from them one displays restlessness and anxiety.” The Promised Messiahas further states, “The coming together of things and friction with one another creates warmth. If hands are rubbed together, heat is generated and similarly rubbing stones creates warmth. In the same manner when the love of man and the love for the world rub together, the divine love is burnt away”. The love of God will vanish and be burnt away. The Promised Messiahas further states, “Subsequently, the heart becomes dark and distant from God and falls prey to all kinds of idleness.” 

However, the Promised Messiahas stated, “If the love of the world is for the sake of God’s love then one’s attachment to such worldly things will also be for the sake of God – that is because God Almighty has permitted man to be attached to these worldly things to an extent. If one’s love for them is purely for the love of God Almighty, then their friction will burn away the love of all other things besides God. In fact, this friction will illuminate a spiritual light and radiance as a result. Then God’s desire will be his desire and his desire will be the desire of God. Then man accepts this truth and only wants what God desires.” The Promised Messiahas states, “Everything else that man possesses is hellfire. That is to say that a life without God is also a life of hell.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 2, p. 102-103, UK, 1985)

The Promised Messiahas states, “God Almighty desires for you to become a Muslim. The word Muslim refers to complete separation. That is to say that one should wholly incline towards God. Not that one is inclined towards God and when one sees the benefits of the world, one is drawn towards it and forgets God.” The Promised Messiahas states, “By enabling one to become a Muslim, God Almighty has endowed uncountable blessings, but one can only realise this if one reflects and ponders over this.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 2, p. 304, UK, 1985)

As I mentioned, man is weak and sometimes the attractions of the world lure him away. Man often inclines towards the world and becomes unmindful of God Almighty and faith faith, and shows weakness in certain obligations. Also, one does not abide by all the commandments of God Almighty and does not fulfil the due rights of God Almighty. One does not pay due rights to their spouses and towards their children. Domestic issues develop and there are disputes at home; or, one is not honest in their work. Similarly, there are many other issues that can develop, for instance, one forsakes prayers due to work. Thus, God Almighty has made the means for one to be liberated from this weakness. We Ahmadis are very fortunate that we were able to accept the Promised Messiahas, who at every stage has given guidance to safeguard ourselves from going astray. 

Then, upon the command of God Almighty, the Promised Messiahas established the Jalsa where once a year, we gather together to improve in our spirituality. Therefore, all the attendees should keep this purpose in mind that we have to attain the nearness to God Almighty, we must give precedence to faith over the world, and whilst living in this world we should make the world subservient to our faith. You should not have the spirit only within yourself but try to instil it in your children as to what it is that God Almighty desire from us and what the purpose of life is. You should instil this in the hearts of your future progenies that in order to make this world subservient to our faith, we must abide by the commandments of God Almighty. 

In these “latter days”, for our reformation, God Almighty has blessed us by sending the Promised Messiah and Mahdias. After pledging allegiance to him, you should always act according to his instructions because our lives and the lives of our children depend upon this. 

Explaining this purpose, the Promised Messiahas states, “It should become apparent to all those sincere ones who take the Bai‘at that the objective of Bai‘at is that the love of the world diminishes and the love of your Lord and the love of the chosen Prophetsa prevails, and such a state of selflessness is created that the journey of the hereafter does not seem unpleasant.” (Aasmani Faisla, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 4, p. 351)

Therefore, unless true and complete love for God Almighty and His Messengersa is not established, the love for the world cannot be decreased and nor can man be at peace at the time of one’s death and neither can the anxiety of death be removed. This is the purpose for which God Almighty has established the Jamaat through the Promised Messiahas and enabled us to be a part of it, and it was for this purpose that he took the Bai‘at from us, and also clearly outlined this purpose to all those who took the Bai‘at. If we do not endeavour to achieve that purpose then our pledge of Bai‘at is just a mere claim and we have not truly recognised the Promised Messiahas, nor have we accepted him and are also not fulfilling the due rights of our Bai‘at.  

When Jalsa was first initiated, the Promised Messiahas found out that people were not fulfilling the purpose of the Jalsa and he was extremely displeased, and expressing his displeasure the Promised Messiahas announced that the Jalsa would not be held that year. Therefore, that year the Jalsa was not held. The announcement made by the Promised Messiahas to postpone the Jalsa is such that even today it causes great anxiety in the heart of a sincere Ahmadi, and certainly this should be the condition. The Promised Messiahas states, “The purpose of the Jalsa was so that the members of the Jamaat would undergo a transformation by meeting one another and that their hearts would be completely drawn towards the hereafter and filled with the fear of God; they would become an example for others in righteousness, virtue, fear of God, goodness, soft-heartedness, love and brotherhood; they would develop humility, humbleness and virtue and that they instil a passion for religious works.” (Shahadat-ul-Quran, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 6, p. 394)

The Promised Messiahas then states, “This Jalsa is not like ordinary gatherings of the world but its establishment is based on having pure intentions and attaining the desired objectives, otherwise it is pointless. (Shahadat-ul-Quran, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 6, p. 395)

If the intention is not right and it is not bearing any fruit and the purpose for which the Jalsa was established is also not being achieved, then this is useless and there is no benefit of it. The Promised Messiahas stated that by continuously meeting, they should bring about a transformation in themselves. Who is this “meeting” referring to? It is in fact meeting the Promised Messiahas. Thus, if there were people at the time of the Promised Messiahsa who incurred his displeasure, then only God knows best how many people there will be today and their conditions who fall under the category of those at whom the Promised Messiahas expressed his displeasure. Therefore, everyone needs to evaluate themselves; if we are not up to the standards which the Promised Messiahas desired then we do not have the right to attend Jalsa or we should evaluate whether we even deserve to attend Jalsa or not. It should not be simply based on the fact that as we are Ahmadis from birth or have been Ahmadis for many years, or because we are the progeny of revered elders therefore we are attending. If that is the case, then we are not fulfilling the purpose that the Promised Messiahas desired from us. Also, if we have not come with the intention to fulfil this purpose with all our faculties, then attending the Jalsa is the same as attending any other fair. 

The hearts of every sincere Ahmadi should feel anxious after listening to this. Every year annual conventions take place in various countries. I am able to attend some of them in person others I participate through MTA. A lot of you take part in some annual conventions that happen in Europe, and many of you are sitting before me who attend many Jalsas. After attending the UK Jalsa, many people attended Germany Jalsa before arriving here. In every Jalsa, there are discourses and speeches regarding the objectives of Jalsa and also for one’s religious, intellectual and spiritual progress. Many people write to me stating that the atmosphere was very special and they witnessed scenes of spirituality; they saw examples of mutual love and brotherhood. They also write that some guests had travelled with them and they were also very impressed after observing the atmosphere.

Due to all these aspects of Jalsa and after attending more than one Jalsa per year, we should experience a transformation in ourselves. Look at the time of the Promised Messiahas in comparison. He instructed [members of the Jamaat] to attend one Jalsa in order to attain such a righteous change in themselves so that one does not loath the notion of death and special attention is directed towards fulfilling the rights of God Almighty and His Creation. Now consider the present-day circumstances when certain people are able to attend more than one Jalsa a year. You should assess yourselves that how impactful of a change this should bring about. There is no doubt that the one audience with the Promised Messiahas would prove more beneficial than attending several conventions and would bring about a revolution in a person. In any case, that is due to the special status of a prophet. However, nowadays if someone is able to participate in several annual conventions then this should result in a pious change from within. The things mentioned by the Promised Messiahas are repeated even now; his words are repeated even now. Even more important are the words and instructions of the Holy Prophetsa which are mentioned in speeches. Also, the exegesis of the Word of God Almighty is also shared and is of even greater significance. Therefore, if a person has a sincere intention, then the means to obtain a righteous change are available in this day as well. If the Khalifa of the time says something to you, he does so as a representative of the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas received the glad tidings from God Almighty about the continuation of Khilafat and to remain connected with it and the preservation of the endless blessings of the Promised Messiahas. He shared the glad tidings with us. In fact, the Holy Prophetsa gave this good news to us regarding which the Promised Messiahas stated that the promise of the continuation of the blessings of Khilafat is in relation to you. Therefore, in this regard and availing the opportunity due to the subject matter at present, I would like to direct your attention towards watching MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya). There is a restriction on Jalsas in Pakistan and the Jamaat members there have been deprived of it, but everyone can at least listen to Friday Sermons on a regular basis and watch the proceedings of the annual conventions and also try to adhere to what is said. So this is also a way through which God Almighty has granted a means to overcome that deprivation to a certain extent. Sixty to seventy percent of the longing can be alleviated if one watches and listens to the Jalsa programmes on MTA and strives to obtain benefit from them. If someone truly desires then they can attain a complete 100 percent pious transformation within themselves. 

However, I say to those of you who have migrated to Europe that you are able to attend the annual conventions and some of you are able to attend more than one convention in a year so you should strive to bring about a change in yourselves. This training camp provided by God Almighty will only prove beneficial when you are able to make this world subservient to yourself and obtain a pious change according to the desire of the Promised Messiahas. You should carefully listen to the proceedings of the Jalsa with the intention of acting upon these aspects in order to attain a pious change in yourselves. Whilst directing our attention towards listening to the Jalsa proceedings carefully, the Promised Messiahas states in one place, “Everyone should listen attentively and with great diligence because this is a matter pertaining to faith.” These words of the Promised Messiahas i.e. that this is a matter pertaining to faith should not be taken lightly and this is something to ponder over because this is a matter pertaining to faith. “Laziness, negligence and disregard in this matter can bring about very dreadful consequences. Those who are neglectful in matters of faith and do not pay attention when something is mentioned to them, they do not attain any benefit from the speaker regardless of how good and effective the speaker is. It is regarding such people about whom it can be said that they have ears but they do not listen, and they have hearts but they do not understand anything. So remember to pay attention and listen to what is being mentioned with utmost consideration because those who do not listen carefully cannot attain any benefit, even if they stay in the company of a righteous person for a long time.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 3, pp. 142-143, UK, 1985) 

This is how the Promised Messiahas has admonished those who, despite attending the Jalsa, do not obtain any benefit from it. They raise loud slogans in the praise of God Almighty but this announcement of the greatness of God Almighty dissipates from their hearts and minds after a few moments. Therefore, everyone should assess themselves to see if we are not amongst such people who do not gain any benefit from the Jalsa as mentioned by the Promised Messiahas. When you have arrived here to attend the Jalsa then each participant should take part in the entire programme of the Jalsa. One should sit down patiently and listen to all the speeches and obtain intellectual and practical benefits from what is being said. 

Whilst directing our attention towards listening to the speeches, the Promised Messiahas states: “Everyone should listen carefully! I desire for my Jamaat and myself as well to not appreciate mere outward discourse and verbosity. The entire purpose should not be dependent on the fact that a speaker has delivered an enchanting speech and the words used were powerful.” The Promised Messiahas states that he is not satisfied merely at the eloquence of the speaker, rather he states, “I appreciate if there is no artificiality and formality. My nature desires that every work should be carried out for the sake of God Almighty. Everything being stated should be mentioned for the sake of God.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pp. 398-399, UK, 1985)

“This is one of the main reasons for the decline of Muslims. Otherwise, so many conferences, meetings and congregations are conducted and very famous and eloquent speakers and lecturers attend these events and they deliver their lectures and speeches. The poets conduct gatherings to mourn over the condition of the nation. Why does it not have any effect? Instead of advancing forth, the nation continues to regress.” The Promised Messiahas states, “The main reason is because those who attend such gatherings do not go there with sincerity.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 1, p. 401, UK, 1985)

There is no sincerity. The only thing is the eloquence of the speakers, and the listeners enjoy that but they do not possess any sincerity. 

Thus, such was the heartfelt desire of the Promised Messiahas for his followers in that they should not be merely impressed momentarily by the lecture or by the passion of the speaker, rather they should try and understand the essence of the subject and inculcate that into their lives. If one is to simply forget what is said in the speech the moment they leave the Jalsa Gah [main hall], then this will not lead to progression in their condition rather such an act leads to regression. 

Today, the deplorable and appalling condition of the Muslims is owing to the fact that though they listen to the speeches of prominent speakers but they do not act upon it at all. A nation which does not instil such things into practise can never progress. The condition of the Muslims today testifies to the fact that they are simply limited to speech and put nothing into practise. If they were to adhere to this practically, their condition would not have been like it is today. Therefore, if we have accepted the Promised Messiahas, it is so that we can remove those weaknesses which have taken root in the Muslims, otherwise accepting him is of no benefit. On the one hand, we claim that we are to bring mankind under the flag of the Holy Prophetsa, and yet on the other hand we are being overcome with worldliness and simply attending the Jalsa so that we can meet friends and listen to some proceedings of the Jalsa as well. Indeed, to meet friends is a good thing but this is of secondary importance in relation to the benefits outlined of the Jalsa by the Promised Messiahas. Even then this aspect of meeting friends at the Jalsa is not without purpose; it is so that the bond of brotherhood and love increases for one another and the attention of Ahmadis is drawn towards fulfilling the rights of mankind and the strength and unity of the Jamaat can be observed everywhere. 

Therefore, be mindful of the real objective of coming here. Listen to the proceedings of the Jalsa and act upon it. May God Almighty enable everyone to achieve this objective and may you partake of the blessings of the Jalsa and the prayers of the Promised Messiahas. May you demonstrate to the world the true teachings of Islam through your actions and speech. May the worldly endeavours become of secondary importance for all Ahmadis and the real objective and goal should be their faith and attaining God Almighty’s pleasure. One who is able to understand the true reality of God Almighty’s pleasure is then able to fulfil the rights of God Almighty and His creation, one is able to establish peace, love and brotherhood, which the world today is in dire need of. The disorder and restlessness in the world today can only be removed by bringing mankind towards recognising God and fulfilling the rights of His creation. Today, this is a huge responsibility of an Ahmadi. Thus, each one of you should pay particular attention towards this. 

I will also like to say a few things in relation to the administration of the Jalsa Salana. You should be mindful of the surrounding environment of the venue which has been acquired for this Jalsa. You should not cause any problem for the administration, nor to the neighbours when leaving. You should be particularly mindful of this because non-Muslims will only learn of the true image of Islam when they see how Ahmadis show consideration for their neighbours and adhere to the law, and despite being gathered here in such large numbers, they are not being a cause for any concern. In fact, the administration of the Jalsa should be particularly mindful of this and make necessary arrangements. Even though the attendance at this Jalsa is comparatively less than the Jalsas of other countries, in fact, the Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Ijtema of certain countries, which have large Jamaats, has more attendance. However, in view of the total number of Ahmadis here and the provisions of their arrangements, this is quite a significant number. 

Then, one of the main objectives during the days of the Jalsa is to remain engaged in prayers. You should be mindful of this and continue reciting durood [invoking salutations upon the Holy Prophetsa] and remain preoccupied in the remembrance of God Almighty. During the times of prayer, if prayers are being offered here or at the mission house, ensure that you come on time. I have particularly noticed for the last two days that people arrive late for prayer in the mission house and then they hurriedly walk, subsequently creating a lot of noise due to the wooden flooring. Therefore, they should come early so that they do not cause disturbance to people praying. As I have mentioned previously, carefully listen to the speeches of the Jalsa and make particular arrangements to ensure that you attend every programme of the Jalsa and listen to all the speeches because it is only then that you can train your children and future progenies and instil the importance of the Jalsa and listening to the speeches. Therefore, pay particular attention to this. At times, certain disturbances develop at Jalsa because people are harbouring malice and enmity with others and when they come together here those enmities are rekindled. Therefore one should make an effort to keep the atmosphere pure so that no one’s sentiments are hurt; this will not leave a wrong impression on anyone. I do not know whether the administration has made preparations for the food in view of the attendance here. They would have made arrangements indeed but if there are any shortcomings then you should exhibit patience; Insha-Allah [God willing] the arrangements will be made but you should give them some time. I believe that this is the first time after many years the administration has made arrangements for such a large number. May God Almighty bless this Jalsa in every respect. And, as I have mentioned, everyone during the days of the Jalsa should remain engaged in prayers and pay attention towards their Salat. May God Almighty enable you to become the recipients of the Promised Messiah’sas prayers.  

(Translated by The Review of Religions)

100 Years Ago… – A Letter from London


Al Hakam, 21-28 September 1918

Another Muslim Lady Convert

All praise be to Allah that by each passing day, the noble religion of Islam is progressing in this country through the efforts of our honoured missionaries – Hazrat Mufti Muhammed Sadiq Sahib and Qazi Abdullah Sahib. Just recently, a respected lady who has visited America and who used to attend the lectures of Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib accepted Islam through Hazrat Mufti Sahib’s tabligh efforts. The name of this respected lady is Miss Spitan whilst her Muslim name is Hasina.

Allahumma zid fa zid. (O Allah increase and increase further.)


Abdul Hay (Arab) Maulvi Fazil [degree in Islamic studies]

9 July 1918

London, 4 Star Street

Dear Brother; Peace be upon you. The post that we sent on 25 June was lost at sea. 

Brother Qazi Sahib is currently busy with tabligh in Marina [Brighton] and is in good health. He has delivered many lectures and a series of debates continues with various individuals. Many individuals visit the mission to enquire about information on Islam. 


Hazrat Qazi Muhammad Abdullahra

At a large gathering attended by many prominent lords, this humble one was granted a position of great honour on the stage. The attendees who numbered thousands congratulated me by raising loud slogans of “cheers”. A photo of this event was published in the Daily Sketch newspaper which has a publication of several hundred thousand. 

I have been suffering from a flu and fever for the past few days. Now, a little cough persists with some chest pains. Please help me through prayers. Wassalam

Muhammad Sadiq 

To the Editor of Al Hakam newspaper; Peace be upon you. The following report was originally posted on 26 June. However, it has now come to my attention that the ship which was carrying the post was suddenly attacked and drowned by enemy forces. For this reason, I am resending this report. Please include this in the newspaper. 

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

The Propagation of Islam

Allah the Almighty has bestowed a remarkable inspiration in the writings and speeches of Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq and Qazi Muhammad Abdullah Sahib, missionaries of Islam. 

Every week, a gentleman or lady is affected by their blessed words and repenting from Christianity, becomes worshippers of the One God and enters the Ummah of the Holy Prophetsa. Last week, two revered ladies who had regularly attended lectures accepted Islam through Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq. They were given the Muslim names, Laila and Farida. All praise be to Allah for this. 

Another revered lady, Mrs Moodling, who had also listened to the preaching of Siyal Sahib and Qazi Sahib, gave written testimony that the Holy Prophetsa was a prophet from God. This testimony from her was achieved through the tabligh efforts of Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib. Allahumma zid fa zid. (O Allah increase and increase further.)

Hazrat Maulvi Fazil Arab is also carrying out tabligh to the best of his ability whilst Qazi Sahib is travelling through the rural areas of England for tabligh and distributing literature. As a result, the message of Islam is reaching many people. Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq’s lectures in London every Sunday prove to be very well attended and enjoyed. 

By the grace of Allah, one month has passed since the last aerial strike by enemy forces on London. All praise be to Allah for this.

26 June 1918

Muhammad Siddiq 

(Indian employee at a hotel in London near Piccadilly.)

(Translated by Al Hakam)

Our Ijtemas


The Jamaat’s calendar, which is now turning into a global calendar for a global community, usually has two main highlights in the summer season: Jalsa Salana UK and Jalsa Salana Germany. 

This year saw Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Belgium coming together when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V graced their 25th Jalsa Salana. The worldwide Jamaat Ahmadiyya witnessed another blessing of Allah when this apparently small Jamaat hosted 3,878 guests who had flocked from various parts of the world, mostly Europe. 

As soon as the Jalsa season has passed, the season of Ijtemas dawns on the horizon of the Markaz here in London. As you read these lines, we see the high-noon of this Ijtema season with the Ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya held last week in the vast fields of the Country Market in Hampshire. A tent-city – quite like a miniature of the grand one of Jalsa Salana – was to be seen thriving with Ahmadi youth praying, playing, eating, reading and taking part in a variety of competitions together. They resided there for the three days where the MKA administration had organised an array of activities for their physical and spiritual wellbeing. 

It is important to note that when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra founded Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya (also referred to as MKA in this age of abbreviations), he laid equal emphasis on physical wellbeing as he did on the spiritual side of the Ahmadi youth; the Ijtema administration every year ensures that they are able to arrange a feast for both aspects. 

The Ijtema fever (or hype if you like) is now at its pinnacle. While the Khuddam and Atfal are settling down after their Ijtema, their mothers and fathers are now heading to the same tent-city in Hampshire. They too are geared up for their own Ijtemas that have commenced today; the Lajna UK and Ansar UK Ijtemas. The same marquees that were erected for the MKA Ijtema will remain for this weekend’s event where one of the marquees will be taken by Ansar and the other by Lajna. 

Ijtema is a great training camp in every sense of the term. Whether one is participating in competitions, just popping in to watch a match or two or is part of the organising body, there is always something good to take home. It is here that many Khuddam and Atfal discovered that they can actually deliver a speech or sing a nazm from a stage in front of an audience or are able to answer questions in a rapid-fire round of a quiz; things they thought they could never do.

Sports is a great means of bringing members of their respective auxiliary organisations from distant regions closer to each other and to build bonds like the Islamic muwakhat (brotherhood) to enable them to inspire each other with the good sides of their personalities. 

Those that are part of Waqar-e-Amal (voluntary physical labour) learn to put aside their educational qualifications, career excellences and worldly positions to volunteer in physical labour by way of erecting marquees, laying floors, cleaning toilets and picking litter for all three days of the Ijtema. Waqar-e-Amal, as Hazrat Khalifaul Masih IIra termed it, literally translates as “dignity of work”. So Waqar-e-Amal alone is more of an academy than a mere department where Khuddam, Atfal, Ansar, Lajna and Nasirat members learn that working with their own hands brings dignity and prestige to their character and not otherwise. 

The presence of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa in the UK Ijtemas is a blessing that is unparalleled. But is this a blessing that we earned through some merit? Of course not! It is a great blessing of Allah that He has bestowed upon those who happen to live in the UK and are able to benefit from this great blessing. 

How do we thank Allah for this? Well, there are many ways. But one thing we could do is to listen to every word of Huzoor very carefully, understand the wisdom behind it and try to follow it to the letter. For example, if Huzoor mentions the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa that fought with him in the Battle of Badr, shall we just take it as a chapter of history that Huzoor is narrating to us? Partially yes, but then we could also take it as an invitation from Huzoor to make ourselves available for the battle that he, as Khalifatul Masih, is fighting against the evils of the world; a passionate, powerful yet peaceful battle. 

The blessings of Khilafat transcend the borders of the United Kingdom through the enormous bounty of MTA International. Through this, all Ahmadis around the world partake of the shower of blessings Allah rains upon His community of believers. MTA brings Hazrat Khalifatul Masih in our living rooms. One can be seated in the comfort of their home, in any corner of the earth, and still listen to every word that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih delivers for our guidance. So lucky are we who live in this age of communication where we can connect to Khilafat just as much as those who live physically close to it. But this happens with the grace of Allah. Praise be to Allah the Almighty!