It’s not hard to come across people we like in our busy day-to-day lives. Nice people are everywhere: a friendly cashier at the grocery store, the stranger who smiled whilst walking past on the street, the colleague who complimented your new haircut. “I like that person,” says the voice in our heads. As humans, we appreciate the little things in life, which have the power to make our day.
But to “love” someone is entirely different. It’s a strong word we don’t use for just anyone. It’s reserved for the rare, truly special people in our lives – not the cashier or the stranger on the street, but rather our parents, spouses, children. The people who mean more to us than we mean to ourselves. Love is “unselfish, loyal, and benevolent concern for the good of another,” the “object of devotion and admiration.”
Is it fitting to use this word to describe the feelings we, Ahmadis, hold for our Khalifa? Absolutely! There is no doubt that we love Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa, and he loves us more deeply than we could ever know.
But here’s the thing: Claiming to love Huzooraa is all well and good, but do we truly understand why?
Everyone reading this article has likely heard the phrase, “Actions speak louder than words.” This isn’t just a cliché; it’s the truth. We claim to love Huzooraa, but do our actions support this claim? Or is it simply that – an empty proclamation?
True love for Huzooraa would mean striving to follow his directives. It would mean treading the long path of self-reformation and, each day, taking a step closer to becoming the kind of person he wants us to be.
When he imparts guidance and wisdom regularly, do we take his teachings on board and make our best effort to act on them? If the answer to these questions isn’t in the affirmative, then we have some serious reflecting to do.
So, what does Huzooraa expect of us?
Above all, he wants us to establish a living connection with Allah the Almighty. This has been the mission of all prophets who have walked this earth, including the greatest of them all, Prophet Muhammadsa. It was also the mission of the Latter-Day reformer and Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, and, by extension, his Khulafa have continued this work.
Our spiritual growth is of utmost importance to Huzooraa, and his deep care for our spiritual lives is a reflection of his love for us. He guides us on how to strengthen our bond with Allah the Almighty: by being disciplined in our daily prayers, making a special effort to offer nawafil, and engaging in the night prayer (Tahajjud). However, alongside fulfilling our duties to God (huququllah), we cannot truly strengthen this relationship if we neglect our obligations to humanity (huquq-ul-ibad). On a regular and consistent basis, Huzooraa reminds us to pay special attention to all these responsibilities.
Do we truly follow his advice?
In a world full of egos and arrogance, Huzooraa constantly reminds us to adopt humility and humbleness in all situations. This is the only way to truly find God. When we have disagreements – whether with family, friends, or colleagues – do we tame our ego and choose humility, or does the ego get the better of us? This is by no means an easy task, but when we claim to love someone, no matter how difficult the task they demand of us, it should be a priority.
That being said, true humility does not mean letting go of courage, bravery, or steadfastness. These are also hallmark qualities of a believer. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa teaches us that, come what may, we must stand firm, place our trust in Allah, and move forward.

As Ahmadis, each of us plays a role in the spiritual army of Ahmadiyyat, the commander of which is Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. He expects us to be strong, courageous, and devoted. Whether it means standing up to persecution, facing the countless challenges life brings, or confronting any doubts we may experience, we must never give in. Huzooraa expects us to persevere and show grit and determination. This is what it means to have complete reliance on Allah, and by doing so, we will be fulfilling Huzoor’s guidance and expectations.
When we truly strive to imbue these qualities within ourselves, only then will we be able to convey the true message of Islam to the world in the best way. Rather than relying on mere words, our character and actions will become our greatest form of tabligh. In doing so, we will please our Creator, and also be in complete harmony with the guidance of the Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa. Only then will we live up to our claim of loving Huzooraa, and only then will our actions speak louder than words.