Tahir Khan, Norway Correspondent

On 27 March 2022, 148 members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Norway had the blessed opportunity to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa through a virtual mulaqat.
The impressions of some participants are as follows.
Asif Humayun Sahib said:
“I felt like we were with Huzooraa in the same room, alhamdulillah. Huzooraa gave answers to the questions in a great way.”
Muneeb Malik Sahib commented:
“It was a very informative meeting and quite nice to see Huzooraa. It was incomparable to anything ever experienced before.”
Hans Børge Pedersen Sahib said:
“I feel positive emotions following the answers from Huzooraa. They were good answers.”
Zeeshan Ahmed Qureshi Sahib said:
“I felt a little more attached to the Jamaat and the desire to participate [in Jamaat activities] was felt greater than ever before.”
Ahmad Zafar Butt Sahib commented:
“It was really an emotional mulaqat with Huzooraa. The answers from Huzooraa were very informative and easy to understand. I wish this event took place more regularly.”
Yasir Malik Sahib commented:
“I felt extremely happy that after such a long period, we finally had a meeting with Huzooraa and got the opportunity to talk to him. I hope that we can continue to meet Huzooraa like this in the near future.”
Khizer Ahmed Sahib said:
“By the grace of Allah the Almighty, I have been blessed with the opportunity to sit in the presence of my beloved Huzooraa during this meeting. Words cannot describe my emotions after seeing my beloved Imam. I learnt so much from the hour that I had with him which felt as if he was only talking to me in a hall filled with 148 other khuddam. Huzoor’s guidance on important and complicated subjects such as Huzoor’s guidance on important and complicated subjects such as revelation was truly inspiring.”