In our previous issues of Al Hakam, we have published news of different groups such as Ansar, Lajna, Khuddam, students and Waqf-e-Nau who travel from around the world to visit their beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalfiatul Masihaa, and seek guidance on various matters.
On 17 February, the Norway Majlis Ansarullah Amila had a mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. The group’s main focus and aim was to seek guidance from Huzooraa on various matters.
Huzooraa commenced the mulaqat with silent prayer and then enquired from each Nasir regarding their duties and respective roles.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa paid great emphasis on offering the five daily prayers, reciting the Holy Quran and listening to the Friday Sermons.
Whilst talking about the speech that Huzooraa delivered at the UK Ansar Ijtema, Huzooraa instructed the qaid of tarbiyat to extract points and write a summary of the speech and to then ensure that all Ansar in Norway read it. Huzooraa stated that the main focus of the speech was regarding the importance of Salat.
Along with seeking guidance, the Ansar also had the opportunity to ask Huzooraa various questions.
One member of Majlis Ansarullah Norway asked Huzooraa how they can involve more Ansar in Jamaat work and activities.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa stated, “First, it is important for all the Ansar to understand their role, and in order to do this, tarbiyat is required, especially at this age as their children will look towards them.” Huzooraa further stated, “If you keep in mind the true meaning of Ansar [helpers] and Nasir [helper], then you will realise the true meaning behind Ansarullah.”
One Nasir, alluding to the Friday Sermon where Huzooraa mentioned the dangers of playing Fortnite (a popular online game), asked Huzooraa regarding the game and requested to briefly shed some more light on the matter.
Answering the question, Huzooraa stated, “I have already talked about this and after doing so, I have received letters from people around the world who have said that they have stopped playing.”
Further stating the reason behind banning the game, Huzooraa stated, “Due to this, when children become addicted to the game, they are forced to spend money to enter the next stage and this has, in many cases, resulted in emptying the bank accounts of their parents.”
At the end of the mulaqat, the Ansar were fortunate to have a group photo with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.