Earlier this week, on 18 October 2020, members of Germany’s majlis-e-amila were blessed with the opportunity to have an online mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper.
On 24 January 1949, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra stated with regard to Germany, “In my view, when they accept Islam, they will offer every possible sacrifice.” Huzoorra went on to say, “I believe that the people of Germany will play a major role in the progress of the Jamaat.” (Anwar-ul-Ulum, Vol. 21, p. 69)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa began the mulaqat with a silent prayer, after which the amila members introduced themselves and their respective roles and departments. Every department had the opportunity to present their reports. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa enquired about the plans, targets and achievements of every department, while providing valuable advice, guidance and direction.

As the mulaqat started, Amir Jamaat Germany, Abdullah Uwe Wagishauser Sahib expressed his gratitude to Huzooraa for his time.
Following this, whilst speaking to the missionary-in-charge, Sadaqat Ahmad Sahib, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa enquired about the total number of missionaries in Germany; how many were currently serving in the field and how many in offices. Huzooraa further enquired about the number of missionaries regularly submitting their reports and the amount of meetings being conducted. In addition, Huzooraa asked about the targets that had been set and the outcome achieved through them.
Addressing the Naib Amir, Hasanat Ahmad Sahib, with regard to publication related work, Huzooraa asked for a brief report and the works that were being conducted.
Whilst presenting his report, Hasanat Sahib mentioned that currently, the book Haqiqatul Wahi was undergoing proofreading and in addition to this, this year, approximately 4-5 books of the Promised Messiahas had been translated. Further, he said that the German translation of the Holy Quran was currently being revised.
Addressing the Secretary Talim, Wasim Ghaffar Sahib, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked how many Ahmadis were currently studying in universities.
Huzooraa further stated:
“It is vital and essential to keep a relationship with the youth of the Jamaat and those who are currently studying so that they are aware that the Jamaat has an interest in their studies. This way, their interest and passion for learning will grow.”
Huzooraa further stated, addressing the secretary Talim:
“It is your duty to look after the youth of the Jamaat and those who are studying. You must ensure that you and your team are active in your work. You should have a counselling committee and a committee dedicated solely to guide the students.”

The Secretary Tarbiyat, Hafiz Muzaffar Imran Sahib, whilst presenting his report, said that the tarbiyat team was endeavouring to prepare summaries of Huzoor’saa Friday Sermons on a weekly basis and circulate them to different Jamaats. Alongside this, every month, one sermon delivered by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa on the importance of inculcating good morals is also sent to all Jamaats.
Huzooraa further enquired as to what was being done and what plans were being made to help the moral upbringing of those who are coming under the influence of modern-day ills.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa advised:
“A co-ordinated tarbiyat programme should be made with Ansarullah, Lajna and Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya to cater for the youth who are coming under the influence of today’s society.”
Huzooraa, whilst enquiring about the data, stated:
“How many people this year, through the eff orts of the tarbiyat department, have become regular in offering Tahajud prayer; how many are now offering Salat regularly; how many are now reading the Holy Quran and pondering over its meaning?”
Whilst explaining how one must cater for the tarbiyat of the Jamaat, Huzooraa said:
“As the Jamaat continues to grow and as we further move away from the era of the Promised Messiahas, who was a prophet of God, more emphasis should be paid to coordinated works and programmes to develop the moral training of Jamaat members.”

Whilst addressing the Secretary Ziafat, Malik Abrarul Haq Sahib, Huzooraa enquired whether, in the Covid-19 climate, food was still being prepared. Secretary ziafat replied that food was being prepared daily for office workers. Huzooraa asked if social distancing measures and guidelines were strictly being adhered to in the workplace, to which the secretary ziafat replied in the affirmative.
Whilst conversing with the secretary nau mubai‘een (new converts), Muhammad Härter Sahib, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa enquired as to what is being done to keep contact with the new converts in Germany. Huzooraa, whilst providing guidance, said:
“You should explore new avenues; how to improve their spirituality; how to improve their bond with the Jamaat.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa further said:
“After three years, they should become an active part of the mainstream Jamaat … They should become such strong members that they themselves come to you to offer their chanda [donations] and offer their services for the Jamaat.”
Further, addressing the Secretary Talim-ul-Quran & Waqf-e-Arzi, Hafiz Qudratullah Sahib, Huzooraa stated that as Germany Jamaat continues to grow, a special programme should be made to initiate madrasatul hifz in Germany.
Huzooraa further stated:
“From today, 18 October, to 30 June [2021], your target is to have at least 1,000 members take part in the Waqf-e-Arzi scheme. If you begin with just the amila members, then you will have already accomplished half your target.”
Huzooraa further stated:
“When members will begin to take part in the Waqf-e-Arzi scheme, only then will the youth’s spirit and passion grow and be inflamed for the service of the Jamaat.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa, during the mulaqat, quoted the following couplet of the Promised Messiahas:
بدتر بنو ہر ایک سے اپنے خیال میں
شاید اسی سے دخل ہو دارالوصال میں
“Consider yourself lower than everyone else. Maybe this will help you enter the court of the Lord, God.”
Huzooraa added:
“If – though it may not be the case, but in your view – someone displays arrogance, you should remain modest and show humility.”
Huzooraa further stated:
“Always remember that God has given you the opportunity to serve the Jamaat. Never assume that the success of the Jamaat is dependent on your individual efforts; rather, you should consider this God’s grace which He has bestowed upon you. With this, you must be prepared to continue to work with great humility and show full cooperation.”
Upon this, the mulaqat came to a close.