Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Saskatoon, Canada, observed the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at the Baitur Rahmat Mosque, on 26 September 2024. It is an Indigenous-led grassroots commemorative day intended to raise awareness of the individual, family and community intergenerational impacts of residential schools, and to promote the concept of “Every Child Matters.” A number of non-Ahmadi guests attended the event, including the First Nation Elders, local school principals and teachers, the Saskatoon Police Department, the Saskatoon Fire Department, and many other local dignitaries.
The formal programme started with a recitation from the Holy Quran. Some of the guests were invited to share their thoughts who emphasised the importance and role of Indigenous people, and appreciated the efforts of the Jamaat to develop relations with them.
Elder Rick Daniels was the keynote speaker about the residential school system in Canada. The concluding address was given by local missionary, Saad Hayaat Bajwa Sahib.
Around 100 people attended the programme. We received very positive remarks from the Indigenous Guests, a glimpse of which is presented below:
Jolon Lafond, Executive Director, of White Buffalo Youth Lodge, said:
“Thank you to my relatives of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for offering us space to celebrate an important time, and for all the work each member contributed in seeing it a success. Thank you to all my relatives who attended and joined in the festivities, it was wonderful seeing so many familiar faces after some time apart. Thank you … for thinking of me and approaching me to be a part of something good. I hope we continue a healthy, positive, and reciprocal relationship with one another down the road.”
Elder Rick Daniels said:
“So powerful to witness the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and Indigenous communities come together at the Bait ur Rahmat Mosque last evening. This is truly a night I will never forget. History was made!”