The national amila of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Finland met with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual mulaqat, on 7 November 2021.
After conveying his salaam, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa led everyone in dua (silent prayer). Huzooraa then turned to the National Sadr, Ata ul Ghalib Sahib, who introduced himself to Huzooraa. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then said, “Who is on your right? Is it Murabbi Sahib?” Upon this, Musawer Ahmed Shahkar Sahib, serving as missionary-in-charge and naib sadr, stood up and replied in the affirmative.
Huzooraa asked him, “How many missionaries are there [in Finland]?” to which Musawer Sahib said that he was the only one serving in Finland. Alongside serving as a missionary, he said he was also serving in the rishta nata (matrimonial) department. Hearing this, Huzooraa asked how many matches matured this year, to which Musawer Sahib said that three matches were proposed – one matured, one was under process and the other was unsuccessful.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then asked what target had been set for tabligh. Responding, Musawer Ahmed Sahib said that considering previous years, the target for the new year was five bai‘ats. He added that if Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa desired, then they would increase the target. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “Yes, the target should be at least 10-15.” Huzooraa then asked about the tajnid (census) of Finland Jamaat, to which Musawer Ahmed Sahib replied that there were a total of 317 Ahmadis residing in Finland.
Speaking to Syed Abdul Samad Sahib, General Secretary, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked how many jamaats (local chapters) were in Finland. Answering, Abdul Samad Sahib replied that there was only one jamaat at the moment; however, the process of making three jamaats was underway.
Zeerak Ijaz Sahib, Secretary Tabligh and Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya said that he was tasked with a huge responsibility and requested prayers. Huzooraa asked how many khuddam there were in Finland, to which he answered that there were 97. Hearing this, Huzooraa smiled and said “Only 97?” Zeerak Ijaz Sahib said that eight members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya would soon enter Majlis Ansarullah, leaving 89 khuddam; and two atfal would be entering Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya also. Huzooraa smiled and remarked, “Then there will be 91.”
Huzooraa asked if he remained in contact with all khuddam. Zeerak Ijaz Sahib replied that he was in contact with 90% of the khuddam. Huzooraa said that if he was in contact with 90% of khuddam, then he ought to complete the remaining 10% also.
Sheikh Basharat ur Rahman Sahib, Secretary Talim and Tarbiyat, whilst outlining his tasks and duties, said that he would remain in contact with students in Finland and provide them guidance in various areas.
With regard to tarbiyat, he said that he would draw everyone’s attention towards the five daily prayers, recitation of the Holy Quran, listening to Huzoor’saa sermons, and various other things.
Huzooraa asked how many members of the amila offered the five daily prayers in congregation; to which Sheikh Basharat ur Rehman Sahib stated that 80% offered their Salat in congregation. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “100% of the amila members should be punctual in offering the five daily prayers in congregation”.
Next, Umair Ahmad Shahid Sahib, Secretary Ishaat reported that the most important task given to the ishaat department was the publication of the translation of the Holy Quran. He said that the translation was complete and it was in its verification process. Huzooraa enquired as to who translated it, to which Umair Ahmad Shahid Sahib replied that Mr Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, who was the erstwhile head of the Arabic department in Helsinki University, rendered the translation.
Farukh Islam Sahib, Secretary Waqf-e-Nau and Sadr Majlis Ansarullah reported that there was a total of 102 waqifeen-e-nau in Finland. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked if he was in contact with all waqifeen, to which he replied in the affirmative. He added that various classes were held for their religious knowledge. Huzooraa then asked how many ansar were in Finland and was informed that there were 26 ansar.
Ahmad Farooq Qureshi, Secretary Umur-e-Kharija (External Affairs) was next to present his report. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa asked him what he did for a living, to which he replied that he worked as a strategy head for an IT company. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “Plan some strategies [with your Jamaat related work] here, also. Expand your public relations.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa asked Abdul Qayyum Khan Sahib, Secretary Umur-e-Ama (General Affairs) if the umur-e-ama department helped those who sought asylum and came to the country to find work. Abdul Qayyum Khan Sahib replied in the affirmative. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “This is also the work of umur-e-ama, to help them get settled.”
Hassan Bashir Sahib, Secretary Sami-o-Basri (Audio and Video) was next to report. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked if he was organising the audio and video of the mulaqat; upon which he replied in the affirmative. Huzooraa asked Hassan Bashir Sahib if he had made a team, to which he replied that he had made a temporary team for this event. Huzooraa said, “Make a permanent team that can also cover each and every [Jamaat related] function.”
Next, Secretary Mal (Finance), Arslan Ijaz Sahib presented his report. With regard to Wasiyyat, Huzooraa asked if those who applied for Wasiyyat filled in their forms correctly and mentioned their correct income. He then advised that they should be reminded of the significance of Wasiyyat and that they should remain honest. Huzooraa said that if they were unable to pay the chanda, then they may cancel their Wasiyyat and apply again when they feel their situation gets better. Huzooraa emphasised that it is better to be honest.
Assistant Secretary Mal, Aziz Ahmad Sahib reported that every month, he sent a message to all members informing them about their chanda details and about how much they had paid. He said that if there was a chanda related matter that needed to be resolved, he would call on the relevant person on the phone, and if he could not call, then he would go in person to deal with the issue. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “Very good. Add one more thing [to your tasks] – start collecting chanda on the correct income of all members of the amila”.
Huzooraa said to Secretary Wasaya, Waqar Javed Sahib, “Ask [all those who have done Wasiyyat] if they have read the book, The Will. Tell all musis to read The Will once every year so that they are reminded as to why they have done Wasiyyat and its purpose”.
Next, Mudassir Naseer Sahib, Secretary Talim-ul-Quran and Waqf-e-Arzi (Teaching the Quran and Temporary Waqf) stated that he had been serving in this department since August. Huzooraa asked how many people had done waqf-e-arzi; he replied that he had started with the national amila and said that as of yet, five had filled in the waqf-e-arzi form.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then asked Mudassir Naseer Sahib how many people there were who did not know how to read the Holy Quran. Huzooraa then advised that for those who did not know how to read the Holy Quran, teaching arrangements should be made for them so that they were able to read the Arabic text of the Quran. Huzooraa said, “There is no need to feel ashamed […] Everyone should see this [learning to read the Holy Quran] as an honour.”
Naseem Ahmad Sahib, Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid was next to report. He said that there were 311 members who took part in Tahrik-e-Jadid and added that for the past four years, Finland Jamaat was able to exceed the targets they had set for themselves.
Speaking to Fareed Ahmad Sahib, Secretary Nau Mubai‘een (New Converts), Huzooraa asked if he was a new convert; to which he replied that he was an Ahmadi by birth. He reported that to cater for the nau mubai‘een’s tarbiyat, a monthly meeting was held in which one topic was chosen to discuss with the nau mubai‘een to help them enhance their religious knowledge.
Secretary Jaidad (Properties), Rizwan Ahmad Sahib reported that work was in progress to find a suitable place for a mosque. He said he was in close contact with city councils and various property agents were hired. Huzooraa said, “Now take action and make a mosque.”
Whilst addressing the Internal Auditor, Zeeshan Ahmad Sahib, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked what his profession was. Zeeshan Ahmad Sahib replied that he had recently started an IT job. Huzooraa asked where he was from in Pakistan, to which he replied that he was from Faisalabad.
Next, speaking to Malik Farhan Ahmed Sahib, Muhasib (Auditor) Huzooraa asked what job he was currently doing, to which he said that he was a taxi driver.
Farrukh Javed Sahib, Secretary Ziafat (Food Preparation), was next to present his report. Speaking to him, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked when he had come from Pakistan and what job he was doing. He replied that he left Pakistan in 2009 and was about to start working as a taxi driver. Huzooraa, whilst speaking about his ziafat duties, asked if he would usually cook something for meetings. He replied that for meetings, tea was usually served; however, in other tarbiyat related programmes, food was cooked. Farrukh Sahib said that food was prepared for the national amila which was to be served after the mulaqat. Huzooraa also enquired if he had formed a team of cooks, to which Farrukh Sahib replied that for that event, three cooks had made the food, including himself.
After this, the national amila had the opportunity to pose questions to Huzooraa and seek guidance on various matters.
The first to ask a question was Abdul Qayyum Khan Sahib, Secretary Umur-e-Ama. He asked Huzooraa what the solution was to the increasing reports of domestic issues.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated:
“There is a book by me, Domestic Issues and Their Solutions. Read that. Read that and select some extracts from it and distribute it in homes. Secondly, patience and perseverance. Men lack in showing patience, women lack in showing patience. The smallest of things happens which then reaches extremities”.

Sheikh Basharat ur Rahman Sahib, Secretary Talim and Tarbiyat said that Islam was taught in schools in religious education classes. He said that as there was no syllabus fixed by the government, teachers were imparting incorrect information about Islam. He asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa what could be done.
Huzooraa said this was wrong and that a letter should be sent to the education department in this regard. Huzooraa said that one should write to newspapers too. A similar query was raised in Germany where many Islamic sects sent in a syllabus; however, only the syllabus prepared by the Jamaat was accepted. Huzooraa said that he told the Germany Jamaat that the syllabus should not include any issue which sects disagree in. It should just be “the basic teachings of Islam, basic beliefs, articles of faith, the Holy Quran and the status of the Holy Prophet”.
Next, Zeerak Ijaz Sahib, Secretary Tabligh and Sadr Khudaam-ul-Ahmadiyya said that when various programmes were held for tabligh, some tabligh contacts were made, but it was difficult to develop that relationship further as they would remain indifferent. He asked how one could solve this challenge.
Huzooraa instructed him to hold various programmes once, twice and thrice a month. “When they hear [about Islam] they will themselves ask questions [and show interest].” One should write to the newspapers, write about how peace can be established in the world and what Islam’s view on peace is. By doing this, Huzooraa said, a sense of familiarity with Islam would eventually develop.
Umair Ahmad Sahib, Secretary Ishaat asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa how one should encourage others to read the books of the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa said to provide some extracts of different topics from the books of the Promised Messiahas and give them to people to read.
“It is difficult to read an entire book for those who are not interested in reading a full book”. So, Huzooraa said, if they were given small extracts from books, then they would at least read about certain topics. Huzooraa said that one could simply provide the extracts of the Promised Messiahas that were given in the Daily Al Fazl and Al Fazl International. Huzooraa said that the Alislam website had also made audiobooks available.
Ahmad Farooq Qureshi Sahib, Secretary Umur-e-Kharija said that in the Western society, a lot of focus and attention had been given to homosexuality. He asked how one could effectively present the teachings of Islam.
Huzooraa said, “Before presenting it to people [outside], present it to your people at home”.
Huzooraa said that it was essential to create a friendly environment and friendship with one’s children so that when they came home from school, they were able to openly speak to their parents about what they learned. Then, one could take this opportunity to talk about the truth of the matter.
“Do not lose your own children while attempting to reform others. That should be our foremost concern.”
Mudassir Naseer Sahib, Secretary Talim-ul-Quran and Waqf-e-Arzi stated that some people who were unable to correctly pronounce some letters and words of the Holy Quran said that they could not do so because Arabic was not their mother tongue. He asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa how one can draw their attention towards the importance of correct pronunciation.
Huzooraa said that one should tell them that what they have said is absolutely correct, which is why we have started classes to help in this matter. Huzooraa said that delivering the words in a manner that conveyed their correct meaning was more important than the strict pronunciation of Arabic letters. And this was what should be taught in classes.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then conveyed his salaam to all amila members and the mulaqat successfully ended.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)